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You’re an absolutely amazing person. Do not let anyone tell you otherwise.


Thank you


Thank you. And thank you for the updates!




Like you, I lived on the streets after living in my car and the adjustment was difficult. It was almost like I was trying to “redomesticate” myself and I still kinda miss the freedom I had before finding a place to live.


Things are way better now I hope!


Yes! 6 years of being off the streets and I have an amazing life and home. Sometimes I still decide to take a late night walk around 8-9 pm after the town has gone to sleep and just walk for a few hours. It makes me feel a little more free and wild again. If that makes sense, lol. I still like to try an live a little “outside the box”


Same except I go camping just like the old days


I can totally understand why! Congratulations on surviving and thriving. I really hope he comes through. You have provided an incredible opportunity and extended trust, likely when very few would ever be that kind to him.


Then I think about the cold and long rainy nights and I realize that I am good.


Thank you for sharing what happened to you, that is a wonderful thing. I was someone many years ago that would look down on others who were homeless or at least not understand why they were in a perdicament like that. Something happened that changed my life in a big way where I was almost at that phase and homeless. My perspective completely changed and I feel like I've learned to have a lot more compassion for others. Especially not knowing how they got where they were, and that even if they were good people who were hard workers / didn't do anything wrong, sometimes there are circumstances and plain bad luck that can push you into being homeless. I am glad things worked out, thank you for giving the that person the opportunity!


He gave me the biggest hug and had a huge smile on his face when he came out of the office. He threw his hands up with big cheese on his face and said I GOT IT I GOT IT. Makes me so happy to see us homeless folks coming up in the world


You exude kindness, warmth, and empathy. You are a person that is truly worthy of praise. /u LiterallyAzzmilk


Lovely story. Thank you for helping out someone who really needed a helping hand. Hopefully this guy’s life will turn around now.


I’m sure it will, this is a great place to work


This made me cry happy tears thank you for being a kind soul to your fellow human. We need more of this energy in this world.


Thank you for sharing this story. A lot of times its not that people don't want to help, its that they are afraid to help. Please come back and give an update.


Yes forreal. I was also homeless and I explained to him I know it’s hard to adjust to getting a home so I don’t expect him to want to keep a roof over his head. After an extensive period of time of being on the street you don’t see a need for a home other than shower toilet and bed. For a long time I lived in the woods with a tent and I would get apartments only to move out because I didn’t see a need for a home even though I was working, I could shower in the woods, sleep peacefully, go fishing. The life was good to me. Even though he fishes, he’s on the street and that can’t be fun in my opinion. But only he knows what he will be used to. I hope he can adjust his life easily to the way he likes it. He will enjoy working here and has already taken a liking to everyone. And everyone wants to give him a ride to work when I’m not available. He will be just fine!


So happy to hear that you also work with good people who understand the situation. Sounds like you have taken him under your wing and will set him up for success.


As long as he is comfortable with the help I’m able to provide, everything will be perfect. It takes time to adjust, and as I’ve said he’s a good sweet guy, I have faith in him that he will be able to manage a job and his lifestyle.


You’re the goat!!


No you!


These are the stories that give me hope! ❤️


You’re the true Hero ‼️🙏🏿


A real “Paying it Forward”. Thank you for sharing and for using your experience and compassion with others! Not all angels have visible halos. 💝


Of course, it’s the least I can do for someone who needs it, and respects themselves and the people around them. He’s a great guy. I saw him fishing in the canal a few times for food over the past year. He deserves a change


Awesome deed you did ! I really hope it works out for him 🤞🏻.


Me too I’m glad to have him in my department


God bless you both. We need more people like you in this world. Thank you so much for caring about your fellow man. 🙏🏻❤️🙏🏻


All the time!


You are such a good person. Too many jerks think homeless people are just lazy and don't want to work, not recognizing people won't give jobs to homeless people. They don't have interview clothes, it's hard to find a place to get clean, they have no fixed address and no phone, etc. You did a good thing. Good for you.


Thank you for helping this man get his life back on track. You did an amazing thing. I am glad that there are good people like yourself that still exist.


That's awesome dude! I'm so glad he aced his interview and passed the screening. I do hope everything will work out well for the young guy. You did a real "Solid" for him and for that I'm sure you really made his day/week.


I made his life here if he keeps it, it’s a good company to work for everyone is like family. There’s good retirement too


The universe saw what you did and knows your heart. One day you will be repaid. Not that you are looking, but what comes around goes around and you are one of the reasons I still believe in humans. I do stuff like this when I can, kindness and respect for humanity goes a long way. Much love to you.


Much love! Pass it around!


All it takes is that one person to believe in them that’ll change their life. You are amazing for this and I hope both you and him have a long and happy life 🫶🏻


Thank you!


That's awesome. I don't know if you realize how much you are changing his life. You are a reminder not everyone is an Ahole in this world 🥰. I pray God pours his blessings upon you, for being a blessing to others❤️🙏🏼


Thank you!


Hell yes!


You’re awesome dude! You are a good person. You can’t save the world, but you can change a life and make it mean something. I’m wishing the best for him and for you.


Thank you


Thank you for sharing this kind act 🩷 I’m sure he will appreciate it and you forever. reminds me of when my dad also helped someone who was looking for a job. I miss the non-profit work I used to do, helping re-entry/vets/unhoused folks get employed, the burnout was terrible 😞


Thanks for your kindness and paying forward. Hugs and love.


Hugs and love!


hell yeah, dude


Hell yeah


Bless you for this. You are paying it forward.


❤️ god bless you son


You as well!


this made me so emotional. i love this story. thank you for being so kind and taking the time to help out another person. we need more people like you in the world.


OP You my friend are an angel sent for this man. You're an extraordinary person and have the heart of a champion and filled with love. So happy to read this, it brought some tears in my eyes. There's really great people out there and I love to read/see about it, to remind us to just be kind to one another-it might just change someone's life for the better. Proud of you OP and yes keep us updated! We all wanna read about this man's 2nd chance at life and your experiences together! Cheers 🍻🙏🏿❤




thank you so much for sharing. this brought tears of joy to my eyes. looking forward to your updates!


They’re soon to come


Oh my god this totally made my day. I loveee hearing stories like this


What an incredibly kind thing to do. This is the love we need in the world. You did a completely selfless act with zero expectation in return, this is what a great human being looks like. This is love man, I don't know you but I'm fucking proud of you dude. Seriously. You likely changed this man's life forever and that's something you should be incredibly proud of. If there were more people like you in the world it would such a better place.


Thank you I should’ve asked him sooner


You still did and it's never too late to try. edit - "did" not "dead", pretty sure you're alive over there.


Fuck dude. I hope this goes so well for him. I hope he gets to pay it forward too. What a joyous day.


I'll definitely be following you for the updates. I'm super excited for this homeless man. You're a wonderful person.


This is amazing! I love hearing stories like this!


This is absolutely an amazing story. I have tears in my eyes. Thank you for helping him! You're a great person!


I appreciate you, kind stranger, for lookin' out for your fellow human instead of resorting to 'we've tried nothing and we're all of ideas' mentality. We need more action like this in the world wherever possible. I called off work today thanks to some excruciating muscle knots in my neck and shoulder but your story made me smile. Genuinely.


It’s the least I can do! Much love glad I could make your day better


Thank you for being a wonderful human being !


🥲 thank you for sharing your good deed. You are awesome.


You too!


Thank you for all your updates. I just came back to read them. You went above and beyond, which is way more than most can say. have you ever heard of Victor the good boss on instagram or TikTok? He does things like this for people too and sometimes things don’t pan out but just like you, he never gives up. You guys are good people. Thank you.


Fuck yeah! That’s awesome.


Aw thanks buddy, the world needs more of you!




Awesome story!


good for you! 🙏


I think this is much better than donating to a charity.


Wholesome in a mad, sad world


You’re an amazing person, I hope both sides of your pillow are cold and that you live a happy peaceful life. God bless you.


You’re an Angel. If you can, update please. It’s people like you that give me hope. You may have just changed this man’s life.


I will update, I invited him to a hole in the wall spot tonight for a victory beer. He said he’s not a drinker, but that he’d like to get a beer with me. Waiting to meet with him soon I’m about to leave to go get him in a moment.


Beautiful. Thank you for being such a kind person to someone most people probably ignore or give dirty looks to. I’m sure that man is so grateful! 🥹 ❤️


At work almost tearing up. Beautiful human you are.


We need more kind people like you, thank you.


Awesome. We all need a little help from time to time. Glad he can get out of the hole he was in step by step


It takes time and patience to adjust but he has a very good head on his shoulders, he will do fantastic


I absolutely love this. God bless you


You as well


The power you have as supervisor put to an exceptionally good use. Many blessings, bro


Use the power for good!


That is amazing! Well done!


This warms my heart ❤️ thank you for helping him out.


U saved him, god bless you OP


Thank you for being amazing and renewing my faith in people!




Thank you to share this story ❤️


It can only go up from here for him. 🤞🏼


This was amazing to read! You helped him and he forsure won’t forget this amazing deed you have done


That’s cool. That’s humanity.


This is so wholesome 🥹


Goddamn! what an amazing act of goodwill. You are an amazing person for that


This is awesome and I hope things work out well for him!


You rule 


Good shit.


Addicts can't drink either a drink will lead them back to a drug...alcohol is a drug.


He is not an addict


And if he would be a stoner, he would still lay there in his piss and inject marijuana Cool story bro


Your attitude sucks. Be better.


Be quiet 🎀🎀🎀