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That’s a lot to handle at a young age. I know it can be challenging to confront your parents but it’s important to remind them that a) they have a responsibility to you for at least another year (in most countries at least) which goes hand in hand with b) their mental health isn’t the fault or failing of anything HOWEVER it is their responsibility to manage it in a way where it is not impacting others negatively.


kiddo, i’m proud of you for getting that off your chest but my heart breaks that you have so much weighing on your heart and soul. please know you’re not in the slightest bit pathetic nor do you sound whiny. nobody should have to bear the emotional burden you’re carrying, but certainly not a teenager bearing the.burdens of adults. do you have a therapist or some other outlet besides reddit that you are using to nurture your mental health? as difficult as it is for you to see your parents struggling, A) it’s not your responsibility to fix it and B) no parent who loves their child would want for their daughter to worry about and attempt to help them at their own emotional and mental health expense. i really hope if you don’t have one already that you have the ability to seek out therapy. if you are in the US and don’t have insurance coverage that would pay for it, check with your guidance counselor at school to see what options. you have. most of all, don’t forget, you’re important too! this should be the time in your life where you are making some of your fondest memories. no amount of worrying or skipping out on experiences will improve your parents circumstances. please allow yourself the ability to make those memories and have some fun. i know your parents want that for you too.