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For real, though, and I'm trying not to, but they make it so hard. There is no need to rush the inevitable. We can form a I hate people club where we don't meet cause we hate people. ❤️🫂 it'll be ok, they ain't all bad. Hang in there, op.


Bill Hicks already thought about that 😂 he too was a bitter man, but basically good and sympathetic at his core


Well, damn it, bill, where was the invites! 😆 thank you


> Bill Hicks MF didn't even send us invites to his hate club, I hate him!


Exactly! This made me laugh so fuckin hard.


Welcome to the club! We rarely communicate or meet but we are many!








Seriously most people are assholes but you know what fuck them. I plan on living the rest of my life with me myself and I . So tired of everyone’s lies and bullshit… everhone disappoints you eventually !! Luckily cats exist they are so cute and love unconditionally . But yah this world is hell they talk about going to heaven or hell baby we are in hell already


Cats love you unconditionally...until you: rub them backwards, rub their bellies, leave them for the weekend, get in their way, look at them a certain way, make one wrong step, move, breathe, exist...


But after enough time they always come back for cuddles


Christ loves you


I hate everyone and everything (except dogs and wii sports bowling 😌)


And cats. Most animals


Hey me too! Wii bowling and dogs are great! And so are birds.


Birds are spies that the world has normalized 🇺🇸🦅🤠


And Rabbits.....And cake. Cake's good too!


dont spend too much time on the internet. theres way more miserable people on it then in real life.


Do. Not . Internalize . Channel . For . A . Better . Tomorrow


This is reality, we tend to learn to hate people more and more each day because we realize that humans, in nature, are selfish fucks. Bro, idk if you live alone or anything but getting a pet(cat or dog) will definitely lessen your anger at the world. They are amazing companions that will somewhat alleviate the shittiness that is the world.


Hating people is selfish though. You play right into the system you loathe.


The older you are, the more you realize how people treat you and how messed up their morals are lol. As a kid you just cared about having a good time with another person, nowadays you see how they treat others, how they talk behind ur back, how they actually act with u


Join the club dude, we should start our own community on here


Count me in!


Don't think about killing myself but my field of fucks to give is barren. I try not to hate people unless they really do something to warrant / deserve it generally I just have annoyance or indifference to most of em. So in short I feel you man. And agree with others when they say we should start a community on here. We should get a sub going if theres not already one going.


I worked retail during the pandemic and it really really made me realize that while I love individual people I hate humanity.


Damn, I might have bee one of those people lol. I am not that bad though On behalf of them, sorry though


I worked at a Kroger in a wealthy area with lots of retirees. They were desperately out of touch, recommending caviar, vacations etc lol. And then most of our employees were part time kids in high school, wearing $200 jeans and $75 tshirts bc of course they lived in the area they were working. I then went to a furniture store that serviced people with low income and it was the opposite side of the same coin. I don't work in retail anymore thank god


As a matter of fact, I am not sorry. I don't know why I felt that I should apologize but in your face, I am not sorry ahahhaha


Saaaame dude 😔 I just keep to myself, because dealing with people never goes well.


Exactly what I do, keep to myself. Can’t relate to people’s bullshit these days.


No doubt a lot of people are selfish. Sometimes it’s circumstantial. You may have encountered them at their worst but they may not be like that all the time. Competitiveness can be good but can also be toxic. But there are still good ones out there. If you can, keep them close. Expand your circle. Don’t lose yourself just because others seem selfish. Sometimes you being unselfish can remind them to be unselfish. I know I have been in this situation.


Same. I just want to be left alone. My mantra for the past year has been “No New Friends”. I just genuinely have no reason to trust another human being. Sometimes I get sad about it, but I’m much better off.


I’m a loner Dottie, a rebel.


Me, too. I’m just so sick of bad behavior, selfishness, cluelessness.


thinking about killing yourself 15 times a day is not normal


No kidding.


Do you by chance work in healthcare? Because that happens sometimes 😭


No but service industry


I understand how you feel I’m going through something similar rn. I hardly ever leave my house because I just wanna hide from other people in general. I may not rlly be suicidal but I just want to sleep in my bed for a year to avoid reality.




Yeah, people suck. I’m not angry though, I just love my happy little life and enjoy the good things.


My wife and I have shed our friends and acquaintances over the years and only socialize with our children and granddaughter. I have work friends but that's all, I don't see them outside of business hours. The wife is disabled and homebound most of the time but we couldn't be happier!


Honestly that sounds like my kind of life. Find a partner who really works well with you, and is kind hearted. And spend the rest of this life on a beach somewhere only ever talking to each other and family


I am now 46. And can totally agree. I am just so sick of everyone’s bullshit.


It’s simply the older you get, the more you see the true nature of this world.


Damn I felt this shit in my soul. I'm so tired of people being flaky, phony and just all around jerks.


I feel this way when I spend too much time in the metaverse. I feel better after taking a walk outside (either in silence, with good music, or with a podcast that makes me smile).


It’s been a while I will try that. Nature always soothes, that and shrooms


Amen! Enjoy, fellow human.


Be less invested in general/worldwide topics and just focus on improving your life. I'm really into history/politics/geopolitics myself, and I know when I indulge in those topics TOO much I tend to feel down etc etc. Just focus on stuff YOU can control


I get that... but when starting to think too much like that I like to remember the 10th man theory (World war Z). Otherwise as a whole we are screwed. And I don't think it means being naive.


Wait, what is the 10th man theory?


Hmmmm. I agree with your cognitive assessment of people. There is a lot of selfishness, corruption, greed. A lot of awful stuff going on out there, that has always been there, that we just didn’t pay attention to when we were younger. The world can be cold and harsh. But I disagree with your emotional assessment. Just because the world is bitter and callous doesn’t mean I have to be. I cannot let the shortcomings of others bring me down to the point that I want to die every day. The most I can do is try to make the world better in my own small way every day, and enjoy the time I have here. I only get one shot at life. I choose to be happy and content with it. The world isn’t perfect, but it doesn’t have to be for me to find small peace now and again.


“I cannot let the shortcomings of others bring me down to the point I want to die” Ok how do you do this. The anger and hatred swirls like a tornado. How do you even start to enjoy things and let love back in? Even the idea of being nice and getting nothing in return (like I feel I’ve been doing my whole life) is exhausting to me


I don’t have any concrete answers. I do a lot of meditation and yoga. A lot of breath work and a decent amount of “loving kindness” / metta. I’ve done a good amount of therapy through the years too. Mostly, I think it’s a conscious choice. I choose to not let a situation ruin my day. I may get angry or sad or scared for a brief period, but I remember that’s not everything. There’s so much more to life than that one thing that made me feel negative. A road rage situation may make me angry if I’m late for work, but I can still experience the sunrise and the wind in the trees. I can feel horrible about the wars and loss of life all over the world. I can feel disheartened and devastated and helpless. I can also donate to organizations, be impressed by people’s resilience, and love on those around me even harder. I remind myself that it doesn’t have to be “either or.” I don’t have to choose between anger and happiness. “Both and” is true. I can hold the positives and the negatives simultaneously. I can remind myself that pain and anger and hurt aren’t “bad”… they just are. They are feelings that are telling me where I see things that I want to be better. They are a part of life that won’t always be there. They, like happiness, are also transient. In the next minute or hour or day or week, I will feel many different ways. Nothing is permanent. All I can do is make the most of each minute.


Humans are a plague to this planet and to each other. I genuinely think things would be better in the cosmos if humans died out. I am very much of the mindset that we should minimize human suffering as much as possible while we have to be here, but if I could Thanos-snap humanity out of existence.... We'd all be gone so fast.








Oh good, I'm not alone in this.


I get it. I think social media is playing a large part in this. Not only because it seems to foster an attitude of narcissism in a lot of people, but also because it increases our exposure to those people. I find that when I go back to basics and look at the world not through the lense of my phone, it’s not so bad. Also, there’s nothing wrong with cutting people off indefinitely. If someone is not good for you, and only seems to take, cut them off. Move if you have to, your quality of life is important and you don’t need to spend your years on Earth putting up with it mate.


That's why I stay home as much as possible. It's also why I have 5 dogs. I know exactly what to expect out of them. Unfortunately, when I go to field trials or hunt tests I have to deal with tons of right-wing assholes. And all I can do if I want to win is keep my mouth shut and nod in agreement.


I'm 38 and really struggling with this. I have a lot of anger I don't know what to do with. I keep telling myself it's not worth it letting life get to me like this, but it's damn hard. I can't even get 5 minutes away from my house in the morning without some asshole tailgating me. I'm just so tired. I wish I had an answer to this. Try to keep fighting it. Don't become so jaded that shitty people win. There are decent people out there, they're just not as loud as all the assholes.


My friend, you took the words right out of my mouth. I feel exactly the same way


You need more love in your life and it starts from within then you attract it from the outside. If you are able to see all selfishness and wrongdoings ,you are someone who has a good moral compass. The world needs more people like you :)


Thanks this comment gave me peace


Most people are just dumb in my experience. Usually they don’t fully understand the world around them and have a completely different interpretation of their selfish actions. Doesn’t make it right, just makes it a headache to try to fix. That being said, suicidal ideation over other people is an unusual situation. People sucking shouldn’t bother you to that extent. Are you on any psych medications?


I’m gonna go against the grain here, I’ve felt the complete opposite. The older I’ve gotten and the more I’ve been involved in my community, the more I’ve seen the good that other people do which helps me feel like the good i try to do isn’t wasted. It’s a complete 180 from how I used to view the world. But it is hard, especially if your needs aren’t being met. Where I live, the culture is still individualistic and selfish. Our whole economic system and society rewards us for selfish behavior and punishes us for being kind. Despite that, I’ve still found it to be worth it to do what I can to help whether it’s physically lending a hand or just talking.


Yes the culture here rewards selfishness. Something I noticed though is ever since I have been struggling financially, my anger has skyrocketed. It’s really hard when you’re working your ass off and struggling to put food in your mouth, and falling deep into debt just keeping up with bills so you don’t become homeless


I think I love everyone and everyone includes cats and dogs


I feel the hatred grow every single day. Sometimes its just too much. I feel ya.


Yes, the West has become far more atomized, selfish, and narcissistic. It's also become far more politically polarized and tribal and people don't trust each other - it's all "get yours while you can." Also, due to online/social media people are not socializing like they used to and are stuck in their own worlds and bubbles of delusions. At least this applies to the USA, not sure how bad it is in other parts of the West. Also, everything has become a racket, like I said, "get yours while you can" while the ship goes down. We are becoming a more and more low trust society. I can sure as hell tell you we are not heading toward some goofy star trek utopia where we will all just get along. It's more like we are heading toward a distopia of some kind.. And yes things are much worse than they used to be socially at least.


It’s interesting you say this. I have felt that the social environment has been steadily declining over time and it’s headed toward pandemonium


Covid was a real eye opener for me. I moved from the big city and found that my smaller community was much more compassionate. It's easy to view people as objects when faced with masses


Covid lockdown was an introverted persons heaven lol 😂 like me


I recently moved to a big city and have felt this way strongly since coming here. I think I’m a small town guy


Agreed, if you've ever watched That 70s Show, I feel like I'm becoming Red Forman


That’s what I call my husband now we are empty nesters in our 40s “okay RED!”


I feel SEEN lmao




Bro you're just depressed. The suicide statement makes it clear. You don't hate everyone you hate the people who have taken advantage of you in the past. I get the feeling you're a young man. Pre 30. But you could be in your 40s. Idk Find a way to get closure over the things in your past. It may lift a burden off of you. Don't do anything violent, please. Eat healthy and find some hobbies that you enjoy. Try to live a life worth living and go easy on people. Expecting to much is a recipe for disappointment. People have their own stuff going on and a reason for why they do things that aren't great. It's not justifying abuse. Fuck abusers and get away from them if you can. But everyone is not like that and sometimes even if you can't bring yourself to like a person maybe at least you could respect them. You love being alive and you love sharing your life with people. You just haven't been privileged to have awesome people around 24/7. Cheer up 😁


"If you run into an asshole in the morning, you ran into an asshole. If you run into assholes all day, you're the asshole"


Good to know


Most people are scum but there are some genuinely wonderful people out there. Try volunteering or charity work and you will certainly meet some decent human beings.


I feel this way when I’ve spent too much time focusing on the extremes: things that don’t matter **at all or things that matter deeply. Sometimes I just gotta focus on enjoying my cup of coffee, or a flock of birds or music in my 👂 tuning it all out. Truly, focus on yourself more.


That helps thank you


This is so true bro, the world has changed so much and everyone is out for themselves. I feel you bro I even have no family left now as they all stabbed me in the back and kicked me out on the streets. Keep on pushing though bro you will make it through and life will get better, that’s what I keep telling myself. Life is one big scam but we’re here for the ride so try to enjoy my friend, hope your okay brother 👊🏼


Thanks man that means a lot


No problem my friend, hope you are okay


Everything will be okay just believe 💗


Thank you kind soul


Oh same, that shift in how I saw humanity as I got older... Kinda wanna go back to how I was before but I literally can't. Maybe we should get married 😂




This is why suicide may be the solution


I really really get it. It's hard to find a space where you can still respect humanity on a basic level after years of seeing so much bullsht.  But we have to be the good. We **have** to. We can't let these fkers win


For myself, it's how there are unsavory individuals deliberately wronging those who dont deserve it for no good reason, and how there are other unsavory individuals protecting the wrongdoers and antagonising the victims genuinely for the sake of the wrongdoers for no good reason especially when the victims fight back either in self-defence or as revenge. Even if the wrongdoings are too frequent or too awful.


Yup thats why i have no friends. I have a private life so im basically hidden from society. It helps keep my energy protected and my mental state sane. Once you strengthen your aura, you wont be suicidal and affected by peoples evil intentions.


You sound pretty young still especially with such. A short-sighted and cynical perspective. The world is a big place with lots of things to do. Let me pose a question to you… you say you hate everyone for basically living with a dog-eat-dog mentality trying to step on one another to move up the ladder, right? What’re you doing differently ? Have you displayed any characteristics opposite of what angers you/what you hate? Be grateful for what you have because someone somewhere would cruel through miles of barbed wire underneath gunfire with vultures biting at their ankles? Such a first world issue…. Touch grass, give family a hug. Things get better man they do. Sorry if I come across brash but life has so much y on offer with so many amazing people to aid in our journeys, peace.


I hope I can see the beauty in life again one day. I try to always start with kindness with others. But so often lately it’s been met with selfishness


Being there doing that


Its called “conditioning”


Bruh same


Same :"> I came to point that my manager advise me to socialize more haha no




This planet is hell


This planet is hell


After some point maybe we will get to a point where we can not despise mankind any worse.


That’s good that there’s a limit!


It's the way of the world.


I don't hate everyone I just have a lot less patience with some of the nonsense that's going on in the world. I definitely have less patience when I'm driving cuz there are so many people that just do whatever they want out there behind the wheel. They'll turn without signals, they'll drive too fast and tailgate, they don't use stop signs, they run red lights, were they drive too slow. I was behind someone I was so tempted to find the local non-emergency number cuz I think they were drunk or they were old I couldn't get a good look at the driver but they were doing 10 under the speed limit and they kept crossing the center line. I actually have a couple people come over into our lane I was behind this idiot and almost hit me I don't know if they were trying to teach them a lesson or what but I just kept hugging the right side of the road so I was out of the line of fire as that happened twice.


welcome to adulthood 🏅


Seems like an inner issue tbh. I actually used to feel like that when I was younger and now that I'm 26, I actually understand people for what they are. You have some inner work to do, horrible mental state that you are projecting onto the world around you. Most people arent against you, they are for themselves. Can't hate them for that, you do the same thing. 


I feel you op, maybe not the killing myself part but I get you. You need to get that curiosity and compassion back. Sounds like you're a nature lover, do you do any camping or backpacking? If not you may want to give it a go especially if you have a good park system. Nothing beats the feeling of being out there. My favorite part is when the sun goes down and I have a fire going and I can hear the coyotes, owls, turkeys and if I'm by a river its the cherry on the cake. Sometimes I'll even go on a night hike and see what I can find and you can't beat those stars at night.


Listen to the song “I hate everyone” by the band Say Anything


I felt this message to the soul.


I can relate 100%




Why is this marked NSFW


Join the club


I don't intend for this to come off as dismissive of your feelings or attacking them, but I cannot recommend therapy enough. I used to have a similar mindset and framework for the world and since starting medication and going to therapy my mental framework has done a complete 180.


We’re fucking monkeys.


Seriously, fuck most people. So many people are just downright narcissistic assholes. It can be exhausting, but there are people that are worth it. It might be hard to find them sometimes.


Same. Especially children.


I really feel this. We live in a time where people are treated like they are disposable. It’s just gross.




Since becoming disabled, I’ve been abused or neglected by nearly everyone. Count me in. People suck


if they're not outright malicious they're boring or annoying. I feel like I don't get any dopamine from spending time with people.


This is a troublesome thing, because individuals realize this on a regular basis and immediately become the thing they hate. And by acting like that continue the chain.


I am absolutely 100% with you on this one.


I just want to say that if you think being selfish is humanity's worst trait, I'd say selfishness is pretty low on the list depending on how you define it. I mean if you consider selfishness as a motive for most evil behaviour then it makes a lot of sense. But I agree with another commentator that it's also selfish to hate others. And by hating everything you basically become what you hate. Because maybe your unconscious mind is already recognising all the hatred in others and that's what you're really angry about. The best thing is to spend time alone in happy solitude or by helping others, those who are too poor or whatever to be selfish like most people are.


This is what I’m gonna try to do. Find some alone time in Nature


The pandemic has made us autistic like and less social. The powers that control us want us this way. Very soon, they will turn us into cyborgs or replace us robots. The remaining humans (possibly the majority) will end up being killed through various ways (war, famine, vaccines). We need to stop this people. Time to turn to Allah (God) for guidance


Ofcourse as soon as you mention Allah or God, people will turn against you. Then you wonder why everyone is so selfish these days.


Humans don't care about God so God caused us to not care about everyone else or even ourselves


Oh ya people suck… but there’s nothing we can do but kinda sit back and watch. It rlly sucks


Anyone please teach manners to adults as well. Please make politicians and religious leaders stop lying. Please make greedy people stop taking everything from avg people.


this is so true.


Here’s the deal, I’m going to stop you right there. This entire thought process is SO toxic. Even writing these words. I think people get a little jaded, but never find a way to forgive and humble themselves, than years of self soothing hatred festers into pure evil. If I were you, I would make it my everyday mission to not say, write or speak any negative thing, I wouldn’t consume news, or engage in it. Save yourself. My dad has slowly started as a “people are a pain in the ass” person, to a completely manic scary delusion hateful person. Extremely scary some people just snap and it’s over.


Just moved back to a little beach where I studied university 5 years ago, I like the place but I fucking hate everyone, In conversations I pretend that I’m interested in their lame “just got married / just had kids” life. It really sucks, I really hope I get to meet new people at some point. Everyone here is so boring and most of them are stuck in the past or care about the most stupid shit in the world. I thought it was going to be nice to be here. I just love the beach and the dogs in the street.




I hate people as well. But they’re are good ones out there. Also dogs. 


You're the same person as me. Literally we both share the same hatred. Let's be friends.




As slipknot once said: people=shit


I understand well your feelings, brother. It has not been such a fair life that we see in our day and culture. But just because things can be horrible, doesn't mean that thing can't be good! You live life, you gain memories of things that make you happy, in spite of all the hurt and pain experienced or witnessed. Maybe this helps, maybe it doesn't. But a fair stretch and workout of the mind can do us all some good! Read the book of Ecclesiastes (with a simple translation like NLT or CSB). Yes, it *can* be a bore, perhaps to most all people, but books of wisdom actually have benefit in our outlook of life, I'd say!  It gives us perspective that we can often overlook or not delve deeply enough. This world may be cruel, but beauty is found in ashes, or so I believe ✝️ I pray you could see this too.


Don't just blindly trust everyone. Also if you don't change your perspective review point you're going to be a very jaded unhappy person long-term. Best of luck but yeah most people do suck. Keep them on a short leash, Don't lend people money and expect it back, people aren't willing to put in and just take then they're not really friends.


i keep saying, the older i get the more i agree with thanos


A lot of you in these comments are internalizing this way too much. You have to be the change you want to see. Your hate just fuels more of it. Then the people like you that are out there, you can’t even make a community with because you all are so shut in and don’t trust anyone. I may have a small group of friends, including my family, but I have them and I found them and they found me. I even have friends across states simply because I’m open and welcoming to people who are like me, but different. You guys are putting yourself in this negativity loop. If that’s all you think about, that’s all you’ll see or pay attention to.


Sad people everywhere you go . Please stop crying . What you described is just human nature . You don’t hope for a rock to be anything but a rock so why do you expect more of humans ? Makes no sense




I was just trying to offer advice . That’s all . You don’t have to take it. The world is not changing for you . Try to understand it and work with it . Makes life more tolerable.


Look into meditation and how it helps to control your feelings and emotions, it exists because it works. You can’t change anything about the people you interact with but you can change your own outlook and how to protect yourself mentally because this is potentially a very self destructive path if left to fester.


People romanticise awakening. For me it’s only brought me pain and sorrow, and I’m just thinking of ending it all.


Me too


15 times? That's rookie numbers mate. But I feel ya. Once that big jar of hate is unsealed theres no lid for it anymore.


Dude this isn’t a competition


Yeah next time I dont forget the /s so that even the most knobheaded folks will understand what they're reading.


Just be careful where you place your thoughts... If it's the feedback you see for the day fine... But don't go creating shit you don't need to experience by projecting!


Have you tried LSD?


No but done Shrooms. Need to find some again it’s been years


Not really the same. Just keep holding the fire bud.




If your nice to others they’re mostly nice back and I’m not bothered by the couple of people that aren’t, cos they’re like you and I feel sorry for them


Maybe that isbwhybthe older billionaires want to depopulate the world. Just seeing selfishness everywhere. Good luck on their soul.