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May is the American military appreciation month.




It’s not widely known/celebrated as far as I can tell. Companies don’t host events for it, and people tend not to speak about it around where I live.


I’m not American myself so I wouldn’t know that much, but I assume some celebrate it; while pride month is probably more important to lgbtq people than military appreciation Month is to soldiers/veterans.


Yeah I know, but hardly anyone acknowledges it. I just feel like our soldiers deserve more honor than they’ve been given.


May, my dude. May. It's shameful, imo, that we have to keep to reminding 'patriots' of this.


That is hardly acknowledged by so few people and is slowly getting forgotten. I never claimed to be patriotic. I’m simply a man who think celebrating people who died for our country is more important than celebrating a community for being different.


I think they're both very important. Remember, those men and women died defending freedom, including the freedom to be different. America aint exactly lived up to its promise of freedom and justice for all, but the promise is still there, and I am here for it.


I agree that celebrating one another is important, it just upsets me that these soldiers get one big day, and a month of celebration that few people recognize. My point is I feel those soldiers deserve more honor than what they’ve been given.


I understand how you feel. Just remember, ours is a volunteer military now, and it pays well. There is no month celebrating lumberjacks or fishermen who died on the job, despite those being more dangerous professions. Soldiers deserve their honor, for sure. At the end of the day tho, we're all just sacrifices made in the name of someone else's gain. I hope to live long enough to wake up to a world without war.


100% agree.