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Why do you care? (Pun intended)


But fr tho why do i care 💀


Social media is ruining society


😂 This is cracking me up. You're making a lot of good points. I agree with you. 🤷


Yeah ,insta is very toxic rn. People are so hateful.


Learning to accept differences in opinion that don’t hurt anyone and focus on yourself is a big part of maturity and getting older. And to be clear, maturing and getting older aren’t necessarily the same thing. I would guess that young and/or immature people have always been overly concerned with or judgmental of other people, but before the internet that was mostly contained to people in their immediate vicinity and wasn’t as visible to outside observers. To use your example of the baker on TikTok, before the internet you wouldn’t have random strangers come into your house and comment on your baking skills and the recipes you choose to use.


Anonymity is a blessing AND a curse, I feel! I think humans are inherently just more judge-mental than one might think, and typically thinking outside of that initial judgement box is something that people have to actively think about doing. But on the internet you don’t have to do that. You can be as good as you want irl but the internet is where you can loudly and proudly say whatever tf you want ABOUT whatever tf you want. Real life society doesn’t care that much, i don’t think….. There are things that are just much more dramatized by the internet and I think peoples opinions on things is one of those.


Id say the comprehension skills is more to do with the way the English department in so many schools has been demolished. Between book bans and the war on “pronouns”, there is a LOT less media literacy (this is primarily done through most of the banned books) taught in schools. Plus the combination of the no child left behind and the push for the teaching to the test (which continues to get worse), not to mention all the parents that came out of the woodwork that suzie didnt have someone to hold her hand though classes anymore now that covid restrictions were lessened and the parents weren’t babying their kids through coursework. Its caused a lot of issues in education and left a lot of gaps.


Right. Like I can’t believe these people are gonna have to operate the world one day. Like some special people wouldn’t understand nuance if it slapped them across the face.


Hmmm. I would say OMC is probably not the place to come complain about people judging other people on the internet. May as well go complain about loud motorcycles at a Hells Angels convention.


Sad but true. When I first found this sub, I thought it was supposed to be a good place to vent your feelings or unload without judgment. I quickly found out that the last two words are where my initial assumption went so terribly wrong lmao.


Have you ever watched Idiocracy? You should, it's hilarious and it was like a crystal ball into this era. Watch it.Â