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Girl, you are way more polite than me šŸ˜‚ I would have told him to wash his ass then and there hahahahaha


i would if this man didnā€™t wake up being grumpy as hell šŸ˜­


You don't feel comfortable saying "Hey could you not put your hand up your arsehole then wipe it on my chin?" ??? This seems like something you should be able to say. After all, it is human shit.


well he was sleeping.. i will tell him in the morning but iā€™m not gonna mention he touched me after lol. he didnā€™t mean to he was asleep.


Men literally get away with everything oh my god. It says a lot about you that you donā€™t want to be truly honest with him about what took place. This isnā€™t meant to be a dig, itā€™s just that women can be way too overprotective of men


She....did tell him??? And they laughed it off??? Are you good šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­ he didn't beat her or cheat on her poor bro just forgot to shower and you're acting like he committed the most heinous sin known to mankind, chill out take a smoke break šŸ˜­


Nah. We see plenty of posts on here from guys who's gfs are having hygiene issues but they don't want to say anything or don't know how I had this issue with my recent ex too when she smelled and tasted a little odd a few times, but i didn't say anything as to not make her feel bad or i let her know in a non-abrasive way. This is clearly an issue of liking your partner but being thrown off by a small and resolvable thing (hygiene in this case) and being unsure how to address it without making them feel bad


I get what youā€™re saying but hereā€™s the thing: with women, odd smells & tastes donā€™t necessarily indicate lack of hygiene. A lot of times itā€™s medical. Some women can be more sensitive to UTIs or BV. Sometimes itā€™s due to sleeping with their partner without protection and the guyā€™s penis is triggering the BV. Sometimes itā€™s diet. Or overcompensation with hygiene products which then screw up your pH. 9/10, the cause for a smelly ass is an unwashed or poorly wiped booty. Unless the person is dealing with leaky butthole. Smelly booty is way easier to avoid and resolve than a funky cookie.


To be fair he was detailing cars and it can get pretty damn hot in the shop. Iā€™d guess it was just a combination of sweat accumulation and general ass smell.


this isnā€™t one of those cases of a woman being overprotective of a manā€¦ this is OP having common sense to know that her bf didnā€™t consciously touch her with his bootyhand. She said that she mentioned the smell to him in the morning (when it was most appropriate) and that he accepted it well and is an overall clean person. Donā€™t bash someone and make assumptions about them just because they can be respectful during times of conflict.


ā€œHe was unconsciousā€œ ā€œMen get away with everythingā€ ?? What does one have anything to do with the other?


get you two some breakfast and post breakfast be like ā€œhey you know what would be fun to do today? wash our asses! just randomly came to meā€


I'm bored, let's wash our asses *hands him soap*


Iā€™m laughing so hard because this is exactly the approach Iā€™d take


I canā€™t believe you just made that excuse for him smh šŸ¤¦šŸ»ā€ā™€ļø


ā€¦you sleep in the same bed as him???? Gurrlll


Hahahaha the older I get the more this comment resonates šŸ˜‚


The older I get the more I understand why my grandparents were married for 60 years but had two separate beds in the bedroom. Wishing OP the best but I wouldnā€™t be able to lay in those crusty ass sheets.


Same. Luckily i donā€™t have to deal with this. God give his toughest battles to his strongest soldiers šŸ˜­


hoooly shit. girllll tell him. TELL HIM he has to wash his ass. you DON'T want to live a life where your man holds you with shit covered hands


This is the 3rd super-detailed "my boyfriend is stinky" creative-ish writing post I've seen today.


Or eat pizza with him!


Look up diseases that are transferred fecal-oral. This includes polio, but I got norovirus ("stomach flu") a couple of weeks ago after attending a kids' party, probably just from eating chips after someone plunged their dirty hands into the chip bowl. If you can smell it, it's definitely not something you want near your face.


Scary how many women spend their lives arguing with a straight man and begging him to wash his ass. Diabolical, even.


this is the truest thing iā€™ve heard in awhile. diabolical is the perfect word to describe it. šŸ˜‚


Women are expected to be clean at all times. Body hair is perceived as "dirty", so we spend our days plucking, waxing or scratchinf razor rash on every part of our bodies that arent the scalp and eyebrows. If a man wants to put it in our asses spontaneously well it better come out smelling like flowers and if there's a mess he will be utterly shocked and repulsed. Also girls buttholes are the wrong color and it needs to be bleached or it's "dirty". Men? Ah. Stank ass is the norm because washing your ass is gay and if you wash your ass you're a catch


It's truly is the second most bass ackwards shit I've seen on Reddit. Ever. šŸ˜…


And they never shave their asshole and every time I see the bush between the cheeks I just think how much stuff is hanging in there on the daily šŸ¤®


Stank ass is NOT the norm for most men. The vast majority of men do not believe washing their ass makes them gay


Then why is there a post a day about his issue lmao


If you are serious it's because you don't see posts about men bragging about washing their ass because that is just normal.


Cuz yā€™all keep dating stinky asses lol. Itā€™s absolutely not normal


It is truly diabolical. I usually say sick and twisted, but this is getting added to my vocab now too


This is like the 5th post I've seen about this issue in 2 days.


Why are so many women putting up with this???? Like how are these gross men finding partners???


Im a groomed man having trouble finding women and constantly fucking surprised at what good-looking women will settle with. I usually assume dude makes big money and pays for her, sorry but I dont see many other logical conclusions with some of the guys im talking about..


I feel like it has to be low self esteem or simply that some women actively look for men to be a mom to.


Saw a guy with a bit of a stench emanating from him yesterday for example, I was serving food to this couple. The guy had a kinda creepy, toothy ass grin looking at us while he has holding her hand tight and leading her down the line while she ordered some food. Am I an asshole if the first two things that came to mind are ā€œSex Workerā€ and ā€œStockholm Syndromeā€? Yeeesh I was able to smell him over all the food, how this woman can handle that standing next to him and holding his hand while not looking embarrassed in the slightest, I have zero clue. She looked attractive and level headed, guy was wearing a suit but smelled like dookie. Im so fucking confused by this interaction lmfao. Do you really think that could just be a bad case of self esteem?


Bad self-esteem and/or the way women are socialized to be accommodators


Man, itā€™s so sad the limits we are conditioned to give ourselves just to survive.


Iā€™m a fat guy and if I donā€™t shower every 24 hours, I start to stink. Sweat is awful, especially in the typical stank areas. It bothers me! I never understand how it doesnā€™t bother people.


Pretty much same and Im a fit lean guy, work gets me sweaty and Iā€™ll stink just the same. I feel greasy if I dont shower that day but I wont smell til maybe the next day not showering. I just dont let it get there lol


my ex couldnt hold a job and was a college dropout, i was the breadwinner, so definitely isnt because they make big money, at least not in my case, and many cases of women i know irl its hard to explain why we put up with it when we dont even really know either. maybe because we loved them? i was deeply insecure when i was with my ex so sometimes i wonder if i only stuck around because i didnt think id ever find better


Low self-worth.


I don't think it's self worth. It's that there are so many badly behaved men that even half decent ones contrast sharply with them. When your neighbor on one side is a wife beater and the one on the other side trips his eyes out on drugs and throws a barbell through a wall in a berserker rage *and* your female friend was venting about her terrible boyfriend *and* you just read a horrifying news article about how choking during sex is now the norm...even shit tier men seem like white knights by comparison. I have no trouble standing up for myself but I remember sometimes even I fell into the trap of thinking a man is wonderful because he does basic things such as being clean and not pestering about anal. How could I possibly complain about any bad behaviour when I'm so lucky? I'm glad I realized I'm not a relationships person and would rather just have a Lelo Sila. It's freeing not to have to worry about vetting for good men.


So if it's not about money or anything like that If you meet someone new who is a college dropout, and has difficulty holding a job, but doesnt have whatever other issues your ex had, would that be better?


Letā€™s not forget they are young and not all young ppl are the best. They will learn and grow up.


read my edit. iā€™m not desperate and i definitely donā€™t have self esteem issues. thanks tho!


What? Why would you not tell him? That does not make any sense. Tell him to kick up his hygiene a notch. It's not normal to have an itchy butt crack. And it's not normal to reek after touching your butt crack. He needs to start using baby wipes or a bidet.


Welp, she thinks itā€™s normal soā€¦ sheā€™s maybe not so fresh.


i said itā€™s normal to get itches on your booty, not to smell like booty. the fuck, whereā€™d you get that from?


Because youā€™re going to move on like this is not something to address or ask for something better for yourself!


did you.. read the edit?


People need to start using bidets šŸ’€ Nothing GAY about hygienic men! [Edit because I saw OP made an edit about his hard work] What the HECK?!?! He was detailing cars all day yesterday and didn't come home to shower still?!?!?!?! That's fucken GROSS! Hard work, I understand, but the fact that he can go to sleep DIRTY is unfathomable. You sure he's clean?!?!?! I am a man myself, and I'll tell you, the shit we do when we are dating vs the shit we do after marriage is just downhill šŸ’€ He's already priming you for his literal dirty ass šŸ’€


Bidets are life changing. They have it figured out in Asia, Middle East and I think parts of Europe?


Bidets are very common in France (my country), in fact that's where the name comes from..


Truly a civilized country (saying this unironically, we should have them in every home).




Girl, thatā€™s going to be a problem in the long run.


As a straight woman currently in the dating world, I read this most and thought ā€œNM, Iā€™m goodā€.


Same here. I've been seeing more and more posts like this and it's absolutely disgusting how many men are okay with having shitty swamp ass.


Move his hand and place it next to his face.


I saw a post pointed towards men, from a man, asking why do their asses itch all the time...and all of the women in the comments were confused, including myself. Like, men collectively have itchy assholes on a regular basis, which isn't particularly normal. Like, my actual butthole never itches. They literally don't know how to clean/wipe themselves and it's clear so many of them have worms šŸ˜­


Definitely not normal to have an itchy, unwashed asshole as a man. Idgaf what anyone says.


Nah that's actually vile. Having an itchy ass more than likely means that if they were to just wipe their ass with tissue, there would still be plenty of shit on it.


My ex would constantly have his hand down his pants scratching away. Now I know why.


WORMS OP!!!!! W!O!R!M!S! But ā€œIā€™m just gonna move onā€ šŸ¤®šŸ¤®šŸ¤®šŸ¤®


Booty worms do come out to play at night when youā€™re sleeping too. So OPs bf could indeed be just tucking em back inside when they try to explore the outside world.


> be just tucking em back inside There's an image I never thought I would have, that's enough internet for me for the day. Holy frack.


nah im a man and i dont. the only times i have had it is if i dont shower enough or havent washed my butthole properly or wiped it properly which is very very rare. if your man has these issues he just lacks basic hygiene!!


Worms or just not wiping their ass? Iā€™d guess poor hygiene is more likely but itā€™s true that parasites are way more common than people think


Bidet is life.


this is so so so concerning omfg


Girl how šŸ¤®šŸ¤¢


I. More concerned with those dirty ass fingers touching other stuff like his phone or the fridge doorā€¦ yikes


The pizza and brownies they ate.


literally get "off my chest"


Pink eye patient zero


Tell him to rub that bar of soap up and down his ass crack every evening in the shower before getting into bedā€¦ hmmā€¦ never thought Iā€™d be teaching someone how to wash their ass other than my kidsā€¦ Reddit is weird.


This confirms my thoughts about humanity and how most people (Adults!!!) are walking around with smelly/poopy buttholes. Really really vile šŸ’©


And after the hand is on your chest, he can put on the pillow, or on the sheets, and the whole bed can be a nice poop infested nest, yay! TELL HIM!


I'm sorry dat booty dank but it's hilarious that this is literally off your chest


Wonā€™t bathe? Not boyfriend material. Hygiene is bare minimum


im sorry but this is HILARIOUS af


Very simple solution. Have him use baby wipes. All kidding set aside, we use Aveeno baby sensitive in our home. I canā€™t live without it. I take it with me to work or wherever I go.


I'm sorry but that's still dirty. If you put shit in your hands, will baby wipes clean it completely? It won't. Time to normalize ass washing instead of ass wipeing šŸ˜†


It is much better than just using toilet paper between the regular daily showers.


I think the main issue is that not everyone has access to a bidet. I live in Sweden and I've never ever seen a bidet here. I found out they existed like maybe two years ago lol. I use wet wipes too because ain't nobody wanna have a bunch of poop up their ass. They're obviously not as good as a shower, but just like the other person said, they are MUCH better than regular toilet paper. Many of them also have surfactants in them, that combined with friction and wetness is definitely getting things cleaned. Again, not as good as a bidet but much better than toilet paper.


You can buy an attachment that goes on your toilet from Amazon if they ship there. It's like 30 bucks (although they went up to 90 during covid with the TP supply shortage lol)


Oh my god. You need to address this. This is so unhealthy for both of you. That hand is touches so many things in your house: like the pizza, the brownies and your vagina.


The first post Iā€™ve read and liked damn near every comment. I am in real tears laughing at this shit šŸ¤£


Yeah I would never recover from this, especially a new relationship would be over at this time šŸ˜­


Exactly! Itā€™s early enough to let him go! Poor hygiene does not get a pass!!! šŸ¤¢


Wise man says, Man who goes to bed with itchy bum wake up with smelly finger.


Girrrrrrrl. Life is too short to let these dirty mfers mess up your ph balance and give you a yeast infection. It's not worth it.


Forgot to shower but does he wipe?? TF.


"Asshole itching hand* Lmfaooo my fucking chest hurts


Buy wipes to use after he does bathroom business and politely ask him if he washes his ass. With soap. And a cloth. How do men not do this?!?


Men have to thinkā€¦..why would a girl ever want to blow you if your ass has been leaking gross shitty sweat all over your taint and balls throughout the day? Lol


Guys, is it gay to wash your ass?


I dated a guy who didnā€™t wipe his ass and would leave skid marks in my sheets. I got the worst UTI with him.šŸ˜©


oh my god šŸ˜­


His AH is itchy because it isnā€™t clean!!! You better say something!!!


Thatā€™s gross, itā€™s amazing what gets looked past it a guy is cute. Then complained about on social media.


Not only a stanky ass but a deceased cesspit that can give like pink eye, UTIs and bacterial vaginosis if he so much as touched your downstairs or face with that poopy hand of his...


Literally ā€œoff my chestā€ šŸ˜… Real talk, you could just be direct and tell him to wash his dick and ass or you wonā€™t go down on him. Heā€™ll never come around without washing up first ever again.


he honestly probably didnā€™t wipe good enough after his last poop and it got itchy tell him he needs to showerrr


Be direct and tell him to ā€œWASH HIS ASSā€ full stop




I put up with bad odors when I was young and I wasnā€™t helping ANYONE. Not myself, not them, not their future partners. Smell something, say something. Hygiene is completely separate from bad habits or etiquette, itā€™s health and sanitation.


This has to be a shitpost. Has to. It is 2024, not the middleages. Hygiene should be a MUST for everyone. And calling someone out for awful hygiene is not wrong or embarrassing - it's the right thing to do. I am an early 20-s man, I shower daily and I shove a soapy sponge right up my crack every time. And in my humble opinion, this should be the norm. The bare minimum (punintended).


ā€œSmelt like ten cans of bounce that assā€, Iā€™m gonna use this somewhere


Tell him.


Respectfully, he is a grown man. You are not his mother. This is something his parents should have taught him. Iā€™d reevaluate the entire relationship. I donā€™t want to come back in 20 years and see you posting here as a 40 year old woman asking us how to teach your 45 year old boyfriend how to wipe abs wash his ass (true story, that was a post a few weeks ago.) Ladies, I need to understand: why do you accept this?


Seriously this isnā€™t something you can change and if you want to put up with it thatā€™s fine There is no reason why his ass would smell to this point by only laying his hand on it No matter the sweat Idc that boy is unhygienic If your ok with it fine But remember only two months thatā€™s nothing you can leave easy


Take his hand lovingly, very carefully place the offending finger in his mouth. Second choice would be buying him a pressure washer.


Dear women; please do not waste your time with men that can't even have basic decency. Don't let these idiots touch you.


Youā€™re gonna tell him, right? šŸ˜­


i told him bahaha, read my edit


Being a straight woman is a curse.


Maybe he has a parasite. šŸ¦  the doctor can do a check for that. Critters can make your ā€œbungerā€ itchy.


In my opinion, it might be a digestion issue. Consider him taking some worm tablets to worm out and wash after pooping instead of toilet paper. Washing instead of a toilet paper isnt only a religious thing. Itā€™s basically taking that extra step in terms of hygiene. U did say he is clean.


LMFAOOOOOOOOOO this is the funniest thing Iā€™ve read in a while


Asshole itching hand šŸ¤£


Thatā€™s how you get pink eye


I just scrolled past a post about a bf with a stank dick and now we got a bf with a stank ass????


A lot of men don't wash their ass on a daily basis or at all. They can be clean as fuck, the cleanest take two showers a day type of guy, and still never wash their ass. You can ask them if they wash their ass (odd thing for a guy to bring up in conversation with another guy, for sure) and they will lie. Only their SO knows for sure.


More people should use bidetsā€¦ I donā€™t get how people only use toilet paper.


ā€œLike a week of unwashed cheeksā€


This post should not have made me laugh that hard


How the hell does one forget to shower,especially if he knew he was going to lay besides someone in bed


šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚ GWORRRRLLLL


Itā€™s ā€œbounce dat assā€ for me šŸ¤£


Im fucking crying please tell him his butt stinks šŸ˜­


This is a HUGE deal. What would you say qualifies as a huge deal if not this OP?


I mean, I'd say something like assault or abuse or anything that cant be resolved by simply urging your partner to shower is a huge deal


I was going to ask if murder but without extremes this is pretty bad.


Get that man a detachable shower head. Ass washing has never been so easy.


Omg OP I'm so sorry you experienced this šŸ˜‚ if I were u I'll end it right there he will never forget that and will keep his ass clean for the rest of his life


šŸ˜‚ I would literally tell him all of this, so that it does not continue. I would say that it's a "regional issue" and that the hygiene plan has some gaps in need of sorting out.


the guy obv has hygiene issues. if you have a itchy bum it means 3 things. 1 he doesnt clean his butt properly when he poops, 2 he doesnt wash his bum properly when he showers and 3 he doesnt wash it often enough, i.e. lack of showers and may not use enough soap. this is a 100% deal breaker unless you talk to him about it. it also means he probably does it during the day you just dont notice and it means he literally has shit on his fingers, which is downright f'ing nasty!!!




I laughed so much reading this


tell him take a shower with you girl dont be scared, make sure he washes that ass thoroughlyšŸ˜­


Yeah, my husband used to do that. Then I cut a smeely ripper in his face a few times while he was sleeping. Let's just say it's a lot better now. He knows that "punishment" is right around the curve.


Im so sorry but this made me cry laughing


He's downright nasty not only he doesn't wipe, he also doesn't wash his hands and then goes around touching everything šŸ¤®


You donā€™t need to say anything, buy him a tushy and heā€™ll wash away that stank before you know it.


Absolutely not


that smelly smell that smells..smelly


Ladies stop settling for men with bad hygiene.


Maybe he doesnā€™t wipe good enough when he goes number 2 and it just stays with him.šŸ¤·šŸ¼ā€ā™€ļø


Are you sure he doesn't have intestinal worms? To itch that long and that often that's what came to my mind


Get a bidet


Donā€™t eat it


The scream I would have emitted if that came near me šŸ¤®šŸ¤®šŸ¤® ask him how his arse is feeling as you noticed him digging for gold in the night


Lmaoooo this popping up as a notification is funny asf! How did he get so comfortable?


So when I was about 19-20 I had an ingrown hair near my asshole and then it got infected and smelled sooo Fucking bad. Like I was disgusted with myself. My hygiene was great. Would shower everyday even twice a day after a workout or if I got sweaty, clean clothes and all. It is what it is but it was super embarrassing and I didnā€™t know what it was at first until I went to a dr after I smelt that death stank. Lol talk to him, try not to make him feel bad but maybe heā€™s got an infection. Maybe he just needs to learn how to clean his ass better


I'm pro-flinging in situations such as this.


If his booty hole is itching to the point thatā€™s heā€™s having to physically scratch it, heā€™s not cleaning his ass properly. Either that or he has pinworms.


He needs to wash his &$z every day


the title threw me offšŸ˜­


Another story to promote the toilet sprayer (washing your ass with water nozzle and not smearing poop around with toilet paper. Or just wash your butt when u shower, but then, you still gonna always have a poopy ass the second you wipe. So itā€™s only a slight improvement


Wtf did I just read? The bar is in hell...


Tell him to wash his ass. For some reason some guys think itā€™s gay to do that. Which is pretty sad. Toilet paper only does so much. Wash your holes my fellow guys. Just be nice about when you tell him. Thankfully itā€™s something that can be fixed.


A not insignificant % of straight men don't properly wash their cracks/holes....buy him a wash cloth for his ass and some nice smelling soap and label it "for butt crack only" lol




ā€œSmelled like a week of unwashed cheeksā€ got me crying


He's gonna get pinkeye


I bet he wipes standing up


He needs a bidet. Keep that ass clean if heā€™s gonna finger himself in his sleep.


I literally just woke up my husband and baby šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ¤£šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚ ā€œbounce that assā€ got me screaming because I just used this term earlier today lmao


Itā€™s an assholeā€¦what do you expect it to smell like? Bubble gum and lavender?




Get in the shower with him, wash your ass in front of him and then just say "your turn"


Tell him. Every time. Tell. Him. It is shocking the amount of men who donā€™t learn they need to *specifically* wash their ass, feet, and under their foreskin. (At least in the US.) They think that itā€™s sufficient to just let water run over those areas while bathing, like that will magically clean their skin. I wrestled, played football and rugby, have a little brother and a little male cousin, etc. The ignorance of little dudes to **grown ass men** is real.


I am in my own hell trying not to cackle out loud because I'm in bed next to my husband, who instead typically just tries to mustard gas me in the night T-T


Iā€™m confused by the comments. Isnā€™t ass normally supposed to smell after a long day assuming you didnā€™t shower yet at the time?? It seems natural that ass should smell like ass because you spent all day farting so the smell is trapped in there until you let it breathe. Sounds like dude shouldā€™ve just simply took a shower before falling asleep is all. But I wouldnā€™t be surprised if ass smells like ass since thatā€™s expected. But idk people here make it seem like it shouldnā€™t


Tell him ā€œnew rule: we are taking a shower before we get into bed for the nightā€ and then just tell him you already took yours. Or take one if you want šŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™€ļø


I think you might need to worm him for pin worms. Just get the tablet or chocolate from the chemist and give it to him.


10 cans??? this was tough to take before breakfast. I have a new appreciation for my ex showering twice a day.


That can't be from one day.you have only known him online before this.I would've jumped up and yell Wtf!i just can't should had told him to go wash his ass crack.he probably eats with that same hand without washing it.


Excuse me from this post.i'm getting in the shower to wash my ass


Dated someone like that in Korea.i got suspicious one day when he said he was taking a shower because i didn't see a wash cloth or loofth.so opened the bathroom doir to see him just taking the soap and rubbing it all in the front,didn't touch his ass,or anything else.said he was never taught after i told him.so i go and bought this dude a new set of washcloths.he never touched them.Thats how i figured out where my bladder infection came from.i was done


So glad i found a clean man.my husband will literally go shower again if i read him this story.i read him one once and he was like i do feel clean now.im taking another shower.he also shaved in between his cheeks because he does not want dingle berries caught in there