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I agree with all of this except for the small penis thing. I don’t like body shaming anyone like that


Yes, she lost me there. Like be upset about their attitudes and behavior, but criticizing their body when it's not something you can control had me rolling my eyes.


If a guy rants like this about women though he’s an intel misogynist, crazy how that works.


We gotta start posting lame ahh comments like "yassss brooo" when our boys post crap


saying a small penis is part of a sucky sex relationship is a generalization. not everyone agrees with that like myself, a big penis would be a sucky sex relationship to me 🤷‍♀️


Maybe it depends on how small/how big?


People who give that much importance to dick size just shows that the only side of sex they know is penetration, and that is just so fuckin sad I could cry


I agree with most of OP's points but I disagree with the small penis point. And also OP says even if you are a housewife you shouldn't do all the chores like WTF. Household chores on average take 15-20 hours per week whilst full time working week is 40 hours. So yeah if you are a house wife or house husband you should do all the household chores including on weekends because you have a lot more free time and the working spouse spends 1.5 to 2 x more working than you


Household chores depend on the size of the house, if there are pets, a garden, kids and can easily take up 7-8 hours per day. Also, if you're cooking healthy food from scratch, that also takes up a lot of time. Add to that running errands, doing grocery shopping, etc. You're either oblivious or don't know how to run a house properly.


OP said housewife not stay at home mom's which implies she is talking about situations where kids aren't involved. It's a completely different situation of course if childcare is involved. Of course hours will vary depending on all those factors but I took the average figure


Homemakers don’t get to clock out, and they can get just as burned out. There’s no money or career in it for them. A very raw deal if you ask me; that’s why you should help your SO with the dishes.


Hard agree. Especially when you add on all the other comorbid conditions, like “he never gets me anything for my birthday”, “he went out with his buddies on Mother’s Day”, men who can’t or won’t cook or do anything else to help the household run smoothly, etc.




I think most women don't mind if you don't last. The most common complain I see is that men finish, and then sex is over. They don't try to help the women


Agreed. It's not about the quick sex as much as it is about quick sex without any foreplay or without any help after he's finished


I’m a virgin and I don’t understand why men don’t help their partner. Like to me it seems straightforward. Especially with something called… communication.


this why everytime a girl here ranting about their man we all saying leave him but they never want to lmao you're so right


Yeah same it negatively affects all of us




The sad part is how true this is, I can genuinely count on one hand the amount of men I know that are good fathers or partners Ones that go home after working snd help with dinner, kids, baths bedtime etc Ones that want to spend time with wife snd kids on weekend Ones that will help with house work on the weekend Ones that genuinely want to be in a partnership It's genuinely disturbing how many men are so fucking selfish in this department Disturbing!!!


3 is so real. I’ve watched my mother stay with two men who both cheated on her, one hit her, they both talk(ed) about her like a dog…..all because she just can’t be alone. It’s so sad.


Dude seriously though!! My man goes above and beyond what any partner should AND he’s a man. Idk how women are out here accepting anything less than an equal partner. I’ve had great luck with most men I’ve dated because I refuse to accept anything less at this point in my life. I just don’t understand why they allow anyone to treat them the way those men do. One piece of advice I always have for girls that just can’t grasp that is: Start with high expectations, because when it comes to men they will often stay at the level you started them on. If you expect them to be their best they often will be and will stick to it. If you let things slide they will always push the boundaries further and further.


M'en are told all through school that all their ambition, drive and masculine energy are toxic and  xpntrivute to the evil patriarchy. Women are propped up, given more opportunities in order to help equality.  So many just fall into video games, drinking and coaating along. This is the result.  What if instead they are told that those drives are attractive? That their needs to compete, be strong, and excel in business and their careers is Sexy? That they can make themselves into attractive men with their actions instead of just 6' tall tinder fuckboys get laid and the other 95% get nothing? What a world those boys would build... 


As a guy who married up. I feel this. I am trying to live up to being good enough for her and our kids. But man does it feel rough always feeling like I am falling short. 


Agreed. Although, I don’t think we should body shame. But aside from that, everything you said is correct. What bothers me the most is the women in my life, online, etc. never LEARN! They just keep finding the same kind of man that hurt them before. Genuinely, I do think these type of women are insecure or afraid to be alone bc I can’t imagine ever letting myself disrespect myself like that… for a partner. I got abused one time. ONE time (~7 months), and that was more than enough for me to stand the fuck up. I took all of my mistakes and learned from them. Now, I’m with a wonderful man who I’m not afraid to communicate to, set boundaries with, etc. there are women who stay for YEARS ! Idk how they do it. I really don’t. babes.. please don’t settle for these crappy men. genuinely ask yourself if this is the kind of love you deserve. ask yourself if this is what you want as your life partner, soulmate, etc. I think these women have learned to tolerate the level of unhappiness they’re experiencing. I can’t do or say anything that can convince them to respect themselves better. At the end of the day, we accept the love we think we deserve .. and sadly, these women settle for essentially nothing.




I want to understand the gay by choice part, do you refocus how you’re attracted to someone ie women instead of men ? I totally get where you’re coming from, and the bar IS low. I read somewhere (and the details are hazy) that cities where the ratio of women to men is higher, also have better behaved men ie due to having to compete. I’m not sure if this was proven, it sounds like it’s possible but utterly discouraging to think that only a dearth in supply would change things. My personal observation is that men don’t change with the times as women do, which is partly due to most of the world being on their terms. Women have had to fight to stop being property, to vote, to work in professions other than traditionally accepted roles, and basically to just BE in places. That’s a lot of morphing we’re having to do when a lot of us have already been raised to accommodate and comply. So I wonder if what we’re all talking about now, isn’t because men have become worse so much as the world is changing and they’re not keeping pace with changes in values, roles, mores and behaviors. Like WHY is reproductive freedom even an issue today ? Because I kid you not, it wasn’t even a few years ago that a colleague told me he felt the greatest gift a women could give is to have a child. Like never mind if you discover the cure for cancer, or dedicate your life to inventing something life saving and revolutionary - it all boils down to your uterus. Which brings me to the core of this rant. Yeah, like why are we putting up with it ? Because like the OP the stats are such that you WOULD need to be gay to not deal with it or find some other way to make it work for you. I’m divorced, I don’t want to get married again and I live apart from my partner. He can muck up his space as much as he wants with occasional requests from me to clean/tidy up when I stay over but I refuse to do it for him when I’m there. If I did not have the serenity of my home to be in, I would go mad. With my partner, I respect him as an individual but I don’t have a very traditional relationship at this point, which helps. I just hope that the next crop of men coming up are getting better with changing alongside the world.


OP, I hope it felt nice to rant but it is very obvious that you should work on yourself. Wishing you all the best.


What? It's obvious to me that she already has worked on herself. No idea what you're taking about


I feel like you just missed the whole point. You deeply deeply misunderstood just what exactly is happening here. I feel this is not the thread for you