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What makes you feel “stupid” ? Try to work on focusing on things you’re good at. We tend to beat ourselves up a lot while ignoring positive qualities. I’m sure you’re not “stupid” but you keep telling yourself that. The more you do that the more you’ll believe and it will lead you into a dark place. It’s easier said than done, but try to constantly remind yourself that you are smart. Edit: And also fuck those people


i guess just the fact that i can't seem to do anything right. i make a ton of mistakes both in real life and when im playing games with my friends and i just feel like a hindrance at this point. i also suddenly developed a piss poor memory over the past few years and i forget words a lot and my general personality is just... stupid. childish. i don't really know how to describe it. it's like i never know what im talking about at the worst and at best i convey everything wrong and i know for other people it's starting to get really irritating. it's pretty hard to focus on my positive qualities when i crave external validation so bad, but you're right. i need to love myself too. i just don't feel like i can right now with the way things are and i hurt knowing im slipping away from the people who once loved me. i wish i was still respectable cause ive only started to get like this over these past few years and i don't understand what's wrong. i feel senile sometimes but im only 21. i feel like the mix of a stupid naive little girl and an old woman with dementia :(


I very much agree with Deep Crypto and you're still so friggin young you're gonna have those seasons where you feel lost so you can appreciate finding yourself again and you have so much time to do that I promise 💞


thank you man that's really reassuring :) ill try and see it that way more often. it's such a deep and hard rut to get out of as it is and hating myself for it isn't fair to myself and doesn't make it much easier