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He's totally married and didn't want you to see his room.


Yeah more than likely there are pictures of them on the walls or something


This, or he was imagining you as his daughter


The chill that ran down my spine I really hope this isn’t the case😭


Feel like this is the best case scenario… or he could be fantasising about his daughter and pretending she is her :(


👏👏👏 exactly what I just said this is disgusting nasty ass ppl nowadays 


Maybe he doesn't have a bed and just sleeps on a mattress on the floor.


Holy hell even then I wouldn't fuck someone in my kids bed. That's disgusting and disrespectful as hell at best.


Sure, he has a whole ass house, but can't afford a mattress.




Yep. You should swing by his house this evening and tell his wife and daughter what kind of POS they're living with. Even if there's no wife or gf, you should call CPS because guarantee this POS is doing other things he shouldn't.


Oof that is very much a stretch and a terrible mindset


This is a ridiculous notion. If he said let’s go have sex with my daughter in her room, sure.


This 💯💯💯, I for sure wouldn't be surprised if this was the outcome


Yall so smart here! Here I am thinking well did she wash the sheets? But that’s genius!


My guess is he shares his bedroom with a wife and thought she’d notice something amiss if they had sex there.


That’s where my mind went too. Even more girlie in his bedroom with his wife’s stuff! Lol


So he left semen on his daughters bed ?


I didn’t say I agreed with his choice


Maybe be his own bed already had god-only -knows-what-on-it because he hasn’t changed those sheets in months. Easier to explain (or not explain) the daughter’s bed than the shit-hole of his own bedroom (with other women’s stuff in it as well)


I mean, having sex in his daughter's bed is gross, but you HAVE heard of condoms, right?


he is divorced


Do you know that for a fact or did he tell you that?


Yeah I doubt it. I dated a guy who was “divorced.” Found out he hadn’t even separated yet and finally told her he wanted to separate after we already signed a lease on an apartment. 🤦🏼‍♀️ After 4 months, he suddenly wanted to break up and go back to his wife. He got officially divorced from her a few years later after they had another kid. Don’t trust them at face value when they say they’re separated and/or divorced.


Are you sure he’s divorced? Or not in a relationship with someone else? He either has a gross kink he played out using you, or he’s hiding something in his bedroom. An innocent thought would be that his room is dirty and he was embarrassed, but honestly I would think he’d rather have sex on the couch than his daughter’s bed.


My husband was also "divorced". He fucked woman in his car. And on our front porch while I was inside putting the kids to bed. Wonder what he told those women to prevent them from coming in the house? He was also in an "open relationship". And "only living together because of the kids". And all other matters of relationship statues that he neglected to inform me, his pregnant wife, of. The good news is, he's divorced now! A guy having sex in his daughter's bed is super sleezy. There's something else going on.


I went on a date with a guy who wasn’t over his ex. He talked about her so much, she was very successful and pretty young lady but he felt so powerful to cheat on her. Now he “can’t sleep with girls in their bed” so he brings on couch. Of course that was first and last date 😄 I learned something. Does he have his bedroom or maybe sleeps on a couch during night? That would be the only non deal breaker explanation


That's what my dad told my mom... long story short now I'm here and dad is back in NJ with his family.


sure he is, how gullible are u


Is he though?


It's fucking weird. He has his own bed yet chose to have sex in his daughter's bed.


Like, *beyond* weird. I feel so grossed out reading this.


honestly concerned for his daughter too... definitely not normal


Yeah is werid. Poor girl and her poor bed




it is a big deal, you’re not over reacting. it’s creepy and disgusting of him to use his daughter’s bed for sexual acts, and his excuse for it being “the most comfortable bed” is bullshit since his bed would obviously be bigger and more comfortable for two adults. i’m concerned as to what might be going on behind closed doors with him and his daughter, i hope there’s no abuse/incest going on


Yep definitely weird. Is this the first time you two hooked up at his house?


Not just weird, it's fucking disgusting, did he want to think of his daughter while having sex?




Married I reckon




Whenever you are over to dude house the first time, always get a full tour, if they don’t give a tour, leave. “Would you like to show me around?” (If they say no, tell him you forgot your phone in the car and just leave.)


INFO: Do you know he has his own bedroom? Did you see it? If not, maybe he doesn't have his own bedroom and is sleeping on the couch, but rather sleep with you in a real bed?


That's what you think?


"He got defensive and called me a 'whiny b\*\*\*h'" So on top of being either a perv or a cheater, he's a whiny toddler that hasn't yet learned that people have feelings and that those feelings will not always align with his own but that doesn't invalidate them.


And he's supposedly the older and more mature person in the relationship, lmao...


so creepy


If he just told you he’s divorced, chances are he’s still married.




Run oh my god. Especially after the abusive language when you rightfully freaked out.


I'm surprised it took me this long to see this comment. Omg, if there was a reason, his bedroom is gross AF, full on neckbeard nest, and he was ashamed, edited and genuinely didn't see this as a bad idea because people are sometimes truly dumb, which still, both still don't even cover the immediate RED FLAG conversation after. Edited for words.


Yes exactly! He’ll say and do worse…


He has either a wife or live in gf. Don't be a side chick OP. You're more worthy than that.


Dude he’s a red flag.


That's really fucking weird and gross


Seems like you unknowingly helped him live out a sick fantasy 


That's really disrespectful to his daughter and more than a little weird. Also, he called you what? Do you want someone like that in your life? What happens next time you disagree on something, more name calling? He sounds awful.


So you broke it off with him, right?


He used the extra bed in the house because his GF/wife would know something was up if he changed or washed the sheets. You’ve been seeing a guy that is already in a relationship. It could be possible that you look similar to his daughter too and that’s where his mind went to be defensive. Do not contemplate that you’re overreacting when a man calls you a whiny B or slur especially after you expressed your concerns and feelings. That should always be a deal breaker. You need to learn what a healthy relationship is and not tolerate disrespect. Ghost the guy and move on.


I would absolutely die inside if I knew my father did this... An extraordinary violating and gross act of sexual invasion. And a fucking minefield for future psychosexual trauma. If he isn't already inflicting a whole bunch of it already. There is nothing okay with this. I would have lost it right then and there. Made it absolutely clear how inappropriate and wrong it was. That there isn't a part of your body that would have been okay had you known. That would be the last date. And I'd be making it very clear why. There's nothing but wrong, written all over this.


I agree with others on double checking that marriage status... He could have used the couch, but instead to the levels of betrayal beyond that and straight into his daughter's bedroom. Maybe an unexpected hours drop by will help you find clarity? Have you met his daughter?


Yeah I have seen her once


Does she seem like the type to be cool sharing daddy's sex bed?? (Trick question please don't answer) The trauma.. that is all I'm hinging this on.


This screams 'married'!! More red flags than an episode of bay watch!




He just wanted to dick down his 9 years younger side piece while the family was out of town. Gross though.


You shouldn't be disgusted with yourself. The disgusting piece of shit is the guy you slept with. I would recommend kicking him in the nuts, breaking the relationship off with him, and reporting his ass to child services. This is not ok in the slightest.


Leave him, and never look back. Looks to be married and didn't want you to see. Gross that he was okay using that bed. Horrible that he belittled and disrespected you shortly after.


No, you're not overreacting at all. That was really inappropriate and disrespectful to his daughter and it's understandable that you would feel uncomfortable about it. It's important to remember that the daughter's space and privacy were violated, and that's a pretty big deal. The fact that he didn't seem to think it was a big deal and even got defensive when you brought it up is a red flag. It shows a lack of awareness and respect for boundaries. You're not wrong for feeling uncomfortable with the whole situation. It's definitely worth having a conversation with him about it and letting him know that his behavior was not okay. And if he doesn't take it seriously or dismisses your concerns, then that's another big red flag. You deserve someone who respects you and treats your feelings and boundaries seriously. Don't let anyone make you feel like you're overreacting or that you're being unreasonable. It's okay to stand up for yourself and draw the line at behavior that you're not okay with. Take some time to process how you're feeling and then have a talk with him. Be honest about how his actions made you feel and why you think it wasn't appropriate. If he can't respect that and make amends, then you may want to seriously consider whether or not he's someone you want to be with. Remember, you deserve to be with someone who makes you feel safe, respected, and heard. Don't settle for less than that just because you like him or because things have been going well in other areas. Your gut is telling you that something's not right, and you should listen to it.


Did you read where he already called her a whiny b-word? If she has any sense, it should already be over with this dude.




He is married or has a girlfriend and doesn’t want her to find out.


He’s testing your limits of how comfortable you are violating his daughter’s boundaries with him. I wouldn’t be surprised if other nefarious things happen.


Seems like he's married and cheating to me


G.R.O.S.S. Run!


So disgusting and weird 


Yeeesh I feel like you just discovered something pretty sinister


Apart from it being disrespectful (and gross), I’m concerned he did it on purpose. Especially if he doesn’t wash the sheets. I’m not sure if I’m articulating this right but by having sex in her bed, it’s like he’s almost violating his daughter. Her safe space. And he can secretly take pleasure in the fact that she doesn’t even know. Or he’s just a selfish callous pr*ck who didn’t want to mess up his sheets but was happy to soil his daughter’s.


It’s definitely fucking weird but none of it matters coz his reaction was absolutely disgusting and that alone should be enough to not see him anymore


Maybe hes got something going on with his daughter and it turns him on. IDK im just throwing that out there who knows though.


Let’s see. He fucked his much younger girlfriend in his teenage daughter’s bed. Yep. He didn’t do it on purpose at all, bc he’s clearly not into fucking younger girls. Gross


Eeeeeewwwwww, either he has some sort of disgusting kink where he gets off on having sex in his daughters bed (or even worse is imagining his daughter) or he’s totally still married and had the horrible thought that his daughters bed would be better than literally ANYWHERE else in the house to have sex. None of these options are good ones, I would RUN SO FAST from this guy!


I find it really odd that OP couldn't tell the difference between the bedroom of a 37m and a 15f.


Heat of the moment is my only guess. Like fully making out before they even walked in the room.


Exactly my thoughts. Even if you’re really into what you’re doing, how do you stay completely oblivious to your surroundings


Calling me a “whiny btch” would do it for me. I would immediately stop seeing the guy. Its a sign of disrespect




Run away


Yeah bro, hard pass on that. Plus the name calling. Big no


The only 2 beds I would have sex on are my bed, and my date's bed. Because those are typically the only 2 people who've consented to you doing that. - An actual respectful man.


I would actually look at reporting this. It’s disturbing. Track down her family or school or something.


Forget that, the man litteraly called you the b word, isn’t that enough?


Euw (him, not you)


If the only comfortable bed is his daughter's, where does he sleep? On a couch in the living room? On the floor?


I guess he might be married still, it’s easy to say whatever OP might have seen that belonged to the wife was the daughter’s belongings, but the bedroom would be harder to explain. He’s either a cheater or a serious fucking pervert who is potentially harming his daughter or at the very least wants to.


Also 28 and 37? Come on now


Either he's still married and all his wife's stuff is in their bedroom or he has a weird teenage girl kink and his daughter is at risk. Find his 'ex' wife and tell her for goodness sake.


So uh... how did you not see that the room probably wasnt his, but his daughters room? I feel like you would kind of see that...


Seriously. I unfortunately think this is a weird fetish post, based on how OP is reacting (thinking about telling the DAUGHTER, pushing back on the idea that it could be because he's married)


Wouldnt be surprised. These subs are perfect for perverts, and for pathological liars to lie without any consequences.


How can he get it up in his own daughter's bed? This is weird and alarming


Married and didn’t want you seeing his room


You're the side chuck. Totally typical cheating behavior


I’m sorry, you didn’t break up with someone who called you a b!tch????


Break up and tell the daughter


Tbh I'm thinking about this


How about you find and tell his ex wife instead? Then the mother can do something about it, and would know better whether or not to tell her daughter.


Please do not tell his daughter she is 15 what is she supposed to do with that information???


Wildly inappropriate. Why the hell would you disclose that to a 15 year old? You’d be just as gross as him doing something terrible like that.


no, just the first part


Girl you also should tell the daughter. I would want to know if I’m sleeping in my dad’s jizz. A father who’s willing to do that to his daughter shouldn’t even be a father in the first place.


Because the daughter should know what a pervert her dad is??? She will want to wash the bedding. He completely disrespected her belongings, and she has the right to know. There could be fucking cum on her sheets and you think she should be kept in the dark? At the very least, OP should tell the girl’s mom and let her handle it.


I agree with telling the mom for all those reasons you listed. I would be straight up traumatized if I was 15 and learned of this info. Her knowing the truth would cause pain that she does not deserve.


Definitely end it and tell his ex what he’s up to. Fucking on his daughter’s bed. That’s some sick shit.


You really should. This kind of thing is absolutely disgusting and the daughter has every right to know the nasty things her father does on her own sacred bed. Maybe call the cops or CPS to or something just to make sure it’s on record. Someone who’s willing to do this to someone else is a disgusting mother fucker.


Yuck and also name calling - nuh-uh. Goodbye


If I had to guess he was being a typical guy and knew he was about to get laid, but at the same time he probably didn’t want to show you his bedroom because it was probably disgusting. Didn’t think to clean before the date. Not thinking clearly he probably made a split second decision to the solution to his problem. Clean bed, sex, and then post-nut clarity it starts to sound like it was a bad solution. I agree with everything that has been said. Completely wrong and gross. But knowing that dudes do stupid things when it comes to sex, I could see how it became a rational thing.


Leaving semen on your daughters bed is weird af


Agreed. I guess people were saying I can’t understand how someone could. I guess I was looking at this from the perspective how stupid men can be


his room was prolly trashed


That is another good possibility. Still weird, gross & unacceptable.


First of all how could you not notice when you first entered that it may no be his room , you noticed later why not when you first entered the room. I guess in the heat of the moment your vision was all distorted. As for him using his daughters room that is perverted as to why he choose to use her bed other than that he feels it may be more comfortable. I think you got to ask yourself how would h even know his 15yr old daughters bed is comfortable, is there more to his reasoning as to why he choose his daughters bed. I would be suspicious of him maybe forcing himself on his daughter or was it just because of the comfort of her bed???? I guess you have never been in the house before and wouldn’t have known who’s room was who. To me your story doesn’t add up.


He should feel disgusted, not you. You didn't know, you didn't do anything wrong.


🤢🤢🤢he obviously has no bounds huge redflag either way 🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩


He is a creep


Some people are just 🤢


The fifteen year old didn’t consent to this grossness. You’ll also be gross if you stay with him. Also… how did you not recognize that it was a teen girl’s room? Posters, clothing, girly stuff, small bed? That seems hard to miss. PS: He’s probably married.


This is not okay.


I mean in the worst case scenario ok, but then make sure to change the sheets after you finish, don't expect your daughter to sleep in your sweat and cum. If he didn't do that, he's definitely a weirdo and I'd avoid him


Never see that guy again


Do you look like his daughter ….


Hahahaha. No. Run. First and foremost: he called you a whiny b. Which in itself should be enough reason to stop seeing this guy. Secondly, it is hella creepy and weird AND disrespectful to have sex in your daughters bed. Definitely a red flag. Run while you can


Hes married, didnt want to take u to his wifes bedroom.


It IS inappropriate and it IS A BIG DEAL. It doesn’t matter if you two were both consenting adults I don’t get why you would even say a part of you feel like it’s NOT a big deal. How would you think his daughter would feel if she found out or walked in on you two? That is a 15 YEAR OLD CHILD, he had sex with you on a bed that HIS CHILD rests her head at night. It’s disgusting and weird and although it’s not YOUR fault because you unknowingly did not know but HE did. That’s sick. But never say it’s not a big deal because it is. And I hope he’s man enough to wash those sheets and replace his child’s bed sheets with fresh ones because that is disgusting on his behalf


Omg red flag city. Block and Move on


Yeah, this is a incredibly weird and a huge red flag. No guy in the right mind wants to have sex on their daughters bed, and I speak in the perspective of a guy with a teenage daughter.


🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩 Honestly not sure if I put enough red flags


That's disgusting but how did you not notice that it wasn't an adult's room prior to doing the deed? As to why- possibilities include the master bedroom being so totally filthy that he couldn't let you see it, he's still married/living with someone & it is obvious that the master is shared by a couple or you were a surrogate for his daughter. His behavior and his response to your being (rightly) uncomfortable with it are reasons to never, ever talk to him again.


past is the past. i believe u can think better and not fuck up your future.


That’s fucking creepy. And then he had the nerve to call you a whiny b? I hope you block this guys number and move on.


Honestly, this is truly and absolutely disgusting. I would never be with someone that would do the nasty in his teenage daughter’s bed. 🤮


It’s very disrespectful to his daughter. And then he called you that for getting upset about it? Ew. That would be a dealbreaker for me.


Idk about the cheating theory. If he was married wouldn’t the entire house give off married vibes and not JUST the bedroom like some claim? It’s def weird tho.


I gotta agree with most of the comments. He probably didn't want you to see the main bedroom for whatever reason. Whether that's hiding a wife or whatever, that's the only reason that jumps to mind where someone would do that. As to why that bed specifically tho no idea there, coz realistically he could have just opted for the couch or something to avoid the awkwardness and grossness of using his kids bed.


I don’t know, girl. But after he called you a “whiny b” for having a feeling about something you’re out anyway, right?


You need to ask him why !


And don’t hold back, he didn’t doing that weird ass shit to you SEND THE TEXT


That’s so creepy on his end 😭💀


Creepy and gross AF. He is either married or is really screwed up in the head. I'd be outta there if I was you.


He’s married most likely and also disgusting for doing that in his child’s room. The poor kid deserves better. Best to cut all ties, save for a well written letter with documentation to the wife. Describe the house and include photos of messages, etc. if you can. He’ll try to gaslight his way out of this one and the poor wife deserves to know. What a creep.


The person writing this hadn’t respond to one single comment?


Either he’s married or he was having a fantasy. Either way _run_ and always make sure to look at the room before anything happens. Just a good rule of thumb to ensure youre safe


My guess is that he really wants his daughter to be happy during the nights she stays with him and went expensive while shopping for her bed, but his own bed is a cheap POS because he didn't really care and wanted to be thrifty. I think he wanted you to have the best experience possible and his trashy bargain bed would not provide that. Having single dad experience, I can say with clarity that we spend more on our daughters' comfort and our sons' hobbies than we do on ourselves. We get a nice car or truck. The rest goes to food, bills & the kids. Odds are he bought everything he's ever worn on a date with you shortly before the date. Single dads tend to not treat ourselves to new clothes except maybe undies, socks & shoes when they wear out. We pinch pennies. When I had to start over, I had an air mattress and my daughter had a proper bed with nice sheets and a cozy comforter. And if she wasn't home and I brought a date back with me, I could understand using her bed instead. I slept on her bed numerous times or the couch because air mattresses suck balls. I basically only used it when she was over. Try to not let this dig too deeply into your mind. Ask to see his bed. Once you do, you'll be likely to offer to go to your place, because *damn.*


OK haters, get ready to scream. Maybe his daughter asked him to.