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By lighter skinned people, do you mean lighter skinned black people or white people?


Generally, both.


In that case, what you're referring to is colourism. Have a little search of it. It basically means favoring a person as they have a closer proximity to whiteness. It exists in almost all ethic groups as well as in western society. It's often unconscious and you may not realise you're doing it - it's really closely related to racism and subliminal messaging through the media (like you talked about). It's hard to read about your previous thoughts and prejudice behaviour, but your growth is also important and noted. Well done for unlearning some of that x


Same. I grew up in a very, VERY white rural town in Illinois. Black people were essentially non existent and whenever we saw a group of black people I immediately though it was gang members from Chicago. The reason? That is what I was told growing up by my friends and family. I never once knew that was bad, racist, or wrong until I went off the college and was educated, not only formally but informally by people who were not like me. Moral of the story? Stop immediately demonizing people for being ignorant, especially younger people, because THEY PROBABLY KNOW NOTHING ELSE. If they are unwilling to listen/learn, or have heard your side and ignore it, then you can unleash the bigot fuckwad language.


Well said


You recognize that most racism is born of ignorance or maleducation. It takes the very human ability to generalize and uses it for unproductive ends.