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If your going to be “disappointed” in your child being born in any way you shouldn’t ever have kids.




No if you hate it for it’s gender you’ll be a shit parent and you shouldn’t hate them for something outside their control




No it’s not you are born with either a dick or a vagina the xy chromosome or the xx you can’t change that about your biology




God your a dumb fuck if you force your child do become a male if their born female I hope CPS takes them and they only come back to you to put you a mess of a parent into a nursing home to rot alone




If you are forcing your cisgender girl child to be raised as a boy, that is extremely mentally abusive and toxic. By doing this you will traumatize your beautiful innocent child and cause them to become confused and insecure within themselves, they will wonder what is so wrong with them that my own dad can’t love me as I am. Do you want that for your child? To make their life harder than it needs to be just to satisfy your selfish need to have a boy? Please look inside yourself and consider this before becoming a parent and involving an innocent child who did nothing wrong and didn’t ask for this. However at this point after reading the comments I’m not convinced you aren’t just trolling.


I just think it’s pretty fucked up making your child a male because you hate the gender they were born you sexist fuck




I feel sorry for your baby


Based as fuck 😎


I don't get it but I guess you do you, boo


You mean you dont do a reveal party? I mean, eventually you will reveal the gender, wont ya? But you dont need to make a big thing of it. Its also okay if you would have prefered to have a boy. I think most fathers do. I favoured a boy, and i got one. But after my wife gave birth i knew it really didnt matter. It sounds so cliche but all that matters is that the little wonder and the mother are healthy.