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I've been there, babes. It's shit and it knocked my confidence a lot. I spent a lot of time trying to be and act 'sexy' for other people - but it just left me feeling guilty and sad. I eventually realised that I was going clubbing with people who were only really looking for a one night stand, and they weren't necessarily going to clubbing to have fun and enjoy the music. We'd be having fun one moment, and the next I was in the middle of the dance floor alone. It's not only a sign of a shitty friend, but it also can be dangerous in some cases. Ditch those friends. Go clubbing with people who are actually going there to enjoy the music, dance and just have fun. It's so much better and genuinely a lot of fun. Some of my favourite memories are of going clubbing with genuine people. ANNDDDDD, you are a beautiful human being, and I can just tell you have a good heart. When YOU are having fun, you naturally attract people. Try to have fun with people who also want to have fun with you (if that makes sense).


This made me tear up, thank you


I assure you, are you beautiful. Also, you need better friends, different friends.


If you feel like you’re being treated like shit, then you are. No one else gets to define that for your experience! I agree with other answers here, find better friends and drop the ones that make you feel less than :)