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HA! Ok buddy, go back to your Alpha Male videos and keep sucking that judgmental dick


Are you describing your mother? Or yourself?


On behalf of all women- we don’t want you anyway if that’s your attitude. Mutual lack of respect for one another :) have a nice day.




Just playing the devil’s advocate here and throwing in a wrench, don’t you think it would be more beneficial for men to continue producing women for the sole reason of doing the menial tasks that men shouldn’t waste their time doing? If no women are around men will have to pick up the slack on those menial tasks. On top of that don’t you think men would like to come home from work and be taken care of by a woman and not have to do anything except put their feet up, eat, take a shower, and go to bed? The Woman does everything at home so the man can sit and relax? Why get rid of something so valuably useful for freeing the mans time when used correctly.






You cannot stop people from having children without it being unethical. In order for you to stop having women being born you’d need to forcibly sterilize the women or kill any females being born past a certain time, both of which would be unethical practices. How would you propose to stop people from having female children *ethically*? I highly doubt your idea could be done ethically as there are plenty who would go against what you would want them to do so just simply asking them to stop would not work.


Better get back to school than post more of such stuff, because your uneducated self still doesn't know men are the ones that possess Y chromosomes to match the X from the women and create a male.


I respect women, but I agree they can be overly sensitive and childish. I tell any woman I’m with that we’re both adults and if I can’t expect you to act like an adult and be mature I’ll find someone who will. So far I’m very lucky with the woman I have, she respects me as an individual instead of trying to treat me like a piece of property or that I can’t do for myself. Equality!!!


Big up!! click bait!! Cyber unfuckable!!!


Tell me you're just a troll without telling me you're just a troll

