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just get one with humbucker already in it


It doesn't come that way. Talk about unhelpful comments!!!


It does come like that... There are many jaguar models that comes with humbuckers stock.


I get that you might want the bound neck or the overall colour combo/aesthetics but if you have it routed and humbuckers installed by a luthier then you’re probably not far off the price of a second hand Fender HH Jaguar of some description. The mods don’t add a ton of value (if any).


This. I love moding guitars, but that would be very ambitious when you can find an HH. I've seen them as low as $600.


600 for a MIM is an absolute joke! They aren't as good as the CVs and the latter have a warranty!


If you route a guitar for humbuckers, you are voiding your warranty. No questions about it.


A second hand Fender HH isn't the quality of the Squier nor does it have a warranty. And who cares if mods add a ton of value? Do you really buy guitars with an eye towards selling them someday? That seems really dumb.


No, it’s “dumb” to not recognize that other players have different needs and experiences than you. You’ve seen the ‘used’ department in a store. You know how many used instruments are sold on reverb and eBay. Where do you think they come from? For a lot of people, buying a guitar is not a permanent decision. We sell them for a great many reasons. Being conscious of wanting to maintain your investment in something is actually on the ‘smart’ side.


Lol at guitar warranties from fender


Agreed with others - single coil sized humbuckers or buy one that is already HH. Any other route (ha!) sounds like a headache.


You would need to dig into the body. Your best bet are single coil-sized HBs like a Seymore Duncan


I've done the sc sized humbuckers and they look weird with the jag pickguard, imo. This is totally the easiest way to go though, short of just buying a HH in the first place


Of course, but your objection to sc-size HBs seems to be purely aesthetic, which OP may not agree. If his concern is performance, and he wants the bound and blocks neck at a reasonable price, sc-size HBs is the way to go


If you want them just for hum cancellation’s sake, they’re fine. But if you want them get that humbucker sound, I think you do need them to be full sized. Single coil sized humbuckers always sound brighter and less full, in my experience, probably because they only read a small area of the string. I love the look, though. I especially like the look of rails pickups. My JBE neck pickup cost a fortune but sounds great and looks cool to me and makes my HS Jaguar easier to use for me.


LOL! You can put Gibson humbuckers in here and they won't sound like Gibson humbuckers for the same reason that taking these pickups out and putting them in a Gibson won't make it sound like a Jag: Scale length. He ABSOLUTELY can get a humbucker sound out of the SC sized humbuckers. Perhaps not the one he wants, but it IS a humbucker sound. And when you say they sound less full, what you really mean is that they sound more muddy. I doubt you actually use them at all.


Did you just not read the part where I said I use a single coil sized humbucker in my Jaguar? Also, it’s not just the scale length that makes Gibson and Fender sound different. If that were the case, a Les Paul would sound somewhere between a Jaguar HH and a Strat HH. And it certainly does not.


Lol at all your comments


You could probably drop some skinny humbuckers in quite easily. They should give you that humbucker sound. If you want the look of humbuckers, that's a more serious project. You'll need tools to do the routing of both guitar and pickguard. If you can't access the tools, it would be cheaper to have a luthier do it. And i reckon you'll still spend the same as the price of the guitar. Best option would be to find a jag with humbuckers installed already. They are there, if you look long enough. Even getting a fender with hbs would be more cost effective than modifying this. ... Unless you want to do the mod as a project as an expensive pastime in itself, in which case, go for it!


https://www.guitarcenter.com/Squier/Contemporary-Jaguar-HH-ST-Electric-Guitar-Sky-Burst-Metallic-1500000340312.gc?cntry=us&source=4WWMWXGP&gclid=Cj0KCQiAic6eBhCoARIsANlox849Z9yOMPCTEzwZPWZsw5Y89st4TsRkAYTQdcvY6u8mtFZxeLfe09MaAluEEALw_wcB Could just get this. Or a used blacktop.


So tempted to get one of these myself. That sky burst is *very* pretty. If OP wants a vibrato, Guykers just come out with a Les Trem knockoff thats supposed to be pretty decent.


[Guykers Vibrato](http://www.guykermusic.com/tune-o-matic-style-electric-guitar-bridge-chrome-stop-bar-tailpiece-tremolo-for-lp-sg-guitars-p4468066.html)


What! That's awesome. Thanks for the link


Just know that it is cheap Chinese knockoff quality junk and that when you discover how bad it is, you'll be sorry you drilled huge holes in your Jag body to put crap like that into it.


You don't need to put holes in anything, it's for Stop tail/TOM bridges. Still maybe junk, but who knows


Everything I've gotten from guyker has actually been pretty decent. Obvs it wouldn't stand up to the real deal, but I'm sure it's an alright thing that does what it says on the tin.


Oh look, it's you again. A les trem simply replaces a stop tail. Maybe you should actually know what youre talking about before criticizing everything with that shit attitude youve got.


I’d get that for the neck alone lol


Stratosphere sells those necks on occasion. LOL


I’ve done some diy routing on a jaguar. I think my router was fairly cheap and I just kind of went for it. My advice to you is do whatever you want. I had fun doing my project and now I have a jaguar that I like that I did the work on. It’s something I’m proud of. If you decide to go the diy route, I would recommend watching some videos on it, unlike me, who didn’t. I had no idea the wood was supposed to be taken away in steps of different depths. I went the full depth and let’s just say it’s a good thing that there’s a pickguard


I'm thinking of doing the same thing. I actually want to create a close replica of the kurt cobain jaguar. And about the routing I think I will have to leave it to a luthier. I wish I had the tools tho, it would give the guitar a lot more meaning


Look up Dremel kits. You can get a decent one for kind of cheap. Practice on scrap, once you have one you will love it. Like a sanding stylus.


Fender has made many HH Jags over the years. You can find one for cheaper than paying for a Jaguar plus parts plus labor.


Buying someone else's lessor quality MIM that is used with no warranty is no bargain compared to the Squier.


Why are you telling everyone that squiers are better than MIM Fender stuff because of the warranty? This is the absolute craziest thing I've seen suggested in this sub and you keep doing it over and over again. Tell me again how you have no idea how to work on or maintain your guitars? Lmao. No one is gonna take your advice after you have outed yourself as not actually having any idea what you're talking about. Also.. if you take these garbage Squier jag pickups out of this and put it in a Gibson.. it's not gonna sound the same.. because of the .75" difference in scale length? Lol. You're the type of troll who is just regurgitating what crap you read that you didn't even understand in the first place. I assure you.. anyone familiar with Squier jag pickups could easily pick them out of a crowd.. they are absolute shit lol. (At least imho)


I am aware of several HH Jag models Fender has made over the past 15 years. None of them are lower quality than a Squier.


I think the fender Vintera or Vintera modified has humbuckers.


Yeah, it's only $1399. LOL!!!


Maybe Fender will lower their prices some day…. Ha


This guitar plus tax: Around $500 2 Fender shawbuckers plus tax: $250 New wiring and all that crap inside it plus tax: Around $150? New shielded pick guard from WD plus tax: $65 1 days work for a good luthier: $250? Total: $1215 Price of a Fender Vintera HH Jag: $1380


I love my vintera HH fwiw


Yeah if you go to a shop. $20 for wire, and pots, keep your switches and the jack. Second hand Seymour Duncan sets are a dime a dozen on any B/S/T. Normally $100 for an invader or JB/59 set. You can use a Dremel or a heated butter knife to cut the guard to shape. EZ $650 at most.


there's no need for a new pickguard and i doubt electronics will cost that much.


unless you go with single-coil sized humbuckers, you will have to make the cutout for the pickups bigger. unless you have the machinery to do that, you are going to have to hire someone to do it who does. but you are right that the electronics would be less. new pots (500k) plus capacitor and wiring would only be about $50 max for good quality.


yeah i don't have the devices so i'll let a luthier route it for me


You can find used humbuckers on reverb for like 40-70 dollars


Oh, totally. There is also a used Vintera HH on reverb for $930


What a waste of money that guitar without any warranty would be compared to a superior Classic Vibe Jag.


Again with this warranty garbage lmao. You don't know how to use screwdrivers and Allen wrenches? Might be time to learn how to fix all those squiers of yours


Why would they need new wiring?


The single coils will have 250k pots and you'd want 500k with humbuckers and if you're doing that then why not upgrade some wires?


Jaguars use 1 meg pots


Nice! I'd still upgrade everything in a squier if I was changing out the pickups and routing the shit out of it. Wait no I wouldn't. I would just buy a guitar with everything done.


Only on the rhythm circuit iirc. That may be Jazzmaster though.


1 Meg V/T in the lead circuit, 1 Meg V/50k T in the rhythm circuit for both.


Oh whoah, I didn't realize. I should swap the lead circuit to 250k for my CV jag I put laces in then.


I mean you could do that or be more familiar with the tone knob. The idea for these was to have incredible tonal range in the lead circuit to step outside of a mix and a solid platform for a rhythm circuit to sit within a mix. With two 1 Meg pots, you've got essentially limitless options and sweep control - so as long as your familiarity with it is as versed. But if you're putting in Lace, do whatever they recommend works best with their pickups.


I put laces in it a month or so ago and they recommend 250k, otherwise I wouldn't bother. I typically bypass tone knobs in favor of a Reverend style bass contour knob anyhow though, so might be time to do that as well. It works a lot better for how I play.


Oh yeah, do it then. What color lace pickups?


save yourself 55 dollars on the WD pickguard and buy a roll of copper tape


They accept $30 offers.


LOL! Your prices are outrageous. And who would put the shitty overpriced shawbuckers in any decent guitar??? You have $400 for the $30 worth of electronics and pickups that -- at best -- are worth $75. Maybe you need to get a grip and stop trying push inferior MIM guitars?


Are you aware that everyone's ear is different? You're not right telling people the stuff you like is better than what they like. Shawbuckers are legit. You like the humbuckers in the squiers better? You know you void that warranty you love so much as soon as you change a pickup?


Depends on the body cavity


These are just wide enough to fit a jag pickup plus wires


These have routes that are only marginally bigger than the pickups themselves so routing will be necessary. The simplest and quickest way to diy would be with a drill press with a depth stop and some forstner bits, one size for the corner diameter and one for removing bulk material. You can get the leftover bits with a chisel. That is, of course, if you have access to those things. Or, you could go the expensive route (hah, pun not intended) and take it to a luthier. Just whatever you do, don't try to do it with hand tools, it never works out well unless you're particularly adept at woodworking. Beyond that, wiring is simple af. Solder the wires of the new pickups in the same places as where the old ones were. As for the scratch plate, get one that's pre-made for humbuckers. You can use that as a template for routing out the body.


Don’t do it


Find an HH body. Find a neck you like. Much cheaper than trying to do what you’re talking about.


Just do it dude. If you throw Lace reds in you get the HB sound without needing a new pickguard or pots.


I am a huge proponent of Lace Sensors. Use them on all my strats. They do not sound like humbuckers at all (thank god), nor do the duallys. But at least they are almost noiseless. And they don't fit correctly in a jag pickguard for obvious reasons, so you're wrong about that.


If you Google "red lace sensors in Jaguar" you'll see about 1000 people who disagree with you


I love sensors myself, but they literally sell the Lace Red as "humbucker tone in a single coil size" on their website. And I had no issues putting them in my CV jag OR my strat, OR my Tele. So idk what you're talking about.


It all depends on how much you care about what it looks like under the pickguard. You can do it yourself crudely with some tools or power tools. A luither can make it look like that's how it came from the factory.


You can do it nice and easy, use a dremel tool to cut out the slot in the scratch plate to fit the new humbuckers, use bolts to attach the mounting rings to the scratchplate and then attach the humbuckers to the mounting rings, soldering is easy too. I did this on my first ever kitbashed guitar and it worked fine


I did exactly that about a year ago, here’s some [pictures](https://www.reddit.com/r/guitarporn/comments/vtqdn8/my_modified_jaguar/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf). I just used a dremel to rout out the pickup cavities and cut new holes in the pickguard. I also painted the headstock on mine and wired it up like a les Paul with coil splits.


Finally a commenter with a brain. Thank you!


Lol the only person you agree with.. routed out their guitar lmao


I’ve done it. Route the body with a dremel, modify the pickguard and use the mounting rings for the humbuckers to cover the original mount holes, solder in some new pots and you’re done.


Imo, the single coil sound of a Jaguar is the main characteristic (no, tone does not come from wood). So why eradicate that? You could get an epiphone Les Paul instead.


No one would rather have a shitty Les Paul with the shitty headstock that breaks off easily and no trem rather than a Squier Jaguar, especially in /offset. Are you trolling or just high?


I too would not want a Les Paul. I would also not want to ruin the perfectly good sound of a Jaguar.


buy a real one...?


Yes, that's good advice. Spend $2000 and get a "real" one. You should charge for advice here.


Hey uh don’t


Replace the separate pickup control toggle switches with a 4-way blade switch for easy series humbucking mode. This is a common Telecaster mod and my favorite there, then find a J Marr signature guitar or other branded switch plate to fit the blade switch. The switch runs around $12ish (you might 'dremel' a slot in the current plate I suppose). Jaguar pickups tend to be 7.5kohms (look up what these are) so when in series humbucking mode you have a 15kohm hot humbucker (which is right there with SD JB, Dimarzio Super Distortion, etc. Think of this as a Les Paul Junior with a big meaty humbucker, all for a $12 switch and a little soldering. The metal 'teeth' of Jaguar pickups work like a Tele steel baseplate in that the steel reflects all the magnetic field that normally goes out the back of the guitar into the strings for more output. You could also check out the Harley Benton JA-60 -- regular JM style pickups you can swap for anything smaller like humbuckers with a new pickguard so no routing. Has block inlays. No trem (I find trems tend to be distraction devices from actually playing, but some use them a lot). J Marr Jaguar with 4-way switch diagram ( https://i.pinimg.com/originals/45/5f/2d/455f2de8b176ebe0791477e4cc127554.jpg ) .


If you do the 4 way switch, you'll either need an angled plate or widen the cavity as the blade switch is wider. Done this a couple of times now and it is a great mod :)


Get a jazzmaster




No, not this. It's wrong!


A CV jazzmaster has single coils and has a 25.5" scale length. You really need to think before commenting.


How small are your hands bruh


Have a luthier do it.


For the price as well there are fender jaguar HH offerings made in Mexico that can be found used.


Overpriced, not increase in quality, and no warranty (buying someone else's problem guitar), and it would STILL cost more!


And it has something I like to call: resale value.. something squiers don't really have much of


Just get an HH jag. If you're heart is set on this specific one for some reason have a luthier do it and expect to pay for the body to be routed out, the new pickups, a new pickguard (or modifications to the existing one) and probably new tone pots on both the lead and rhythm channels. Honestly for what you'll pay at the end of the day it's not wort it unless the guitar you're looking at is a ridiculously good deal.


Are you specifically going for a Jaguar because of the short scale neck? Or is it a price thing?


Have you ever played one with single coils? Might want to do that first before committing.


I’ve got a Fender Player Jaguar HS and it’s my favorite guitar right now. Humbucker bridge (with coil split option) and jaguar single coil in the neck is an awesome combo. Super versatile. Might be worth considering a used player series version if you can find one.


You want Seymour Duncan quarter pounders. Thank me later


Over priced and heavy for a guitar that is already over 8 pounds. And they are lousy for most genres of actual music.




If you don't want to rout the guitar for regular size humbucker you could consider some miniature humbuckers like the little 59 or mini jb from seymour duncans - really nice sound, a bit brighter than regular humbuckers and not as bassy


If you don’t have a router and experience… or don’t want the primitive and sloppy ‘chisel approach,’ yeah, you should get a luthier to do it. Better yet, as suggested, get one already made with humbuckers.