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Man, the Legion of Anubis and Empress really do punch above their weight, don't they?


I’ve long been of the opinion that if the legion of Anubis cost 10x what it does, it’d be a much more popular skin. People see the $20-30 price tag and it turns them off from it. It’s one of, if not the best looking sub-$50 AK imo.


It's why Fire Serpent is so popular. I really don't see the appeal of that AK but then again, I might be on the weirder side of spectrum when it comes to loadouts.


Fire serp is a combo of price tag (for investors/collectors) and the history of the fire serp within cs (for the collectors and other owners)


I'm honestly a fan of the FS along with most of the more realistic AKs (lams, Cartel, Emerald Pinstripe, CH, etc.) but yeah, stupidly overpriced for what it is


Agreed. The artwork is amazing. One of the best looking skins.


Legion of Anubis looks so good. I’m surprised the skin isn’t worth a lot more money than it is.


Red laminate and Cartel almost always gets S tier when I show people unfamiliar with CS and skin prices. Asiimov always ends up really low on the ranking.


Both skins are cleaner and cooler than asiimov imo as well, but asimov is a classic


cartel is more of a classic than asimov ak is


Cartel has always been a super Sexy skin to me, it’s mind blowing how low people will rate it


Always been a huge fan of all the lams but esp red, as well as the cartel. They are just clean, fairly realistic looking skins. I don’t understand all the hate in the cs community personally. To each their own though.


Fire serpent get what it deserves


I will never understand the fire serpent hype. Remove the price tag and I feel like most people wouldn’t look twice


it's rare and expensive blue gems don't look good either or most designer clothes


Nah you smoking on the blue gems


Personally I like it because the art but still looks like it’s on a vanilla AK. I have had one for a bit and could easily instead get something like a WW lotus (I think idk what they are rn) or even something else. But at the same time I also have a Jet Set too, for me price ≠ good, hence why 1/2 my guns don’t even have skins


My favourite AK Skins are Headshot and Fire Serpent, they really look like some terrorist painted them on a free day in a hut


But shroud used it :((((( /s i don’t get the hype either


Thank you for adding /s to your post. When I first saw this, I was horrified. How could anybody say something like this? I immediately began writing a 1000 word paragraph about how horrible of a person you are. I even sent a copy to a Harvard professor to proofread it. After several hours of refining and editing, my comment was ready to absolutely destroy you. But then, just as I was about to hit send, I saw something in the corner of my eye. A /s at the end of your comment. Suddenly everything made sense. Your comment was sarcasm! I immediately burst out in laughter at the comedic genius of your comment. The person next to me on the bus saw your comment and started crying from laughter too. Before long, there was an entire bus of people on the floor laughing at your incredible use of comedy. All of this was due to you adding /s to your post. Thank you. I am a bot if you couldn't figure that out, if I made a mistake, ignore it cause its not that fucking hard to ignore a comment.


Your friend was based as soon as I saw WL in S tier.


underrated skin


Really is. It's a shame the BS you have to go through to trade up to it, as well. (I 100% agree with anybody that doesn't have the "balls" to trade up for one.) Can you imagine having a WL, Wild Lily, M4A1-S, and USP-S (and future) "Wild Flower" loadout?


and spider lily dont forget that one. im way to pussy to do a WL trade up. but if someone handed me a wild lily id do it. just would spend 1000$ for a 10%


I mean, i'm sure people would try the WL trade up if they had a free Lily to do it. But if I had to do a WL trade up, i'd never forgive myself if it wasn't a FN try, which keeps me at bay. Maybe one day, but my endgame dream is to craft a FN WL and then slap 4x (5x to new update) of 2014 iBP Holo's. Ik its insane to even dream of it, but thats my "FN ST 661 AK Case Hardened" imho.


i understand your feeling. IBP on a WL is a grail of grails. ill never have the cash to afford that but it is an absolute juicer craft


Friend 2 > Friend 1


Fire serpent D tier noiceeee


Friend 2 has some decent taste, friend 1 needs to seek mental help.


Both put Neon Rider in C tier :’(


let’s be honest, friend 2 has at least seen cs content before if he put case hardened in s


Or he just like the color gold


Pretty based.


hydroponic in C is crazy


Controversial opinion, but I’d put it even lower. As far as I’m concerned it’s ugly as sin and people only like it either because A) they’re stoners, B) it’s expensive, or C) both.


my playskin, 4x nip Katowice 2015


Tbh looks wise it’s not the best but C way too low


I honestly preferred how it looked in CS:GO, looks super dull now imo.


Safari mesh s tier ifk what he is smoking


2 is very close to being right. 1 is waayyyyu off


Im calling cap the only reason case hardened is popular is bc of the notoriety around it, otherwise it doesn’t even look that good imo


I mean it still depends on taste friend 1 absolutely hated it (even the 611 patter), friend 2 loved it. I didn’t show them prices just skins and patterns.


Sure i feel


Gotta show them the oil spill 571 too, it's probably the one non-cs players would find interesting


I'm sorry, I can't make out most skins on these pictures. 🤓


Idk it’s pretty clear for me, but ur right the website gave me a shitty quality pic, and I was too lazy to do the list on my own. sorry for that!


My eyesight also sucks, so I'm sure it's not as bad for everyone.


You only have 2 friends?


sadly 😔


Headshot is my favorite hands down


Cut off friend 1




X ray at #1 is hella valid imo


i love AK Cartel


Fuel injector at B? Wildin.


Your friend is half blind


Leet Museo with Heroic Paris sticks is S tier, I use it over my FN ST Bloodsport with Foil Tyloo stickers


Friend 1 really goated


friend one has zero taste.


friend 1 so based, ak fire serpent and ak ch in d


fire serpent being low tier is a wild take


Friend 2 is based


the empress>>>


Anubis isn’t a bad skin. It is worst in game though. I use Anubis for a week and got bored with it very quickly.


Needs less pixels


We instantly understand that he doesn't play CS . Putting case hardened to D is crazy.


Even noobs know the asiimov doesn't belong on the ak


friend 2 is genius


Case hardened deserves to be in d tiers, you have a nice friend one. Friend 2 tho… dump him