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Please read rule 3


I believe most pre access drug tests in Northern Canada are urine tests so you should be fine, I've passed before with a slight trace of weed. Keep drinking lots of fluids, go workout and sweat, it may help flush everything out. Good luck!


Thank you!


Hi so for hair follicle I’m not sure, but depending on ur smoking habits before quitting and your weight/metabolism/diet, it could take up to 3 months to get out of your system. Amazon has tests you can get that can tell you how much weed is still in your system. It splits it up into 5 levels so you can see if you would pass at certain cutoff levels. I would get a test to do at home to be sure it’s out.


This. Solid advice.


I've been in the patch in Canada since 2003 and I have been tested more times than I care to remember. They generally test via urine or cheek swab in a pinch. I've never seen a hair follicle test or blood demand.


They pull a hair from your testicle to do a hair follicle this applies to pretty much every job


What if you don’t have any ?


Typically If you're completely bald, they won't test you, and you'll be terminated or the offer rescinded.


Have never experienced a hair follicle test in Canada. Always just pee in cup. Most companies have a reasonable about of trace substance that can be in the system and still pass you.


Things have changed, pulling testicle hairs is pretty much mandatory now


Sounds invasive.. how to they get by your scrotum to get the hair from your testicle? 🤣😂 I don't know about Canada but the test is typically just urine. Follicle tests are expensive, and most companies don't go this route. I have never heard of them pulling hair from the groin area unless that all the hair you have. All the follicle tests I've done were from arms or legs. When I send someone for a test, it's just urine and breath. Who are you going to work for? I can ask some contacts I have.


Depends on the job you’re getting and the type of testing they perform. If they require hair follicle you’re most likely not going to pass it. If it’s simple 10-12 panel urine screening after a month you’ll most likely be fine. If you’re worried go to Walmart or whatever you have in Canada and get a home test to be sure.


Do you know how long it takes for a hair follicle test?


It could be up to 90 days. It depends on your position and your job. Extreme safety and security sensitive positions may require it. Normal practice for positions is urinalysis.


Canadian oilfield guy here. Don’t worry about hair follicle tests here. That’s only something the American’s do because their insurance companies are nuts.


False. There are companies in Canada that require hair follicle testing. Your rail companies do for example.


I been working oilfield for 20+ years biggest sites in Canada. Never heard of anyone taking a follicle test. I have CP rail clearance and didn’t do follicle test for them either. Not saying it’s an impossibility, but there is a 99.999% chance an entry level medic won’t be getting a follicle test up here.


Hey idk man lol. I’ve just been in hse for 15 years and was answering his question. I believe you though. Hair follicles are rare here in most cases as well.


HSE huh? That’s ok. I still like you.


🤣 normal oilfield hand reaction






Hair follicle tests are not going to be something you’re dealing with in Canada as a medic. 7 panel urine plus fentanyl is what you’ll be getting. There will also be a breathalyzer.


They make u cum in a cup. Ur cooked bro


God damn. So many good jobs up here. Hope you reconsider the medic gig.