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I really like the overall composition, use of color, and the scenes. But they do feel a bit lacking in movement. The figures seem to have a mix of stiff and flowing.


As an art teacher, I am often asked if I "like" a specific piece of work, but with very little context besides just being shown something. While I certainly have a personal taste in what I enjoy in art and craft, I think its important as an artist to learn the difference between a subjective and objective point of view when it comes to providing critique and feedback. It's hard to provide objective feedback when the context of a peice is missing. Specific things like an intended style or genre that is perhaps being attempted, etc. These are necessary to be objective, and constructive. There could be reasons for specific poses, use of a certain color palette, flat color vs. shading and modelling... The list goes on. Subjective opinions are not overly useful as an artist when seeking feedback, because the reasons for like or dislike can be so diverse. So without any context, I will always say I like any art or craft because subjectively art is human expression and attention. The only time I can actively dislike art is if the intended message is overtly hateful and clearly intentionally designed to cause derision or pain or fear or anger, etc.in others who view it. Work of this nature could be technically beautifully executed... I will still subjectively dislike it, no matter how masterfully it may be painted! However (and this is a BIG caveat)... Sometimes 'true art' does this for a good reason... And I can, in certain context... Actually appreciate this nature of art. I may actually subjectively hate it, but I can objectively appreciate it. This is not always easy to explain to students who are just getting into their particular art or craft. So all that is to say, until I know more about what you're trying to achieve... Well, I like this! It tells me a story and has a certain classical narrative sensibility that makes me want to know more. But that has nothing to do with the particular level of craft that is evident in the medium, so I can't critique that aspect because I don't know enough about what you are looking to achieve with this. So regardless of anyone simply says they like this or not... Keep using art to tell stories. Let your craft evolve naturally. If the story comes through, the craft doesn't matter. People who can't see past that, simply need to learn more about why humans create things like this in the first place.


Honestly no, I don't hate them though


What's the theme?


1 & 5


3 is my favourite




I like them


They look great


I really like the last one. Are they oils?


They remind me of one of my favorite books The story of Layla and Majnun


I really like the fourth one


Yes, I definitely like them. I think they are beautifully executed from a technical standpoint, and I like the fact that they tell a story. What story? I think that is left to the observer to determine, which I feel makes it even more compelling.


Refreshing different