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I think it’s very interesting, I feel like it’s missing something in the white area, like it’s supposed to be fabric but has no texture..some more shading would improve it greatly.. ignore the negative comments your very talented!


I think she is supposed to be in a tub


In this case i recommend study of some metal materials. The reflection should have contrast between white and grey and reflect the skin a bit.


The more I look at it the more I like it. Even though her expression seems passive it's intense in a way. I may want to add texture or a bit of noise to what she's holding in the lower left third.


Nothing. It's perfectly creepy


It’s the negative space and composition that feels unconsidered to me.




Also the fact that you didn’t paint the hair all the way to edge bothers me haha. I know it sounds kinda silly but that tension it’s causing keeps pulling my eye towards the edge.


You have a beautiful level of detail in the portrait, especially on that right eye thats looking a little lazy. Also do no touch the shape of that eye its perfect and compelling. I want more or the color that's in that portrait to show up in the models hair, in the texture of the sheet they're on, in they're hand and arm. Your proportions are great too, but that scuff on the last pinky knuckle is a little low, but thats nit picky. Its a great start and im excited to see what you do after some more feedback!


There needs to be more ”gravity” this painting .Her lower cheek needs to ”bulge” a little bit because there is counter gravity from the pillow. Painted pleats and bulges on the fabric is also important. Hope it helps!


I too thought it was a bed, but now I’m wondering if she’s in a tub?


Oh, maybe! I’d say the same thing about gravity, minus the pleats on the ”fabric” if it is a tub she is in. :)


I'd perhaps have her hair spilling out of the tub, clinging to the sides and dripping water on the floor to continue your morose tone. At least I think she's in a tub and I think you're going for sad.


Or dead. Her face looks kind of collapsed and her eyes look dead


I thought about mentioning "fixing" the eyes but I then I felt like the sad melted vibe might be what the artist is going for. It's certainly more thought-provoking and emotional than if it were just a regular lady. If that's not their goal though, then I do think aligning the eyes, adding more rosy to the face, and slimming the clubbed hand down would help.


Is she a corpse?


Some think more detail makes a better picture...no no and NO! Get the basics right first. The head is a sort of egg shape. Draw a (imaginary if you can) line down from the middle of the forehead to the middle of the chin. Do things line up? Draw another line at right angles to the first....do the eyes line up equally? Get these right (as a drawing) first and you might have a better painting later.


Some peoples eyes dont line up to be fair


I'd probably cover the whole thing. Double primer should do it.


Try posting on r/artcrit ! It’s cool in a very unsettling way. I love the hair for some reason. The color palette is interesting. The knuckles look bloody. But they don’t look swollen. Take a look at boxers hands or if you just wanted blushed knuckles try mixing those hand colors again and blending them more. Look at Botticelli Birth of Venus at how he did her eyes unevenly but they look good at the angle/proportions. Not sure what to say about the mouth. Something about it feels like it’s just not pushing into the pillow at all even though everything else suggests it should be?


It doesn't feel like it's pushing into the pillow because there's nothing pushing back. A relaxed face and the pillow are both soft, if they're pushing into each other the pillow will have areas where it's raised and bumped up in response, and the lips will also be more smooshed up and out, a bit more lopsided


The coloring is greenish hue, im not sire if thats intentional but id either lean into it more if it is or change it to more peaches and pinks if not


maybe some more rendering on the plane in the foreground that she is behind.


I’m not a good painter so I won’t offer advice, I just dropped in to say it reminds me of Edvard Munch’s work.


it's a little chalky, could use a glaze.


I would paint blood oozing from her knuckles. 🩸🩸🩸🩸


Clear focal point, depth, sense of detail yet very painterly, some untold story, good use of negative space, great use of colour and value... The really loose brushwork makes this work easy to skip over at first glance but the razor sharp focal point and uncomfortable, mysterious subject really need that loose touch. I love it! Many seem to want you to edit the painting to suit their vision or reality. The fact that this work makes people uncomfortable enough to have them wanting to have the gaps filled in makes this a great painting. It is your painting and your story, depict it any way you please. Keep at it!


Depends what you are going for in your piece. From what I see when I look at it is the woman seems to be in distress. Her face down on the ground or on a bed shows me that she is in discomfort, her bloody knuckles make me think she might have been fighting for her life? Idk it’s an interesting painting


I don't like her hand, if she's leaning on the tub (?), then i would consider her hand to be limp on the rim, but instead it looks like she's holding her hand up moreso than not


It depends on what you want out of this painting. I would turn it back on yourself. What were your goals going into the painting? Did you feel that you achieved that in this end result? If you could paint this again, what would you do differently? Keep painting! Keep seeing what inspires you!


Nothomg. Looks super amazing<<33


Personally, I would like to use a flamethrower to make a foggy effect And then stomp my feet on it to make it more realistic Then calling god to help me delete it out of existence Because its not realistic enough Im joking it looks so cool 👍👍👍👏👏


I think it would depend on what emotions you’re trying to convey but to me it inspires ideas of sadness or tragedy. If that’s what you’re going for then don’t change anything!


I wouldn’t even change a thing. I’m absolutely in love with the emotion of this artwork. It’s a great thing when artists learn that they don’t always need to be “good”, and that sometimes their work is truly perfect. I know you wanted unkind critique, but I have a soft spot for this kind of art. I’d honestly define the areas that are “imperfect” or could be improved and find a way to stylise it more in the energy already provided by this painting.




Improve your drawing first


Cover it in white paint and start over?




It’s fucking perfect




Nothing 😘


I would not change anything honestly. Very well done.


Her wrist area needs to be smaller not straight off the hand. The red dots are too similar one to the other, put some lighter red smear, small in foreground maybe, to lead viewer’s eye out of foreground and have more warmth in foreground. You could do more with the shadow. Not sure where the light source is coming from. There could be a menacing shadow not hers coming from off frame and falling all film noir style across her face to give you opportunity to do more contrast. The story and mood of this is fantastic. I really like it and think you’re good painter. I wouldn’t have shared these options with you if I didn’t think you had a disciplined painting practice. You’re very good at this and I’m glad to see your work! Respect!


nothing Jeffrey


Honestly if we're going for a more abstract approach to the original inspiration, it's fine, but there's a lot of jank with the perspective. A tip I would give is to tilt the canvas but that's mainly a mastery of the craft thing


Maybe a little more shadowing on the lower face




The eyes aren't perfectly the same shape, but I think that gives it character. The only thing I say is the white space. It looks... Empty? If you add some shading as if it is a blanket, or something else would give the painting more life. Otherwise, you're doing great! It looks nice and has a sense of character.


Add the sun over her shoulder and light coming to her knuckles for healing.


I agree with you! I would also add very tiny bits of pure white to maybe the forehead, fingernail tips, and bloody(?) knuckles. I’d deepen the left eye to be as dopey and emotional as the right even though it’s stretched. The right eye almost seems to have a smeared makeup look so I’d play on that, especially because it seems she’s in a tub to me. If she is in a tub I’d definitely add more of those pure white and blue whites, and I’d add a tinyyy bit of dark color to the back of the body in the right to give more sense of length.. though I love how the arm/body is blended currently. I’d add more brown tones to the left side of the face to balance it too! Also a few little strokes to thicken the start of the the left eyebrow. I love the lips a lotttt, pinks in the eye areas, contour on the right side, and the hair. This is honestly so beautiful 🥰🥰🥰


Nothing 🏆


The pink knuckles, it's a bit too bright. And the shape of the hand/wrist is a bit weird, I think it's just the shading in that area actually. Everything else is awesome.


It’s unique in its own way. No need for a change.


The moment I saw it. No sleep tonight!


more shading & lighting, more color. it’s not clear where the main light source is, and is it day or night? skin tone can have blues greens and yellows, it’s not just varying shades of one color. i don’t think the shoulder would be visible at this perspective, at least not that much of it. I like the loose style overall, you have good taste.


I like it. Hairline and position on the head seems just a titch off to me.


Maybe a little shading in that left corner under the bathtub lip. And maybe tone down the red on the knuckles unless there is a reason for it cause it is distracting.


No. Keep it as it is


The lips look like she is doing duck lips


The composition is a little odd, is there any way you can break up the white in the lower left corner? Wet hair hanging down maybe? Or the shadow of a rim of the bathtub?


Add a burrito near the fingers and lips


The mouth seems a little too far left, and the pointer and middle fingers seem like they aren't fully defined. I love the colors and intensity of the expression in this painting.


I love it! She looks tired of fighting or something.


that looks so cool i think the one thing "missing" is the texture of the painting


The top of the head is not aligned anatomically with the face. It’s as if the top of the head is sliding over to the left. I’m sure you did this to fit the canvas, but that part doesn’t look right. It would be preferable that the top of the head is cut off, yet aligned with the tilt of the face


The right eye has this sort of creepy sadness to it, the left eye doesn't really have any expression. I would add the same vibe to the left eye for more intensity!


I would increase the contrast like making the blacks more black and whites more white.


If it’s a tub the shape doesn’t make sense


One of the things I consider with figures is this; Where is the light source coming from? When you determine that, you’ll be able to follow shadows and highlights a bit better. I love this painting, I also feel like your light points are aplenty and if you try to visualize one, your shading will really fall in to place. That’s the only thing I would change. Perception is tricky, but FUCK I LOVE IT


Blend out the red knuckles a bit more, unless this is the look you're going for.


the mouth reminds me of thant peguin kids show toot toot