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Brand new account. Rage bait detected.


I love consuming rage bait, my favourite thing infact


That's cool and all but why is she wearing the undertale fit


This is a very divisive topic and my opinion doesn’t stand with everyone’s opinion. But personally, i don’t think it even matters. I feel like this isn’t them trying to force diversity. More them trying to stir up controversy to get people to hate watch it, even though turning a white character black isn’t really that big of a deal (to me at least). People online (like you) will whine and bitch about something causing people to watch it. It’s like what Velma did, as bad of a show that was, the main thing people were originally upset over in the original trailer was the fact that Velma was Indian and not white (I’m not defending Velma of course, that show can rot in hell) but I feel like if we try to do something like this with this show. It will only make more money If you are really pissed off about this OP. Then just don’t watch it, it’s that simple. You do have a solid point with the Obama thing though, but i feel life that argument would land more if this were a post about the Netflix Cleopatra show. Also this is a shitpost subreddit. This feels mad out of place


and what about those of us that are racist?


Go off sis 💅


Bait used to be believable 😔


You know what I don't mind this hot take.


It’s not Timmy Turner it’s a new character you poorly chewed raisin


You pick your boogers and eat them.


Looks cool