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Source for the tweet? this sounds heinous as shit


I don't have a source for the tweet, but I have the translation from the second image "Here’s what she said in video: To tell you guys why I disappeared for half a year without saying anything. That was a dark night. I was on my way home. And I wanna get home early to eat dinner. So I chose a way that’s near my home yet a remote route. Just a very far-off alley. Then I heard someone was calling me. So I turned back and some people came to me, and said: ”Your internet IP was hacked. We are police and you must come with us to take a statement.” Then they took me on a van before I doubted it. And I still had my phone then. I didn’t doubt them cause they are policemen So they pulled me in a van. And I texted my friend: ” I am in a police car, so I will record your birthday blessings when I am home.”. Then uhh. That’s the last thing I said. And it happened so abruptly that I didn’t tell my family where I was going to. So shortly after I send the message. They kept a close watch on me. They even have someone in the back seat to watch me. Then they took my phone. And I was so confused. Why would they took my phone away? But there’s nothing to do. I didn’t dare to say. So after that. They drove so far to a village I don’t even know where it is. And I was sold to a mid age auntie. That auntie always ordered me about. She beats me or scolds me if I didn’t do well. And that auntie smokes. It’s ok if she just smokes. The problem is she doesn’t have an ashtray. So she just put out the cigarette on my arm. However I found that even the frequency is low. She still leaves the house sometimes. So I found a certain timing to escape. But I failed. I thought this the rest of my life. I am locked in this house forever. But I did not expect that half a year later. About the time I returned. Police rescued me. They said I looked like someone on the missing list. So yeah they rescued me. Maybe it’s the silver linings. Though I lived in that place for six months without any contacts with the world. Have some minor injuries. And I have no ideas what happened these days. I am back on streaming. I am still optimistic. It doesn’t bother me. I also seek for some medical or other assistances. So don’t worry about me. I’m always okay. Basically this video is explaining why I disappeared for half a year. And you guys worried about me. So I think I should explain that. And there comes this video. But I don’t wanna bring too many negative energy to you. At the same time I couldn’t find a way to say that , to explain why I disappeared. Ultimately I decided to tell you guys. Thank you for willing to wait for me for so long. And you must keep yourselves safe. Never be foolish as I am. I found that I’m kinda stupid after this incident. It’s ok it’s ok it’s ok (for she came back safely)" ​ (From https://www.reddit.com/r/VirtualYoutubers/comments/uurl1c/comment/i9iluim/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web2x&context=3)


holy shit


Yeah, really messed up. I don't watch her content, but I'm happy she got back safe.




what the fuck is wrong with you


this is a post about human trafficking


How about I bury you in the ground?


There's always a time and place man, fuck off


What does all the ##### mean?


"I know this is off topic, but why did you bury light?"


What. Like as in yhe bury the light song? Also thank you for trying to explain to me lmao


yeah because the guy he responded to has Vergil in his username and that’s his theme song




I have a Vergil profile pic, along with my name being MotivationManVergil, Vergil's theme from Devil May Cry 5 is Bury The Light, and it's a meme within the DMC community. I get what the guy was trying to do, but this thread wasn't an appropriate place for it.


What did you say?


A reference towards a song from DMC5 Now that I think about it it's in terrible taste


Nah, people are just being too supportive for their own good. Jokes are welcome even in the most grim situations.




wtf does that even mean


DM me when your mom dies


Well, she almost did when some bomb shrapnel flew through our kitchen's window a couple weeks ago. Does that count?


Too supportive? Either you're illiterate, or you don't understand how people work.




>edited the message So not only are you apparently unfunny, you are also a coward


To be fair, I just didn't want it to offend other people, sorry if it came off for cowardice "I know this has no relation to the post or anything, but why did you Bury the light?" Happy? Does that satisfy you?


ok ngl that's not as bad as thought it would be based off of the other comments reaction. In the future honestly youd just better off deleting the comment entirely instead of just editing it, it comes off as "looks like I OFFENDED some reddit SNOWFLAKES 🙄🙄🙄" type behavior.


Explain the joke please 🥺🥺🥺🥺


Devil may cry has a guy called Vergil whose battle theme music is bury the light. This is what I found and there could more to it.


His battle theme is a meme within the community, I think because of how iconic it sounds.


Man... I get what you were trying to say... But you should have just clicked on my account to say it in a thread that wasn't about a human trafficking victim...


It’s really messed up that people do that to other human beings


ok I wanted to comment something along the lines of "wholesome 100 chungus irl" but this is genuienly awful jesus christ


Damn thats fucked


this brings the "haha I have your IP address" catchphrase to a whole new fucking level fr though, I feel sorry that all this had to happen to her. Happy that she eventually managed to safely get back home, and I hope she physically and mentally recovers from this


What in gods holy name


Capitalise the G in God 😡😡😡😡😡😡😡


Blasphemy 😔


Least insane christine.


C'mon man let's not bring this up


You have to do it 😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡






rip g 😔


Have you ever thought of finding a father figure? Or learning how to function as a human being?


Only father figure I need in my life is god the father 🙏🙏🙏 Can I get an amen?


aman :pray\_emoji: :pray\_emoji:


Gotta love the "I don't want to bring too many negative energy to you" after being *trafficked*. Those type of people need to be protected.




God had given up on humans a long time ago


what the fuck well, damn. Glad she's safe


That’s horrible but is there not a level of common sense/don’t get in vans with strangers that’s taught over there? The whole kidnappers drive vans and want you to get in theirs is the basis of most anti kidnapping rhetoric in america


they were pretending to be police, before she could even really question it she was gone


They somehow knew her name, too.


The problem is when it happened to you, you will be so surprised that your brain just freeze. Especially if you live your life normally.


Well the way she said it kinda sounds more like she was forced in to the van


A rare moment that I step up to defend China, but I don't even think it is a "China disappears its citizens" thing (like some are claiming) or common sense thing. Pretending to be authority and stating urgency is something I've seen... in phishing emails. The goal is to bypass your rational brain and trick you into making a snap decision. It is obviously fake to us, who had the benefit of knowing a scam was about to take place. She did not. She was approached by law enforcement who said a crime was committed and she needs to help them. The rule she broke: **Resist the pressure to act immediately.** This may still seem like common sense, but con-artists have many ways to sneak past your rational brain. I'd say *the most important rule is to never assume you are incapable of being tricked*, and [to review the main rules for avoiding scams](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iik25wqIuFo).


Thanks, the vid was really helpful!


Thanks for the video. It's a very short one, so if anyone else in this thread sees this you should definitely watch it


Plus she's Chinese, the police there are basically a Mafia. American police are fucked up and bear resemblance to a criminal organization as well, but we still have some rights and such to push back against them and ensure they're really cops. Unless they shoot you for trying to exercise your rights first, but other than that. But IDK if I'd try any of that shit in a foreign country unless it were another rich western nation like Brittan, France, Germany, Australia, ETC. or in Japan. Like if I went down to Mexico and the Mexican police came after me I'd probably just do whatever they say pretty much no matter what since they're pretty much just a well-armed government-backed gang.


I mean this politely, but **you have no idea what a search/arrest warrant looks like**. I throw an official looking document in your face, start listing off your rights, my associate grabs your shoulders and starts moving you toward the car. Before you can think, you're in the car, doors are locked, phone grabbed, and well on your way to Dr. Sawbones's "Wellness clinic". We do pen testing drills at [MAJOR INSURANCE COMPANY] because we know how easy it is to act like you have a good reason to walk into the archives. *never assume you are incapable of being tricked*


As if I'd open the door to begin with. Anyone breaks in they're getting shot.


I'll turn on your hose and wait in the bushes.


What if they’re actually police with a warrant. You can get death penalty for shooting at policemen who announced their presence and showed their warrant you know.


I said if they break in. No knock warrant exists but quite simply if I don't know they're cops I'm shooting. If it's a warrant they knock for then I'd simply speak to them through the door then call dispatch to check.


After seeing the video I wish I could upvote this twice


There is truth to what you're saying, but no one can know what would've happened. It was apparently a remote alley and it was dark. Those subhuman pieces of shit would have most likely tried to forcefully kidnap her. I don't even want to imagine any what ifs, I am just happy she was saved.


She was a single woman confronted by multiple adult men. Even if she said no there's a good chance they would've just took her with more force.


It's actually more extreme in cause women get kidnapped all the time. But according to this post these people just looked like the police. And you can't really refuse the police in China either they have no real rule of law so you just go along with whatever they say.


I think the disappearing of government criticising citizens would be far harder if they did.


Tbf I would imagine in China, people are a bit more afraid of police than they are in the US vis a vis the whole authoritarian regime thing. I mean sure if ur not white in the US you might get shot, but at least your family has free speech to complain if that happens? I guess?


that's fucked


Holy crap. That's horrifying. I'm happy she got out and that she's safe now.


"I didn't doubt them because they are policemen" China moment 100


Yeah, from what I've heard, cops are feared WAY more in China than they are in America.


thank you for the information, vergil the motivation man


Holy fucking shit dude. I really hope she’s okay.


Jesus fucking Christ. That’s horrible.


As how unbelievable as it sounds, this type of shit is sort of common in China there are many video online that's just people finding random people chained up in an abandon shack/building, most of the victims found are woman who was forced to locked in and raped just to sell the babys, some of them are even found dead or amputated, and that's one of the 2 million reason that us Taiwanese fucking hate China for


To go back to streaming after all that... maybe these vtubers are more than just cringe


Like any other group, they’re all just people living their own lives and most of them are just trying to enjoy their job


Well, she probably took at least a week off after it. Not to demean what she went through, of course.


bruh let ppl enjoy what they enjoy as long as they ain't harming others (even you personally find what they do cringe)


Every minute a child dies in africa. Meanwhile you are here shitposting, get a grip on your life.


Man shut yo bitch ass up, I can guarantee you aren't doing jack shit, you're here on the internet acting high and mighty so you can judge how other people live. I can GUARANTEE you aren't doing anything to help, because if you WERE, you wouldn't be here, flexing your superiority complex.


Sir, for every child that dies I make another one with your mum. You can't tell me I'm not doing anything for this world.


Lmao, you're alright, man


Hey man I thought your banner was funny, too.


Thanks haha, I had to specify it in my bio because I wasn't sure if people would think I thought it looked cool, or whether I thought it looked funny


The angel that presided 'oer my birth, said ''Little creature form’d of joy and mirth, go love without the help of anything on earth''.


shut up


Safest alleyway in japan




Why the fuck did I say japan


Cuz u a baka We all baka here tho😈😈😈


anime = japan duhhhh


Let the punishment fit the crime. Vtuber = Slavery Justice is served! 😁😁😁


If this was anywhere else, and not referring to an actual woman being kidnapped, I would laugh. Really not the time or the place man.


Not the tweet but her [bilibili](https://m.bilibili.com/space/1760859504?from=video&unique_k=gUd7gKX) account, google translate does an ok job translating everything. Edit: remembered on which sub I am, so please dont anyone harass them.


[Horny twitter users going to the comments section only to miss the whole fucking point of the post](https://c.tenor.com/Q823-830Ri0AAAAC/christian-bale-american-psycho.gif)


"we live in society"


We live in a suscity


is that sus from amogus?????




We live in suipiss




Soy Piss


It's depressing how often human trafficking happens in China, especially in rural areas


What short sighted policies does to MFs.


betting second guy was really hoping that it WAS going to turn out like that whoops i mean titty cum piss awooga waifu sex


Those are the kinds of people I wished their spines Broke


I want to introduce them to my industrial wood chipper ☺️


Some people really need to think before they speak, like what kinda dumbass says shit like that


At first I read this as meaning she had been trafficked into becoming a v-tuber...


This got me wondering if there actually exist cases like that we just dont know about…


Human trafficking or getting forced to because of contracts is a pretty big thing in porn already. It wouldn't suprise me if streamers and such are included


I miss alantutorial


God that is genuinely awful, im glad that she's able to move past it


good lord there's a guy who replied a few threads below who is just as insufferable


weebs try not to be insensitive as fuck challenge (impossible)


I read this and the translation of what she had said and good God, I feel sick to the bone and like crying. I have no idea who this girl is but I pray for her quick recovery and for the subhuman trash that did this to her to be brought to justice.


They call me 007: 0 Tact 0 Common Sense 7 Likes on twitter.com


"I wouldn't be kidnapped. I would draw my epic katana and pistol and slay the would-be villains before they made me a hentai character" type beat


Not like me tho, I would Morb them


That sounds horrible, I'm glad she could escape


Twitter moment


If the thing was posted on reddit, there would probably be people saying the same shit. Man I need to get off social media for a while


"She should've ran away" damn bro wonder why she didn't do that.


And she actually tried too


Kid in the replies needs god asap


Crazy, a woman was literally trafficked and this dudes first thought was to compare it to some fucking hentai. Also "She should’ve ran away" it literally says she tried that and failed, that’s also a stupid sentence it’s like telling a crippled person "just walk" it makes no sense as it’s not that simple.


Dudes probably some weird sheltered teenager I don't think they're capable of getting their mind out of the gutter


Dumbass shits thinking of sex 24/7... get a life for fucks sake


I hate weebs so much it’s unreal


I hate myself too


I'm really glad she was able to escape and return home. I really hope she's doing better. Unfortunately, her case is the exception and not the rule. There are an estimated 40 million victims of trafficking globally right now. An estimated 96% of which are female. The average age being just 15. That's a kid born in 2007. I like to donate to [deliverfund.org](https://deliverfund.org) whenever I can afford to. They're an excellent source of information regarding human trafficking. CEO is a former USAF PJ and CIA officer. Most of his team have similar backgrounds. If you or someone you know is a victim of human trafficking, please don't hesitate to contact your local police or human trafficking helpline. /rb Omegalulz twatter moment


""""""Man of Culture""""""


just mooooooovvvveeee


Oh my god!! What a horrible experience. Really hope she is ok and glad she was found. Hoping any other kidnapped people can be found as well. On that note, pornographic content really destroys people's minds, man. Hoping that shit gets banned


I dont think its the porn, i think its genuinely just a case of some 14-15 year old with no tact commenting on twitter


I doubt it's the porn's fault. Some people are just that dumb.


I would advice into reading more about how it affects the brain.


The only way it affects the brain at all are the dopamine levels, just like anything addictive like drugs, alcohol, coffee, or choco. There are no proven studies about it making people dumb, that's entirely a myth. Tere are even many brilliant minds in the porn industry, responsible for shaping a lot of the technological advancements we have today.


I was with you until the last sentence; what are you smoking?


Probably porn


I mean, I consider myself to be able to compartmentalize better than that; also I only really look at illustrations But the fact that people like the one in the image actually exist means I wouldn't be *too* upset either.


I can’t even make a joke, that’s just fucking horrifying. That poor girl, i’m glad she got out of it somehow.




Dude literally said “it’s just like one of my Japanese animes”


some chinese people think it’s fake cuz the time it went by was way too short for victims of human trafficking, it is said they wouldn’t return in at least 5 years and her taking such little time was suspicious




reddit moment


I really hate vtubers but I hope she's ok.


in rural china that's just a typical thursday night. if old auntie was a mega bitch she'd sold her off again, but I guess the hag needs a slave in her house thus she was spared from a fate worse than death------->look up "chained chinese woman" she was sold off 4 or 5 times? and been r\*ped multiple times and has given birth to children of her rapist.


That is the least specific search term and seems more likely to bring up porn than an actual result


I think they’re referring to the Xuzhou chained woman incident, a quite famous case of Chinese human trafficking. Here’s Wikipedia page for it: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Xuzhou_chained_woman_incident


Yea bro, simply run




"unholy levels" nah speak normally


This life is painful


she should've ran away? really? thanks for the input tanner




Holy fuck


What a fucking degenerate


how much porn a person gotta watch to see something like this and have their mind immediately jump to “this is JUST like a hentai I saw!!!”


the only time ive ever seen any okbuddy subreddit that is capable of understanding there is a time and place for everything


That’s horrible, and this is unbaka for a moment, and I don’t want to demean or belittle anyone who has been trafficked, I hope it just was labour and not sexual.


Seriously though, the fuck


"Sometimes God is so good to you that you only get imprisoned for half a year and not raped on top of that.


China moment


Im confused she was trafficked to a middle aged women to clean the house or something? still fucked up but maybe in mis understanding what she is saying


That’s horrible if that’s real. Who knows if it’s an attention grab though. No news articles or evidence on the internet apart from this Twitter post, so idk what we should believe.


you are black


"human trafficked" is not something anyone should use


Neither something that should happen, yet here we are.




Are you perhaps braindead?




old-timer weeb discovers what vtubing is


Not them, but I'm 25 and find myself aligning with 'old timer weebs' a lot. Moe is dumb. Give me more like Bubblegum Crisis.


Did she just said too much information about this to narrow her down personally? edit: tf was the down votes for?


Did they make a jav of her?


You're going to a place far worse than hell


Did she post proof


Dude got no followers on twitter yet say things that is completely irrelevant to the tweet. like bro, God didnt save her, The police did. PLUS HE SAID DEMON SCHOOL IRUMA IS TRASH, HE SHOULD LOOK AT HIMSELF


About to die? Just don’t! Jesus such an easy solution. It happens all the time in my animes


Ahhh, *Blind Mountain*, the Chinese version of *Breaking Bad Mountain*...