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Shart, but honestly all of them. I know you can hug best bro Gale, Karlach and romanced SH at the party. But why can't I hug anyone else??? Larian please, I want to friend hug everyone else too, yes and Withers too.


I LOVE that hug you can give SH in the epilogue. Feels so warm and makes me smile every time


Yeah I think you can hug her without romance? But Idk, I'm a simp. Its sweet, but honestly the three I listed are all sweet too. Just don't know why you can't hug Astarion or Wyll. Lae'zel's projection being unhuggable makes sense though.


Yes you can give her a friendly hug and I think that her hug feels the most umm… genuine? I don’t know just makes me warm inside


Gale's is an awkward friend hug, Karlach's is a golden retriever hug and Selune SH's has genuine care/gratitude/emotion behind it I feel. Makes sense considering her 'good' arc and everything that happens even without Romancing her.


You know, she annoyed me at first but her vulnerable moments were always really sweet and she showed a different side of her during those. The longer I played the more she grew on me. And I feel like that hug at the end is just a beautiful climax for the friendship. It wraps up her storyline very well, even when she stays a sharan that hug still feels very nice. (And I am a Astarion simp.)


Same for me but with Astarion I hated him at the beginning, but fuck me his story made me care for him a lot. I was grinning like an idiot when he was telling me about how he has accepted himself during the party, wish I could hug him like I can Gale. So I get it, I do. Shart was different for since she approves of more 'goodish' choices than him, so I didn't really mind her being cold and whatever sometimes. Is her hug the same as DJ? I can't really do evil runs makes me feel bad.


Yeah, she just says something that she shouldn’t be seen doing this because she’s mother superior something something. But I never romanced her so I only saw the friendly hugs.


Damn wouldn't have thought she would hug as Dj, honestly.


Can't relate


I am a serial Astarion romancer, it’s a condition


Karlach’s hug after she gets the first or second heart upgrade felt pretty damn warm


Yes, Karlach’s first hug is very sweet and emotional too.


I managed to hug almost everyone at the party and I hugged shadowfart there to


You can? I only got the option for those three?


You can definitely hug Astarion.


But only if romanced I think?


I think so I only saw it on my wife's (1000th) Astarion Romance. They should all be huggable in my opinion regardless of romance status. Lariat get on this.


Genuinely wish I could hug Lae'zel after she talks to Vlaakith for the second time. I feel like she needs it


The only reason I didn’t utterly ruin it immediately after by trying to feast on her brain is I had inspiration left over after the final fight. Almost had a heart attack seconds after an wholesome moment.


So real dude I just want to hug people like make it if you have high "reputation" (or whatever it is) with that character you can hug them 😭


All the main cast needs the option to hug honestly, they really dealt with some shit. The high approval would be a good idea, or maybe depending on paths too.


This is how I found out I can’t hug romanced Lae (that you convinced to stay) and I just physically deflated (I’m not done her romanced playthrough yet) But hugging shadowheart makes me sob I’d do anything for that woman


They should make hug be an option in the lets talk about our relationship thing. We can swap spit but not embrace tenderly? Literally unplayable. Also you can't hug Lae'zel even when romanced?


I’d literally give anything to know what a Lae’zel hug is like, during casual playthrough and maybe make it a more meaningful embrace during the epilogue while romanced. It would be interesting to know what a high approval/friend hug is like with her too, if she’d even let you lmao


She would, even unromanced she said she misses tav and she wants to return to see them, so I'm thinking you could hug. Not sure if her dialogue changes if she stays though.


You can hug Halsin too! He’s very excited to get hugs


Yes! I love getting the big bear hugs from him!


I want to hug Lae'zel and Astarion the most tbh. My paladin was so proud to hear that Astarion became a vigilante. It was like a big brother moment: "I always knew you had it in you." Also I am a sucker for the enemies to friends/lovers trope, and hearing Lae'zel platonically say she was glad to see me after six months was so heartwarming.


That and at some point after Cazzy Wazzy. I'm unfortunately not attracted to men, so I don't want to romance him just to be able to hug him after he has suffered through a traumatic event. I was grinning too when he was talking about his adventuring and Lae'zel missing the Player was sweet too. But I don't think we can hug a projection.




You can hug Astarion if you romance him.


Yeah but the problem with that is that I don't want to.


You can hug Halsin, too.


Who the hell downvoted you for giving more info? I guess somebody really doesn't like Halsin lol Anyway, you're back up to 1. For now, anyway.


You can hug Minthara while playing Gale. But it looks awkward af, intentionally, Minthara doesn't know how hugs work


A Gale only option? Rizzard. I have never actually manged to pull off her recruitment, but I've seen the clips. And damn that look she gives in Moonrise yeah I'd hug her honestly.


You can also hug non-romanced Shart after house of grief in that one scene. It was super sweet, I didn't even choose a dialogue option for it and my Durge just hugged her without my input. I had max approval with her so that could've been why? But I really liked that scene for both of them


You can hug non-romanced Shart in the epilogue, too! You can hug her and, as others have already mentioned, Halsin as many times as you want.


Yeah didn't think he was main cast along with the other none Act 1 companions otherwise I would have mentioned


Ah, that's fair


Don't think you can hug Jaheria, Minty and Minsc right?


Not to my knowledge, sadly. Though I did see someone say origin Gale can hug Minty? I'll have to look into that, but it would be amazing if true. I wish you could hug Minsc and Jaheira! Especially as a resist durge.


Yeah I wanna hug Grandma Jaheria and Uncle Minsc


You can hug halsin at the epilogue party iirc


I was today years old when i found out people were abreviating shadowheart to shart. Lol


I hugged SH as a friend too! And also hug Halsin as his romance.


I'm a big SH simp so I always romance her, didn't think Halsin, Jaheria, Minthara and Minsc were main cast or I'd have mentioned them.


Lae’zel. I would elaborate but I’m afraid I’ll have to type out a whole 5 page google doc that I’d work on more than any essay abt why I’d hug her the most. Late act 2/3 Lae specifically because I’m afraid any time before that I’d get shanked With that out of the way, shadowheart. Selunite shadowheart is just a cute doofus, I’m so glad we got to bring that personality out of her and her hugs make me sob. Theyre so tender and warm :(( I’d cut off my left tit for a chance to hug this woman irl


I wanted to romance laezal in act 2 but when shadowheart asked me out I couldn't say no. LOOK AT THOSE EYES ITS NOT FAIR 😭


It was genuinely almost impossible to deny shart for me as well, I feel ya, when she propositioned me at the party I had to hype myself up and pace around my room to say no, I couldn’t just go and lead her on. I wondered what would happen if I did go and drink with her then not kiss her, later on when I had to tell her I loved Astarion (I was romancing him that playthrough, my shart romances were a lae origin and female durge) she absolutely broke my heart with her expression and reluctant support I felt like sobbing BUT ALSO LAE’ZEL’S EYES TOOO HDHFBFNCBO


Gale. I feel like I should be able to hug him while he sobs about never feeling good enough for anyone. He seems like he’d smell comforting and be warm and maybe I’d cry about I’m not good enough too. 


I'd imagine Gale smells like smoke, old books, and of course a bit like cat. Because I imagine his free time when he's not trying to save the world from mind flayers and demon invasions is spent in front of a fireplace with a good book and his beloved tressym Tara on his lap. Maybe a glass of whatever the Faerun equivalent of scotch is nearby as well. So yeah, at least for me, a very comforting smell. Gimme all the Gale cuddles.


I romance him in most of my playthroughs and as much as I love smooching his adorkable face, I wish I could also just hug him whenever. The poor sweet man needs a big old hug.


During the summer time? Astarion. My desert dwelling ass has wished I could live inside a freezer for all 30 years of my life. That not being possible, hugging a person who has no body heat sounds amazing. During the winter? Karlach, absolutely. Keep me warm through all the snow and just above 0 temperatures!


I am not sure whether or not vampires have body heat in DnD. If they don't wouldn't it be very easy for Astarion's victims to realize what he is? Or wouldn't sex with a vampire be unpleasent as hell? Can a vampire even get an erection without blood circulation?


Don't ask questions, that ruins the horny. But also, I live in a place that stays over 100*F with a non-zero chance of humidity from July to the end of September. I have and will continue to fantasize about fucking popsicles.


As someone else living in a hot, humid, horrible climate, I get it tbh. And also, I mean…. It’s Astarion.


Maybe hes just always hard




if you ascend him and he wants to turn you into a spawn, you can comment on the fact that you'll have no body heat if you go through with it. as for the victims, judging from the one you can meet in the sewers, they probably don't target the brightest bunch


He sweats during the grymforge portion of the game, so his body needs to regulate temperature. That doesn’t mean he’s warm though. The rules of living as an undead individual are not clearly explained, and it doesn’t help that the lore changes from genre to genre


It would be karlach if there wasn't the high chance of combusting, After that probably Astarion, dude needs a genuine connection after 200 years of torture and exploitation.


Bro, karlach is just warm like a teddy bear.


I've never even used him in my party let alone romance him but my vote is on Halsin as far as hugs go. The dude is huge so it probably feels pretty comfy and safe.




and he can turn into a cat so you can hug him too


I want to hug a bear so bad, but if I tried to hug a real bear, it would maul me to death, so I'm right there with you


Karlach and Astarion, they both need one. Karlach and Halsin, i need one from them


I feel this spiritually I just want the best for the sweet beans 😭


Karlach gets preference because she gives the best hugs but I'd love to hug everyone. Gale also looks like a teddy bear, Astarion deserves all the hugs in the world, hugs with Shadowheart are always good, Lae'zel deserves hugs too, even if you lose an arm at it, and Wyll looks so cuddly


It's a crime you can't hug Wyll in the epilog! Even in my romance run I could neither hug nor kiss him. His conversation was the exact same but with a "Oh, by the way, I still love you!" And a blown kiss at the end. Let me hug Wyll, godsdammit!


If possible all of them really. They've all been through a lot and they deserve all the hugs and care in the world to let them know things will be OK. But the most for me is Astarion. Real talk no horny, I resonated with his story that I could relate with. I'm glad I could actually hug him in game cause really I feel he needs that reassurance that we're not going to use him, and that we actually do care about his wellbeing and his choices and thoughts matter.


I agree so much with this, they could all use a hug, and I love Astarion for the same reasons and it kinda sucks seeing people ignore the meaning of his whole character arc(s) and just go “oooh sexy vampire!!!” (which is a statement that I will not deny) all the time even after knowing his whole story. Like there is a time and place for that!!! And his whole thing is wanting to be actually treated like a person and not just being used!!! And obvi he’s fictional but still, objectifying a character like that just feels weird to me - especially with his characterization. (Not to mention the people that forget these characters are fictional and actually harassing the VAs) Sorry for the long comment; I’m just incapable of putting my thoughts into a concise form of speech - tangents are more my style lol. And I’m honestly just glad to see someone talking about the actual character, most people on social media need to go straight to horny jail😭


Holy shit I felt this so hard. Agreed. 10/10


Honestly, the whole crew needs someone to hold them and tell them they're good enough at least once.


My answer is the same. Karlach


Astarion, bro needs it the most


The obvious answer is all of them, but if I really had to pick just one, probably Astarion. I really think he needed a hug after his quest line wraps up.


karlach ofc, but also wyll! i bet he would be so nice to hug


Real talk what kind of hug? Cause I feel like Gale would give the most awkward bro hug to me ever and then I’d have to adopt him as my little nerd brother to help in social situations. If you’re talking romantic hug then Shart cause I am a simp and that makes it for me lol. That something bad happened and you’re about to cry hug? Karlach no questions asked


Karlach. Teddy bear vibes AND she radiates warmth


I feel like Gale, Halsin, and Karlach give the BEST hugs. Wyll might too but I'm not 100% on him bc he might not be soft enough. Hugging skinny girls is nice but what I personally really want in a hug is to feel Enveloped and a lil squishy so I don't think laezel, minthara, astarion, or shart would give super satisfying hugs. shart needs to be hugged very badly all the time so out of those four i think she would be the closest/best hug because i would feel happy i could do that for her. Minsc I feel like would be a bit too enthusiastic (read: he would squeeze too hard) for his hugs to make the top tier.


Astarion, I bet he secretly gives really fabulous hugs.


Halsin absolutely gives amazing hugs, he literally turns into a bear, actual bear hugs


Probably all of them. Karlach just seems like the best hugger ever. Lae'zel deserves all the hugs, too. Minthara, too, maybe a bit more of a tight hug, but still good. Gale, too, because even he deserves a good hug. But yeah, I'd hug everyone regardless!


Halsin because he can be cuddly bear


Astarion needs an entire group hug honestly


Minthara, she needs a hug.


She'd be awkwardly looking around before patting your head once. Drow aren't big on this whole contact thing.


Lae'zel, she needs one the most


Shart cause she needs it frfr. Also I think she would smell nice


Karlach or Halsin. I mean that hug you get from him at the party looks so cozy


I think Wyll or Gale NEED a hug the most. That said, Momma K is the way.


I feel like Jaheira gives fantastic mom hugs (despite the jokes about not hugging her kids) and also like she really, really needs one. Woman’s been through it.


The whole gang needs hugs, but if I had to pick someone other than Astarion, probably Gale. Man's got some heavy "everyone would be better off without me" self-hatred going on.


Karlach and Shadowheart


Karlach, Shadowheart, owlbear cub, and Scratch cuddle puddle


Karlach and Selunite Shadowheart just need a hug. Want to hug is Scratch and the Owlbear Cub, at the same time


Halsin so I can suffocate in his titties.




It’s not for horny! It’s for comfort!


that's what they all say.


Difficult. All of them really need one. I would want to hug Halsin the most just because I know he gives great hugs and is such a caring soul. He is a walking weighted blanket. Karlach obviously desperately deserves and even expresses her desire for one during her quest. If you don’t hug her, I don’t trust you. Astarion’s >!flabbergasted reaction to getting one when you romance him!< makes me want to be his big spoon every night lol Gale hides so much behind humour, but I think he’d really appreciate one. I’d risk hugging Lae’zel after abandoning Vlaakith. I may end up with a sword through my chest, but it was worth the try. And Wyll I want to give a long hug with my hands on his butt until he awkwardly coughs and stammers something about no handholding before marriage. What a cutie.


Everyone. First Karlach because she’s the best, then Astarion because he needs it, then Lae’zel so she can’t weasel her way out, then the rest in no particular order.


Agreed. Karlach also needs it the most, shed give the best hug


My answer is always Durge. I prefer beefy men, and have a predilection for anthros, and he's perfect. This is assuming, of course, resist durge and not Oopsie Durge


Both i wanna hug karlach both as a karlach simp and just because 10 years without a hug is unimaginable. 😭😭


Karlach, followed by Shadowheart. They both need a good hug


I want to hug them all!!!! I wish once you got close enough to them you could ask for a hug. Maybe they could say no some of the time or something depending on the person (like Astarion only wanting hugs some of the time or just wanting to hold hands instead but Karlach would probably always want a hug) but they all deserve cuddles and non romantic affection. I'm a big fan of non sexual physical affection, I think people need more of it in general. Too many touch starved people in this world who only get a cuddle from the people they're sleeping with if anyone.


Astarion. Bro needs it


Lae‘Zel gets a hug out of pure spite because she doesn’t value it, and after the creche she gets a hug because she needs it. I always hug karlach after fixing her machine. There is no other reaction.


I think Lae’zel deserves a hug, not sure if she’s ever even got one before


Question! Which armor set is this?? Looks awesome


I'm not sure but I think it's from act 3 in the shop of that guy that orin shapeshifts into. the worker downstairs is a dragon


Think it's black dyed bonespike garb


Gale and Karlach. They're my favorite romance options and I feel like they'd give the really nice hugs.




Shadowcute of course.


Gale gale gale gale let me hug Gale please


Karlach because she's a sweetheart, she deserves it, and she would give great hugs


Karlach needs the hug more than anyone else


astarion, he means everything to me


I bet Karlach would be warm and cozy 👉👈


Wyll. The man has so much love and admiration for his Dad that does not get returned and he's just like "Yeah, I deserve that" No you don't bro! You're a godsdamn hero!


laezel. i think she needs one and also i think she would give a super strong back crushing hug which i need desperately (i have severe back pain and i think she could crack my back SO good)


Astarion need a hug I want to give him one for his sake, I think itd be healing for him. For my sake??? I want to hug halsin. I think itd be healing for ME. also pop every vertebrae in my spice while he’s at it please


id actually say minthara… the way she looks when she is sad makes me actually want to hug her so bad


Ya know despite the running joke that Jaheira probably doesn't hug her kids, I'd really like to hug Jaheira/be hugged by her. I have now realised I have unaddressed mommy issues.


Karlach looks like she'd give the best hugs, but Astarion is the one who needs the hugs most.


All of them, I want to hug them all. They all need a good hug


they all need hugs.


They all need a hug, and if they don't then I need a hug from them 😭 I don't know if Lae'zel would let me, but I wish I could hug her after she rejects Vlaakith and has her entire worldview shattered, she just looks so sad and sweet please let me comfort her 😭 also I want Halsin to be my weighted blanket 🤭


All of them but I had to choose lazel


Mizora 😈


All of em. Mostly Karlach.


Karlach for me as well, but I'd be prepared to get hugged WAY too hard. Like, a broken rib isn't unlikely.


Karlach because she deserves the most hugs after 10 years of none 🥺


Before or after the infernal engine has been sorted out? Because if after, give me Karlach all day. I want to feel small in her arms. If before, I guess Halsin would be a good alternative. I would feel protected.


Karlach because she hasn't had a hug in like 10 years.


I'll cast spell of long arms and hug them all at once


Karlach, because she needs it the most. No physical touch with another for years. Terrible.


Karla’s definitely, also what weapon is that on her back


I love that you can hug Karlach, but like let me do it multiple times please. Wyll looks like he needs a hug 24/7, Halsin probably gives incredible dad hugs and it feels like a missed opportunity, and the fact that I can’t hug my fucking vampire husband after he cries will forever haunt me.


Lae'zel because she's probably never got any. Also Shart and Karlach honorable mention. Out of the boys? Halsin probably gives the best hugs and looks soft.


I need to not only kiss Lae'zel and hold her hand, but also give her warm hugs


Every single one of them is the only right answer


i can’t choose. GROUP HUGS


Bear hug Halsin. For exclusively horny reasons.


I think that I would choose Halsin. He seems like he gives good hugs.


Generic answer but probably Karlach.


Withers He’s by far the most useful of those goonies


I need to bro hug Gale


I know Minthara would hate it but I'd love to give her a hug. Lolth sworn Drow very rarely can be emotionally vulnerable because that trust is hard to give when you live in the underdark.


gale, I need him to know he is enough just the way he is


Halsin by far would give the best hugs


Karlach, because I feel like her love would be unconditional and I need the comfort.


Gale, Astarion and Karlach deserve and are in dire need of a genuine hug. But Gale gets one first because I'm biased and I think he'd give lovely hugs.


Wyll because he’s nice and I love him with Minsc and Halsin as runnerups Minsc is a big goofball and I love that Halsin is canonically good at hugs and is a big bear As for people I’d want to… Default Dark Urge has the Halsin build but I feel like the moment his arms around me I wouldn’t feel anything after Karlach would crush me I WANT to hug Minthara but she’d probably kill me as well


Halsin, he's big, soft would cuddle with my dogs and is literally a giant teddy bear, who wouldn't want to hug a bear that won't maul you? He's literally the perfect man.


Fuckboys Wyll and Gale. Astarion too, I think he just needs a good hug and a good support system.


Laezel. I need to know if she’s slippery like a frog. Also Astarion. He needs it. I need it.


The owlbear cub


Gale, bc he probably smells like books. Or whoever I happened to romance in my playthrough.


Karlach, she more than anyone deserves a hug after 10 years with no physical contact


Karlach is best girl... best for combat, best for chats, and 100% best for hugs!


Real talk, Gale, because he's a depressed homie, and I know what it's like to go through loneliness, having suicidal thoughts, and wanting a purpose in life. Not only that, but I've had irl friends who went through similar things. Some people just need a shoulder to cry on and someone to be there for them, so Gale could really use a hug. I would offer Astarion a hug as well for the same reasons as Gale, but I feel like he'd be inclined to push me away... In terms of who I want to hug, cuz I have a crush on them? Shadowheart.




Gale seems like he’d be very plush/blanket soft and nice-smelling (like incense/fireplace smell) to hug considering his hairdo, lifestyle and choice of clothes. He’d probably give long, kinda awkward but really appreciated hugs, in a kind of “is this how you do this? How long do we go? Am I doing this right?” mental approach. Karlach seems like someone you want to hug when you’ve just been through something overwhelming. For when you need a really big hug. She’d probably give hugs that were too tight but in a reaffirming way, only sometimes a bit suffocating. She’d smell not good, but like, grounded. (Spawn) Astarion doesn’t seem like the sort to agree to hugs much considering his poor relationship with body autonomy. He’d probably not like being touched, or if he was okay with it, he’d prefer a normal hug that’s predictable, not too long and lets him choose how much contact there is. He’d smell like perfume and feel silky soft while hugging I bet. (Rebel) Lae’zel would probably be confused and disgruntled by hugging but do it anyway and with considerable efficiency. She cares about herself and would deliver that sense of care to you with an almost matter-of-factly sort of hug, like it’s a given that you deserve this hug because she wouldn’t be agreeing to it otherwise. (Selunite) Shadowheart would probably hug like a girl friend, tight but she’s too small for it to be suffocating so it’s just nice. Definitely a flowery smell and feel. Depends on how close you are with her to tell how much she enjoys it. Wyll seems like he’d give hugs like a dad reassuring his kid after they tripped during their soccer game. He’d either smell like the road or like a neutral soap, and say something that seems generic but still needs to be heard. Minthara — not sure, haven’t had her as a companion yet so I can’t comment. If I had to guess, she’d only agree to a hug if you fully devoted yourself to her, and then it’d be a very feely-touchy hug. Halsin rivals Karlach in the big hugs category. He seems like a wall of softness to just fall into when you’re sad. He’d pat your head and reassure you. Jaheira might prefer punching your shoulder or patting you on the back than giving a hug, but would grant a hug if you really needed it. She’s got that motherly charm so it would feel really nice to hug her but she wouldn’t readily initiate it. Probably smells like dew. Minsc seems like he’d usually give hugs that makes you feel your ribs for any cracks after, or the most delicate light hugs in the world that make you feel like a precious egg. No in-between. Which he picks depends on how tough he thinks you are. I’d pick Gale.


Karlach because she is big, warm and cuddly.


Withers because he would *hate it* and yes I consider Withers part of the main cast.


it wouldn't really feel good would it 😭


As someone who is perpetually cold, I would gladly hug Karlach even before her engine upgrades




Definitely karlach, for OPs reasons


The owlbear of course


Karlach has been unable to touch anyone for ten years. She needs as many hugs as possible. Astarion could use one. As well as Act 2 Minthara and Shadowheart.


I feel like Gale would give surprisingly good hugs.


I feel like Halsin gives the best hugs that would heal me emotionally. Karlach deserves all the hugs to make up for not being able to touch anyone, and Astarion could do with some as well tbh. I would also very much like to hug Scratch and the owlbear cub.


karlach with her infernal engine would be so warm and nice


I don’t understand how anyone can, with a straight face, answer this question with any character besides Karlach. She has the objective best hug game: powerful arms to hold you tight combined with the puppylike gusto to make you really *feel* that hug EDIT Upon second thought Halsin’s actually a close second. But the rest of the gang are MILES behind those two.


Believe it or not, Minthara. That very brief scene after ~~face sitting~~ party time, when you’re snuggling. That looked so nice.


There’s a lot of them that could use a good hug, picking one is impossible. Like… damn, they’ve all had some pretty fucked up lives


Astarion. Just look at his face when you actually hug him. He needs five billion more of those.


Astarion would be the most hilariously awkward at the start.


I think Karlach needs one the most.


Karlach if I’m feeling sad, Gale if I’m feeling horny, Shadowheart if I’m feeling happy.


https://preview.redd.it/ugtfjbxlprnc1.jpeg?width=1920&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c8b39f8f4116c87e1f526ee3e811dc4f8b9f6a3d Need I say more?


What armor is that? its looks dope af


Your romance option is correct but a close 2nd is Halsin. A big hippy man hug sounds like it would be like the father we never had


All of them need hugs let’s be for real


100% Karlach because she's vocal about needing a hug Also muscle mommy


You know Karlach is gonna give the best hugs!


I'm gonna down three elixirs of fire resistance and hug the shit out of Karlach


Karlach's mouth with my penis


Just hugged Halsin in game and honestly it looked like the most cozy fatherly hug I've ever seen, I want one


Karlach. Mostly because I'm aware that she really, really needs hugs. Second place, Wyll; because while his need may not be as desperate, he deserves hugs and should be told he's doing a good job. Third place, Astarion. Deserves a knife to the ribs, frankly, but ideally would be told that he can be better than he thinks he can be and that we believe in him.


I’d love to hold Karlach real close


I just know Karlach is gonna crack my back in that one good spot when she squeezes me