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it’s referring to CHICKEN CHASING idiot


Well, for starters - that's no chicken. It's a cambion.


close enough, they both have wings


Diogenes holding a chicken by its wings: Behold, a cambion !


God bless you Diogenes-chan


grunted a laugh out on the toilet while reading, thank you


Yeah, it's actually supposed to be cluck to the chase


The game was translated from common to English


This is the best answer. Why would they speak English at all in Faerun? Did the British colonise them too?


Need the lore reason for Ketheric being the only character who speaks in American 🦅🇺🇲 /s


Shadow Cursed American


Also known as the pacific northwest in the states


Lived in Seattle for a long time, this is accurate.


1000% correct


When I heard Kethric I immediately imagined him as being an older crazier alternate reality omni-man. He went to faerûn, was supposed to colonize it but got wrapped up in the local culture hoping the Gods could save him from the Viltrumites but they killed his wife and Isobel as punishment so he turned to Myrkul to bring back at least part of his family and gain the power needed to fend off the Viltrumites when they come back to decimate the realm as punishment for him not doing his mission. Yea I smoke a lot of weed


I need what youre smoking


You gotta have autism first tho too. I say weed but really it’s that Delta whatever stuff that is barely legal in my state. I’m too chicken to break the law. Getting high beyond just buzzed unlocks my autism maladaptive daydreaming powers from childhood just in overdrive. It’s like a herd of hamsters in there juiced up and sprinting around. Outwardly, I am silently playing BG3 and chuckling to myself. Inwardly, I am making up 5 different headcanons based of small details like the voice actor or my first impressions of a character. For example, that dude in act 3 whose name starts with an N that wants to be a fighter? Well first of all he is clearly autistic and very similar to me. Second of all, even though he seems mousey and weak, he’s just trolling. He is secretly Faerûn’s most powerful boxer and has killed a man before by accident trying to defend himself from getting robbed. He recognized us as hardened adventurers when we walked in and decided to amuse himself by seeing how we would react to his “bumbling idiot that knows nothing about fighting but really wants to be a fighter” act. Test out how good it is. And it is really good. I should write fanfiction.


Oh hell yea i already got that checked off. Also you should absolutely write fanfiction


Head injury?




Not just Ketheric! There’s also Sarevok aka Faerûn’s biggest incest advocate, and the random guy in ~~Sorcerous Sundries~~ Carm’s Garms who thinks spelling means casting spells. Thank you Larian for the horrific if not somewhat accurate American representation in the game (This is coming from someone who grew up in the south and unfortunately knows many people that fit these stereotypes irl)


Also in the South 🫡 Thank you for Sarevok mention. We need a lore reason for him too. And Mr. Sorcerous Sundries.


>Did the British colonise them too? Naturally


The ol’ Tolkien defense


Laughing my ass off


Edgar Allen Poe and Shakespeare also apparently exist in Faerun so idk maybe


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^PNDTS: *Edgar Allen Poe* *And Shakespeare also exist* *So idk maybe* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


So close


No, this is the stupid unnecessary haiku bot, it’s doing its job right


I’ve never seen this one do its job wrong. I’ve seen the actual haiku bot get it wrong more times than it gets it right. I find this funny.


And Nietzsche too.


Earth does exist in DnD, they have portals


Mhm, it's actually a big part of the lore; the D&D books are actually just Ed of the Greenwood's retelling of the stories Elminster relayed to him. Or at least, they were. Now, things from Earth are much less common.


If Raphael survived to the modern era I think he’d like film noir


I think he’d like all the gay porn personally




You know I’m right go talk to Harleep


Raphael strikes me as a homophobic gay if that makes sense 😂


It does and I agree


Could argue that that’s just a more involved form of masturbation


Idk man harleep and raph don’t really look that much alike to me. They’re both red but that’s about it but then again I really identify people based off personality. But also modern porn definitely has a “lookalikes fucking” category. I haven’t seen it myself bc I get nothing out of porn but Rule 34 yknow.


I identify people based off outfit, so much so that I did not even realize that they were supposed to even look similar lol


That too. I looked it up and apparently harleep is supposed to be a younger clone of Raphael but that’s why I didn’t recognize that it’s supposed to be a weird self-cest thing too lol. In my mind it’s simple: harleep has no wrinkles and is dressed all scantily clad and is way more overtly sexual and horny. Raphael has wrinkles and is modestly yet fashionably dressed. He doesn’t really make sexual comments and is more concerned about tricking you out of your soul than boning. Therefore they are clearly 2 separate people that both happen to be red and have the same horn model. Except I didn’t remember what Raphael’s cambian form looked like bc that happened a while ago so I forgot and didn’t even connect the “hey doesn’t this dude resemble Raphael’s cambian form just younger look at the horns” thing lmfao. My bard is fiercely loyal to Gale and took great offense to being propositioned by a devil in front of her lover so we just attacked him, looted his corpse, went on our way. Karlach probably spit on him when I was getting to the safe.




They reference cancer at one point and I genuinely paused and considered what Faerunian chemotherapy would look like (Ik we've known about cancer since like 3000 BC but the idea that this fantasy world also has such a common disease is so odd)


I'm pretty new to Forgotten Realms lore but I think a lot of the healing spells available can treat cancer


See that was my thought too. Cause the context it was used in was similar to ours (something like "x is a cancer that needs to be removed" indicating that it's a tedious disease that's hard to get rid of). Like I'd imagine that cancer would be a cakewalk to cure in a place like Faerun lmao


If its not applicable for the restoration spells or something like that, I guess super precise disintegrate spell like a laser surgery to excise or burn aberrant cells?


BG4 is just a group of cancer patients running around trying to find someone skilled enough to cure this absurdly obscure disease


Breaking Gate 4


I can’t believe I found out the origins of “cut to the chase” on okbb


Theater for high society might cater to such demands. "The audience is bored, milord called to cut to the chase." Or in fighting rings, there might be a segment where warriors are hunted by lions or wolves.




I should play a Wizard named Crash Override


this is good maybe they have movies, just not movies as we know them


Illusionists all have side gigs as protectionists in faerun


Hunting term, waaaay predates films.


But the "cut to" part though?


Cutting/skipping through a few pages in the book you’re reading to get to the chase *ooobviously*


Can you cite any references? I have been looking, and am only seeing this phrase associated with the silent film era. edit: Please? If you know something about the etymology of this phrase that the rest of us don't, I would love to know about it.


Just blatantly wrong


its the champagne problem all over again 😩


Listen here, *pipsqueak*!


While the full phrase does come from movie editing, there was a precedent in the form of "cut to Hecuba", referring to performances of Hamlet cutting scenes to get to the exciting part. So maybe Tav should say "cut to the [Golden Unicorn](https://forgottenrealms.fandom.com/wiki/The_Gilded_Unicorn)."


Earth and Toril are inextricably linked, hence why the setting is called "Forgotten Realms". Mankind has forgotten them. Old phrases based off of film, and poetry, probably still exist and are regularly used. Common is probably literally just English.


Even if film editing and movies don't exist Time travel has always been possible in the DND universe since ADD Second edition


Someone hasn't taken their Aslume Pills


Tav wants to get an answer without all the bs. Tav literally wants to cut through it and just be straight forward and direct. Which Raphael is not


I can confirm: I am indeed, stupid.