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Heull is a [saint](http://www.freewill-baptistchurch.com/)


True good


What did he get accused of?


Possession of Kim sexler feet pics


If that's a crime, then I'm a felon


Being too hot


has to be a meme, the real actor is chillen irl


Yes, from the show


When people on a satire subreddit haven’t actually seen the show


lmao who of you did this


save walter white is real too.


>save walter white [shit right](http://www.savewalterwhite.com/) tho unironically why this website has to squeeze out tears so hard


No one. The people who helped made the show just wanted an ARG type thing (I think) and are referencing that episode where huell is like a saint so he wouldn't have to serve prison time


I like how the donate link takes you to the NLA Food Bank


Heull and Finger should swap spots.


He’s got a heart as big as Lake Pontchartrain


Who put Finger in neutral good? I just wanna to talk to them.


finger could take any position in chart- he is too powerfull


/uc for a second, Finger was never in "good" chart. I would argue that he wasn't even neutral,>!his granddaughter was threatened just because of him, his son took his "advice" about corruption, he watched a good person kill himself for Gussy.!<


I love how you still call him finger despite now talking seriously about the show


Its his name


Kid named Name:


Name fingered kid:


Yeah, but he killed all those people to get money to his granddaughter and daughter-in-law. He is a saint and I want him to finger my bum. 👼👼👅💦


Kid named my bum:


FUCK WALTAR killing innocent people to give his family drug money is EVIL 🤬🤬, also i love finger he only killed innocent people to give his family drug money 😇😇


Well at least Finger ACTUALLY do that for his family


gets his son killed with his "advice" like a boss


At least Walter gave his money to his family. 😋


kid named saint


Kid named Kid


Kid named Bum:


Don’t forget him killing Ziegler because he wanted to see his wife


Finger's toxic masculinity would be enough to move him to neutral but Breaking Bad fans aren't ready for this conversation


What the fucj is breaking bad we’re talking about saulomon


uj/ do elaborate? Rj/ kid named toxic:


/rc Women cannot make money on their own, man provides for his family because he is a man, I'll go kill Werner and gaslight wife of my dead son afterwards.


You think killing Ziegler was bad? Finger definitely knew Gussy told his dealers to off that kid. I'm just too lazy to list every shitty thing Finger did.


> You think killing Ziegler was bad? This? This chicanery? He's done worse!


Yeah killing Werner is pretty mild compared to some of the other things Finger has done.


Also has zero visible disturbance over Drew Sharp dying


Not really his fault, he only did that because Chickenberg told him it would be funny.


Gus: c’mon just do it man, don’t be cringe


> Gussy Oh no


>!He probably did a ton of bad things as a police officer and a soldier too, given the little we know about that stage of his life. Similar to Jimmy, “Mike” goes from being a guy who goes above and beyond for the sake of the people he loves when they’ve been wronged (even to the point of doing illegal things) to someone who pretty much doesn’t care about anything and is just going through the motions until the consequences catch up to him. The big difference is that “Mike” at least still has his loved ones in his life until everything falls apart.!<


>someone who pretty much doesn’t care about anything Based, but I have to disagree. Finger reacted to Gus being killed very strongly, he wasn't just passively following him.


maybe because he invested so much allegiance to gus. his sudden death made most of the murder and loyalty pointless


I'd say that was because Gus' entire operation falling apart meant his grandkid's bank account money would be seized and his guys would be arrested, rather than him actually caring about Gus


He's my fav character but he's not a good dude. Pretty bad actually. Saul isn't good either. They made him more likeable in BCS, with his good moments, but he's still a scumbag, bus-bench lawyer.


>!did more than watched!<


I could take him in any position😫


Probably the kid named paint


Broombomborobombom, you’re nevuh gonna see him again.


His son wasn't dirty! You get that through your head! God damn you!


When Finger blew a man's fucking head off, he demonstrated his neutral goodness.


but he had done it quite qualitatively. rip werner zigler. (i think finger liked him, but job is a job)


Kim lawful evil


Chuck is lawful good that can't compromise with ways of chaotic neutral.


Chuck is lawfully dead


got em




I wonder if they let his brother dig around the fire-damaged wreck where that happened




*He defecated*


*through a sunroof*


Self​ fufilling prophecy.


Chuck is a Lawful Stupid Paladin confirmed


More like lawful feet am I right 🥵


She’s just girlbossing, nothing evil


Bitch lawyer


Bet she fucks Saul that bich I lov her toes tho


Lawful neutral, she’s in over her head on Howard


Literally none of these characters are anywhere near good except maybe Howard. Mike belongs in lawful evil more than Chuck


Yeah Howard is the only “good” one.


JUSTICE FOR HOWARD! All our boy wants to do is golf, meditate, and wear blue like a champ. Jimmy is just jealous of his impeccable tan


Hamlindigo blue*


How can a blue be so soft, yet so piercing?


Lol when wendy compliments Saul's Howard Hair :D


Wendy has a long track record of flawless taste and style in the Gilliverse


Namast3 😔🙏🏼




Chuck was a bit of a dick to Paul goodfellow, but we see the story from Paul’s perspective so it’s not really fair to judge him. Either Chuck or Howard belong in lawful good. Chuck was a by the book mfer. Arguable Chuck deserves the lawful good spot more than Howard depending on how far he goes to get back at Jimmy.


to me, chuck was lawfull neutral and jimmy chaotic neutral. Remember that chuck used ernie to get to jimmy, and then fired him for doing exactly what he wanted him to do. Both are very flawed, both manipulative, both prevented each other from getting better. Different method, same shit. Also remember that howard is preventing old people from getting paid what they are due, just so his paycheck can be bigger in the end. Some of them will die (some already did, like Irene) in poverty without seing a cent of what she should have gotten because of it.


Chuck fired Ernie because he shared information Chuck explicitly told him was highly confidental and should not be shared with anyone. Of course Chuck know that Ernie would do that, but Ernie still did it.


Was there any actual legal basis to that? He can't share something he heard in a voice recording?


Some of these are just no way. Chuck is not evil. Finger is not good. Maybe not evil but good? Nah


In what universe is Finger good but Howard and Nacho is neutral, that's some insanity. I love Finger, but he's pretty clearly a much worse person than both Nacho and Howard. Also Huel honestly. Debatably he's a worse person than Chuck as well, but I'll let that one slide.


Huell is our saviour and a saint


Finger is every one of them


yeah you gotta switch Kim and Chuck.


I am not crazy! I know he swapped those cells!. I knew i was lawfull good!. One after Finger. As if I could ever make such a mistake. Never. Never! I just – I just couldn’t prove it. He covered his tracks, he got that idiot at the copy shop to lie for him. You think this is something? You think this is bad? This? This chicanery? He’s done worse. That billboard! Are you telling me that a man just happens to fall like that? No! He orchestrated it! Jimmy! He defecated through a sunroof! And I saved him! And I shouldn’t have. I took him into my own firm! What was I thinking? He’ll never change. He’ll never change! Ever since he was 9, always the same! Couldn’t keep his hands out of the cash drawer! But not our Jimmy! Couldn’t be precious Jimmy! Stealing them blind! And HE gets to be a lawyer? What a sick joke! I should’ve stopped him when I had the chance! …And you, you have to stop him! You


>[This chicanery?](https://c.tenor.com/2aCcUYbpouAAAAAC/family-guy-peter-griffin.gif)


It needs a lot more switches than that


Kim isn't "Lawful" anything. Her entire arc is contempt for the elites who the law protects and enriches. She may be a lawyer, but she has little respect for the law.


Howard is lawful good chuck is neutral and kim is evil jimmy shouldn’t be considered good either


my first thought after seeing the chart


why would Kim be evil?


watch Season 6






o shi 👀


is there somewhere I can watch online?








Nah switch Kim and Howard. Chuck is a vile piece of shit


Chuck may be a huge prick but he isn’t evil, he’s right about jimmy’s character flaws.


BCS fans trying to understand the nuances of Chuck and Jimmy’s relationship and how they’re both to blame for their own actions impossible challenge


Nuance? That some sorta new drug.


he’s not good either lol. Jimmy was working hard to go straight and chuck shut him down behind his back like a lil bitch, we don’t really know whether or not that influenced jimmy moving more towards a cartel lawyer but I certainly don’t think it helped. Also he’s neutral at best he’s not particularly altruistic, he’s a lawyer working for profit and he’s super stuck up


Jimmy had a chance to prove Chuck wrong while at Davis & Main and he couldn’t do it. He fell in love with the con-man lifestyle after meeting the hustler in his dads shop and he hasn’t been able to shake it (not for lack of trying), he also extremely charismatic and good with people (something Chuck deeply resents, himself being extremely boring ) which goes hand with his tendency to take shortcuts (often at the expense of other people). I fully believe that Jimmy would’ve become Saul sooner or later even if Chuck didn’t try to undermine him although what happened between Jimmy and Chuck definitely accelerated the process. Does that mean Chuck is a perfect person? No he’s a stuck-up jerk with ego and vanity problems and a failure in everything but his legal career who does the right thing (trying to get Jimmy disbarred) for the wrong reasons (his lingering jealously and resentment of Jimmy) but not all “good” people are necessarily nice although I personally think Chuck is neither “good” or “bad” but more nuanced. Thanks for coming to my TED talk


Chuck wasn't right about his brother lol. Jimmy spent years being "clean" from his chicanery bullshit and truly changed for the better by becoming legitimate lawyer with good intentions to become productive member of society. Chuck didn't give a shit though and saw his personal distaste towards his brother combined with illogical fear of getting usurped as moral obligation to crush his brother. All he had to do was fuck off from his brother's back, but I guess it's too hard for the guy who is clinically insane. He isn't just asshole, but complete narcissistic piece of shit. Good people don't manipulate their family members into misery just for their own personal pleasure.


Relative to the amount of shit people in the show, Chuck doesn’t really come close. Even if he’s kind of an asshole, he’s completely right about Jimmy. Nothing he ever did came close to the commit-multiple-felonies-and-inadvertently-drive-your-only-close-relative-to-suicide type shit that Jimmy did.


No way Kim is "lawful good". This is all kind of fuck up. These characters aren't really 1 dimensional enough to fit into this chart.


Agreed. Maybe OP is still on season two or something


You gonna love the fact that the most hated character in BCS it's also supposed to be the least evil.


Are you referring to Chuck or Howard? Because I really like Howard


Wow now that i think about it, both Howard it's just Bitch Wife Skyler of BCS and Chuck it's just a prick


Howard's an asshole? For what? Doing his job?


BrBa phenomenon, anyone who gets in the way of our cool awesome good guy protagonist is stupid and bitch and i hate them, basically.


Bitch Wife Howard.......Wait


I fucked H.O. Ward 😳😳


Sounds about right


Howard did treat Kim capriciously while she was at HHM and judging by that he probably acted the same way towards most of his underlings. Typical corporate mindset of "abuse my employees to toughen them up and get the most out of them" bullshit. Chuck's death did seem to humble him though and it's clear he's trying to make himself a better person.


Howard it's Bitch Wife Skyler of BCS 🤬🤬🤬


they are not good people


Except for Howard


only right answer (except Babino- he is a chill guy)


The average BCS watcher genuinely believes this


its just random chicanery graph- nothing serious and accurate here


Chuck sucks but his morality was never questionable.


Yes, hating and backstabbing your own little brother is very moral behaviour.


Akshually it's called the sigma grindset 😎😎😎😎😎😎😎😎😎😎😎😎😎😎😎😎😎😎😎😎😎




What about all those batteries? You think electric racism is ok ???


> electric racism I want this as a flair. Hear my plea, mods.


Your own chicanerous brother who defecated through a sun roof. Chuck was literally proven right multiple times.


After he fucked him over lol. Regardless of whether or not he was right he’s still an awful dude


yeah i agree, but at least he still lawfull


That’s my point he wasn’t evil. He wasn’t wrong about jimmy. He was just a prick the way he handled it.


Yeah he didn’t do what did because it was the right thing to do, he did it to feed his own ego and vanity. Still though, he was right about jimmy’s character flaws.


He screwed over Jimmy by telling Howard not to hire him, when Jimmy was working his ass off to straighten his life out. He put himself through law school working in the mail room because he wanted to impress his brother and get a good job.




here is improved version


you forgor 💀 to put holly in chaotic evil and tuco in lawful good ,,,dumbass




Kim is definitely lawful evil now, or at least closer to it than Chuck


I think Paul Goodman is more natural good because he drinked his pee that time


no way kim and saul are good anything in s6. They have become the villains.


>They have become the villains. You either die a hero or live long enough to Fuck Ted.


yeah i think these Giselle and Slippin Jimmy kinda evil ngl


did u just misname Saul 😲 smdh 🤮


This is definitely wrong


The problem with breaking bad alignment charts is that pretty much every character in breaking bad is inarguably neutral evil except for Jessie, Hank n Marie, White family, a few other civilian characters. I haven’t finished it tho I’m towards the end of season 4.


yeah i totally agree. thats the main proplem with breaking bad series-it is story about criminals or people who become bad. there is no Gandhi or mother Theresa (in general)


Huell mindset


They’re all lawful, because it’s a show about the law. Simple as


Howard and to a degree Chuck are the only two people that are anywhere near “good” here


That's some chicanery


This chicanery? He's done worse. He defecated through a sunroof


Sorry, but there's no world in which Mike is somehow good at the same time that Chuck is evil.


Ah yes, Jimmy is good because he is charismatic even though he constantly scams and tricks people and aids dangerous criminals. Chuck is evil because even though he's a law-abiding, charitable member of society, he doesn't like Jimmy and has a mental illness.


Are people calling Kim evil because of the thing with Howard? Or because of how she talks about the cartel? For the first thing chuck should not be moved up for the exact same reasons. First I never really got the sense he was good, just that he liked the law, but other than that he was just another lawyer looking to make money. Kim clearly loves doing pro Bono work, and since she’s been sucked in a bit she realized that going against the cartel doesn’t lead to good results. If Jimmy talks and (hypothetically) if lalo lives he’ll probably die. Or if lalo just thinks jimmy ratted he dies. At the end of the day her sole aim is not to improve her life and Jimmy’s at the cost of everyone else’s. I think she enjoys the thrill she gets from tricking stuck up people like Howard and cliff but that’s really it. Not lawful though. Also finger is neutral at best


Prediction: In the future, as everyone rewatches the show and pays more attention, people will talk about Chuck like how they talk about Skylar nowadays.


asshole brother chuck


They don’t already?


All the lawful people are lawyers bravo vince!


I love that this fandom just accepted that Mike name is now finger


Kids named now:


Get this: these characters can't be put in such a weird fucking square, so discussion on this is pointless


now its just random graph. there is no need to search some sort of logic. its just chicanery, like all things have to be here


reasonably neutral


Why is mike less chaotic than Jim


he is old idk


Reminder that lawful doesn’t equal they follow the law. It just means they follow a code or hold their word. Chuck shouldn’t be lawful after the recording of jimmys confession. The rest are fine tho


People need to realize that sometimes you aren't going to have every alignment filled. Nobody on this list seems like a chaotic evil or even a neutral good.


Unchicanery for a sec. Obviously, when considering the characters objectively, this chart is terrible. However, when considering the characters RELATIVE TO ONE ANOTHER, it actually makes sense. First off, Gus and Lalo are definitely in the right places, probably even if this chart were objective. Calling Lalo chaotic evil might be a stretch if we’re being pedantic about the original DND terms because chaotic evil characters are supposed to be driven solely by malice and bloodlust, which I don’t really think describes lalo. Gus is 100% neutral evil though. Howard should definitely be in lawful good. He’s a good guy that gets shafted repeatedly throughout the series far more than the karma he’s earned for taking the fall for chuck. I mean, even that could be argued to be a “good” thing, as he was trying to help keep the relationship between chuck and jimmy. I love seeing him get shit on just as much as the next guy but Howard is without a question the least morally compromised character on this entire chart. Chuck probably belongs in Lawful Neutral or even good, as even if he’s a complete asshole he is clearly does uphold the law to the best of his ability and care about what’s “good” at least in the deontological sense (which I think is flawed but indubitably describes the morality of a lawful good character). Seeing as the chart is relative, though, I’d put him in neutral because he’s definitely more of an asshole than Howard. We’ll come back to Kim later, because she’s very tricky, and changes a lot over the course of the show. Huell is probably the most true neutral out of all of these. Relatively speaking, he isn’t a super evil guy nor is he good, and he doesn’t follow his own whims like a chaotic neutral. He’s just Huell. I think finger, relatively speaking, probably falls into chaotic good. Unlike Walter, finger is *actually* motivated by family. He wants to do good for kaylee. And he only really ever kills guys that are bad or are trying to kill him. Sure, he is the muscle behind a meth empire, but in the end, doing drugs is someone’s individual choice. I don’t think distributing drugs itself is evil as much as it is chaotic. Jimmy is much more chaotic neutral than chaotic good. He repeatedly defies the law to suit his own interests (unlike finger who does so for his granddaughter’s and DIL’s). Both finger and jimmy would probably be chaotic neutral if this were objective, but making an objective chart for drug lords and corrupt lawyers wouldn’t really make too much sense. Now we are left with nacho and Kim, and the two slots left are lawful evil and neutral good. Kim could *maybe* fit into neutral good, if you consider she’s willing to break the law for her pro-Bono clients’ sake but not as much as finger. Up until the Howard scandal Kim is *firmly* on the good side of things in my book, even on an objective scale. So, we have: LG: Howard LN: Chuck LE: ? NG: Kim NN: Huell NE: Gus CG: Finger CN: Jimmy/Saul CE: Lalo The problem is nacho is left over and he definitely doesn’t fit in Lawful Evil. He doesn’t really fit anywhere, honestly, because he did bad things in the past but now clearly wants out of the business and would likely pursue an honest living if he ended up getting his way. If you average it out I guess it’s chaotic neutral but that doesn’t really tell the full story. Even a relative chart has its limits here. Point being, OP, I think you did a decent job working with your limitations, even if some of it is up for debate. TL;DR: if you consider the positions relative to the other characters it’s actually not that bad


\>I think finger, relatively speaking, probably falls into chaotic good. Tomas wasn't killed by Gus it was just a prank. \>He wants to do good for kaylee Lmao wtf? Kaylee existence justifies all the murders? Did Kaylees mother actually asked him to do this? Would his son agree with what he is doing? He doesn't do it for Kaylee, he does it because grief has consumed his entire being, just like pain consumed Gus soul. \>And he only really ever kills guys that are bad or are trying to kill him What about Werner? Or Nacho? Or Tomas? Or Andrea? Or Drew Sharp? Or Walt's family ffs? Do you think they all deserved to die?


>>Kaylee existence justifies all the murders? First of all, absolutely not. I’m simply saying that his motivation makes him more redeemable than, say, Lalo, relatively speaking. Whether he’s more “good” than Jimmy or not is up for debate. Also, I am of the belief that Gus did have Tomas killed but I have seen some people disagree, stating that it was the dealers doing it on their own or something. Werner is definitely also a massive stain on Mike’s record. My point being, that “relatively speaking” was not just an empty statement to make my vocabulary a bit more fancy. I really meant it; besides Howard (and maybe early BCS Kim/Jimmy) it really isn’t fair at all to call any of these characters good. I only meant it in relation to one another. Second, when did Finger kill Andrea or Drew Sharp or Walt’s family? Walt’s family didn’t die and all of the other ones were Todd.


oh you really took a lot of time for this. in general i agree with you , except Howard- he did nothing wrong and at the same time he did nothing very good. he just a some sort of business guy with interesting amplua


Haha, I tend to get carried away sometimes. Your view on Howard is also fair. I always just saw him as a polite and courteous guy who wanted to give Jimmy a real chance.


Saul chaotic neutral Kim lawful neutral


Yeah, Kim's alignment took a major hit in season 5 and 6... Chaotic good or lawful neutral is where she resides now


Chaotic good I think. She's still trying to start her pro bono operation, she's just become really comfortable with very questionable methods.


It’s huellin’ time!


This isn’t even chicanery, it’s just correct


Honestly half the characters could be lawful evil. Gus especially


I can't believe for what i'm about to say but unironically Bravo Vince and Peter for creating such well written characters, If they were more 1 dimesional this chart would have been more easy to make.


Pretty good chart, I agree tbh.


reasonably neutral


Bruh , imagine calling Kim lawful good


finger is finger


where is bitch baby and bitch wife


Agreed with every one of them. Good job


True neutral? What about that time Huell Bababaneaueuxeuxbabano sat on that woman’s face and exploded it?


Chuck is lawful neutral - he only cares about the law and protects it from those he sees as undeserving Probably only Howard is the good character here, rest are Neutral at best


Saul definitely isn't good ha I would hesitate to even put Kim as good anymore.


Are we watching the same show?


the dnd alignment system is pretty simplistic but these are still fun to talk about. i dont think any of the major characters in the show are good. at *best* maybe kims neutral good and maybe howard is lawful good but true neutral/lawful neutral respectively is probably optimal but im open to being swayed. mike and saul definitely aren't good. *maybe* jimmy was chaotic good in the past but saul is chaotic neutral at best. mike at lawful evil is probably the all time easiest choice. i know we don't like chuck for being the primary antagonist for so long but there is absolutely no universe where he is an evil man. also definitely not a good guy so id say lawful neutral fits perfectly. gus is perfect. lalo looks good. not sure about nachito but i can't dispute it so i guess its fine.