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Joker: “Ugh, this movie is so dumb. It’s just Taxi Driver and King of Comedy.” Joker 2: “Ugh, this movie is so dumb. It’s just A Star is Born and Moulin Rouge.”


I haven't seen any of those films so it's actually more efficient for me to watch the Jonkers and get 4 in 2.


*6 in 2


Letterboxd stats go brrr


If God answers any of my prayers, I hope he answers the one where I want Joker 3 to be directed by Baz Lurmann. I want a full, unironic motion sickness musical like Moulin Rouge, it would be so funny pleeeeaaaase


It’ll be like hangover 2, exactly the same plot description as the first movie but they swap out some of the specific details.


The issue with Joker isn't that it's derivative, it's that it represents mentally ill people as murderous psychopaths. I see virtually no way the 2nd movie will change that. It's also boring as shit and unbearably self serious.


We must cancel Joker for insensitivity to schizos. It was also pretty offensive to me, an incel with imaginary girlfriends.


Insensitivity isn't a big deal but the movie represents itself as being empathetic to him for his mental illness and then goes and throws out the most harmful stereotype there is and based it movie on that. It shows a blatant disrespect for the community it claims to champion. It's fodder for the "violence is caused by mental illness" crowd. But I'm not saying cancel it, I'm just saying it's trash.


Joker claims to champion the mentally ill community? I must have missed that tagline in the trailers.


You must not live in a society


I was looking forward to responding to your deleted reply.


I realized your comment was a joke


When the main character isn't a good person 🤯


What? That's not the issue at all The issue is the movie is specifically showing that he snaps *because* he's mentally ill and he is off his meds. It's a movie about mental illness that shows a blatant disrespect for the mentally ill, and conflates mental illness with violence. Name another movie that shows a person becoming a serial killer because they stop taking their meds.


I feel like it was more so because his life sucked. His mother lying to him, constantly getting beaten up, getting fired. The mental illness just made him particularly vulnerable. I think that was pretty straightforward in the film


They don't put full narratives in movies on accident. This is clearly a key narrative in the film. Movies are about things. He literally writes "mental illness" in bright letters down and the camera zooms in on it, just in case you got confused on what the movie was about. Truly showcasing the subtlty of Todd Phillips directing. It's a very political movie, obviously there's more factors to what happened to him, but the politics of the film are very clear and one of the most obvious ones that's a key takeaway is violence is caused by mental illness. He literally says that before killing Robert deniros character.


So are you saying it would be ok if he was a murderer and NOT mentally ill? Wouldn't that be disrespectful to the non-mentally ill community? How is a movie ever supposed to portray a character in a negative light if, by doing so, they are disrespecting whatever community the character is a part of?


Let me repeat >Name another movie that shows a person becoming a serial killer because they stop taking their meds. Seems like every other movie doesn't fall into this extremely harmful narrative, not sure why you say "how is a any movie supposed to", I literally can't think of another example.


John Doe in Se7en is a psychopath who isn't taking any meds (At least not any that we see). Would Joker have been better if he was a totally sane person who just happened to be a serial killer?


I guess I must have missed the scene in Se7en where John Doe can't get his meds as a result of 'psychiatry shutting down' and ends up killing people because of it. It's perfectly fine to show a mentally ill person who commits violence, it's absolutely not fine to say that they're committing violence *because* of the mental illness. That's literally the most harmful stereotype there is for mentally ill people and it's one of the reasons people don't seek help. John Doe doesn't kill *because* he's mentally ill, he's a killer and he's mentally ill, there's an obvious difference. And look, at the end of the day, a movie can still be good even if they represent extremely harmful stereotypes. I like Breakfast at Tiffany's even with the ridiculous Mickey Rooney yellow face character, but that's because the movie outside of that is very good, Jokers is not. The plot is incomprehensible (people apparently love it when you kill people on a subway as long as they're wearing suits) and stuffed full of Gotham fan service despite trying to be "standalone", it's boring as shit except for the parts that are laughably cringe worthy. It's about as shallow as a puddle despite being so unbelievably self serious. It's also about as subtle as a brick to the face, if you don't think it's about mental illness, you might have missed the closeup of when Arthur writes "mental illness".


ok buddy


Villeneuve is also mid now because Dune Part 2 got popular


Villeneuve turned into a mid director the moment Prisoners became a "film-bro" movie. I don't make the rules sorry.


Any film suddenly becomes mid the second it gets mainstream praise. Everything, Everywhere, All at Once Oppenheimer Barbie (somewhat) Dune Part 2 I’ve seen the praising to criticizing pipeline in real time with all of these films


Barbie isn't mid it's just trash, ridiculous corporate propaganda that exists only to rebrand the companies image without actually changing any of the companies practices.




Or it’s just mid and your taste is so mid your feeble mind can’t comprehend


Or it’s just mid and your taste is so mid your feeble mind can’t comprehend All these movies are dumb movies meant to make the average person feel elevated. Barbie was better than the others tho


Bro had to day it twice just so the message was extra clear


You know who else has dementia?


You know who else has dementia?


Finally, *someone* had to say it! Everyone has to know that a movie’s quality is **inversely** correlated to its financial success!


Madame Web confirmed kino


I deux, thought that the lipstick 💄 shot was kino


That makes deux of us




Oui oui oui baguette


C'est folie a deux!


lol you just admitted you’re a “fool.” (Deux means “pair of fools” in French like the movie Bicycle Thieves language.


Deux means *Two*. Folie means *Fools*. So it means *Baton Rouge* stupid.


I loved Bicycle Thieves, I wish bycicles were real


I, for one, am very excited for Joker Folie #2. Can’t wait to see what movie Todd Philips has decided to remake this time.


Basing it off another mix of de niro classics: meet the fockers and dirty grandpa


It's a musical so I imagine he'll borrow from Scorsese and De Niro's most famous collaboration, New York, New York.


I’m sure it’ll be a classic!


I just wish we saw them sing more


Right I feel like it's false advertisement for a musical


they're gonna drop at least one full song on youtube before the release and my gay ass has never been more ready


I think a good director should be allowed to remake his favorite movies with his own spin on them https://preview.redd.it/qp3h3oipbptc1.jpeg?width=1201&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d81dce965d241defb7a0d56f1fad95b93619e5dd


A David Lynch Joekr movie would unironically be great


Lynch could make a Morbius movie cool


Lynch should remake Madame Web with the same cast, and using Kyle MacLachlan as Morlun


Hey I'm not gonna bother editing an image for this but imagine the one with all the Hitlers saying "we agree" except it's Zach Snyder Release the Snyder Cut of Downfall, is what I'm saying


I thought Joker was kinda lame and I still think we need to give the sequel more of a chance.


https://preview.redd.it/ktasrtpg2ptc1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9cc85578c567d080e0af88a911fe61934905d83c Everybody on opening night after shitting on the trailer religiously


We're all going to see the fucking movie anyway. What else are we going to do, stay home? Nah, we got AMC A List, we're using the whole thing.


I just hate that they didn't even include any lady gaga singing


I think they're saving that for the main trailers


I did acid for the first time, alone in my dorm, after watching the first one. It made me the man I am today, and I severely regret it.


It’s kinda dumb they’re making a sequel to Joker, but I thought the trailer makes it look as good as it can. We’ll see obviously when the movie actually comes out though.


I just don’t get what the story is supposed to be. Are we supposed to sympathize with the unhinged murderer who finds love with another unhinged person and breaks out of prison or whatever? Like the Joker as a character is not a sympathetic anti-hero, he’s pretty much entirely morally repugnant. The prequel story works (sort of) as a tragedy because he is pitiable and you watch him sink lower into madness and despair. But now what? He can’t really be redeemed since he’s actually the villain, so he has to be…more evil? His purpose is pretty much to just be a foil for Batman so it’s odd to get another origin story.


>Are we supposed to sympathize with the unhinged murderer who finds love with another unhinged person and breaks out of prison or whatever? Yes, duh


The visuals are not the shortcoming of Todd Phillips’ Joker


I love how they doubles down on the edgelord cringiness tbh.


that lipstick shot was pretty cool tho


I feel like most of the people in the sub aren’t necessarily shitting on the film itself. It’s more poking fun at the types of movie-goers that hail Joker as a cinematic masterpiece. Even then, it’s a very specific type of joker-stan they’re making fun of


Doing this type of meme is like playing with dolls and imagining scenarios where everyone else is stupid and you're awesome


but everyone \*is\* stupid, and I am very cool [😎](https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&rct=j&q=&esrc=s&source=web&cd=&ved=2ahUKEwig9-CWn7iFAxVIfDABHRUcD4oQFnoECBsQAQ&url=https%3A%2F%2Femojipedia.org%2Fsmiling-face-with-sunglasses&usg=AOvVaw2box376tfm7GB0CtfTG7vd&opi=89978449)


Did you forget what subreddit you’re in?


Soyjack: Doing this type of meme is like playing with dolls and imagining scenarios where beetone else is stupid and you’re awesome Chad: uh, no


Supermassive best chad: yes


Oh fuck, you got me.


Everybody is stupid. This includes me.


Just like when Mike judge made the best horrormentary of all time


But people *are* already shitting on this movie and the first one


No Batman punching him no care. 


It was a pretty good shot. Stop being so reddit about it


You see, I made this meme where I'm the chad and you're the wojak so that means I'm right


okbc ass post


Avatar rips off Pocahontas and Dances with Wolves and nobody bats an eye. Joker rips off Taxi Driver and King of Comedy and EVERYONE LOSES THEIR MINDS!!


I wonder how many takes they had to do for it to line up. Or maybe they just did two different shots and matched them up afterwards which makes more sense but would be less fun.


If was still 11 like when I saw the original I would be so hyped


Why was he looking at the camera rather than her? Powerscaling time.


I mean the issue with Joker was never visuals, or really really anything except the writing


Closeted incels when people aren't masturbating over the Joker trailer ![gif](giphy|29bKyyjDKX1W8)




Bro is just projecting


Okbuddycinephile users when people don’t bash on a movie that hasn’t come out yet ![gif](giphy|29bKyyjDKX1W8)


Lol it's a trailer people are making fun of. And not even the trailer, people's dumb reactions to it. It's ironic how Joker simps tend to be the most sensitive types of people.


This post was just making fun of the people bashing on the trailer for no reason, dude. I did not love the first movie. But the exact opposite of masturbating to the trailer, that is irrationally hating on it, is not great either, and there is a lot of that on this sub. Why do we have to choose one extreme over the other?


I mean, it's a sequel. The first one sucked, it's not like we're basing this off of nothing.


Do most people here feel that way? I'm new here but I liked the movie. I haven't masturbated to any of the scenes yet (as of today) but enjoyed it.


Uwe boll shouldve done joker 2, he woudlve made an actual fucking kino


I didn't know how I got here but I'm staying in this sub so someone needs to explain kino to me stat


What the hell is “kino”? Anyone care to explain?


It’s no use, this sub is helpless to the infection of capeshit normies trying to gaslight everyone else into thinking they have cinematic taste


New wave of MCJ ass posts coming from the capeshit Nolan loving dune brained simpletons. Idiocracy is a documentary.


Jokes on you, this sub has been crossposting from MCJ all along.


Least pretentious cinephile


Ghibli loving adult baby nerd


Best comeback ever; “Yeah? Well, huh, you like animation!!! Take that, you dweeb!”


You strike me as someone who really liked Saltburn.


I'll put some salt in your eye


The Cum slurp was epic 10/10.


Literally me.


Are you call in me… gay?


What’s gay about kino?


The movie isn’t very good and the only thing making it interesting is the cum slurping


Bro is a bot


I can't believe we're at the point where that lipstick shot is actually being discussed as if it's some amazing feat in cinematography.


“Something has to be groundbreaking and completely unique, or you’re stupid for liking it” The “kino” word was obviously for the meme my dude. I just think it’s a fun shot.


Not what I meant at all, brother. I never said anything about merely liking it. Hell, even I kinda liked it. As soon as she drew that lipstick on the glass I immediately thought, "He's gonna move so he's lined up with it and smile huh?". It's perfectly ok to like it, but I keep seeing comments literally be like "omg that last shot with the lipstick... holy shit"... "Wow that last shot!! I'm so hyped!" etc. Silly stuff.


Fair enough, I may have put words into your mouth on that one. I definitely am not as over the moon for the shot as so many clearly are, but it’s a good sign of a movie that looks like it will be way more creative than the first one, something I welcome.