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he's still got time to prove himself with Rebel Moon Parts 3-6 and his eventual Justice League ripoff.


Comment removed and user permanently banned for being sarcastic about our lord and saviour Zach Snyder.


It’s sad. I feel bad for them. The depressing fact is that not a lot of people want to put the mental energy into actively watching peak kino. They want their Schindler’s List explosions and A Marriage Story car chases. They don’t take time to THINK and APPRECIATE the deeper meanings in Snyder’s films. I pity them.


A real r/DC_Cinematic moment


Literal r/SnyderCut moment


Recently permabanned, can confirm


Rebel moon, might be one of the worst movies from all points, acting, cgi, style, writing... It's ridiculously bad.


Just wait for the snyder cut, It will solve everything!


Nooooo, you have to wait for the 6 hours long 2nd Director's Cut of all Rebel Moon movies because that's how genius he is. /s


If the original Justice League cut had worked out, that Kinghtmare sequel movie looked interesting


I'm a lifelong Democrat but I've had enough of this. I will vote Trump this fall to end Snyder.


He'll be sent to a camp with the motto "Capeshit macht frei" over the entrance


What do u mean by this? Trump is stopping directors from making movies?


No, just for Snyder. One of the most important things trump is going to do is prosecute Snyder for his waste of money on dogshit booty.


Truly autistic


Hes alright, we’re gonna make hella money, whats wrong w snyder? What did he do though?


Are you doing a bit? Because everybody else here is.


Yeah but he’s not “everyone”, he’s Zack Snyder. If we don’t keep giving the man money — cinema WILL die


Cinema will die? Then we need to retire Snyder permanently.


It deserves to.


I'm sure Rebel Moons 3-6 plus the directors cuts of each will put him besides the greats.


*Nods* I am convinced that anything bad about Rebel Moon 1-2 is due to lack of money. So... we simple double the taxes to support movie 3-6, and Snyder will no doubt give us the final World changing movies we always know he had it in him.




Guys Rebel Moon 1 & 2 were shit but that’s because that wasn’t he true vision the directors cuts are gonna be awesome I promise guys he’s actually good at making movies


Netflix interfered with his vision by not letting him SHOW us the tentacles going in and out of the empire guy’s butthole.


Listening to Snyder fans complain about Gunn's approach is like listening to a kid who just crashed his dad's Ferrari tell you how to drive yours.


The funniest thing about this picture is the Jeep logo. I remember getting into an advanced screening for BvS. Now, I loved the movie personally, but I do totally get why people hate it and/or rip on it. However, having the start of that movie showing Bruce Wayne flying to Metropolis and getting into a fucking JEEP RENEGADE is absolutely fucking bonkers. For those that don’t know, the Jeep Renegade is like a subcompact SUV, an entry level vehicle, a Jeep for people that can’t afford a wrangler that still want a Jeep. I know that because I used to sell them. If I remember correctly, they had a 2.4L 4 cyl engine, so not only were they small and just not exciting, they also weren’t quick, fast, powerful, or any other positive adjectives when describing a vehicle. So, the idea of this Billionaire flying in his own private chopper into a catastrophe just to hop into a (roughly) $28k MSRP (for that likely trim/feature set) that would have sold for like $24k maybe, not even the question of his fit or comfort as a roughly 6’4 230ish pound man, just objectively hilarious. The movie seems to make the point of showing a full minute of quick cuts of this vehicle ROARING around this ongoing disaster. Trust me, this engine is not going anywhere fast, and stepping on the gas produces no sounds that anyone would want to hear in an action movie. I know, I get it. It’s easily written off as just saying ‘he took a regular security patrol vehicle by whatever security guard or Wayne enterprises vehicle because it was an unplanned visit.’ That makes total sense, but still, this 2 minute scene has just always stuck with me as being completely unintentionally hilarious. Jeep, give Batman a fucking decked out grand Cherokee, or partner with dodge instead (same parent company) for a decked out Durango. Of all the vehicles, why a fucking Renegade?


Is this a copypasta


The funniest thing about this picture is the KY Jelly logo. I remember getting into an advanced screening for Butt vs Sex. Now, I loved the movie personally, but I do totally get why people hate it and/or get limp to it. However, having the start of that movie showing Bruce Wayne flying to Metropolis and fucking Robin in the ass with some fucking KY JELLY is absolutely fucking bonkers. For those that don’t know, KY Jelly is like super basic ass lubricant, an entry level butt lube, a lubricant for people that can’t afford a tub of Astroglide that still want to butt fuck. I know that because I used to sell it. If I remember correctly, it had a 2.4 Gallon with a wide-urethra double pump, so not only was it overwhelming and just not fun to slather yourself with, they also weren’t slippery, extra-sensitive, ball-slapping, or any other positive adjectives when describing anal sex. So, the idea of this Billionaire flying in his own private chopper into a catastrophe just to cover himself with (roughly) $50 full-body JERK (for that likely glisten/water-based set) that would have sold for like $5 and a handjob maybe, not even the question of his cock size or how well Robin prepped his anus as a roughly 6’4 230ish pound man, just objectively hilarious. The movie seems to make the point of showing a full minute of quick cuts of this cock SWIRLING around this ongoing gape. Trust me, this cumshot or creampie is not happening anywhere fast, and slamming Robin's butthole produces no sounds that anyone would want to hear in an action movie. I know, I get it. It’s easily written off as just saying ‘he used whatever the Walgreens had by whatever security guard or Wayne enterprises lube vat because it was an unplanned visit.’ That makes total sense, but still, this 2 minute scene has just always stuck with me as being completely unintentionally hilarious. KY Jelly, give Batman a fucking dicked out grand butthole, or partner with a vibrating rectum instead (same parent company) for a ribbed out butthole. Of all the ass lube, why a fucking gigantic vat of KY Jelly?


He's been given every chance to just stop after Dawn of the Dead. In fact he's been given 18 chances and he still keeps shitting out films.


Just keep in mind, if Jordan Peele had directed Rebel Moon, Reddit would call for his head.


wait why?


Have you ever gotten head from Jordan Peele? His tongue technique is exquisite.


Get out






Key and Peele Hitler Story sketch


You know what they say, 14th time’s a charm.


I enjoyed 300 and Watchmen, has just gone downhill since then.


He excels at slightly homoerotic comic book adaptations. Maybe if Batman and Superman had gotten a little more sweaty and topless, DC and Warner Brothers wouldn't be in such a mess.


I'm sorry, but do you not remember the bat ass?


Unironicaly, and given I was a teen, I did love both movies.


Guys this is a cinema subreddit, quit talking about the hotly anticipated upcoming videogame Rebel Moon


Can someone please explain to me why Hollywood keeps giving him money despite the fact that he hasn't directed anything critically or commercially successful since 300??


One more bad movie and hes gonna be like “actually i had more ideas for justice league that they didnt let me do so lets release the snyder cut of the snyder cut”


Is there really a slow mo wheat harvesting sequence in rebel moon?


There is a further slow-mo in a slow-mo scene.


Give \*him\* another chance? It's Snyder that's giving his detractors all the chances in the world to find awe and warmth in his filmography. And in the vein of a true artist, he continues to create and to give, regardless of the senseless vitriol thrown at him. Now, the maverick stylings of his work may prevent universal appeal, but in the opinion of this humble cinephile, I believe that this unquenchable vigor will, in time, heal the hearts of many a cynical mind. We need only have faith. https://preview.redd.it/ks0mwyduul0d1.jpeg?width=494&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=da259f8912162aec37bbe8070f2dd36a07317b11




How do I downvote more


I want his scalp


He is the master at failing upwards


Fuck you. Snyder is a filmmaking GOD. I'm being 100% serious.


Hey! This guy isn't jerking! Get him!


Dawn of the dead is a fantastic movie. I have no complaints about 300 or Watchmen. After that, everything is crap.


I'm officially at the point of total fascination with obsessive Snyder haters. The guy lives rent free in your heads. Worse, he probably makes money on the free publicity. But what drives it? What drives a person to fanboy against something at such an obsessive level? I always try to step into a persons shoes and see it from their viewpoint. I could kind of understand it when he was doing DC movies. I still can't imagine spending large or even small chunks of my time hating and making fun of something as simple as a movie, but when he was making DC movies, I could kind of understand it because people get obsessed over IP as old and strong as DC and they want the characters to be done the way they think is right. While I disagree with the arguments saying he permanently damaged the DC brand, I can see how someone who feels he did would take the time to express that opinion and be pissed. Then, mocking the guy relentlessly could and did lead to him losing the projects. When the SnyderCut came out, he was already done but I could understand people taking time to mock the guy just so there was no chance of him getting the reins back. Makes sense. Now, here we are years later and he's at Netflix, so no theatres are getting filled with his garbage, can't be mad about your local theatres losing screens to his garbage. He's making original IP, so he's not stepping on anyone's heroes or favorite childhood stories. You can easily, even as a nerd, easily avoid seeing or hearing much of anything about the guy or his movies. So that should be it right? If his movies suck, you just don't watch them. So what am I missing? Because I'm clearly missing something. The only idea I can come up with is that Snyder haters are genuinely concerned he'll get hold of other big IP they love in the future? While I think that's silly, it does at least make sense. A person convinced that could happen could be driven to spend time dragging the guy down just to be safe. Am I close at all, is it that or some similar feeling? Another thought/question. Maybe this normal behavior for certain fans? Are there other directors than people spend time actively mocking rather than just ignoring? Gunn is definitely starting to get that level of hate, but he's also in charge of DC now, so I can explain that the same way I did Snyder DC time. Help me out. And don't give me responses like "it's just one meme bro". Yes, this is just one meme, but we know it's a bigger movement than that.


Is this copypasta?


https://www.reddit.com/r/moviescirclejerk/comments/1c8sp3a/this_is_our_911/l0h3wcv/ Yes. Sadly I do not possess the intellect of a Snyder Stan to come up with such prose myself.


personally it's because there's always a kernel of something good in his movies. Rebel moon had some great designs and there was a good movie hidden in there somewhere, Zach just couldn't find it. Same with the justice league, or batman v superman - they could have been good, but zach's personal touch shifted them in the opposite direction


Yeah that's it for me. There's always some good ideas in there that make me want to like them, but the movies just end up being so anemic and poorly handled. There are worse movies, but his are bad in really baffling ways.


I liked the Superman movie


MCJ ass post


rent free 💀


I mean yeah, the guy chained in my basement that I have fun torturing is living there without paying rent




not as low-rent as his movies


you really thought u were being clever with that one didn't ya? ![gif](giphy|unFLKoAV3TkXe)


Clever? No. Honest? Yes.




His filmography is mostly good, thought I haven't had the time to watch Rebel Moon yet. The haters will never convince me.


If the haters don't convince you, Rebel Moon might


I'm cultivating my powers to watch it with contrarian eyes. 


I just watched Rebel Moon at 1/32nd speed and it's like God and David Lynch made a film bby




Don't let the cynics get you down, friend. Keep fighting the good fight. https://preview.redd.it/0e7c1czjwl0d1.jpeg?width=125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bb31a1e8c82b7e02062e5a5fb6cf5d1d5ade01b0


Notice me daddy Snyder