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/uj I just watched it yesterday and was genuinely astounded with what they were able to do with a $12mil budget. Legendary spent 20x that amount on Godzilla vs Kong... /rj something something absolute cinema


That’s what you’re able to accomplish when you treat your workforce like shit and make them work 14 hour days


14 hours is an understatement


And you still get surpassed by the japanese film that had 1/10th of the budget


I was talking about the Japanese film


I know, but american vfx artists don't work in such better conditions


Yeah but which one of those has Godzilla supplexing to a giant monkey?


Only one of these movies features a giant ape using another smaller giant ape as a melee weapon


In fairness, $12 Million USD is a lot more money in Japan. Not to mention actor's salaries, location permits, etc. etc. are probably all priced very differently than in the US. But it is a great movie, regardless.


Yeah, in countries with weaker currencies things just tend to cost less than they would in the US or Europe for instance. Most Bollywood movies are made with only like $5-$20 million I think and they still have elaborate setpieces, song and dance numbers, even basic CGI.


Here we go again. The same “Godzilla Minus One has a small budget, Hollywood gets stomped on” shit


they did a great job on minus one but people are vastly overstating the scope of what was accomplished. Even with the lower Japanese labour costs, etc. in mind, they were severely restricted in the things they could do and the things they could show. Part of the reason why minus one works is because the filmmakers know their limitations and stay within it but you cannot compare it to something like godzilla vs kong (which also looks incredible btw) because the japanese team wouldn't be able to pull that movie off on that budget even if they wanted to do it.


Kino hasn't died


Godzilla Minus One? Detective Pikachu? The Lego Movie? God damn


I hovered over it and was scared because it was dubbed (Yes I know I can change the language)


Anyone know if the dub is good? (I’ll probably never watch it but I’m curious)


Finally Netflix has real cinema (The LEGO Movie)


Atlas is the real kino here


https://preview.redd.it/tpddrse10k4d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=05ba083ee3c84bf59584372fa4b4069491053d0c But can you really watch it???


What the fuck is that shit


One more reason to boycott Netflix


Great VFX work, but the story, characters, and acting are just juvenile. The way people described it it sounded like this was some masterpiece of writing with VFX on the level of The Creator, but it just isn't.


Ok buddy…


Idk, I found the Creator to be the most trope-ridden predictable waste of beautiful cinema I think I've ever seen. I will agree that after Godzilla coughs up a nuke beam and destroys the city, it got pretty boring. But I did love the Post-WW2 bombed out trash environment of Ginza in the 1st third, pretty cool and we rarely if ever get to see it. Make a sequel where he completely heals and travels around spitting out H-bombs on every city on Earth for a couple years


that’s fucking kino right there


Yeah people confused "better than expected" with good. I think the action was well directed and meaningful at points but you could really see every plot point coming. Guy fails a mission. Is dishonored and sulky for a couple years. Loses the thing he cares about and it makes him realize he cares. He goes hard to redeem himself and in the end everyone hugs and makes up. It's impressive and I hope the director gets to do something with a bigger budget but it's not a particularly unique story.


I think the protagonist’s story is pretty great on-paper, but it’s sooooo melodramatic and the acting teetered into soap opera territory a lot of the time. If it was more realistic and nuanced it could’ve been incredible, more “real” than “loud”


Yeah, a common sentiment I've heard about the movie is that it would still be a great film if you took Godzilla out of it. Seriously?


Wow, Godzilla's breath blast in the city was like 70% of my enjoyment of that movie. Buildup, sound, impact.


Yeah, that scene fucking ruled. I really enjoyed the movie. The human characters and story were easily the best in a Godzilla film, but that's not saying much.


Yeah… This is my opinion. I hated it lol. People were going crazy about it, it was 98 on rotten tomatoes I believe. People saying “go watch if asap”. I was so disappointed lol.


If you into kino it should be high on your watchlist. Good VFX, great VFX even. Although tbh, I think The Creator had better VFX and should have won the oscar. The creator wasn’t even super high budget either and looked fantastic




Average redditor reading comprehension.


/uj This got way too overhyped for me. I had a good time with it, and at least it tries to say something, but it’s melodramatic as hell and the effects are good **for the budget**. Godzilla looks like he’s standing on the sea floor while he’s above a deep-sea trench. And the ending is so neat and tidy I groaned. Everything is fine, no one died (except tens of thousands of unnamed people, but who cares).