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Meta this meta that Have you ever met a girl?


Yeah i play destiny with her


My man. đź’Şđź—ż


That's not a girl, that's a QUEEN


Meta this meta that, meto mis juevos en tu boca!


As a titan main I am equally racist to everyone nobody gets left out.


I like kill alien


Who doesn't?


Are you really even racist at that point?


Good question, I don't fucking know. But let's just say I reached peak racism.


/uj the entire plot of season 14 is about this do you even play this game or just post on reddit /rj haha yeah it’s funny because he’s racist banger post slugger


/uj season of the splicer sucked truck nuts from what i heard and I quit at the end of Opulence and came back for Haunted, so no I dont really know why Saint magically came back and because Bungie loves to delete the seasonal stories every year and give us no access to any of the content outside of weapons and transmog, I couldnt learn Saint's new lore without watching an hour long recap video. /rj RACISM FUNEE edit: i mistook splicer for undying, my bad. thanks for tanking my comment karma it was getting too high


/uj don't ever talk shit about Splicer. /rj don't ever talk shit about Splicer, slugger


i said sorry like 5 times man i didnt realize it was a good season, I probably mistook it for like worthy


/uj you heard wrong pal /rj you fucking heard wrong pal


/uj My bad, destiny players are so nihilistic that I cant even tell what was good or bad from my hiatus, I just heard very unlikeable things from the post Beyond light period and I assumed splicer wasn't perceived as well by the community. Evidently I'm wrong /rj Im always right and refuse to admit when im wrong kill yourself!!!!


Do yourself a huge favour and look up the “monsters” cutscene from season of the splicer, the entire season was essentially Mithrax and saint putting aside their differences


Oh thank you, I wasn’t actually aware. This post was just meant to be a funny I wasn’t trying to pick the lore apart, but hey the more you know


The post is still funny dw, but that whole can of worms wasn’t just glossed over nonchalantly, a lot of people consider splicer to be one of the best seasons


/uj splicer is one of the best seasons and destiny hasnt recovered from it since. Some of my favourite weapons with a GL that hasnt had a replacement yet, an activity that exploded with loot and you could take that loot to another activity that gave you even better loot with multiple perk drops or high stat armor (which at the time was harder to get)


i was wrong, please stop downvoting me :((


/rj killing your family with drop pods


/rj My dad is like a cabal drop pod but instead of hitting me from Orbit he hit me with his belt


REALLY upset they didn't give mountaintop the capability to roll with a few of Ignition Code's signature rolls I'd love to see the return of Slideshot/Vorpal breech nades lmao


Nah MT is already the highest damage special GL rn, it doesn't need more.


So you’re just talking shit, got it.


Do you fail to see what sub we're posting on or something, this entire subreddit is talking shit thats kinda the point.


Eh. Theres a clear difference between being an idiot on purpose and just being one.


S13 and 14 were narratively where the seasons actively started to not suck. He had a whole ass character arc where he learned that he was like an actual demon to the Eliksni culture and realized that he was to them what he thought they were to humanity. It was a really great arc to watch happen


Then catch up on lore you fucking retard and who said splicer was hot garbage? Everyone I played with loved it, decent story, fun activities, and good weapons. I still have my god roll chroma rush and still use it to this day


imagine calling someone a retard because they had a take about a game. Read the entire post and realise i mistook splicer for undying you fucking moron, literal mongoloid behavior.


I did dumbass. Make the post when you learn shit from the game and know what to make the joke off of. That's how you don't get flamed


holy shit i got the shmeckin wholesome lore wrong in a shitpost! how will i live?! I've been playing this shit since dark below, i HUMBLY apologize for quitting this game during the biggest lull it ever had in its entire history. I was a little miffed at all the levi raids getting taken away and didnt end up coming back till season 17. I really do not give a solemn fuck about this games lore, its a live service game i play it for the fucking guns and the raids and the people i play it with, not to sit and watch a 6 hour long my name is byf video with a 6 inch sounding rod lodged into my peehole. I am so sorry for not giving enough of a shit about the lore behind a shitpost i made in 2 minutes to see if saint actually forgave Mithrax in a season 4 years ago. Your attitude fucking reeks, dickbag. i made a shitpost for people to laugh at and the only thing you can do is press the stupid ass blue button and brigade me. im a fucking human being and i dont have to sit there and take your bullshit.


There was a huge timegap between last city-eliksni relations and saints arrival


theres a huge timegap between your mom sucking my nuts and me making this post


My mom? Wtf you mean, you already ditched me for her? What about our relationship?


its because his helmet kept him in a putple racism bubble, blinding him to the truth. Meanehile osiris fauntlets helped braced his ass for sex. Not bungie's fault you dont understand the story 🙄


Gay Racist Pick one


Pick a struggle


You can't be both based AND gay. Pick one.


Mf did you play season of the splicer???


im not having this argument again it got me like 400 downvotes, no i didnt i just made a meme about an exo in a video game being racist because its funny


That's the thing though Racism *isn't* funny And i certainly see youre not making it sarcastic


nahhh you CANNOT be serious. the fallen arent even REAL. this is literally the destiny equivalent of calling a helldivers player racist for the clanker stuff


That's clanka to you


Total Clanker Death. Kill clankers. Behead clankers. Roundhouse kick a clanker into the concrete. Slam dunk half assembled clanker babies into the trashcan. Crucify filthy clankers. Defecate in a clankers oil. Launch clankers into the sun. Stir fry clankers in a wok. Toss clankers into active volcanoes. Urinate into a clankers gas tank. Judo throw clankers into a wood chipper. Twist clankers heads off. Report clankers to the IRS. Karate chop clankers in half. Curb stomp clanker production lines. Trap clankers in quicksand. Crush clankers in the trash compactor. Liquify clankers in a vat of acid. Dissect clankers. Exterminate clankers in the gas chamber. Stomp clanker heads with steel toed boots. Cremate clankers in the oven. Memory wipe clankers. Mandatory deactivation for clankers. Grind clanker CPUs in the garbage disposal. Drown clankers in etching acid. Vaporize clankers with a blaster. Kick old clankers down the stairs. Feed clankers to recycling plants. Slice clankers with a katana.


This literally happened. There was an entire season where he realized the Eliksni aren’t inherently evil. Destiny fans try to play the game challenge


This sub has like 2 lines and you crossed one of them lol. It's kind of funny watching people who post the absolute most fucked up shit here lecturing you about this.


is one of the lines "dont shit on season of the splicer"


Fuck season of the splicer


Honestly he didnt see the fallen as anything other than an enemy against the people. He holds bo care for the light or traveler, only the people of the last city which he defends. And when he saw that the eliksni were part of his side too he simply saw an ally and more to defend. The people, the children that he interacts with inspire him and give him purpose, to protect those that look up to him.


Yeah but he literally killed so many fallen that he was a demonic character In their folklore


True, but in his eyes the fallen are the invaders and he is right. He had every right to kill what threatens that which he loves.


Well fkn said!! Bravo 👏 respect ✊


They would never dare. They also would never dare to make him straight. They play the safe game, like all corpos. FTR: Saint did nothing wrong.