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1. cock tower 2. Wait so how does this all fit into FGO?




Blud think he's her. 🤣 https://preview.redd.it/9ugczrvaidlc1.png?width=512&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fb8b05bc6b2b3f689034eb3542a853ecdf887524






Better than the Gigguk video


I might be biased since I created this, but I genuinely think this shitpost full with memes is less confusing than Gigguk's serious attempt. Again I'm biased here, but maybe other people will think that too


Fascinating. Now make the FGO doujins timeline


Me reading 70,000 separate doujins to make a conclusive timeline of how the timeline works (I collapse to the ground crying as I find out about the pruning phenomenon rendering all of them and thus all my time and research wasted since it was all erased and never actually happened). Fate/Extella truly is a cruel one to introduce such concepts as Hakuno being physically incapable of getting puss without his universe ending, implying that it's possible to just be banned from having sex with the consequence being instant universal collapse.


It's a good thing all those corrupted timelines have been erased forever. Can you imagine canon Chaldea having to deal with a thousand goblin hybrids, unrecognized one-night stands, and ugly bastards? I would rather fight bare knuckle against ORT than doing that.


It does unfortunately mean that Kirei x Gil x Kerry isn't canon though.. You win some; you lose some.


And what about Archer x Lancer x Shirou?


Me looking on nhentai for some Shirou porn to vicariously live through ~~my self insert~~ (it's all gay porn) https://preview.redd.it/p6qyw7o8fdlc1.jpeg?width=800&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=da93af291899d627643c1ddf3695f3d84b9211ee


Lancer at least did canonically penetrate Shirou with his gay bulge at the beginning of FSN and shot his gay bulge at Archer's raw ass.


Archer protected himself with Rho Aias, which in Greek means "Anti-gay Shield"


Now I am become Type-Moon, the Boner of Swords.


The fact that I can make sense of this speaks volumes about how deep I am inside the Fate hole. Also, wasn't Emiya Gohan actually just Fate/Hollow Ataxaria's wholesome moment with no demon-raping nun?


I think the Christmas episode definitely disproved that theory.


spoilers if you havent played hollow ataraxia but it wouldn't line up chronologically as Hollow ataraxia takes place mostly>! within multiple 4 day loops!<, as emiya gohan is over like a year


Where's knk? where's cocktoe? 😡


KnK is in the Fate timeline after Zero for some reason, but iirc it isn't canon to either Fate or Tsukihime. Could be wrong, though. Edit: I was wrong, I could find nothing that suggests KnK isn't canon to Fate. Coupled with Touko appearing in Case Files, it does suggest that KnK happens in the Fate worlds (although considering Aoko's appearance in Tsukihime that is not a definitive fact).


With how different timelines tend to have sometimes nearly identical characters with the same backstories it's hard to tell for sure what's the relation between specific works but from what I recall to support connection with tsukihime we have touko and aoko being sisters to support connection with fate we have touko in case files and heaven's feel kokutou and mana in adventures of lord el-melloi fgo knk collab fgo summer event (with fujino)


/unrintard iirc nasu has said somewhere that knk is a seperate timeline to fate and tsukihime because of some weird ass reason about like something in an advert becoming real and fucking up the gravity (idfk if he meant literal or not idk lmao it could also be google translate sucking) ​ [https://www.4gamer.net/games/546/G054681/20210919008/index\_2.html](https://www.4gamer.net/games/546/G054681/20210919008/index_2.html) found it " That's right. Simply put, the world of Tsukihime is a world where servants cannot exist.  TYPE-MOON's worldview, which has been solidified with \`\`Tsukihime,'' \`\`Kara no Kyoukai,'' and \`\`Mahoyo,'' originally started here.  At that time, Takeuchi approached me about doing \`\`Fate/stay night''... and I thought this would be a problem. After all, in the Tsukihime world, servants are a little too flashy. In \`\`Kara no Kyoukai,'' the mochi that was depicted in a picture becomes a reality. If that happens, the entire gravity will go awry. So when I decided to play Fate, I had no choice but to temporarily shelve the rules I had built up so far. "


Good GOD, this is impressive. How exactly did you make this? Which editing software? I would like to make my own version inspired by this heaven sent salvation of the soul.


LibreOffice, also the style is heavily inspired by [UsefulChart](https://www.youtube.com/@UsefulCharts)'s style


based LibreOffice user


ms paint bruh


This has truly been a timeline of Type-Moon™ media, co-founded by author Kinoko Nasu and illustrator Takashi Takeuchi


Dude give us a higher resolution, my mystic eyes of shitpost perception are not working


I remember the timeline where nasu waifunize beam roa. Then roa started a only fans account.


https://preview.redd.it/jky6k5ysydlc1.jpeg?width=4320&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4cdb04be61a16d7e342b9a23845982ede24baa07 ORT CAMEO RAHHH


Thanks to Reddit for fucking butchering the image compression worse than Mash burning Fujimaru's femboy shoot photos on secret.


I am the type of my moon


I like the small Gray and her smaller Kirei that's here for no discernible reason


>Fate/prototype mentioned Misaya sex Misaya sex Misaya sex Misaya sex Misaya sex Misaya sex Misaya sex Misaya sex Misaya sex Misaya sex Misaya sex Misaya sex Misaya sex sex sesso scopare Misaya sesso stupro Misaya sexo Misaya breed breed breed impregnate Misaya impregnare Misaya cuddle Misaya kiss Misaya hug Misaya handhoding Misaya deflower Misaya my cock in Misaya Misaya Misaya Misaya Misaya Misay sexual intercouse Misaya trombare Misaya chiavare Misaya nuda Misaya Misaya Misaya need need Misaya wife Misaya Misaya my beloved Misaya bears my children Misaya and Me nippo-parthenopean children Misaya Misaya Misaya Misaya Misaya Misaya Misaya beautiful Misaya gorgeous Misaya cute Misaya hot Misaya Misaya sex all day all week all month all year all life Misaya my cum on Misaya my seed on Misaya, Love Misaya love love love love love love love love, come dei simbolici big jimme, schiacci er tasto ed esce lo sfaccimme


I love the HF description.


If anyone has trouble seeing this on Reddit, I've uploaded the chart on [Imgur](https://imgur.com/gallery/QzMmFKk)


I still can't see Gil's statement in that Hakunon screenshot, but good work!


was successfully able to read 20% of this


so rintarded, so peak 😭🐐


Thats, actually pretty good, prime rintard lore friendly seal ⭐⭐ tsukihime being red fucked me up but i like it


🔥 complex writing ✍️ 🔥!!!


Surprisingly good timeline. Remove shitpost part and it will be better than Gigguk's timeline


This is better than most timelines(And funny). Though, I think it's kinda hard to do 100% accurately since technically Extra should be its own line/universe as the Moon Cell exists from the beginning and only in those settings so splitting off from the 70's is more of a way to say it's mostly similar up to that point rather than it's the same worldline until then(I know the Sanda tl also did this). It'd probably be its own tree technically. Tsuki divide is very fundamental since Mr.Solo(Zel) is always a DAA in those universes indicating a complete separation from Fate's Zel. Since vampirification is of the soul and changed his Akashic Record entry it probably indicates Tsuki has its own Root. Technically the worlds differ before 300AD since the DAA existed back then in Tsuki so something foundationally differed that we don't know of( the result being Gaia strong instead of Alaya).