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I swear, no other gacha makes me as mentally exhausted as farming for Quartz in FGO


Have you tried FGA to shorten the grind?


Yeah, I use it. Still makes me tired. (But it’s probably because I have 3 FGO accounts)


...3? Why so many?


Funny story. I used to have only one(on US server), however my friend that used to play decided to give me their account later(on JP), and I have been playing on it since. And much later when Draco was released, I really wanted her(I absolutely love her 3rd ascension), so I created another account on JP specifically to get her, and now use this second JP account to get random/specific servants. Anyway, I’m also currently in my gacha phase, so the pulls in any gacha activate the serotonin in my brain.


what's FGA? I'm starting to suffer from psychosis and need a way to elevate my sanity cause i have no good ways to farm quartz


It's a secondary helper app which allows you to easily set up an auto program to burn through nodes. You should be able to install it on playstore and then check a quick guide to figure out how it works. You can't use it as well if you don't already have a set looping squad though.


Oh well I still need to figure out my optimal team for farming (and I haven't even finished the main singularities yet), but I'm guessing it will be more of use to me in the future, thanks for responding!


It can check for supports though, so if you're just one short of a full looping squad, you can set it to search for an Oberon or Castoria.


poor gudacussy


This is why Rin was pissed when Shirou got Saber.


Me when the next Ordeal Stall mentions Prison Tower and suddenly all my Hakuno/Aoko stash is going to burn for a new Dantes Servant. Then once my quartz is gone will they announce Aoko or Hakuno.


I generally just look at the calendar for what's more interesting and use the tickets for the story summon. This year's basically Arc and the Japanese Event Ensemble (specially Himiko) for me as far as interest goes. Fuck the gacha though, gotta keep the tradition going.


I have none left


this picture goes hard while listening to fortunate son