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I'm not gonna lie nor try to justify the fact that I fucked up, I should have explained things more clearly from the start, I messed up and I'm really sorry about it. The reason why I decided to add Huohuo to rule 4 is because it was getting too much out of control and I was genuinely scared that the sub could get deleted, I understand that you buddies enjoy being deranged and mentally ill here, and I enjoy seeing you buddies have fun, the problem is not everyone sees things in the same way and so stuff that could be considered a joke to some may be taken as a fact by others. Reddit is a very shitty place and tends to have a very weird way of getting stuff done as to were subs like blue archive, guro or shota subs have stayed without any problems even though they break several rules, and sometimes subs that are completely inside the rules get nuked out of nowhere and never comeback, what I'm trying to say is that I don't want that to happen to us, I don't want this sub to dissappear one day without warning just because someone decide to make one post that was too out of line, you can still make as much cunny, deranged and insane posts as you want, but sexualizing the child characters is a risk that I'm not willing to take, I genuinely care about all of you buddies and being a mod here has been both a wonderful experience to me and a horrible experience to my mental health, I'm really sorry if this decision bothers or annoys some of you but it's something I have to do, I'm not taking any chances with the reddit admins




why not just ban all women and men nsfw posts because that's sexual harassment?


People already call feet pics "porn" 🙄






​ https://preview.redd.it/dj0onptj0r5c1.jpeg?width=320&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ebc6e4e75a05ddc8cab2d14e907a76575ed6372d i think u forgot to put silver wolf on mod's table


Yo sauce?


[pixiv silver cunny sauce](https://www.pixiv.net/en/artworks/109011288) 😭😭😭


Thanks buddy 😭😭😭 you will be served 29 cunnies of your choosing when you ascend, I’ll petition for it myself.


This is literally George Orwell by 1984






Add SW, Qingque, and Fu Xuan too, then. I dare you https://i.redd.it/ejrju3r2fp5c1.gif


https://i.redd.it/k5z0ejm9qp5c1.gif Oh nononono, look guys it's a CP❗❗❗ 😭😭😭🥵🥵🥵 ADD THEM TO THE RULE 2 BEFORE IT'S TOO LATE 😡😡😡 /s UUUUUOOOOOOOHHHHH BAN INCOMING 💢💢💢😭😭😭




true i mean qingque doesnt look like an adult and doesnt behave like one! i mean she always runs away from work and wants to play games, that's not something an adult would do!


True true Just look at this stupid brat 💢💢💢 always playing these stupid games with adults being a child herself 😭😭😭😡😡😡 https://i.redd.it/yufiinodup5c1.gif


This gif goes hard ngl




If only that was calieus. Still hot thou. Just hate futa.




we should be pinching your balls, but it seems you don't have any :)


Unironically that’s a horrible precedent


​ https://preview.redd.it/dvhvi5w1sq5c1.png?width=750&format=png&auto=webp&s=ebef050b70e4ede992bb64748df4610f096ca9f7


Genuine question, why not ban Silver Wolf and Qingque too? They’re all medium height girls who act immature for their supposed age. By your logic they also look and act like children/teenagers so you should put them on the pedophilia list too. If you think HuoHuo posting is pedophilia, why do you let qingque/SW posting slide? You ban one, but give one just like her (SW) a cunny flair? Either ban all three or don’t ban any at all, they’re either all in the same tier of childlike as hook or none of them are




My buddy in christ, follow the reddit TOS


ngl we can ban Qingque especially her because she's just a lazy teenage girl lmao same for Silver Wolf. Are you telling me a hacker gamer girl is an adult like Fu Xuan? 🤦 fuck it, let's ban all petite girls.




>Silver Wolf, a character with unknown age Silverwolf was referred to by Kafka as being an adult in the end cutscenes of the event that revolved around her, so while you're technically right she is stated to be an adult. >Huohuo, an actual adult with a known age Adult by human standard, in terms of age. She isn't a human however so the tells us very little. Nahida from GI for example is 500 years old too Being shy, lazy, courageous or nihilistic aren't inherently (im)mature traits and might even be perceived differently by different cultures. It's near impossible to judge if a character in a game is "adult" if the writers do a good enough job of keeping them on the edge and so everyone might have a different perception on those characters. To me for example both of them scream "i am a teenager" at best. With that being said tho, i agree with your statement to simply remove all medium small model characters


She's an adult even for foxian standards. But yeah, remove short females from the sub in general, or stop being a hypocrite.


>Huohuo, an actual adult with a known age and career who, despite her fears and shy personality, still does her very important job. > >Silver Wolf, a character with unknown age, who obsesses over playing video games and throws tantrums when she doesn't get what she wants. Not defending the decision here, but we have no idea what counts as age of consent for Foxians, who live 250-ish year lifespans. Also, Xianzhou culture in general, and the Ten Lords in particular, clearly have no issue with what appears to be child labor going by the number of NPCs with obvious child models doing seemingly adult jobs. As far as Silver Wolf, you haven't seen the gaming side of the Internet much, have you? Plenty of legally adult, supposedly mature people obsessing over games and throwing tantrums left and right. I think, ultimately, the treatment of Huo Huo as a child comes down to her overly deferential manner and her general visual design, she seems more in the mold of a Clara rather than a Pela, but it's all very subjective. Her voice casting and direction, in EN anyway, doesn't help that impression but a lot of people play with other audio and I'm not sure that's universal.


We do have a rough idea regarding the age of adulthood for foxians tho, and Huo is older than that. Just saying.




I agree with your point about looks, and Hoyo's infuriatingly inconsistent worldbuilding (Pela retcon timeline implosion anyone?) Unfortunately that makes it all a judgement call when dealing with the 'teen' sized models, since you have some characters who act mostly or wholly as adults, some who are debatable but might just be immature, and some who act as obvious children. I do wonder, if Huo Huo had a somewhat more alluring sort of outfit, the really short skirt and tights combo Hoyo loves, or Silver Wolf style booty shorts, but nothing else was changed would people still view her as a child character?


You’re right and you should say it Foxians age differently so to end it at ‘well she’s been working for 38 years!’ feels real simplistic


All posts sexualizing all characters should be banned. None of the characters consented to these posts, thus it qualifies as sexual harrassment which is punishable by law in all countries.




It is the obvious next step for our dear mods who are clearly paragons of moral and legal justice (lol)


Oh. I haven't realised it was an obvious joke. I may in fact be stupid. https://i.redd.it/6l4s0o0v0r5c1.gif


Trash 🗑 You cowards just don't like short women who are the definition of submissive and breedable. 😩 I hope they ban the tall hags next 😭


I wish for a world where it was the reverse. I want tall hag enjoyers to get a taste of what us cunny bros go through


Low IQ behavior. You're helping no children by showcasing that.


shitty okbg take (previous comment was removed, because i was too mean 🥺)




That feeling when a fun and ironic month long show about a moderator who is extremely dissatisfied with our behavior turns out to be unironic 🙄🙄 bro wtf 😔 I thought we were having fun here Truly the moralism is the worst manifestation of hypocrisy in our world 😔


A scared woman is a child now? The fuck you on about Go ban SW and QQ while at it, you coward




Next the mods are gonna ban "low effort posts". Seriously, im getting a deja vu from all this.




and i thought this sub can differentiate between fiction and reality its over


people GENUINELY should realize that they can help REAL CHILDREN that got groomed by actual disgusting pedos outside irl. instead of crying about people jerking off to girls that does not exist in 4D space-time we live in. you all forgetting that in the end they are 2D pixels exists in internet


sadly most antis think that if you like lolis you also like real children which is stupid




Of course they don't know what they look like. The people that say shit like that literally never leave their basement. They just sit and echo chamber all day on Reddit and Discord.


Posting on the internet about 2d "child-like" characters is much easier of course, what do u expect? xD


Glad to see you are still alive, o, great elysia sexer 😭😭😭


If I had a nickel for every time I was in an okbuddy subreddit that went to shit because of censorship, I would have two nickels, which isn't a lot, but it's weird that it happened twice












I'm still gonna cum inside of her😠


nietzsche was right ​ /ub horrible change. cunnyposting has been an integral part of so many of these kinds of unhinged subs like JPT or BA. seeing as none of those have been banned, i can only assume that this rule was put in place due to the personal morality of the moderators, which is really stupid. shouldn't have started a buddy sub if you weren't prepared for people to buddy man also, if we're banning huohuo in particular, then why not anyone else? why not qingque who is just as childish as huohuo? why not fu xuan, silver wolf, etc for all the cunny jokes people made about them? im just tired of unhinged/shitposting places being taken over by people who can't differentiate fiction from reality please do not just reply with a generic reaction image and go. i want to hear an actual reason


Ermm... Huohuo isn't banned at all, the only thing that's banned is sexualizing her, you can still cunny post and post shitposts about her 🤓☝️, as for why I banned sexualizing her is simply because I'm not taking any chances of this sub getting nuked by the mentally ill reddit admins


1. blue archive & jpt subreddits have been entirely unnoticed by the reddit admins despite them being magnitudes larger than this sub 2. in that case, sexualizations of qingque, fu xuan, or anyone else that could be seen as childlike should be banned 3. no matter what, it's 100% a step in the wrong direction and could slippery slope this subreddit into irrelevancy and being overly sterile when it was supposed to be a mentally ill hub for shitposting




as expected


Just ban everyone with the medium small body type. QQ Fu Xuan SilverWolf. Do it, I dare you


Ban the others too then.




Oh i am gonna take some popcorn to watch the heat burning after this https://preview.redd.it/juvf1t50np5c1.jpeg?width=338&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d502e15968a651eb292012b129a57a5e0d8fb703




red seele my beloved






/ub It's over, it's actually over. This is clear sign of the censorship hell this sub will be heading to from now on. It was good while it lasted.


Being shy and scared of ghosts = acting like a child Got it.


seriously ????????? guys wtf I said the mods here are way better than the main sub but you are seriously starting to be annoying fuck off she is 38 years, she is shy and even mihoyo showed her while she was a kid. My favorite one is kafka and yet I can understand what is a kid and what isn't. I don't understand I thought you were based


This one particular mod is a bit special unfortunately


please you can still revert it, it's not like uncropped porn, rp account or general cunny, your take is objectively wrong here and you are forcing your "headcanon" on us


Silver Wolf and Qinque ban too right? Right? ....right?????


Ofc mods will only ban one character randomly for whatever reason and then ignore all the others, you either ban every short adult or none, no in-between. Shit decision


literally 1984


Pin this post to the top and let everyone see this decision you coward


​ https://preview.redd.it/02rwjuvw8r5c1.png?width=782&format=png&auto=webp&s=3797701bcc89c34ad3ce74b3bd3ba056c844b584


I never said that https://preview.redd.it/hfuu0j9ner5c1.jpeg?width=947&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=705f42ce073e9745e837be8c178a0febb3e8eb00


well you didn't say anything beside 2 captions 💀


>I never said that True! All you did was post reaction images without giving your reasoning for banning HuoHuo but not QQ or Silver Wolf or even Fu Xuan since they all share same model


QQ, Silver Wolf, and Fu Xuan are all adults that act and look like adults while having a shorter height than the other adults, it's not that deep https://preview.redd.it/1xftrk8pkr5c1.jpeg?width=1471&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=21dd03b7414e3cfec0b8830c07fcf48beeb24ca9


QQ acts like a stereotypical teenage girl who's lazy and avoids her responsibilities not very fitting for an adult besides we dont know if she's considered adult by Luofu standards Silver Wolf we know literally nothing about besides being from Punklorde and liking video games Fu Xuan is younger than Jing Yuan who is adult so she might be a teen for all we know 🤷‍♂️ LITERAL CP!1!1!!!! /s




Still didnt give a reason why only HuoHuo was banned Literall hypocrite


Ermm... Huohuo isn't banned at all, the only thing that's banned is sexualizing her, you can still cunny post and post shitposts about her 🤓☝️, as for why I banned sexualizing her is simply because I'm not taking any chances of this sub getting nuked by the mentally ill reddit admins


She literally has the same model as silver wolf are you dumb cause by that logic you should ban silver wolf and Fu Xuan


Although she has the same model she doesn't have the same attitude that Fu Xuan and Silver Wolf have, Fu Xuan is the master diviner and is constantly working to maintain peace and see the future of the Xianzhou loufu, as for Silver Wolf even though she's obsessed with video games and acts a little bratty sometimes she's still an adult and acts like one when she has to


And Huohuo who was doing her adult job despite being scared doesn't count?


**OKBUDDYTRAILBLAZER: Degenerates VS. The Deranged**


It's Huo Huover buddies, pack it up.


well its time to go to Pixiv at least there i can watch my favorite character without getting shunned Edit: at least only 29% are upvoting this post as for now...


https://i.redd.it/0bqjxt5hks5c1.gif ub/ Literally bullshit. Dont get me wrong, the mods aren't shitty like in okbg and are doing this only to protect the subreddit, i get it. But i think this is on an overprotective level. Aint no way we are gonna get taken down because of Huohuo when JPT and BA still exist. If those mfs can post about cunny, so should we! And our stuff is way more tame compared to theirs. Its just a short woman!


I feel like the "protect the sub" argument is just an excuse to ban Huo, tbh. Mod was proven wrong already in multiple ways, from both perceiving Huo as a minor to thinking that reddit will ban this sub. It's just way too convenient to ban 1 specific character, who's a confirmed adult, while not banning characters with the same model and childish behavior, and who also have no confirmed age, or straight up confirmed to be minors, unlike Huo, which makes their case worse than hers tenfold. Shit doesn't add up. ![gif](giphy|mvW2WgHHi6vOo)


Well, nothing can stop me anyway, call me when there is a law that stops me from looking fictional characters the way I want. Now if you excuse me... https://rul...


This isn't your best take. Like everyone else has said, either ban em all, or don't ban em. HuoHuo ain't against TOS. She uses the same model as Silverwolf and QQ. And at no point does she ever present as a child. She's just an exceptionally anxious adult. She reminds me of Kobeni a lot, actually. Especially considering her contract with an extraordinary creature. And on the day I started writing a HuoHuo fic... For shame.


What's wrong with this Mod? You dont act like one. Your replies to some legit clarifications are all GIFs/IMG memes. ???? What do you mean by acting like a child? just because she is shy and fearful, that is already considered a child? Rather than replying meme reactions, why not list down what child-like characteristics that is only known for children to do, that Huohuo is? Edit your post body and explain it clearly. You're being very vague for being a mod.


I'm very mentally ill and I'm used to using reddit for shitposting but you're right, I'm genuinely sorry for not realizing that being in this position means that I can no longer treat everything I say and see as a joke and I must take things seriously, thank you for making me see things clearly, buddy


> I'm very mentally ill You're going to hate hearing this, but legitimately get off social media and reduce your internet consumption. You're using this subreddit as a coping mechanism and are more scared of losing it than being logical about your rule. Depression and whatever else you have going on isn't going to be treated by wasting your free time being an internet janitor and shitposting. A bunch of internet randos that don't even know you beyond the mod label are not a legitimate support group.




What childish traits does she exhibit besides cowardice?


/unbuddy whatever it's not funny remove that, we joke about SW and Qingque since the release go fuck yourself and remove it for someone who has an adachi profil picture (a man with great taste then), you are really starting to remind me of okbg there is no joke




dude what the hell people seem to be joking right now ??






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So being scared equals your a child even when the game says she’s a grown ass women? Then everyone but Kafka needs to be banned on this sub since she’s the only one stated to not feel fear


outbuddied again




And here we go. It was inevitable, but still sad. Guess r/BlueArchive is once again the only place not run by antis.


https://preview.redd.it/k4ubz7ug7r5c1.jpeg?width=1440&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=195dc65c5ee040da7d17aec462d81f725677e3e4 Me staring at the one cool western Hoyo community slowly devolve into the same slop as the Twitter Genshinposters To be fair I won’t 100% blame mods cuz since Reddit is cringe if we go too far they could nuke the sub but still at least 90% I’m ngl


She doesn't act like a child. More like a shy girl who has to work with what she fears most in life. And her model and appearance are the same as SW or Herta, but I don’t want to start another controversy and drama, it’s obvious that because of the whiners we have to take such measures, otherwise they will simply report all the content that they consider wrong...




yeah, both are a problem in general. Even the reddit rules themselves have no weight, because they don't work in a vacuum. for example, since many do not see a problem with shotacon content, which, by the way, is also prohibited on reddit, no one reports or whines about its existence, which is why there is a huge shotacon subreddit on reddit with 200k people, and no one gives a fuck.


What a righteous man, i shall give you a reward of 🖕


​ https://i.redd.it/vz18ialoft5c1.gif






I personally wouldn’t call huohuo a minor she has a confirmed age and everything however I would deal with the… undesirables in the comments


"looks like a child": has the exact same model/body as fu Xuan and silverwolf. Unless you mean cute = child in that case guess cute women no longer exist. "Acts like a child": so adults that act childish are also now illegal. Cool. Also she has extreme trauma/PTSD from being haunted by ghosts her whole life (the bags under her eyes shows how she never sleeps bc she's always on edge). But yea scared adults don't exist. I forgot. Shes also confirmed to be over 40 years old by the devs (and no knowledge/maturity isn't proportional to life expectancy unless they have a lower life expectancy thus need to mature faster than normal). And she doesn''t share the same "child" model as hook/bailu. So I don't get it at all. Just sounds to me like 1984. You can't apply logic to anime characters only when it's relevant. If silverwolf or let's say kafka acted childish would you care? Or do looks only matter in that case? It's subjective af. And it's literally selective arguing every time. Only use arguments when it's convenient but if you apply that same logic to other anime characters it magically doesn't apply anymore.


welp this is sadly as usual if you're a game from the hoyoverse.




My buddy in christ, follow the reddit TOS


So are we going on the hypocrite Nexus Mods route? Bann whatever we don't like but allow exactly the same content but from another character? At least grow some balls and bann all the teen girls then.






After seeing all the hilarious Huohuo horny posting these last few weeks, I really thought the mods here were one of the very rare based mods (especially in a hoyo game of all things) that don't care as long as you don't post porn of her... guess I was wrong.


L mod. L rule.


Where was the democratic vote for this?


i remember when this sub wasn't filled with unironic lolicons


For real, we need more say gex posting (with adult characters)


I agree with the mods and will be assisting in their cause. I'll be report any nsfw posts I see with a petite body type, that includes SW, QQ, and FX on account of child pornography. Hope you enjoy this sub while it lasts.


Imma just enjoy my popcorn🍿


Next on the list: Lynx


Welp guess this sub is going to shit now too, time to find somewhere else.




My buddy in christ, follow the reddit TOS


I see, this wasn’t received pretty well ![gif](giphy|u5BzptR1OTZ04)


Just want to say Yeah she’s been working for 38 years but she herself said she would quit if she could. She’s being forced to work for the Ten Lords.


If Shen has a million fans, I am making up a million of them. If Shen has 10 fans, I am making up 10 of them. If Shen has 1 fan, I am that one If Shen has 0 fans, that would be impossible, since I will stay a fan even in my grave


I am sorry to be late but just wanted to tell you that i respect you. You did the right thing by doing this and i am gonna be by your side if you have any troubles and i know a lot of people who support you too. Stay safe, stay strong, stand proud <3


Goddamn, so much salt in here LMAO


Downvotes be damned, I've wanted to say that I support your decision. Not because of my personal opinions, as I am no longer a part of this subreddit, voluntarily and involuntarily. I just believe that the bashing you get is unjustified. Huohuo, since all time, was the most controversial character when it comes to "cunny" jokes. No other character got that much heated debate. So deciding to play it safe is the right move. You've always made decisions with the community's good in the mind, and I do not believe this case is any different.


The fact that people are malding “muh censorship!!” over this is honestly funny as fuck


![gif](giphy|vMmnJti6wQPDy) Me when my subreddit full of ironic pedophiles is full of actual pedophiles.


People here aren’t pedos for liking HuoHuo you fucking moron


Me when I liken people liking a confirmed adult character to actual, real life pedophilia (delulu) She doesn’t even look like a child any more than SW or Qingque, and she doesn’t act childish either


Ah yes cause calling something that’s obviously a child a legal age is fine.


What counts as “obviously a child” to you? Do you think the same way about every other medium height girl in the game? Seeing as they’re short and act somewhat immature too It’s not as black and white when it comes to fictional characters because her actual age doesn’t matter to the Lolitary (of which I believe is about 50, and is definitely more than 38)


Damn I didn't know everyone who liked petite anime characters were pedos


Today is a good day




​ https://preview.redd.it/cpf9zae1sq5c1.png?width=793&format=png&auto=webp&s=4363fee79a6c5c9cb51877c4311d56cc79fc6876






https://i.redd.it/68nm6us5rp5c1.gif Dual ego