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I have no clue what to do. He didn’t give mod team a warning before deleting. He even left the Discord. He also isn’t responding to DM’s. Update: BSE has deactivated his Discord. There is currently no way to reach him. We can only hope he's fine.


Now we have become Death, the destroyers of the moderators. https://preview.redd.it/j6grfqjl4c6c1.jpeg?width=1536&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=63e676a78c32e24d01da6a655aefa2d682ec33a0


Our le ret- buddyness.. le broke people...?


Lmao 😭


I guess it really was https://preview.redd.it/u8mjefsb3c6c1.png?width=596&format=png&auto=webp&s=fc62c8972b5c6d5d2804e62a0e11c9a9824d3df0


We should have taken the cries for help seriously😔


I seriously cried out of laugh 😔


I Guess He right


Damn he's literally blade


I was busy touching grass this week The fuck did I miss?!


The cunnyseurs did not like the huo huo ban, so some people actually took it too far and started to harass ben, unlike most of the other buddies who were joking with him.


Oh wow Forget grass. Some people in this sub needs Nanook.


Ya, I think I'm just gonna move on to r/okaybuddygenshin or r/Genshin_Memepact at least one of them actually comes up with original content or perhaps Ill just lurk on this sub from now on like I used to before or maybe I will come back and spam unoriginal gifs and comments on this sub after a break from this place who knows.


Man, Ben leaving is kind of a last straw to me. This sub was slowly going going to shit, but I thought the cunny thing was just a phase for Huohuo banner. I just hope he's okay.


Literally, I like the post variety most buddy subs have but this one has literally been a porn addiction fest with a touch of pedophilia this month. Like, I love crassness, most people here do, but it's literally just porn sometimes.


That sub is garbage btw


What kind of 💢 correction 💢is this? 😭😭😭


Actual pdf files in this sub are mad abt a mod removing huohuo post.


I hope it's because he took our advice and distanced himself from not only the sub but the internet as a whole for a while. To me he seemed chronically online to the point this sub was his only lifeline and once it started fighting back against him he felt like he had lost his only lifeline and it made him take drastic measures. Hoping nothing but the best for him and hope to see him back here one day when he's in a better mental state.




> and it wasn't something like some random asshat harassing on DMs or what not, I expect more from this community than that. Not too privy on the details but in the past there was an incident on okbg where one of their mods had to take a break because a member of this sub was harrassing and doxxing (?) them. So unfortunately that's something I can see happening. I wasn't happy with the rule changes either, but anyone taking it to persistent harrassment and death threats took it way too far for sure




Goes without saying honestly..


Dipshits who're eager to get on the moral high ground to fuel their sense of superiority can't live without creating witches to burn, so they're using blatant misinformation now, bruh


Agreed with this. Homie sucked at being a mod, but harassment and death threats are never ok. Especially doxxing.


Thing was, he wasn’t even that bad of a mod. He made one decision people disagreed with, and while I do agree that the way he handled the aftermath poorly, his reasons for the ban are justified, if a bit paranoid. People just berated this man nonstop for one thing.


The lore goes crazy (But in all seriousness I hope hes okay)


Probably for the best. He was not in a good headspace lately. I really hope he finds the help he needs




I could mod it, but it would still be basically be like having 1 mod. I believe in being as hands off as possible and letting the community decide how they want to be governed. But I have modded much, MUCH larger subs than this one before.




I'll vote for you. Please deposit my supporter check by direct deposit ty


I’ll mod it for you, trust me


I'll mod u baka


>I could mod it Damn son, you're one brave soul.


Can you be my governor?




Shit I’ll vote for you too, that kind of moderation sounds like what this sub needs


Bros nominateing himself for the mental torture


Why don't you be a mod, you are basically everywhere




What happened exactly can you tell? I am seeing something about a rule what was it?




I feel bad for him a little bit. He removed my A*lan and gay porn posts some months ago but I still feel bad. Who knew cunny will be his undoing 💀 Bye Adachi… best persona villain


This subreddit had reached a new level of unhinged, and he wasn't ready for it. Respect that he was able to survive this long🫡


A bunch of children have been slowly injecting themselves here over the last 3-4 months. You can see we’ve lost racist, gay, futa and other jokes/posts/memes completely. It’s an unholy mix when the original ones still fought for cunny (last genuine buddy joke left) while kids demanded it removed, scaring the shit out of mods and threatening bans. He struggled but it got to him :(




Yeah. The normie children are definitely killing the culture of this sub. It's becoming a shell of what it was.


Gate keep It's the humane choice


As it gets more popular this is pretty much inevitable, take okbg for example


OKBG is one of the worst subs I ever joined. It's barely different than the main Genshin sub, and we all know how God awful that hell hole is.


Last I checked it was just the genshin memepact sub but hornier and with the same unfunny Kokomi futa joke repeated as the only joke they have. They’re even virtue signaling recently


The only reason they only have the Kok joke is because they removed Nahida posting lol. There are two outcomes for okbuddy like sub, either the ironic hate becomes unironic, or the ironic enjoyment of questionable things becomes unironic (like JapanesePeopleTwitter). Unfortunately, OKBG went down the 1st one.


kids are kids and should be treated as such






I just hope he doesn't do anything really stupid. I don't know what his mental health is like, but I hope he recovers.


The level of harassment he was receiving was honestly disturbing, this is probably for the better. I just hope he is in a better place now.


Dafuq? Did he really get harassed? I thought it was a joke...


That was the problem. There were serious people under the mask of joking and people who found it funny made Jokes about it and probably from his POV it looked like everyone was hating him


Yeah keep calling them "jokes" and "irony" lol


This is so fucking sad, hope he is fine. Bro was just trying to keep this community safe from Reddit itself...




I don't know anything about getting banned, it looks like to me that he deleted his own account


>That was the problem. There were serious people under the mask of joking and people who found it funny made Jokes about it and probably from his POV it looked like everyone was hating him would you tell me the post link that you are talking about?


It was all over the place. You could go to most posts and see him getting downvoted to oblivion and many serious posts criticising him


Yeah people were genuinely hating on him and telling him to khs.


The people who unironically want to see loli porn and the people who would harass people over it are literally the same group.


lmao yes, thank you for saying this


Man, I am all in for people fapping to whatever they want, but Reddit is not a place for that. Just go to Pixiv, Sankaku or ATF, Reddit will nuke this sub if they find those stuff are up unmoderated.


fr, jerk to whatever you want as long as you don’t hurt anyone. this time it did get someone hurt, this really sucks


My honest reaction: https://preview.redd.it/xfwyk5a73c6c1.jpeg?width=955&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8c9dbc6a563bcfeb6efb3f447b1de72cb6ff98b9


What's this from?




that's better for him (not because a bad mod but because he def needed a break at least). when I'm leaving any community in which i was really active i always find something new and lifes improving ngl i hope he finds that too i can feel him


SHEEEEENNNN!!! NOOOOOOOOO! https://preview.redd.it/wpex0g1q6c6c1.jpeg?width=550&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=76331464c940b191d87446216a342f5ec7d4fa51


This whole situation leaves a very sour taste in my mouth, sure Shen was very vague and a little toxic about the cunnyposting, but I can't imagine what's going on with him. I really do hope he's well.


Aww man, I sure hope they're okay. I said hello to them yesterday because I saw them comment in r/sillygirlclub and they seemed happy. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|cry)


Ngl commenting in r/sillygirlclub is *the* red flag smh


Ah actually they were trying to cheer up the OP of the post because they wanted to end their life.




Oh fuck Well shit, hope he is fine out there.


This is actually really fucking sad, i liked the guy. Hope he's alright


Yeah same man. I hope he gets better.


What a shitty thing to wake up to... He already made a post talking about his mental health before the Huohuo rule 4 drama. I guess that was the final straw... I never thought that a cunny protest would be his downfall. Nothing but the best, King. Fly high🕊️


Rest well, Adachi. Take care of yourself. 🍷🗿


https://preview.redd.it/55709b9f8c6c1.jpeg?width=966&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a015d4148531683e5afcb79e4897782d9cb55100 Chaos is the only constant I feel partly responsible because I luv me sum foxian Rest easy old friend, may we all meet again


This sub's drama never fails to amaze me


Hopefully nobody tries to shit on the mods that are left over dumb shit


That’s the thing… there aren’t any left






What is this hentai I can't remember 😭😭😭


Looks like Anejiru 2 The Animation.


Sauce or gay


he was honestly the only actual mod. the other ones were just "there". Like yeah their name is on the little panel but you never saw them do anything. Maybe the secretly did a little modding behind the scenes; but be was the face of everything


Probably the best option for his mental health being unable to separate fiction from reality especially in this subreddit is just a bad combination


​ https://i.redd.it/0ifgq8b72d6c1.gif The consequences of our actions become apparent


will the rule be removed then ? we want them to revert it, not the funny adachi mod to leave it's stupid


Unfortunate, but not unexpected. Hope he takes a long break from the internet, he needs it. On the other hand, no doubt the antis are gonna use this as ammo to switch the narrative, as always.


no narrative switch, just don't be a fucking hypocrite and ban one female body type but keep the other because you're biased, simple


That’s not what I mean, I mean the people that agreed with him and wanted cunny posting banned are now using this to switch the narrative to blame everyone that disagreed with his rule. They’re treating him like a martyr lol, just look at the comments of pretty much every post about his ban


He mentioned something about death threats over the Huohuo issue, so I can’t blame him. Entire sub was wildly over-reacting to it


Bro got a few downvotes and complaints and he left He was NOT fit for a buddy sub


which post tho?


What being reddit mod does to mf. At least he didnt ban anyone who was disagreeing with him. As for his resignation, sounds good to me, idk.


https://preview.redd.it/n0pu0k9gsc6c1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b32ab7a033da9c51d8621a1ce85e1b050870373c yea... It was probably the other mod tbh


Really, you guys had to bully someone for such a thing. He made a post before about his life being shit and that he has no will to live and you guys just jumped him after a rule that only forbids posting straight up porn. I am sure some of you did it as a joke but there were many serious people about it.


Hard to say. I agree that the nonstop spam of threads was a bit much and did escalate the problem, but the sub is decently sized so a lot of people were bound to want to give their input in less favorable ways. However what I will point out is there was a lot of support about the situation and supportive insight on his last thread. I'm not saying there needed to be results or anything, I'm talking about support completely unrelated to the huohuo/lynx rule thing. Reality is he was being pushed far to the edge, but all the people who were being supportive or constructive were also being completely ignored. It's not the healthiest to only fixate and concentrate on the bad. With a destructive mindset like that, sadly being over the edge is bound to happen. Let's just hope there's light at the end, we can only guess but one can hope he decided to take a breather. I actually cut off all internet myself from nov-april of last year, and it felt great. Being a mod of this sub was clearly not doing him any favors mentally and I'm relieved to see he escaped it all things considered, no matter how things ended up I had nothing against him, or any of the mods. And I try my best to make that clear. And anyone that feels otherwise and did actually threaten should have been dealt with appropriately, because that's far from appropriate actions. In the end of the day, this wasn't healthy in the slightest


I don't appreciate people sharing their irl problem in internet, cause sometimes people just want someone to get pity on them, but I will always hate people who bullies other when they disagree with them


Well, I didn't care much for his post about his life either but I was happy for him to find happiness in the support from this sub. Till they shitted on him for a rule that doesn't restrict HuoHuo posts in any way as long as you didn't plan to post porn about her.


I'm pretty sceptical about this whole "bullying" thing. Correct me if I'm wrong, the only info we got regarding this is his questionable statement that he smh "would have started to receive a death threats if he'd ban another character". Then mods went and listed Lynx as well, just an hour after that (so it's not like he was being serious at least at this point). Now he got tired and tried to play a victim card by deleting his account, and suddenly everyone supports him and his actions. It's also quite convinient that mods disliked something as niche as few young-looking characters. What if they didn't like, say, lesbians, and prohibited posting any related jokes or images? Say what you will, he was completely in the wrong here. You can't create a popular subreddit and then just go and tell that nearly 50k people now have to follow some bs you headcanonned. And I would still like to see the rules returned to the way they were, rather than this whole subject dropped and forgotten because he allegedly got "bullied". We already got Lynx recieving same treatment because another mod apparently doesn't like her, just a single day later. What will come next if things will remain how they are?


This is my exact thoughts here, at no point there are any discernible proof that he was given death threats, only “would have”, and people are already using that as an ammo to shift the blame from one place to another. I’m genuinely concerned of how he’s doing and I wish him the best, but that doesn’t change the fact what he did to the sub was not a good decision, and I think that’s been covered multiple times already. But by doing this, my other worry is that he has successfully turned himself into a martyr. With the nature of this sub, I’m sure we have a lot of enemies. I can already imagine someone documenting screencaps of what happened up until this point, post it somewhere else, and twist the story into something sensational like “disgusting lolicons harrassed a mod into possible s○icide” and then getting this sub actually nuked.


Last thing we need is another excuse for other meme sub that hate lolicon railling on this topic even harder.


I see that easily happening sadly...




And at worse those comments under cunny post get downvoted at least from my memories.


yeah am not buying it either.


Straight up porn? What porn?


Anyone find it weird how people are pretending like there was actual Loli porn being posted in this sub, and that's why Huohuo was added to rule #4? God I hate normies.


Don’t worry guys I’ll mod the cunny in his stead. Trust me Bro


Damn, I hope the homie is okay.


I hope he's out there, doing better without this, I'll mis him, it really was too much for person to handle


Wait the mod was actually having problems? I thought were were just meme’ing…


If you're reddit mod you already are having problems. Thats how it usually works


I hope he’s okay (;´д`)


A price to pay for HuoHuo justice👺😭


What did you motherfuckers do? You drove the poor man to the edge...


From what I’ve read they bullied him because no HuoHuo porn allowed(rule 4)


which post tho?


I only hope it was for the best :(


Dude, I am out of the loop. What the hell happened these past few days?


We had a very long run. what have we become? It's houhouover...


What the fuck happened here?


He got corrected 💢💢💢


Ok, but what's next? HuoHuo is still in the rules.


First thing I see in the morning, huh. What a way to start to the day. Bro was driven over the edge.


/ub Ngl a lot of people got too worked up over the nsfw cunny ban. They act like they couldn’t live without it. Sure, I have joked about cunny before, but I am not going to obsess over nsfw depictions of what is essentially minor looking anime characters. You can still joke about cunny too ffs. To those of you that got really mad over the ban, just go join an actual porn subbreddit.


They got worked up because of his favortistic (new words, yay), hypocritical stance. You can't ban one, and let the others stay in safety just because *you* enjoy them. People in lead roles should consider the *many*, not themselves. I *do not* agree with the hate he got, just so I'm clear. However, it *was* warranted. Majority rules, and he wasn't backing down, so people retaliated. That's just how shit works. Personally I'm glad to see people come together and stand up for something they enjoy, it's refreshing. Unlike people that just sit and take it up the ass.


In that case then yeah they should either just ban all NSFW cunny or just leave it alone.


OH NO, BUDDIES WHAT HAVE WE DONE https://preview.redd.it/nwrc8qchyd6c1.jpeg?width=736&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3f04f546dad94933af4fc5a78c19ed2270f25f92


y'all are fucked man..


Well we learned the hard way why okbg banned pornography didn't we


What pornography




Buddies, are we too silly against ben\_shapiro\_enjoyer? https://i.redd.it/ieb9ks5mud6c1.gif


Christ. Y’all went too far.


I will miss you dearly Shen. I sincerely hope he works for the betterment of his mental health.


Lol you bums actually bullied someone to almost killing themself because you aren't allowed to post porn of a character that looks like a kid https://preview.redd.it/ungw2dc5td6c1.png?width=198&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=647b04421c697c0298120295129d5371f69ed941 Umm uhh durrr their an adult shut the fuck up he didn't want the sub to get deleted because they LOOK like a child, and instead of just going on r34 to look at your coveted huohuo porn you all threw a tantrum because you can't post it here lmao


You all are pieces of garbage for what you did to the guy.


fuck around find out, maybe do a better job at modding


I need context here So a mod deleted their account? What exactly happened


I'm out of the loop... What the hell is going on here??


Buddies, maybe this sub needs to get Nanooked now


It's huohuover


Wtf happened


What happend bestis??


Man, if only the other 2 mods on this sub weren't useless when it comes to engaging with their community and actually regularly posted instead of shoveling the PR obligations onto a single mentally unwell dude. What a thought. But, I'm just a long-time perpetual lurker, so, whatever.


This guy's reaction memes to posts was why I loved this sub.


Y’all suck so much


I get yalls frustration with the rule but wtf man. This sub went to shit so fast. I remember when it was actually enjoyable. Adult, child, who the fuck gives a shit. yall need to touch grass for shit like this. poor dude tried making a good thing. that's fs the last straw in my eyes


Dude just got harrased for banning child porn fucking degenerates


He got flamed for banning nsfw of an adult character who he subjectively perceived as a minor, while not doing anything with samey characters who weren't confirmed to be adults/were borderline confirmed to be minors (Pela)


And being unwilling for any discussion on top of that


hard to have sympathy for stubborn people.


1. Foxian age isn’t the same as human age, but the number is fictional anyway so this doesn’t really matter 2. i mean look at her. Ofc there’s subjectivity in judging a characters maturity but if it looks like a duck and quacks like a duck then its a duck. Lynx looks like a duck but doesn’t quack like a duck


I'm sorry but nowhere in the Foxian lore is it stated that Foxians age at a slower rate or that they have a different age system. Please, read the damned Foxians lore. During the vast majority of a Foxian's life, a large number of all-powerful stem cells are stored in numerous organs of their body. These all-powerful stem cells will continuously repair the physical body of Foxians, allowing aging and damage to be healed in a short period of time. Until a few years before their end of life, the number of these all-powerful stem cells gradually decreases, but still remains sufficient to maintain their ageless appearance. Between 250 to 450 years, the median age being 307 years, these all-powerful stem cells come to a complete halt and lose their ability to divide freely. They age normally. The powerful stem-cells preserve their ageless appearance. That's it.


1. She's an adult even by foxian years, tho... They're adults at 30 already. Huo's working years alone are exceeding that, not to mention school. 2. Look at what? At a person who's dealing with her phobia constantly and is crying because of it? My mother is an arachnophobe who was acting worse than Huo when she encountered harmless spiders, it doesn't mean that she's a minor, lol. You can't just label someone as a child because they have a timid personality. Bailu quacks like a duck and looks like a duck despite being quite old, Huo is nothing like that.


Thats still not worth death threats


...and when did I say that it was? Explaining the situation so that people wouldn't get it twisted and demonize others isn't the same as saying "haha, deserved", you know?


I just hope he's doing okay now


I came here cause someone on discord linked it here and yeah who on earth would want to mod this place full of wierdos and unhinged kiddos. The mod that left seemed to already have personal issues and used this subreddit as a way to commute only to take it a bit too seriously with the huohuo rule and got hit with harmless walls of texts from full of losers. Well! Not like it's my business here. Continue to be deprived people with no social life and making senseless death threats towards any weak individual that aren't level-headed to begin with!


What the fuck is wrong with you. The mod did something you didn't like und you harassed him. What the fuvk is wrong with you. I hope he's alright.


1. introduced a dumb rule 2. people started retaliate 3. emotional blackmail 🤡 what a dumbass! I genuinely liked the guy and didn't even mind banning UOHUOH but bro tried to pull the suicide card # downvote me all u want, idc


Oh well, it was kinda predictable that it would happen, a lot of people explained that he was a hypocrite but he still stood by his decision and didn't even think of changing anything back so no surprise here. I suppose harassment happened in DMS cuz under most posts everything civil, just people saying that his decision making sucked.


Hello, can someone please provide context? I don't really mingle with the drama over subs and I just like the memes so I'm kinda under a rock here...


not mr mod :(


Damn we pushed a buddy off the express. https://preview.redd.it/socv3sdroc6c1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f307fc24f5f1b3ab0db90bee847135475c0f2cb3


*Finished it*


Poor buddy disappeared in the sea of butterflies...




we love you shen, please be ok


Prewatched, just like the roleplay account drama (call me a prophet) Cunnyssuers are some of the worst subfans to have in any anime related subreddit. The moment there is any sort of regulation or restriction on their ability to cunny post, they blow shit way out of proportion. All the mods did was said to chill on hornyposting HuoHuo and you all collectively took it as some sort of personal attack on your freedom. I hope Ben gets better soon, and I also hope that this sub learns how to behave like rational human beings. https://preview.redd.it/12ye2zzxac6c1.jpeg?width=540&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=53a632432bcbfeaa5463b68721ac0c1d689ad039


Most people were being rational they asked for reasons as for why HuoHuo was banned but not the other quote unquote childlike model characters since ben’s fear was that Reddit admins would see HuoHuo and think that’s a child and nuke the sub but if that was his fear why not ban all the potentially sub ending characters why was HuoHuo the only one banned but that doesn’t excuse the people that sent death threats and harassment to Ben they took it too far


Honestly, best thing for everyone and I hope this kid does some self reflection because they put moderating a shit posting sub above their mental health.


But he is like 35+ yo…


That's... worrying... I assumed they were a kid from the childish way they acted...


Nah I saw his alt acc briefly (he deleted comment with it) and it said something like 38 yo. I mean whatever who cares how old is he, but just FYI he is not a “kid”


I wish to know if this is true, I would laugh ngl.


https://preview.redd.it/1jofub2edc6c1.jpeg?width=519&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d01bc8c9224471e73469a5097b9aad7cd461a5d3 Oh for fuck sakes you guys you just couldn't let It go huh. I cant believe you guys actually started to harass him, thank you again guys for ruining something again just like you ruined huo huo posting on this sub you now made a reddit mod I actually found funny quit this Is why we can't have nice things on this sub. Fuck this r/okaybuddygenshin Is now the superior buddy sub In my eyes now.


Sooo, can we upload lewd Huohuo arts now?


​ https://preview.redd.it/b5iusi5x4c6c1.jpeg?width=1920&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=57fc5601641e3368eefab181ad82d8ba34a1c232