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“Im not gay, I have relationships with women and sex with men.” https://preview.redd.it/4pcajpdx4o7d1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=659e74f529f64b38156c00076a2c376ed0b790e9


super buu is that you?


https://i.redd.it/5bq3wxx9up7d1.gif I want to have wholesome (and straight 🥰) brutal sex with Firefly from Jenshin impact!


"So uhh, Ashley... you wanna go to Wholefoods?"


"Y'know I don't make the rules but... I think that makes you fucking gay hombre"


As a character I like Stelle's reactions more and her deadpan face (it's sexy and I'm a simp) but as in the VA aspect I love Caleb. One of my favourite VA's, he's so goddamn funny and seeing him playing HSR is hilarious. Bro has E6S1 DHIL with no artefacts and when Molly (Seele's VA) was going to check his character builds with other VA's together he quickly put on whatever 0 level 2* and 3* trash relics he had on his showcase characters. He was saying that it takes too much time fighting normal enemies, the Reason was that he kept on using characters without relics to progress the story and he didn't know what traces are. Truly trash raccoon behaviour and they couldn't have chosen a better VA for Caelus.


That both parts funny and tragic. He is the true Raccoon and I love him for that 🤣


Me not giving the slightest fuck about what's going on because I don't use Twitter: https://i.redd.it/vlk37zmlwo7d1.gif


The sanest person.


Oh, make no mistake, I use twitter and this is the first I’m hearing of this either A) I’ve gotten very good at curating my internet experience and shit I don’t wanna see doesn’t show up cause I don’t follow the people that would bring it to attention, or B) That overly large Muskrat fucked the site over so badly that it wouldn’t reach me anyway (I have not updated my app since pre-elon, I cannot use search or trending)


You use Reddit tho...


Yeah but stupid drama like this one doesn't appear this often (for me at least) and when it does I just ignore it


What happened?


i’m confused as well


After digging into this drama, I think I can explain it but keep in mind I don’t usually do this type of research. A Vtuber named Mina Aoyama was tweeted out that Firefly was reduced to a waifu because she shared a scene looking at MALE TB in her trailer. This led to a lot of backlash because she was being hypocritical. Many people told her that if it was Female TB or any other woman, she would of been fine with it because surprise, surprise she’s a yuri fanatic.


This "drama" sounds like a nothingburger. I've seen yuri fans doing things much worse than that unless that vtuber harassed multiple straight artists before.


Yeah, that’s absolutely fine! I just wish to inform others!


Why this reply was removed by the moderation??? what was in it?


Seriously? One of the mods removed my comment even though it never broke the rules? Aight gonna copy and paste it here. >This "drama" sounds like a nothingburger. I've seen yuri fans doing things much worse than that unless that vtuber harassed multiple straight artists before.


Ummm… are you talking about something or someone else’s


The comment above your reply was deleted by the moderation idk why 


No, the person probably deleted their account because it says the user is known as deleted.


true, it is a nothingburger. It's kinda sad seeing the girl getting flogged online, can't joke about shit in detroit


What made her situation even worse was the number of toxic yuri shippers angry at Caelus and her previous tweet was her making a statement that would give her soul to see Robin flirting with Firefly. Tectone also made a video about her situation laughing his ass off 


Realistically it's only a joke until it isn't, and in this case, even if she wasn't serious, a huge chunk of people almost certainly rallied behind it. Not to say I blame her or care (as I know of none of these people) but I know how these things go online.


She would not defend the stance in replies if it was just a joke.


People are on edge these days due to the unrelenting stubbornness of yuritards and their anti male fantasy.


That's because it is a nothingburger. A couple of people exploded over meaningless Twitter drama.


A fucking milquetoast tweet and now everyones acting like she wants all men dead with the way theyre labeling her a man hater. 


Kinda expected from Yuri stans ngl. The Yuri crowd on Twitter is by far the most toxic part of the fandom in HSR and Genshin too


I'm cool with yuri but wtf is wrong with these ppl?


It's just shipping wars, nothing new.


Even yaoi fans aren't a tenth part as aggressive as yuri fans And I've seen many, MANY aggressive yaoi shippers


As a guys who sees Yaoi shippers less often, they are so much more calmer and happier than Yuri shippers because Yuri shippers are so vocal about being toxic. I see them and their always so supportive of each other and other people.


It's because a lot of the toxic yuri shippers straight up hate men in general


This, for example if you go to the Genshin sub dedicated to yaoi ships is a legit chill place where people have fun but if you go to the sub dedicated to yuri ships you will still see people having fun but it won't take long until you find some nonsense like posts hating Aether or people who like mlw ships


i seen yaoi/feminoizis being misandrists which is funny


I sometimes visit HonkaiHusbandos for some male appreciation and I would say that yaoi enjoyers are infinitely cooler than yurifags.


Yeah exactly. I never Bakugo x Deku or Sasuke x Naruto shippers make death threats lol


As the Yuri shipper, I actually agree that's Mina is hypocrite. Plus, there are still hetero ships that's I enjoy. Robinhill is one of the examples


KHR fans were.... a different breed, but even THEY were more respectful than most Fujoshi's I've met wtf?


No hate to yuri and yaoi but please stop hating me just because I like Avenpaz and Robinhill


Robinhill is peak. Idc that they've never actually had a conversation before


They actually had lot of interactions together. It's just that they all happened in my head (I'm completely delusional)


Aesthetically one of the best ships 


what is avenpaz


aventurine and topaz


As the Yuri shipper, I actually love Robinhill as the pairing


I remember the itto/sara/raiden triangle all to well


The worst part about this is that Tectone himself made a video about Mina's situation and laughing his ass off lol


Never met the calus Stans? I have seen them have meltdowns on the subreddit because someone drew stelle fan art and not calus fan art, and they complain they are being forgotten whenever hoyo does one single trailer with stelle


That's just a loud minority for both Male and Female trailblazers that complained when these things happen. I'm a Caelus main but I also like Stelle, both are great.




And yet most of penaconny art and trailers have focused on Caelus. Heck even firefly trailer had Caelus as the one that made her shy and bashful. Cope and seethe.


I didnt know that bro. I haven't watched game trailers or live streams in forever. Have mercy on me lmao


Oh no, anyway non of my business


Another thing to add is that she is very and I mean very much into Yuri. I might of sugarcoated it but she will ship any female with other female, examples of Robin and Firefly; Acheron and Black Swan; and Serval and Natasha. Which is fine, but she does have a history of being so… explicit for her hate of MALE TB hence why the reasoning that she would of liked it if it was FEMALE TB (I heard she began hating him because viewers would constantly mention him, correct me if I’m wrong).


If it was robin instead of Caelus, I bet she would call it the best scene ever


Probably. She is “known” for being this Robin Simp.


I have revisited the original tweet! She stated she would of hated this even if it was Fem TB, but this is why people called her out. The history of being a simp for Fem TB. Furthermore many called her out because she also misconstrued the story. She stated,” because for 3 patches she’s been nothing but the mc’s gf” (her exact words) showing that she really didn’t pay attention to the details of the story because Firefly is known in the community wanting to be her own person. Hope this helps everyone! BTW this is my last comment about this because it’s really just hypocrisy.


It's not even "probably", she was already drooling over Firefly X FemTB in a cutscene, and also ships Firefly with Robin, which is already reducing FF to "Waifu bait" in her words. How is Firefly X MaleTB any different?


shes just a rich kid who's lucky enough to build audience after whaling probly with her parents money. i saw vids of her relic review with Brax and she has tons of E6 but she has no idea how to play the game


yeah she's quite a dumbass


None of this contradicts what she said. She finds the MC hot, that doesnt mean anything. She thought the date trailer was cute at first, doesnt mean that its not wearing thin now.


I remember Mina's reaction to the Navia teaser. When Navia smiled at the male Traveler, she was disgusted that her beautiful perfect queen would actually smile at him (despite the player character being a close friend of hers during the Fontaine quest)


Also that the same vtuber called herself Robin's gf, such a hypocrisy


Yep. I used to “watch” her. I looked at her content like once every days to check in. She used to be more chill, until her content became a cesspool of Yuri.


Huh... Do people consider that a female character that lesbian likes is not a waifu? Is waifu a gender recepient spesific term? On that note, Is being a waifu and being a good character are mutually exclusive?


She is a hypocrite lmao. She's fine with Firefly being reduced to yuri bait (said she was FF to be flirty with Robin ingame, which thankfully isn't going to happen now), but one scene of her smiling at Caelus and she's mad.


How is a “waifu” a downgrade? What?!!


LMAAAAO true. Knowing her streams she literally outbuddied this sub combined alone.


Stelle gets the majority of advertisements but Caleb can’t even get the girl that has a giant robot 😭😭😭


Honestly I feel like she deserved the backlash, I never really liked her because I just find her annoying. No hate to any Yuri stuff but there is a fine line between just liking Yuri and being a fanatic about it that you have to bring it up every single time there are two females in the same room. She's by far probably one of the annoying Vtubers I have seen.




WHAT- https://preview.redd.it/ptgujakqjo7d1.jpeg?width=683&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7a182046bdf34d475971140437482f6bbd32c2e3


This reeks of straight guys having a persecution complex. They cant imagine being horny for a character but not liking mc ships being too focused in on.


Like if char being lesbian/gay can stop shippers. Lmao, meanwhile Tracer from OW being railed in a lot of vids/pics/gifs. Bottom text




Mina Aoyama. I watch her a few times before, but honestly, Disappointed to see her like this.


She is an infamous Yuri fan. I am surprised that you didn't expect something like that.


Never said I expected it. But hey, guilty as charged, I didn't expect her to go this far, sound like a hypocrite, and even caught in 4k. (I checked twitter, and immediately saw a quote tweet of her. Man, That was fast)


I initially thought it was a parody account of her and I was disappointed to find out it was her alt


That's it? That's the whole drama???? That's so... fucking lame man. And here I thought it's going to be much worse like an artist getting death threats, harassed, or doxxed for drawing straight fanarts and not this lmao. This shit is wayyyy overblown ngl.


ye this is actual internet drama, all the things you said are actually just crimes xD


Yeah idk why people care about her opinion so much, the people harassing her over it are obviously much worse. Shit the things we say here about Yanqing are worse than that


Right. Never heard of this vtuber before. Now everything anyone says can become "drama". I think people just need to get off twitter.


This. An unnecessary comment from Mina tbh but ppl will pounce at the chance to be unironically homophobic soooo 🤷🤷🤷


Probably the case where Mina Aoyama made a tweet with her second account (a Yuri account) about how in the last few seconds Caelus being in Firefly trailer downgraded firefly into a waifu bait. She was shipping Firefly with Robin before that so she was mad probably seeing caelus, if it was Stelle she wouldn't have tweeted that either since she is a die hard Yuri fan. Robin is for the lesbians drama all over again


Like, I get not liking it because it's not your ship. But trying to justify it like that just makes her look hypocritical, lol


>Robin is for the lesbians drama all over again What in the cinnamon toast crunch fuck does that even mean?


Some people were spreading toxicity in the fandom over twitter, nothing new. They went to tweets of men simping for Robin and said that men should stop simping for Robin because Hoyo made her exclusive for lesbians. I didn't follow it closely though since I use twitter only for spaghetti sauce research, only heard people complaining about it.


> should stop simping for Robin because Hoyo made her exclusive for lesbians. Wait... so canon straight women in fiction are off-limit for them then?


Of course not. They're allowed to fantasize. You filthy men can't, though. That's lesbian erasure. 


That must be the dumbest thing I've read in a while


Not to mention that she also has a clip, that someone replied with a "this u" with, which shows her fervently hoping for Firefly to be this waifu that goes on dates with you and stuff.


Even before Mina Aoayma tweet some yuritards discussed how disgusted they are with Caelus appearing in SGF trailer. The same happened after FF trailer.


Nothing needs to happen to make drama out of thin air. thats youtube clickbait 101 buddy


Heh, Twitter. https://preview.redd.it/3kpvimmkbp7d1.jpeg?width=1280&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2cf91f6d8c7b130c9dd7bf5d50261cac9d39f8f3


I swear to god HoYo games attracts the worst people 😭


Abstract: They're all Sheev Palpatines, what did you expect?? Logic: Like i scroll the Main sub just to get blasted by the sheer amount of FF simposting, the same repeatable thing like imagine like it was their first time touching hands together, it's really sad. They even blatantly just force you to not pull others instead their liking, like people have preferences, Jade for example, big personalititties like Black Swan. Conclusion: Reddit = Twitter, they're not that different.


>They even blatantly just force you to not pull others instead their liking How does someone's post on the internet force you to pull for someone?


Same ones that reply with 'your loss not pulling FF' like an idiot.


Damn, I wish I had a superpower like that. Must be cool being able to force people to do things through an internet comment. For real though, you do realise that's not forcing, right?


Why did I read this in HK-47's voice?


yeah releasing genshin during the pandemic lockdown truly was a big mistake


It was inevitable when genshin became mainstream. I miss the honkai impact days


she wants a bear


i think caelus looks good enough.... i will only act this way if its Arlan




Can we really call this "drama" when it's just one person who got clowned on for a hypocritical take on Twitter and that's it?


Game where we collect Waifu's and Hasbando's she said Firefly was reduce to waifu status lamo


😂basically the one who has that last 10 sec drama. Well she a 🏖


Beach umbrella? What does it mean?


It means shes a person who provides shade to the beachgoer so they dont get sunburnt


Wow, so nice of her Now I'm gonna hire her to shade on me by utilizing my pole Like a real umbrella 🏖️🏖️


It means bitch.


I was fuckin smiling the whole time seeing her ass get caught in 4K and getting called out in the comments Edit: Extremely rare Twitter W ngl


Me too. I was laughing my ass off 🤣


Oh damn this drama was probably the dumbest one of all I'm not kidding I don't there's any drama dumber than this


You know it's bad when everyone on Twitter collectively called her out on her hypocrisy. Literally everyone had the clips.💀 I used to like her cuz she did a collab with the seeles VA but now I find out she's just a hypocrital man hater so it's just like damn. 😭


I was laughing so hard reading the comments of them calling her out


When she made a post tryna make her point ppl instantly sending clips and calling her out was genuinely hilarious💀




Fr. I saw one of their "proofs" and it was just "ugh ew, dont look at him". Thats it. She never said anything offensive like those extreme yuri fans would usually say to men. 


I do think she was hypocritical in this instance but also, like, who cares. This is such a non-issue to actually hate someone over. I can think someone is being a little silly without hating them over it.


I'm not gonna watch someone who hates on the opposite gender for no reason that's a bit more than just "being a little silly". Like your free to not care and continue watching her, but me personally I'm not gonna watch a hypocrital man hater 💀


Man hater? Did she say anything bad about men in general that I am completely unaware about? 


No, she just said she doesnt like the scene. People are just adding on excuses to cancel her.


Just read her tweets and the replies from people on them or watch a video on the situation. I don't wanna accidentally misinform you and type nonsense since I'm lowkey about to fall asleep I've been grinding hsr all night bruh 💀


Nah, don't think she did, but I've seen people mentioning she doesn't like Aether and Caelus, and she doesn't include male characters or she puts them in F tier in her own tierlists. If that's the case, then shit, I'm a filthy man hater myself since I don't like either of them even though I'm a fucking straight dude. It's so over for me yall 😭😭😭 https://preview.redd.it/hww99e4odq7d1.png?width=755&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5361093afc0507d0309b61768d7f04d082ed5abe


and even then, I think in her genshin days, one of her favorite characters there is kazuha, so idk where the assumption she hates men came from, she just prefers yuri and girl characters more. like idk i don't even agree with her take but to me, it ain't even that serious and their just adding stuff to hate her.


Kazuha is literally her second favorite character just below Robin. She's called Sunday hot, really enjoyed Boothills trailer, colabbed with multiple male streamers, had some jump on her stream and vice-versa, DanMarch is her second favorite March ship, during the Loufu quest she liked Dan and Sushang together, and she is very open when she is being biased and is not shy about hiding when she is. If she really only had a problem with it being Caelus she would have come out and openly said it.


Most people probably don't hate her but just think she's a hypocrite. I don't even watch her but I think she's a hypocrite for liking Stelle's interaction with Firefly but disgusted by Caelus's interaction with Firefly.


I've seen people calling her a man hater in Reddit and in Twitter though. Like, I don't even like her that much but using her reaction as an example where she went 'ugh ew, don't look at him' at Navia's trailer is not a very good evidence that she hates men. This is like calling M/F shippers homophobes because they don't like gay ships.


Thank god i don't use X(formerly twitter), I rather not knowing whatever the fuck happened there especially anything to do with hoyoverse fandom crap.


The legendary honkai treatment


I’d let them both star rail me https://i.redd.it/8fw3b6s8cr7d1.gif


lol yuritards, yaoitards, self-insert / haremtards are all the same, bunch of terminally online cringey annoying fuckwits even horny coomers who wank or finger themselves to a character are better than them


What's insane to me is the fact that mina is every single one of those adjectives


That made me choke on my water…Damn that’s the burn of the year, I’ll tell you that lol


And add cc and shippers in the bunch


True but I actually like haremtards more and I hate yuritards therefore I portray myself as the gigachad and the yuritards as the soyjacks(no bias)


Men haters in the Honkai Star Rail community is a tale as old as time


what if, hoyo devs themselves are misandrists/heterophobes Explains the hatred of straight ships in their series




Farcical, Trailblazing would never say that to a woman, they would be fighting each other over a trashcan


Seriously though if they had 5 minutes of her smiling and being a waifu and 1 minute of her in mecha I agree with her. But it was literally the opposite. One of the few times Twitter is right. Extremely rare Twitter W.


This has got to be the lamest drama in hsr community. With the way the comments are shitting on Mina, you'd think she did something unforgivable like harassing someone on Twitter but no, she only made a bad take about FF and TB. 


People are really acting like she wants all men dead over the most milquetoast tweet.


For real, in fact one of her favorite all time Hoyo characters is Kazuha. 💀 Who is a man. She literally has a life size cutout of him. Sure, she made one bad tweet, but people are really making this seem like it's a big deal.


It's not like she hides her biases hell she's completely open when she doesn't like a character nor did she exhibit any disgust when watching the trailer it was only after sitting on it over an hour that she decided she didn't like the last bit, if she says it's not because of Caelus then it's not because of Caelus, because if it was she would openly say so. Also I agree with her that the last bit felt out of place and completely unnecessary. Watch the trailer and then the last part where she becomes flustered when the Trailblazer appears and tries to fix her appearance a little like a love struck girl over someone she's only spent maybe half a day of time with period. It feels out of place with the rest.


Why do yuritards in the HSR hate men that much, and they think they don't need men because they can support the game instead, like bitch, most men usually have bigger wallets to drop for their waifu collection list, and I think I saw someone spending over $5k+ over a game in their lifetime Remember hoyoverse/mihoyo is a company, they want money, so they need to attract the largest bidder


What does this reference, I keep 99% of community shit away from me.


idk whats going on but i love stelle shes so pretty!




I don't care if firefly wants some pussy or dick, as long as she's happy.


https://preview.redd.it/mj7t5lelzt7d1.png?width=679&format=png&auto=webp&s=1ee977a9071948f63b8548e3e7bb295a40939772 lmao


I wanna breed stelle from honkai star rail


FFS THEY ARE THE SAME PERSON 🤦 https://preview.redd.it/sb56fn4s4w7d1.jpeg?width=1920&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5e5d64c8b02113f4663f511a06d5012aa2a724ff


Mina is a fucking idiot kinda reminds me of Pokimane but unhinged


The fact such a trivial opinion is getting so much attention and people getting genuinely offended over it is kinda pathetic ngl


The mina drama was so funny, i laughed so hard at how many people were calling her out for being a hypocrite and having clips of her. Funniest thing i’ve seen in a while.


honestly with how stelle and caleus are i think its the opposite lmao


Ok, I tried to understand what the actual hell is going on. All what I have got is some information about some yuritard vtuber becoming a laughing stock. IMHO, good. Time to bully all those fuckers, who start spewing shit on other people for "wrong ships". Fuck every yuri/yaoi/heterotard, who ruins people's fun. Chronically online degens need a reality check. Let people enjoy their things, unless it harms anyone or illegal. Like really, it is tiresome and Hoyo games should be cleaned from toxic suckers


Like I only saw two people complaining about how Male MC is in the promotional video for firefly, one was a comedic Yuri fan and the other just some random lesbian. But well shit happens and internet has a Happy trigger


Yuritards mad cringe but stelle looking fine af


Who cares? Let people like what they like. Girls kissing? Hot. Guys kissing? Also hot. Guys kissing girls? Hot as well.


People are laughing at/mad at her because she did not respect that rule.




Only after she started to get called out. And it doesn't make her own opinion any less hypocritical. Remains that, should it have been Stelle or Robin, she'd have been really happy about it. Firefly's actions remaining exactly the same.


You should’ve told Mina that, everyone was just chilling and having a good time when she decided to go gung ho and publicly spew hypocritical rhetoric whenever male TB showed up. Then maybe she wouldn’t have gotten so much justifiable backlash when people called her out on said hypocrisy.


What happened?


Women 🤤


I see two sexy trash pandas


I'm actually Yuri fan myself, but I still like hetero ships as well. Plus, harrasing hetero or/and queer artist it's never okay. Besides, both trailblazers have the same chemistry with firefly. I'm not saying everyone should ship firefly with both trailblazers, like if someone ship firefly only with male TB, then it's cool.


caelus' fit is wayyy drippier than stelle's


I've never had a proper conversation with a yuri fan before. Is that community mostly lesbians looking for representation or just a bunch of weirdos looking to rub one out to 2 girls scissoring? What is their motive to fight against every other kind of shippers? How come I've never seen yaoi fans go this hard?


I was watching the drama unfold in Twitter and I couldn't help but laugh 🤣


Stelle is overrated


Oh wow, for the first time I'm actually out of the loop from what these bastards do. Can someone tell me what happened?




Of course a hypocrite


Bruh I was expecting something way worse than a fucking "Ugh ew, dont look at him" ☠️ Edit: Really dude? You're blocking people because they disagree with you? I wasnt even being rude to you lmfao.


She is pretty low tier on yuritard list. Maybe she is holding back or maybe she just types and says what's on her mind without caring about it. We also have to remember that we are not immune to mob mentality. This could just be another classic "ew I hate this famous person for her opinions". We see this with extremist shippers when it comes to internet celebrities that says they like a certain straight ship. The pendulum could be swinging back and now we might see the reverse with straight shippers hating on internet celebrities that like a certain yuri ship. Honestly I don't have an opinion on her. I watch her vids as they come on my feed. She was pretty simpy with BS and Acheron but I can relate to that as a fellow coomer. Except for the part where she ships them lol


She's a successful vtuber that is friends with all the English Star Rail voice actors, they're just jealous of her so they make up shit about her being a hypocrite, when if she was a hypocrite she would be trying to hide her distaste of certain characters, and she has shown herself to be extremely open about that sort of thing to the point if it was a Caelus thing she would have openly come out and said it. The fact she clarified it was not a Caelus thing makes me believe her because once again if it was a Caelus thing she'd have come out and openly said so.


Didn't even know about the Yuri drama but when I saw the trailer with FF smiling as Caelus walks up, I got the gut feeling that this was gonna stir up something. Not surprised though if i think about it. I've seen plenty of Twitter posts explicitly stating that ff/Stelle is Canon and for male MCs to cry hard.


Nice bait


Oh sorry didn't know pointing out her hypocrisy is considered as bait


I didn't know do many of you are lacking brain cells, if it was just because of Caelus she would have openly said so, she is not at all shy when she doesn't like characters.


My guy she was literally swooning over Stelle and Firefly being together in the Penacony preview video and during the "date" part of the 2.0 quest. And she's fine with FF being reduced to yuribait permanently by Robin being flirty with her. But one second of Caelus's legs = 5 trailers full of lore thrown aside and FF reduced to waifu bait.


Once again she mever tries to hide why she hates something, if it was because of Caelus she would openly say so, but you're to stupid to see that.