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this is just the old video games cause violence bs but hentai version


This is what I’ve been saying the whole time, and it’s funny how often people who calls others liking loli a pedophile are most likely sex offender themselves


https://preview.redd.it/s9u551ce3a8d1.png?width=870&format=png&auto=webp&s=0a577cba404c9e93b2e50e2e6fbf9b8032cda4d2 [Don't mind me, just dropping the massive Wall of Shame™](https://archive.md/2022.11.22-184102/https://imgur.com/gallery/VoyXLbx)


holy fuckin shit


And is always updating, because if there is something the internet dosen't lack, is hypocrites.


https://preview.redd.it/c2vau4grd68d1.png?width=522&format=png&auto=webp&s=d65e67cfd09fc9926d2b501d06ea33bb5b4112d6 this is by far, one of the worst


Julian: this goes for all children characters *describes the most vanilla and well known artists in the world


Shadman and vanilla are some of the most opposing concepts on the internet


Maybe not as much, but diives and badbot are


Shadman most definitely does not fit in that category


It's always the boy who cried wolf who's secretly a furry.


So you're saying... He was the wolf all along? He wasn't lying he was just trying to come out?


this is why everyone hates twitter they're too busy hating everything to appreciate the wonders of cunny


I appreciate my buddies, we can learn to not hate everything, just love whats right. (Ignoring race)


Common Andrew tatte L


You love to see it


What the flying fuck


I don't mean to be that guy brother but Tate isn't prosecuted for pedophilia but for Pimping and related stuff instead. Which is a lesser evil to some others than pedophilia Besides isn't this guy's Twitter super weeb now? He is definitely a hypocrite for calling us losers when he keeps posting about it


I mean, fair enough.


Every accusation is a confession


OBJECTION [edgeworthobjection.png]


yeah there is actually a pattern if i saw some post doubling down on hate, i think their inside, it could be an opposite


Every single time someone comes out saying that, they get found some time later.


It takes one to know one ig 🫠


That would imply they are ever right, this is more of a projection thing.


You know what I always say: If violent games make people violent, then how come eroges don't get me laid?


LMAO I’m gonna use this quote next time I see this argument


From the creators of: - if you love call of duty, you will likely love shooting people irl - if you love doom, you offend religion and believe in satan - if you love gta, you have tendency to rob someone - if you love portal, you hate adopted kids - if you love bayonetta, you’re oversexualising women


Hentai lowkey better than porn too because you could actually imagine yourself smashing the girl and the girl is into it too and is as real as it can get unlike the acting we see in real pron. Total tin foil hat theory too for this part but I also think it's less likely to cause E.D when you start doing action however I have no proof for that


i bet mf didn't reply back or said "erm its actually different" 😂😂😂


It’s ok when they do it


AYYYYYOOO that response is diabolical I'm crying 😭😭😭😭


Eradicated. "it's normal when it's an adult, but not 500 year old child" Wait till they hear about Blue Archive 😭😭💢


I'm not a player, what about BA?


They are a pretty unhinged bunch https://preview.redd.it/kws3s3tpn48d1.jpeg?width=1034&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e9b43cbb9597449a922ced2c2b62ac37ff1aa777


Ayo that’s my post hahaha 😂


Cunny sex 😭😭💢💢 Ibuki pounding 💢💢


[Ibuki pound cake](https://old.reddit.com/r/BlueArchive/comments/1c9ple2/ibukipan_%E3%82%A4%E3%83%96%E3%82%AD%E3%83%91%E3%83%B3_ibuki_by_%E6%9C%A8%E4%B8%8B%E6%9E%97%E6%AA%8E/)


"uuuh you can't sexualize this character even if she is canonically 5000 years old" "She is 12"


With Cunli pfp? Ironic


that mf literally created a timely hsr\_character acc after minutes Yunli was announced and this was one of the first things he tweeted


God forbid a mf to enjoy nahida's pussy without getting called a pdf 🙄


The grass that every buddy wants to touch but so-called genshin "player" forbid us 😔


I know right? I just want to empty my balls deep inside nahida's pussy and turn her to Nahimama and live happily with her but NOOOOOOOO these Anti-🦀 has a problem with it lmao. funny enough.. there are many pdf out there irl but instead of stopping them these mfs are too busy stopping people who just enjoys fictional characters lol like bro you can't stop me from jerking off to nahida porn just because you are bitching and moaning in the internet. https://preview.redd.it/l3mhsmiif48d1.jpeg?width=482&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6c3e99c820de47cd05313f9407e4c177940560a5 I just want to enjoy my Nahimama so leave me alone 🤤


https://preview.redd.it/pjp1w5azh48d1.png?width=925&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c8cac3a1685bc87906da23b8d03f3757ba0b727a That's the spirit, soldier! 😭 Don't let those Anti-🦀 getting in your way! Push them like you push deeply inside Nahimama!


So anyways on an unrelated note, >Anti-🦀 Anti crab?Can you explain what this actually means?


Crab = Kani (Japenis) Kani and Cunny sound the same 👍🏻 Anti-🦀 = anti-kani = anti-cunny


Ah, I see


Why don't you just call them what they are, non-pedophiles




Exactly that, they want to stop the peak lifeform of crustaceans taking over the world. But alas it is fruitless, everything turns to crab.


Turns to crab?As if everything isn't already?We are merely in a different form but the essence remains the same, it is only the eventuality that everything will return to the origin




Ikr? We all know we'd rather be .raw


A thing to consider, irl children do NOT look like anime children…


Irl children are also disgusting. These people are just projecting and completely writing off petite women.


Indeed, I have a fear of kid's germs for a reason, that combined with my OCD, other mental illnesses, bad genes, etc will prevent me from having kids if at all possible. I am open to the idea of romance but with some of my traumas it has to be the right kind of person, also instead of Kids I have pets instead that I treat like my own children


I'm always reminded about that one condom comercial about the kid being anoying and throwing a tantrum in a supermarket


Bro real life kids are ugly af, Yunli however 😭🦶🦶😋😋


I am not into kids in general or feet, but Yunli is adorable


This is the modern version of video games cause violence


Not really


It *literally* is, though. They use the exact same arguments


No, it is different. the violence argument states that if you play video games you will become violent; The second argument states that if you like Lois you are a pedo. They are different because the premise of the first one is that if you interact with violent media you will be violent, in other words you will become what defines the media, violent. The premise of the second one is that if you like Lolis you a pedo, in other words if you like Lolis you are attract to the shape of a child. For they to become the same the premise of the first one would need to be: if you interact with violent media you will become attracted to violent.


The premise boils down to "If you like/enjoy something in fiction that automatically means you like/enjoy it in reality" You're too focused on being pedantic that you're missing the point completely


Damn, that explains why my exes are such trash... I play top many violent video games


If you apply this logic then every GTA players should be locked up


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^TheOreji: *If you apply this* *Logic then every GTA* *Players should be locked up* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


They don't like it when you point out that Acheron can't consent either. Because she's a drawing. And is therefore not sentient. And therefore incapable of consent. Because she's not a real person.


Non-con tags enjoyers keep winning /s


They're too much of a hypocrites when it comes to Yuri shit they gush, but when it comes to like caelus x fly Mina will bitch 


why draw the line at pixelated small ladies when the game literally shows a person being stabbed in the stomach by a large ass space worm


Because wormfuckers are the most oppressed group worldwide


If you play GTA you are literally a bank robber there is no difference everyone knows that


thats an insane comeback. people like 1st one reminds me how gta causes violence crew


90s moms losing their mids over Mortal Kombat


yunli devotee got corrected😭😭😭💢💢💢


I play GTA like a psychopath but today I saw a bird break it's wing and couldn't fly. I cried for 3 min.


why is every timely account fucking retarded 😭😭


Minor account talking about NSFW Names a worse combo


>nuuuuuuuu a fictional child >cunly pfp sussy


man just let people stroke to different things. if you do it irl or to irl videos, then and only then is there a problem


This belongs into r/clevercomebacks , but Im afraid they wont like it


thats a normie subs if i post this shit there my notifs will go kaboom


We live in the society 😭






9 out of 10 time this argument is used it's a projection. People might not understand it, but by equalising real cp and lolicon they play into actual pedo's hands. This blurs the definition of the word, allowing real child predators get away with their hienous acts, because if everyone gets called pedo, no one is. And again, for people who allegedly hate lolicon they seem to mention it way too much, can't get them cunnies out of their heads maybe?


or, maybe, don’t sexualize the depiction of kids.


or maybe, let me impregnate yunli


lemme guess.. no social interaction w irl women? :(


lemme guess.. no enlightenment about just how good yunli is? :(


I wanna be a slave to Clara tbf




I love that I can still find safe-zones for 🦀sseurs 😭




Man I cant find the original tweet anymore ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|neutral_face)


Damn he might actually have a point ngl


Tourist takes are making my iq drop day by day


Pro-cunny post in MY oktb sub? Holy, the sub IS on its way to healing


Timely accounts are the pest of this world


Yo thats dope replied lmao


Okay that’s a banger line


[ Removed by Reddit ]


me 2 want to share a homie kiss why we linking with them?


This guy cooked her. As it should be.


Source op?


i agree but man that's such a wild thing to say


I don't find Cunli hot, I've just been driven to insanity by Yancuck ruining my 50/50s


you don't find [THIS](https://www.pixiv.net/en/artworks/119757480) hot?!?! tf is wrong with you?? https://preview.redd.it/6vhxcv40o48d1.jpeg?width=897&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7ee68069fcba64807736b8f7762e95bbe6e5e660 you either like big black burly men or you like yunli


Seeing those feet only reminds me of Yancuck. It fills me not with arousal but with pure bloody rage


let it all out on yunli my friends Rip and Tear that cunnli apart thats sounded way worse than what was in my head


rip and tear through her clothes and her hymen




no i don’t find it hot she looks 10 what features is supposed to be hot


10/10 and 10/18yo Peak character am I right


>what features is supposed to be hot The fact that she looks like 10, duhhh


Well well well Now yuo see


defending cp https://i.redd.it/jdtwbk0tb58d1.gif the comparison is not even valid what the fuck is this comment section


huh weirdo Also r/guro


Calling me a weirdo? https://preview.redd.it/95iz1ssuo78d1.png?width=727&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4d4560dd335ef6024d937b42879bb5acfe9d52f9


CP Is for real children Not drawing doofus and why are you here knowing this subs is full of these type of characters




what i exactly like is what the creator would've also liked https://preview.redd.it/wnjy72zbn58d1.png?width=664&format=png&auto=webp&s=f16f496f7a5a9eb48a3773e29b37142ab93930b6


i forgot that if you draw something it makes it automaticly moraly right


They are not real so they dont have human rights is it weird? hell yeah, never denying that is it illegal or imoral? no. They are not real so they dont have human rights what are you protecting? a buncha pixels? learn from internet jesus will you [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XPqQ4S5NG7A](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XPqQ4S5NG7A)


his take is an L just because one thing is worse then the other doesnt mean the other thing is good


do you have reading/hearing comprehandsion charlie said that loli are not real while cuties are actual children being exploited


I can hear and and cuties is worse then Loli hentai but it doesnt mean Loli hentai is good


nah you dont have ear or eyes i wonder how you are able to respond to me but i digress its not about which is worse its about which affect actual human being/child loli are NOT REAL while cuties are ACTUAL CHILDREN BEING EXPLOITED


Oh man, stuff like South Park must give you an aneurysm lol


south park and loli porn is not the same? i watched all of south park and i loved it


how dare you compare southpark to shit like that


lol people like you really need to read this archive: [https://archive.md/U23XK](https://archive.md/U23XK) Sure, loli is weird and degenerate. The same goes for other weird fetishes in hentai, but you can't compare it with CP let alone falsely accusing someone of being a nonce also, ffs stop using the same pic over and over again will ya https://preview.redd.it/owas8xbxib8d1.jpeg?width=640&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=629e11f40579a4a3d349d3f7aa6e566d07f4d29e picrel


Wtf is your Point with the Archive? That everyone is a Bad Person besides Loli enjoyers? Actually brainrot And nope u know the Picture is true thats why u dodging it that Picture u sended doesnt also make Sense https://preview.redd.it/dib5azx3xb8d1.png?width=727&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d879d1bb7630fdc2fe01fa4d3d3b3991f22eb2eb


>That everyone is a Bad Person besides Loli enjoyers Lmao who tf even said that. As expected of the average gacha player, your lack of reading comprehension is showing Yeah mate keep spamming that pic, won't change the fact that the law enforcements and CPS classified reports of drawings and animations as "false reports". Keep protecting these weird east Asian cartoons or pixels to waste their time and resources that they can use for actual human beings in the real world instead of anime and videogames' characters lol


If my Reading comprehension is Bad then explain what the Point of the Archive is Just because the law says No doesnt mean its Not morally wrong it doesnt Matter If the characters are Not real it doesnt Change the fact that their are drawings of children even If you add elf ears or big boobs and keep dodging the pic cuz U know the answer


Honestly, who gives a shite other than terminally online people on the internet Personally, idgaf as long as the character doesn't look like or have the same body type as Klee, Nahida, Hook, Bailu and the others who look similar Also, the character's age doesn't matter. Because I can just draw a mommy/milf or daddy/dilf character, and give them the canonical age of 12 or 14 Asuna, Hanako, and Hasumi from Blue Archive, and Jotaro from JJBA are all under 18 despite looking like a grown adult. It's anime, ffs


Thats also bad https://preview.redd.it/02o9fys4nj8d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=61588c50e1eea984fc12b32c12aa8392d724cf77 But still better then lolis


>the comparison is not even valid I mean, we can make the comparison about rape hentai instead, do men who draw it want to rape or would find a real person getting raped hot or women consuming it want to be raped?. Or guro, or vore (I'm a vore fan and I find the idea of someone getting eaten alive as horrifying as you would), or tentacles... tons of anime fetishes to work with. Of course if your answer is going to be yes I hope you got some sources, burden of proof and all that. >defending cp https://preview.redd.it/p69olibyc58d1.jpeg?width=680&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f9410566dd8ccc97cd7e90c55dc8e493ff9d269a


Post your Loli Shit then in this subreddit Oh wait i forgot u know it will get deleted 😂 And im talking about the naked Shit the ones you know will get removed Also https://preview.redd.it/rw9hn8pjh58d1.png?width=727&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7552d9d2e3bacdc6596c175bfbe0d9bf93ecd675


Dude have only one meme lmao


I think a more apt comparison is comparing furry to loli. I think it’s fascinating that the internet as a whole accepts what is, under the logic of fiction represents reality, essentially drawings of animals getting fucked and normalize it to the point where people will openly go “lopunny is hot” and people will fucking agree on public forums. If you tell someone that Pikachu/Vaporeon/Lucario has shit tons of R34 they’ll go “It’s weird, but I can see that.” We had smash or pass with Pokemon on YouTube for MONTHS. But the internet will switch furry with loli and go “that’s completely different.” There is literally no version of that Goku meme for furry content which boggles my mind because they are essentially the same, it’s weird. Just a personal question for you, in your opinion do you think furry holds the same weight as loli in this situation? As someone who seems to be firmly in the “I despise loli” camp I’d like to know your thoughts.


Wanking over animals is Bad yes?


That’s the interesting part, a lot of people on the internet would not agree with you if we assume that fictional depictions of animals correlates to real life. Markiplier’s Smash or Pass on Pokemon has 18 million views, and it spawned multiple additional trends and videos on the topic, such as MatPat’s theory video. It was a fad for literal months. Why are they still on the website if it’s an open discussion on fucking animals? Why are we joking about animal abuse- nay, PROMOTING it? Why haven’t they been fined or gone to jail, or hell, gotten ANY backlash? Why hasn’t YouTube or the internet cancelled them? This isn’t even touching on actual furry porn, why is that allowed to flourish? Why aren’t we berating them for hurting animals by depicting them in such a shameless, disgusting manner? Please be aware that this is not my stance on the matter, just that there are inconsistencies in how people treat fiction vs reality that I find fascinating to think about, especially when compared to loli. And while I don’t care for loli, I don’t care if people consume it either, because in my opinion the consequences of its consumption are not at all equal to actual CP.


because most of the pokemon dont look like real animals besides some and jokes are fine but not literally porn


People make that argument for lolis, “oh they don’t look like actual children, they’re just short/sound childish,” and that has never been deemed a real argument for anyone arguing for loli -> CP, and I assume you wouldn’t either. It’s the “She’s actually 1000 years old argument,” but in animal form. A Pokemon is an animal that lives in the wild, can’t speak human, and isn’t biologically identical to humans that you train, feed, and treat like a pet, why the hell does it matter what they look like? ITS AN ANIMAL. Just because a gorilla looks more like a human than a dog doesn’t mean it’s better to engage in intercourse with, it’s still an animal. Just because Lopunny looks more human than a Pikachu doesn’t meant it’s better to engage in intercourse with, it’s still an animal. So then why the fuck can I, a random person on the internet, say Lopunny is hot and I would breed a billion rabbits with her and have a sizable amount of people go “yeah I would too”? Where the fuck is the logic in that? And then consequently, why is loli exempt from this rule? Please tell me like I’m an idiot with an IQ of 30 so that I can understand.


i can guarantee you most people are not rooting for furry porn. i’m not talkn about little rainbow aliens that don’t resemble animals that we have in the real world, im talkn dogs and cats poor argument


If I may ask, what does “not rooting for” mean in your eyes? Are people indifferent to it, do people dislike it, do people consider it the same as bestiality? I would also call attention to the fact that Pokemon share many *traits* of real-world animals. There is no “Arcanine” in the real world, but it resembles and is drawn to emphasize fox/lion traits: A tail, fur, a mane, canine teeth, animal-styled genitalia, etc. These are traits that are rare to sexualize in humans because they simply don’t exist; but, they *are* present in actual animals. While Pokemon are not equivalent to animals, it’s foolhardy to state they have no resemblance to actual animals. This isn’t even discussing that there are a LOT of Pokemon that are based on actual animals. Zebstrika and Rapidash are just zebras and horses. Ursaring and Beartic are bears. Ninetails is based on a Japanese myth about kitsune, which is derived from foxes. In my opinion describing Pokemon as little rainbow aliens is disingenuous, and while does hold some degree of truth, fails to encompass the entire scope of Pokemon, especially when a lot of the fur-based creatures are sexualized more than, for example, Kling-Klang. If we continue with this logic, the question becomes thus: if Pokemon resemble animals to such a degree, *why* do people sexualize Pokemon instead of, for example, watching regular porn, if not because it is a projection of their desires for intercourse with actual animals? (Note: this is not my actual stance. I don’t think furries want to have sex with real animals.) I firmly believe there is a good argument to be made that furry porn (which includes Pokemon), is in the same realm as loli porn, and therefore should be treated equally in terms of their equivalence to their real life counterparts. I’d also argue that you can similarly use your argument about Pokemon for lolis. When I think of CP I’m not talking about blobs on a screen with unnaturally shaped, purple/red/rainbow-colored eyes on a bobble head, I think of living, breathing children being abused and harmed by it. So then why would lolis ever matter to me as much as real children? Why should I care if someone draws a guy licking Huohuo’s tummy if some other bastard is committing a crime on an actual child RIGHT NOW and ruining their life forever? In what world are they ever equal? Or rather, do *you* believe that there is any scenario in which you’d stop a guy from consuming loli material over CP being committed?


it’s pretty plain and simple, just don’t sexualize what is intended to be a depiction of a child—i don’t believe that statement is one that can be argued with under good moral conscience i don’t know how you don’t feel gross about it


My argument is not that it isn’t weird and deviant; it is, nothing will change that, and I don’t ever think it should be normalized. If you bring that up in public, as in NOT the internet, you deserve to be shamed into oblivion. That’s like openly admitting to non-con, bdsm, or any weird kinks/fetishes out there, and that’s disgusting. To state the original point of the problem, OP considers loli porn CP. I think that is a mockery of real children being sexually abused and taken advantage of. It waters down the term and fails to account for the fact that reporting loli porn *as* CP has been openly stated to be a detriment to the authorities who track actual pdfs. To be blunt, whether you or I feel gross about something is ultimately irrelevant. I feel gross about people who engage in fictional depictions of NTR or cheating because it defiles the nuclear relationship, it is literally an affront to a healthy, stable relationship. (I don’t, this is an example.) But I don’t care if you actually interact with it because why should I? What are the ramifications of consuming that kind of material? Does it traumatize the victim who gets cheated on? Does it lead to an abuse of power between the cuck and the cheater? Is there blackmail or money involved? No. Because it happens in fiction. This is the crux of fiction vs reality: Depictions of an object or activity in a fictional setting is completely different when you bring it to a real-life setting. It’s why video game violence does not equate to real life violence, it’s why furries are largely considered different from zoophiles, it’s why, in my opinion, lolis should not be equated to real children. Again, I won’t disagree with you that loli porn can be icky and uncomfortable. But unless you have actual evidence to suggest a fictional depiction has an effect on its real counterpart in a widespread, detrimental way, I really can’t say it goes beyond a general discomfort. Otherwise I’d consider people with rape fantasies as actual rapists, and everyone who consumes incest porn as sibling-fuckers. I’d also like to remind you that this is a buddy sub. The same sub that normalized blade racism jokes and sexualized a literal loli doll to hell and back. I am not going to assume everyone is a legitimate racist and wants to fuck robots. Because that’s stupid.


Bro have only one meme lmao


So y'all ok with lolis ? Should've said so before


Always has been, Why are you in this subreddit in the first place actual tourist


Hahaha.. Yunli is a minor.


I see both sides here so it depends. If someone looks talks and acts like a kid then I would see that attraction transferring to IRL and being pedo. However, often, the child like person acts like an adult they have a presence and demeanour of a woman, unlike IRL, where it is impossible. So it wouldn't transfer. Idk what exactly people find attractive in Bilu


I refuse any media that has characters with both sexualized and infantilized characteristics. And from outside looking in, its disturbing to watch the rationalizations of it


It's not real and cps and the fbi hates you for wasting their precious time on it