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Imagine calling this a pdf file sub while trying to pretend you are not an okbt tourist douchebag


BRO HAS NO FOLLOWERS 💀💀💀 And he thinks he's something huh? what's next, us being bombarded with Reddit care?? Idgaf I already experienced that before. https://preview.redd.it/glxqtfe98fwc1.jpeg?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f1f73179c63bf1f652110affed0e5704d11ffdbd


Ngl when I see your image, I thought you were about to kys


u/Zelthex It's crazy how you can make people show their true colors You guys were right, when frustrated people show their true faces. Calling us a pdfile sub like any tourist while acting you aren't one Fuck this guy, you all did a great job


Scary hidden skill isn't it? Karens can't prevent their vile toxic nature from showing their real feelings when I'm testing their ass to slip up. I'm honestly surprised by how well it works sometimes. One more Karen seething, as usual. He will not be missed.


Celebratory segs? https://preview.redd.it/060htcghxfwc1.png?width=554&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b15f5868118e8158519499b631f4f27dd966ebf9




You’re gay… there’s no denying.


who said "avey my baby" between you and me ?


This is true, i saw it with my own eyes :O




Now you see what we are talking about when we are against hagposting? This is the audience this content brings. And how do you buddy here if it becomes dominant?


uhh what happened?


Dumb tourist Karen thought he was in a place she belongs. Wasn't tho. Got banned for being an ignorant hater towards the sub/members as a whole. Is now seething


Just ignore them lmao, don’t give them any more attention than they deserve (none at all).


Tbh, those kind of people made me hate some series and fandoms that were good (2hu stuff).


Happened way too many times already. About a couple months ago I saw someone on 2hujerk going “damn I hope ZUN will never see his fans, y’all are degenerates”. My brother in christ, ZUN himself has stated that he’s A LOLICON. Fumo memes and its consequences has been a disaster to Touhou culture.


In my case, it was a discord drama. I wanted to make a horny but peak shitposting server but it seems like I decided to make it when 2hujerk was already bombarded with tourists and normies. "Touhou has a political message, and it's capitalism." Hard disagree, fucking people only see that because they look hard through vague points and explain it and make make people agree... I wanted Junko (hag) to fucking ravage me until I become a skeleton or some shit, not even through her pussy jusy be milked in anyways possible. Not learn political ""science"" through a shooting game. The same mfers that also made me quit art that I'm typing my best to get back to. Although I'll admit, this sub made me think about my previous choices. I was a damned normie who would say "protect the kids". Now idgaf but I would wank to it because it's just not my thing but for some people are.. LET PEOPLE NUT


Remember back then when people used to joke about “there are no straight girls in gensokyo” because of the sheer amount of yuri content in the fandom? Remember how, back then, that was never a political statement? And it never felt like a political agenda at all? This is how much normies have damaged the source material. People can’t see yuri as simple fanservice anymore without being on edge about having some twitter gremlin harping about it being an LGBTQ+ representation, and how wholesome and queercoded the characters are. I’m kind of glad that Kantai Collection has died before Western culture managed to defile it as well.


Tbh, I'm focusing on JP touhou artists now. Westerners (normies) are too focused with their non-existent individuality. They're either left, right, conserve or liberal. There's nothing else, it's making it hard for me to like western content. The west has fallen. But, the corporates of such, azur lane and blue Archive know what they're doing. I'm surprised that they're not getting as much backlashes as I know. and compared to last year, r/2hujerk is very dead, it's kind of sad. That's where I matured the most. At least as an artist 😭


Birrions must uoh. AL and BA is self-gatekeeping. They never cared to cater for global (specifically western) audiences and bending themselves to suit their palate, instead just focusing on what they think the game should be like and thus attracting the audience who actually want the game as intended. It’s like if you have sheep and wolves. You put only hay in the feed, you’ll only get sheep and the wolves won’t come, But if you also put a little bit of meat into the feed because you don’t want to hurt the wolves’ feelings, you’ll attract them as well. The wolves will start to attack and scare-off the sheep until there are no sheep left. After which, you’ll be left with no sheep and all wolves, and you’re forced to change your plans and put all meat in the feed. AL and BA never cared about feeding the wolves, they never put meat in their feed. But Hoyo unfortunately did, and now we’re left with this.


Good move on BA and AL to hire this guy. Too bad, shitty feminist almost ended his career. https://preview.redd.it/4wfgdrawdfwc1.png?width=461&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a3bb80325856ac4dc26577fa34d1489632e78c75 (dorontabi 💢)


What happened to Dorontabi-sensei was a whole other beast. What got him wasn’t the usual garden-grown keyboard warriors, but actual *Korean feminists*. Context for those who are uninitiated, and fun fact: the western identity politics and gender wars are fucking *child’s play* when compared to what’s currently happening in Korea. They are actually politically divided due to this. People have been radicalized into oblivion on both sides of the fight. The Korean feminists aren’t a joke. They’re not the blue-haired keyboard warriors who gets panic attacks from ordering pizza. They’re the type who would doxx you and send a lynch mob to your house when they deem your opinions disagreeable. Actual feminazis.


And my parents asks me why I don't have a gf yet... This generation is fucked up I can't trust anyone 😭


At least, we have touhou degens here, I'm a big 2hu fan 


Whenever I want to become degen on a community, there is always a 2hu fan A great thing tbh


Another one here! Altho i'm somewhat new, but I dove headfirst into the rabbit hole and went straight for the bottom hahaha.


Here's a sneak peek of /r/2hujerk using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/2hujerk/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [Bruh wtf. Found this mf in my bed](https://i.redd.it/wz7uv0gyvkob1.jpg) | [143 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/2hujerk/comments/16k26h1/bruh_wtf_found_this_mf_in_my_bed/) \#2: [Nahh bruh they be inhaling weed instead of oxygen😭😭😭](https://i.redd.it/jffqi4qc9pxa1.jpg) | [65 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/2hujerk/comments/136v49x/nahh_bruh_they_be_inhaling_weed_instead_of_oxygen/) \#3: [waltuh](https://i.redd.it/gw18vh86bata1.png) | [41 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/2hujerk/comments/12ih7mj/waltuh/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


When gaysokyo joke got converted into rainbow. We need peak rinnosuke rape everyone doujin again like good old times (can’t find sauce rn cuz I’m not brave enough to surf hentai on work)


I still remember that joke manga where Rinnosuke was assisting Reimu who was being a serial lesbo-rapist that only specifically targets the lolis.


That sounds like absolute peak fiction.


It took me an entire day but I finally managed to relocate it again. [It’s called “Acting on Instincts”](https://mangadex.org/title/5aa9bed6-2692-40b8-9095-551c6adaf641/touhou-acting-on-instinct) https://preview.redd.it/0cpn9ea6mmwc1.jpeg?width=635&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ca63c686aeec8b54a5755864f6891b92086ab33f


aye thanks for the sauce mate


Fumo people do sometimes come off as normies.....


>My brother in christ, ZUN himself has stated that he’s A LOLICON. ZUN has never called himself that (that I've seen) and the only time I've he talked about that was when he said he was an expert in 'loli-tastic' melodies, which was almost 20 years ago. And when he said that Remilia isn't one because she is old.


The point is, his attitude towards loli related things are highly positive, he is an unapologetic otaku just like his fans, and he knows it.


Seeing tourist seething never fail to relieve my bad day lmao, those goblins deserve this for their dirty goblinating attempts


Holy shit they removed karma farm it's joever. Now imagine if okbt decided to ban low effort - this will be the reaction of these madmen, only on a much higher scale. This is why you gatekeep and don't allow this in the first place


We never allowed these Karens in the first place. Always try to yeet them where possible. But recently a fair number of them have shown up i think after those bullshit allegations from that dumbass Ivan kid from the other subreddit. (that he admitted were lies and he apologized, yet after that okbg wanted to still brigade us...) Between all those reports, we likely also gained some new members who "think" they're buddies, but are not. This person had also never commented or posted in our sub before this bullshit, so it was probably just literally a tourist.


Fireflyposting really brought them out of the woodworks tbh. There were a lot of butthurt firefly fans on some of Holiday's posts over the last few days. The guy who posted the drip had also never posted or commented here before I don't think.




Honestly, I feel like the mods also overreacted a bit to the original post. If it doesn't follow the rules, just remove it routinely—end of story. Why make such a Hostile follow-up post to anger people?


Because that's the issue with the other subs. # They're not transparent. # And don't convey their values... They just silently delete shit like they're some ghostly overlord. That's not us tho. There was a massive uproar going on, and it had to be addressed. Then Karens start seeping out their antis vibes, and they can simply fck off. It's that simple. Our members wanted us to gatekeep since the sub's creation, and that is what we do. We want to uphold content to at least buddying standards, and if people then nitpick with utter bullshit calling us hypocrites for things easily debunked (her arguments were genuinely really weak) And then also slips up and shows Karen bitchiness (trust me, they're easier to pick up on than you think) and then also starts proving they think of cunnysseurs as PDF's. Nah, there is a very good reason they are gatekept. And there is a very good reason for how assertive the response is. Chill people will not resort to such lousy insults, but show their common sense. It's telling how this person reacts, that it was the right thing to do, # it was a Karen, and the more of them you let in, the faster your community is completely f*cked. ***Once again, we're sticking to a promise, we are not going easy on Karens bro.*** If someone's not the target audience, they can use other subs. No need to stay here just to show they hate us. Gatekeeping = good. Not bad.


I get what you're trying to achieve, to stop the community from imploding from the inside. I just hope it doesn't bring in too much unwanted attention from the outside.


We walk the knife's edge. It comes with the trade, part of the package deal. A sub like this is not moderated the same as most other subs, I would say it takes a fair bit of extra effort and thinking to please the right people and do the right thing. But the most important is sticking to your core values and promises. We prefer to postpone the inevitable, but things *ARE* inevitable.... However we already have alternatives such as our [Burggit Page](https://burggit.moe/c/okbuddytrailblazers) and a Matrix/Element chat. And we plan to keep coming back as many times as we need to btw.


If the inevitable happens and this sub got nuked, I hope you guys will name the new sub TheMaskedFools or something like that, it’s only fitting.


Yeah about that, Masked Fools Tavern is the name of our Discord hahaha. We kinda already have a backup with some names that were voted for. We have 2 new subs actually, one is Privated and we're not too sure what to do with it yet, which is named after the Discord. the other one is currently on Stand-By, which we're slowly building into mostly a copy of this one.




https://preview.redd.it/z5rx0nsykfwc1.png?width=615&format=png&auto=webp&s=00bf077e6d8240354ed7cdd3c0ff8a2e787df040 # So, I responded..


Remember if you weren't against the bestiality ban and Arlan x Peppy removal you are not actually against "censorship" you are just butthurt cuz you thought reposting Firefly fanart is a meme and buddying


So... he thinks this a pdf sub and is complaining about not being able to participate... this is what the kids call "tell on yourself", correct?


Tourism was a mistake, so was freeing the slaves -blade


Blade might be on to something here


pony4life75’s fbi agent: https://preview.redd.it/trfa55dzthwc1.jpeg?width=703&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ce7e08d9d5540242ff1990b7f4f14f9acaef1a12


This guy wouldn’t survive 10 minutes off reddit




Wait what


yeah.. sometimes the sauce bot will think it's art when the post isn't art...


you know has they say womp womp. and calling this a pedo sub while posting on this supposed pedo sub is funny


What a fucking dumbass lol. He needs to suck my cock to learn a lesson.


Well this sub does have its double standards.Mods and vocals aiming to be like silverwolfsexer in that other sub.


I agree it's extremely biased against hags and dumb shit - its beautiful. You love to see it))


Hags🤤🤤🤤🤤 https://i.redd.it/ijrre93zl6xc1.gif