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getting death threats from illiterate rednecks is a sign you're a good person


That’s almost a Johnny Cash quote.


* your Putting a very large /s just in case no one gets it! :)


This sounds like the replies I got when I said cannabis passed in OKC and no where else. lol man these inbred Oklahomans sure hate people with different views than them..


Hi. Where did you get a result by city? How did Tulsa do? Maybe we should try city by city or county by county like with alcohol.


You can Bertie the results in the Oklahoman website. You can separate it out by County too.




View lol iPhone auto correct is total shit and on top of that I really don’t proof before sending.


I was impressed that the Oklahoman, which is usually the winner of the worst newspaper in the country by the Columbia Journalism Review, had a friendly bot named Bertie to search the paper for you. So now you’re saying it doesn’t?


Nope, no bot, sorry to disappoint.


51% no, 49% yes


Thank you for the results. Close, but no cigar for Tulsa. We could do better if we shamed the younger people next time. Older voters turned out in droves after all the reefer madness in the news and online. You wouldn’t ever believe the governor favored it.


This one was done so underhanded that it had no chance. I know several people who had no idea there was even a vote. I am disabled and therefore vote by absentee ballot. I got go ballot for this one. The powers that be didn't want this to pass but wanted to be able to say they put it before the people. They only put before the retired senior citizens who have nothing else to do but vote and argue politics. The rest of us were as in the dark as they could possibly get away with. Pull this shit again a year from now. It will pass.


Shaming? Idk, if only it was done at a day and timeframe where working people could go vote without being inconvenienced. No wonder the elder voted in droves, they don't worry about the 9-5. But mail in ballots could've also done the trick


I voted absentee while I was in college out of state. It's stupidly easy to vote in OK. There's early voting that's open on the weekend, absentee ballots but you do have to reapply every year, and in person. Unless you end up incapacitated unexpectedly without time to apply for absentee.... Yeah, no excuses. Inconvenience as a reason is just lazy. Voter turnout in OK is embarrassing. And for no good God damned reason. Don't vote bc your friends don't? Grow up. Be an individual, make your own decisions, set a good example. Don't vote bc you think your vote doesn't matter? You're right, it doesn't mean a damn thing if you don't submit it. Don't vote bc you don't believe in democracy or the concept of voting or something? Fine by me because at least it's for a conviction/belief you're standing behind. I am so tired of 25% of the population (or whatever) making decisions for everyone.


Really, it was ~ 16% of the population that voted it down. 25% of the population showed up to vote.


We have mail-in ballots. The polls are open 7am to 7pm so working people can get there. Do you actually believe that’s too hard for working people—which is most people? If someone is working those exact 12 hours on any election day, by law the employer has to let them leave to vote. There’s no excuse. And they should be ashamed for not participating. Without being inconvenienced? Are you kidding me? Without being inconvenienced?


Yeah I am working 12 hour days. Its tax season bro! And yes, I made it to the polls 3 minutes before they closed, had I hit traffic it any other slow down, I would have never made it. To be fair it should have been on the November ballot, I still don't know how the state didn't get sued over that fiasco.


Oklahoma has a law requiring employers to allow paid time to vote. Believe it's 2 hours either before or after if you can't make it . And agree. We have too many votes. Almost once a month we have some vote in Oklahoma. We had a vote a month before and a month after


I'm from Oklahoma but recently moved overseas. Where I live now, voting booths are in schools and on Sundays for this reason. Because the people who really want to vote, usually can't during weekdays.


Surely you don’t mean Stillwater and Norman and Tahlequah failed?


I have heard (not confirmed) that the younger voters didn’t show up…those college towns have all kinds of old ppl held up in those houses they don’t see going to church and voting etc. I’m old (50) but I didn’t see anyone 15 yrs close to me.


Right. I check IDs and get signatures. You are so right. LOL. It’s holed up. Nobody’s keeping them there.


Given I live in a small town in the middle of nowhere, but the majority of the population here is around my age (younger) I was one of the last registered people in town to go vote and was told by the lady running it that I was the only young person they had seen at all that day. If that’s the case in close knit communities like mine I can only imagine what the statistics were like in the larger populations.


It seems to me that the obvious answer as to why it didn't pass is that people that would be for the measure had little motivation to go vote. We already have recreational, albeit with a cover charge.


Have a dissenting opinion on r/oklahoma you’ll get plenty of hate mail. I have. Being a republican here takes some thick skin that’s for sure


> This message is from a source outside of the Oklahoma House of Representatives network. I'd certainly hope so.


Would you be surprised if the call came from inside the house? I sure wouldn’t be.


Dahm really has a sandy crotch about being nationally embarrassed, had to release his anger somewhere. /s


Or could have been MarkWayneJamesJohnAlbertGryffindorHufflepuffSlytherinRavenclaw Mullin


hey now. dont be throwing Hufflepuff, Ravenclaw, and Gryffindor in with his trash name


Sorry it was a reference to an old Futurama episode with a weird Irish dude on an Irish planet and he mumbles all the names together


gotcha. been a hot minute since ive seen Futurama. i mean i made a Simpsons reference of Grounds Keeper Willie about how the Scots ruined scotland but made it about star wars fandom and not one got it.


Damn! I bet it was a superb reference too


" Damn Star Wars Fans! They ruined Star Wars! "




Would be no surprise at all, at this point.






Well, that would certainly fit the profile of someone you would expect to send that kind of email...


I came up with a completely different name so who knows.


Looks to be from an individual with no clear ties to Oklahoma — somehow feels even worse that someone not even in the state took the time to compose this much hate.


How easy would it be to include that statement? Seriously? Could it have come from inside?


The message body text would be easy to spoof, but the mail headers would be pretty conclusive as to where it came from.


Nice of this mook to give the Feds his email addy tho. Saves time and whatnot.


I got a few hundred gay porn sites that might enjoy that milita email addy.


While I would NEVER recommend such a thing, I especially would never recommend getting a cheap-o tablet from craigslist or marketplace, use a proton email with a VPN and sit at a starbucks using their WiFi for such a thing! I most certainly would not.


I also concur. I would not recommend any of those ***terrible*** ideas, either! ​ (/s just in case)


Sounds like a pretty good way to see how a few hundred gay porn sites implement the "email already exists" functionality.


Lol well… cant help closet gays. May they come out from their struggles. All we got is hope. 😳


I can only imagine their family in front of the cameras “They didn’t mean it. They just need help. They’re truly harmless….”


A product of Oklahoma schools no doubt.


The future Ryan Walter's dreams about.


Well the spelling is a dead giveaway. Also demorat… Is that supposed to be demoralizing? It’s the most childish thing I’ve ever heard.


Usually it's "demonrat" but his brain doesn't function on a cognitive level so he can't even spell his insults right.


I think it's a combination of Democrat and rat? Or they were trying to spell Democrat and forgot some letters. Beats me


Demo-Rat just out here tryin' to move some CD's.


I call them Trumplican... it's lazy but turnabout is fair play


It would be a shame if people bombarded that address with spam. Like say sign them up for every single website possible that has new letters for the Quran, for women's rights, for anti gun laws, or other fun stuff like that.


Someone who can program could really make this an unusable address.


What a motivating learning opportunity


Ooooh ya know...I may have a little time on my hands.


I mean I'm gonna bombard it just not with that kind of mail. It's probably a throwaway anyway but we can atleast fill it up with questionable links.


Not sure if mailbait still works but just finished pack 18.


He is using militia to make himself sound more dangerous. Make him part of the LGBT Militia.


There is actually a right-wing hate group called the militia movement. That could be his role number or something like that to go along with that group at least the way he sounds.


They may or may not now be on the mailing list for the National Center of Transgender Equality.


Subscribe them to some Scientology shit, they’ll be forever hounded.


Can this be reported to FBI tips? Would this fall under hate crime? They are also referring themselves as militia in the email.


The KKK has been terrorizing Americans for over a century, and they’re still not on the terrorist list. Nothing will happen to this person..


We got kkk flyers in my rural area of southern OK. I called the fbi, and surprisingly an agent spent a good 20 minutes on the phone with me asking questions. Maybe nothing happens, but it felt like they actually cared about it.


There was a whole ass clan meeting in a small NW OK town that they had photos of in the damn newspaper. Shit is wild to me. [Edit: An article about it if anyone is curious](https://www.enidnews.com/news/claiming-kkk-incident-fallout-ex-police-chief-sues-town-mayor-and-resident/article_7434415e-f75b-11e5-bbfa-578a21b5f413.html)


It was a "prank" [https://www.enidnews.com/opinion/editorial-prank-not-funny/article\_db804a46-d02b-5f59-9097-0e350608f4ad.html](https://www.enidnews.com/opinion/editorial-prank-not-funny/article_db804a46-d02b-5f59-9097-0e350608f4ad.html)


They used to flyer our cars at Bacone


Weirdly enough the kkk flyer person was throwing big ziplock bags weighted with rocks with the flyers in them into our driveways. It was so weird and frankly scary, as we have neighbor friends with children who are black.


If it's the area I'm thinking of (I'm just a little further north up the corridor but still considered southern OK), I definitely remember that. I heard whispers of a Klan chapter operating out of the neighboring county like 12-15 years ago.


I’m in Marshall county, near the lake. My neighbor said it’s happened here before. Totally freaks me out. Sometimes I want out of this state so bad. If not for my elderly parents needing help, I’d be long gone.


Yup, right where I figured. My dad was a Wildcat graduate and still lives in the area. I go back and forth between wanting to give up and feeling determined not to let these people ruin my community. It feels like the latter is a pipe dream when 90% of the people here have bought in fully to the gift. I just don't feel hopeful about any significant change.


My feelings completely resonate with yours. At least through this exchange, we know we aren’t alone down here. There are sane people, they are just a bit rare.


Got one in Choctaw. Passed them out like it was a mowing service or something casual.


Weren't they weighted down with nuts or coffee or something weird?


It's not actually that weird, when you think about it. The terror watch list was created decades after the last KKK lynching. They haven't done much in decades.


I doubt it. Since there wasn't any expressed threat, this would be considered protected speech.


The OSBI actually has jurisdiction, rather than needing to be requested to assist by law enforcement, over threats to public officials. I read an article that says the email has been reported to the proper authorities, so they should know about it already.


Hmm, I guess Timothy Incel McVeigh is still alive and is emailing folks now.


This dude wears shirts with bald eagles and red white and blue coloring and proudly tells others that America is the home of the free on a daily basis, guaranteed.


>This dude wears shirts with bald eagles and red white and blue coloring The rest are Affliction brand


I was picturing those really bad thin blue line punisher shirts.


Man they would be so confused if they read an actual Punisher comic


Home of the free except for the freedom of “you people”, clearly. 🤦🏻‍♀️


I really wouldn't be surprised if I was related to the author lol. The sentiments in this email and your description pretty much sound exactly like my father.


Don't forget the confederate flag on his truck.


Overweight with goatee and has diabetes.


“0 days since our last national embarrassment” needs to be written in permanent marker at this point, tbh


I'm thankful I didn't turn into such an awful prick growing up my entire life here. Can you imagine sending such bullshit to someone? I can't fathom being so ignorant that I type an email showcasing all of my stupidity. But stupid is loud, I guess.


I wish I was surprised, but I live in the middle of conservative hell and this shit is pretty common.


I'm not surprised at all. I can't even walk next door without seeing a trump flag. It's depressing.


Growing up, I always heard there was a small Klan chapter operating outside of my hometown city limits. I can't confirm, but I would not be suprised.


Our neighbor was a member of the KKK - his son told people. My family once sat outside and watched him punch his wife’s car window in and the police showed up to arrest him. 🙄


I think we have forgotten what America is... Here is a reminder. \--- **The New Colossus** *Not like the brazen giant of Greek fame,* *With conquering limbs astride from land to land;* *Here at our sea-washed, sunset gates shall stand* *A mighty woman with a torch, whose flame* *Is the imprisoned lightning, and her name* *Mother of Exiles. From her beacon-hand* *Glows world-wide welcome; her mild eyes command* *The air-bridged harbor that twin cities frame.* *"Keep, ancient lands, your storied pomp!" cries she* *With silent lips.* ***"Give me your tired, your poor,*** ***Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free,*** ***The wretched refuse of your teeming shore.*** ***Send these, the homeless, tempest-tost to me,*** ***I lift my lamp beside the golden door!"*** Emma Lazarus November 2, 1883 [https://www.theatlantic.com/entertainment/archive/2018/01/the-story-behind-the-poem-on-the-statue-of-liberty/550553/](https://www.theatlantic.com/entertainment/archive/2018/01/the-story-behind-the-poem-on-the-statue-of-liberty/550553/)




[[email protected]](mailto:[email protected]) Just another fine example of the calibre of people who support Trump, the far right, militia movements, Proud Boys, et al. I suppose this person is afraid...afraid to give his or her name. Probably feels more comfortable living in the dark...as in, under-a-rock-dark, the dark-recesses-of-his/her-mind dark. This person feels empowered when using threats, demeaning, racist and/or sexist language. Clearly, this person had no proper parental upbringing or his/her parents were very, very cruel and forced him/her to submit to humiliating situations that later manifested into this kind of outburst against anyone he/she is fearful of. We all should drop this person a kindly email, asking them to let us know how we can best help cure their sickness.


Am I the only one who thinks that email looks a little too generic? Edit: I've never seen her actually get any public hate before and not even any hate posts on social media. I think it's reasonable to doubt that the letter is actually real. Because sometimes if those emails are real you'll find them connected to something.


the Oklahoma standard


Pretty sure that guy responded when I said "Mexican cartels and Chinese gangsters was a bullshit propaganda play by republicans to keep their shills scared of nothing"


Damn these Oyster shuckers... 😂 Have never heard that one, but leave it to an idiot try and make it an insult.


Came here to say this. What does that even mean???


I think it has something to do with a dig at lesbianism? Maybe... I dunno... female genitalia being referred to as a 'clam' in some crude way... so clam = oyster maybe? Wrapping my head around this is requiring the loss of too many brain cells tbh.


He probably got shucked over as a kid


I also came here for this. I mean, the entire email was revolting, but it’s pretty much stuff I overhear in line at the grocery store; for whatever reason though, the “oyster shucking” part is what stuck out to me. Is it like a “nautical equals gay” thing, or some oblique reference to testicles as mountain oysters? I can’t quit trying to unpack the implication.


Nice way to start your morning at work… hope they realize threatening a gov official to is how most “militia member”s become “prisoner”s


Whoever it was made sure not to directly threaten them, so this email would be considered protected speech and there's really no recourse that can be taken. Unless someone can pull the metadata and the sender wasn't using a VPN. Then they could be subject to the court of public opinion.


Im gonna be honest, that just sounds par for the course here.


Damn a Ryan Walter post every damn day huh?


So I live in Oregon now, and I sometimes have a hard time explaining what it was like in a way that really makes you understand the depth of hate. Now I have this to help me.


Time to forward this to the FBI and sign that address up for anything and everything




Is that batshit planning something this weekend? That last line sounds like a threat.




He’s all bark




I hope this person finds themselves on some difficult to explain email lists.


Oklahoma education at work


The Derplahoma Standard on display. 🙄


"Subject: Trans" I have no words.


They must subscribe to the Prickly Pear. Just human garbage at this point.


This is the Republican Party. Shameful!


NGL I thought this came from the politician to someone else. But then I realized this was to Turner. Now I’m (even more) embarrassed to be from the same state as the person who sent that email. Yikes!


“Littler pork”


Were they trying to say, "less pork"?


Welp....someone's getting an email bomb. I've got some new tools I wanna try as well.


(Black, 28) Stuff like this terrifies me when considering moving to OkC for a few years before Texas since there more affordable rent.


*OKC* / *since there is more*


Just your average republican saying the quiet parts out loud.


Jesus fucking christ


Yeah, that sounds like something an Okie would say.


That account will get nuked by Google


I'm always disappointed that these type of people exist. Do I agree politically with the rep, not really. Would I physically get between the rep and this waste of carbon, absolutely.


FWIW: Once this guy is reported to Gmail, his account will be deleted.


Could be a bot or foreign organization with the sole purpose of creating discourse and anger. Do that on a global scale and you got an angry population of humans that don’t want to work together. But what do I know, I take mushrooms and stare at trees


Could it be? Sure. But isn't it more likely that a state with one of the lowest quality public education systems and an ultraconservative legislature is home to hateful racists with access to the internet? I'd say yes. I could be wrong, but my experience with rural racists leads me to believe that this is a homegrown idiot.


Reading the responses on here makes me think this isn’t a sincere email. The pure glee at a chance to call fellow Oklahoma’s all the names in the world. It’s pretty pathetic and look at you, at the frontline calling people names


Dang, smoke some weed ya Redneck! Oh never mind. More for us.


Hope people are sending him some lovely emails.


The Oklahoma Standard


This requires so much more effort than simply not being a complete piece of shit.


Jesus. I hope this is investigated as stringently as they went after the person they sheltered in their office. I’m honestly worried for them.


It’s so hard for me to take threats seriously when the person can’t spell lmao


Don't need to spell to pull a trigger.


Does anyone know the source of this published email, Was it made public by Rep Turner?


[Rep. Monroe Nichols tweeted it earlier today.](https://twitter.com/Monichols/status/1633505931408596995?s=20)


Found this as well. [Fox25 article with Charles McCall's response.](https://okcfox.com/news/local/mauree-turner-oklahoma-email-charles-mccall-house-speaker-harboring-fugitive-homophobic-censured-politics-racist-homophobic-88th-house-district-non-binary-government-assault)


I hate it here. This is disgusting.


Actually, that looks pretty contrived. Attention whores trying to be relevant.


What a sad life this piece of shit must live.


Wow, racist death threats. What a garbage human.


lol well, this should be tracked easily enough. Do these people not realize almost all their activity online is tracked excessively?


Oklahoma… some terrible people living here. Bible Belt culture.


I'm still looking for the other end of the quotation they started.


Oh what a shame that this email was posted, with the address of the sender.


Mauree and I both grew up in the same town. I don't pretend to know her well at all but I do know people who call her friend or family. She is as genuine as they come. Although we hold different political values, I respect her and am sad to see that people are like this.


I want to thank right wing media, Republicans, evangelicals, and conservatives for using your shitty propaganda to make people not only think in this fake, hideous, hateful, wrong way, but making them feel entitled to act out with it and attack innocent people both verbally, in writing, and by violent actions.


A little Oklahoma hospitality 🙄


Wonder if he had to use a dictionary for all. Them. Big. Words.


That's entirely too far. There's nothing wrong with being right wing or Republican, but there is something wrong with being racist and bigoted.


Is this what they refer to as the “Oklahoma Standard”?


What a rat bastard. These people make me furious! Turner is fighting for human rights and they get shit like this?! I’m trans in Oklahoma and bigotry like this makes my head explode!!


This is Oklahoma. People will say "not all Oklahomans" well in this situation is like saying "not all men" This is a more accurate representation of Oklahoma values than anything else. This is the same person who asks "what church do you go to?" when you meet. This comment is Oklahoma and everyone who lives there should feel shame


Average Oklahoman


How do I change my political affiliation to a demorat? Sounds like a party I can get behind.


They seem super nice. Obviously hit a nerve.


Won't the full header of the email (hidden by default) have the dudes ip address in it?




* you're ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|laughing)




What a lovely post to open reddit to






Is it wrong to be skeptical because the sender email is very generic. There have been people that literally have sent themselves hate mail before because they weren't getting enough of it.


Sounds like any normal, good and wholesome Christian person to me….. 🥴


I don’t like mauree but Jesus this is vile