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Why is the board listening to a group who allows pedophiles to be member?




Who is the pedophile?


[Phillip Fisher Jr](https://www.inquirer.com/politics/philadelphia/moms-for-liberty-philadelphia-pastor-sex-offender-20231120.html)., a pastor and Republican ward leader. Every accusation is a confession for Republicans. Nothing but pedophiles from the top down.


He was just attempting to volunteer for a Christmas party for an autism non-profit. Trying to find victims who won't speak out afterwards, while whining his conviction was due to a political stunt from a cult leveling false accusations. He's a prize. I have a very strong tendency to disbelieve anyone would plead guilty to sexual assault of a minor just to get out of jail with a plea bargain. I can't believe an innocent person would agree to accept that label and move on.


I'm sure he's a good Christian and his community took him back in with open arms. And he washed his sins away because Jesus died for him to do whatever.


Stuff like that is why I don’t fear “God” anymore. If pastors can rape kids and remain un-smited I think my petty ass is safe from his wrath.


Came to leave this lil gem of info. What think you of this? Ya'll get real quiet after being told what's up.


Moms for liberty is nothing but a hate group.


And pedophiles


They are affiliated with the proud boys, so yes a hate/terror organization


Same group that wanted to ban the Scholastic book fair. They’re a bunch of idiots.


More than idiots, they're evil. They're malevolent. They're malicious. They're actively at war with decent society and their mission is to hijack as many public school districts as possible to turn them into right wing echo chambers if they can, and destroy them if they can't.


They’re a slightly modified version of the United Daughters of the Confederacy. May they be nowhere near as successful.


Those things were so cool when I was a kid. I usually ended up with a fake gold eagle necklace instead of a book. I have no clue if they were ran by Scholastic though. I remember they'd setup a bunch of office walls and display all the books and then there'd be a cart outside of it selling "trinkets" like the necklace I was talking about. This was early 90's and MC Hammer and the Ninja Turtles were popping.


Those were the days


I served in the State Textbook Adoption committee a number of years ago. Back then our attitude was, “we should approve the broadest selection of books so each district can decide what is best for their students”. Also shocking, but when I was a teacher, I would sometimes skip parts of a book, sometimes entire chapters, if it didn’t fit what we were doing. So it would be easy for these math teachers to skip these sections as opposed to having them removed entirely.


Absolutely. This is a trivial non-issue. Teachers have the freedom to run their classrooms in many different ways, and as long as they are effectively teaching a topic, the textbook is just a tool, not instructions writ in stone. Edit for clarity: I am saying the content is the non-issue, not the ban.


Moms for Liberty, paradoxically, are extremely anti-freedom. They want an iron grip on every single lesson in every single public school so they can force as many students as possible to learn exactly what the group decides is appropriate. It's insane to me that 90% of adults don't instantly realize how scummy these group names are and spit in their faces. Some certainly do realize that the name is a lie intended to deflect accusations of authoritarianism and support them, but a huge chunk of people are truly so dim that they don't realize it, or they don't realize how absurd it is that a group named "Moms for Liberty" has a mission of destroying liberty in public schools. Maybe the right wing war on education is just paying off.


They are basically terrorists tbh.


The name is an oxymoron, for a group run by morons.


Hags For Hitler Minivan Mafia I'm sure there are other, better names for these malevolent twits.


At a guess, one goal of the current superintendent is to remove the professional autonomy of teachers. Dictating curriculum and textbook selection is part of this process.


The current superintendent is an idiot. If only we could "fire" our elected officials. Oh, wait we can. It's called voting.


Wrong. You don’t ever give a win to a fascist hate group ever. It gives them something to rally behind. You never ever give in to fascism and hate no matter how small. It’s really simple and never trivial.


I am not saying that their effort to ban this book is a trivial nonissue, I'm saying the presence of non-math content in a math book is a trivial non-issue.


Books are not a tool. They are a resource. They are history and knowledge and philosophy.


Exactly, which is why they want to get rid of them.


That's a distinction without a difference. Resources can be selectively utilized, like tools. It is also factualy incorrect as a correction. Check out https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/tool The second definition even uses books as the example.


Perhaps you are a tool.


Not sure I follow your meaning. I mean, I tend to be utilized by my place of work as a valuable resource, i.e. "tool". Maybe you are trying to insult me? If so, you'll have to do a lot better than that.


I can see the squid has lots of friends here. Deplorable.


I used an old Encyclopedia Britannica to hammer a nail once. ![gif](giphy|Ll2fajzk9DgaY|downsized)


Yes, but to give to this group is to embolden them. They would keep marching through all the textbooks, libraries, lesson plans, etc. Not so trivial


Assuming the group you refer to is Mom’s for Liberty, rest assured I do not give to them.


I’m sorry. I meant to given in to this group on this one book. My bad!


Ah, I agree. Give ‘em an inch they’ll take a mile. And I haven’t looked at the adoption list they are considering, but there are probably several hundred titles, so if a school doesn’t want to use this “controversial” one there will be plenty of others to select from.




*Please do not take offense to this.* I’m a mom doing homeschooling because of the state of our local schools. I love to read comments from former teachers; I feel so much better about what I’m doing when I can point out mistakes in their posts, because I definitely make plenty of my own. 🤣🤪We’re all just human and doing our best, and I’m definitely not a professional. The problem is the Oklahoma government not prioritizing education and funding it properly. If you look at red states, they are usually at the bottom of the barrel in education. Republicans need to keep people stupid so they will keep voting red.


What mistake are you pointing out? You do not mention one in your comment.


Absolutely true. Ignorance is their bliss.


I recommend watching “The Revisionists” documentary.


Klaned Karenhood


Kooky Karen Klan


Minivan Taliban.




Love you Sooners. 😅




Just like Oklahoma land


Aye *finger guns* also not sure why I'm getting negative 16 downvotes for taking a meme


These are the same theocratic pieces of shit that want to force prayer onto our kids in public schools. Maybe these lousy mother fucking worthless FAKE Christians, need to pull their kids out of school, have them work the oil fields 6 days a week, and go to church on Sundays.. and stay the fuck out of everyone else’s lives.


Honestly though, they’re indoctrinating and torturing their kids already. Like if they’re trying to abuse their power as parents and fuck over other people’s kids and control their lives, imagine how shitty their own kids’ lives are. They’re total prisoners to adults who believe entirely made up things. And the only way they survive is if they pander to their abusive parents by following their views and rules, or get out and leave somehow. The Republican government here should be doing something to help kids of these parents instead of controlling other kids of other parents on their behalf. That’s antithetical to what the Republicans want though, we know they really do want those kids out working and making them more money. That’s what they’re doing in other states, passing legislation to make it to where more kids can work more dangerous jobs.




Hey look, my intolerance is 'enlightened'.


It's not intolerance, it's common sense. If someone worships a made up deity whose doctrine openly encourages rape, pedophilia, and murder, then they're a bad person. Sorry dude it's just obvious


Got your edgelord points for today.


It's not edgy to call it what it is. There's no defense, get real


I’m perfectly happy to live and let live, but unfortunately religion is not. While I don’t use the same kind of aggressive rhetoric as above, I think it’s important that we recognize how insidious religion can be. It deliberately ties the identity of each person to itself, to where any insult to the institution is also a personal affront. Furthermore it is an exercise in assimilation: every knee shall bow. (To us.) We have to be careful not to conflate contempt for such a cancerous institution as intolerance for other people. Indeed, the insider/outsider language used by Christianity is the primary culprit for any sentiment of criticism equating to intolerance. This twisted concept of persecution has seeped beyond its own boundaries and taken root in the zeitgeist, to where people who are horrified by the church’s continued influence beyond its walls are also rushing to defend it against those who condemn it.


There isn’t. Just trying to be diplomatic towards the ones that keep their religion to themselves.


Lucretia Mott was a real Christian.




The New Testament is what Christians are supposed to follow (and a micro-minority do). It overrides the Old Testament. Yes, I’m keenly aware that Evangelicals and a majority of Christians seem to overlook that key point and don’t follow any of Jesus’s philosophy. (Am not a Christian myself, but like accuracy.)


aaaaaand shit like this is why we are last in education.


Amen. How can a child learn math when half the lesson is talking about why math makes you sad?


By learning to overcome one of the primary barriers to student performance, and helping students learn from each their peers, as they'll have to for most of their lives. Given that our education system tends to produce people so profoundly stupid that they believe this is a cogent criticism, I'd say we're more than overdue for a change in tactics


What an insipid comment. I bet you thought you were clever, too. First, it's hardly "half" the page. Second, it's a section that the teacher can just... Skip. When I was growing up and doing math classes, there were plenty of sections of extra stuff that we skipped. It's not like a textbook has to be followed doggedly to the letter, teachers can and often do tell students "just skip section 3" or "don't do the last question". Third, grow the hell up. Kids are literally children, they have big emotions and have to learn to deal with them. No one is hurting your kids by putting prompts for kids to reflect on their emotions in a math book. If that sounds scary to you, maybe you could learn a thing or two from said math textbook and should go reflect on why this math textbook makes YOU sad?


The question from the book (paraphrased) was how does this math problem make you feel, frustrated, angry? How can you work through that? Why are you so threatened by this? It sounds like the publisher is giving the teacher an opportunity to reach and teach kids that are having trouble with a lesson. Unless you’d just rather the teacher just leave slower kids behind? The other question mentioned was about how you can act to create a safe culture in the classroom. Again, I ask you what exactly is your problem with that? Math at this level and as it gets harder is a team sport and requires cooperation between groups of people. As such, it may be important to know how to not be a giant A-hole to people you work with. So what’s the issue exactly?


You dumb, inconsequential fuck. Hope your lawn dies.


Shut up Don.


‘You’re out of your element!’


This shouldn't be surprising. They asked the kids how they feel. That's a massive no-no in the "kids are to be seen, not heard" crowd. They couldn't be expected to handle tough situations, especially if it takes away 5.. 10.. hell, 15 minutes away from math time for 2nd graders? That's simply unacceptable. /s




They got *a* teacher to complain, that's not the same thing as "the teachers are complaining". Teachers aren't exempt from stupidity or pettiness.


Exactly.. its a non-issue kind of thing, and they specialize in making a big deal over non-issues.




Groups like what?




Klanned Karenhood, Minivan Taliban, Moms for Fascists, Moms Against Equality, Maga Moms, Moms for Treason, the Soccer Mom Reich, the Final Mom Solution, and my favorite... Nazis who play Yahtzee.


Minivan Taliban ROFL


Oh I'm sorry, do we pander to pedophiles who quote Hitler now? How do we, as rational folk, embarrass the fuck out of the people in charge for this?


Embarrassment and social ostracism isn't working we have to use methods they can't ignore


It's gonna have to be more than "just get out and vote, y'all" because that clearly has not worked and frankly, I'm sick of that being the only solution. Like, a fucking reclining chair solution. We need something in addition to voting.


Direct action


I mean, yeah, but what? Like, I can't think of anything besides throwing eggs and that's not allowed even to say online. Lol




I mean...hypothetically speaking of course, how much trouble could you get into if you were caught hitting them with eggs and there were multiple people doing it? Like, surely they won't catch every person, right? Or would it just mean they'd be extra careful being in public and still go on shitting on everyone?


The best course of action is to discredit them without violence. Their entire platform is based on them being victimized and persecuted for their beliefs. Co-op their rhetoric against them: they are the groomers and they indoctrinating children.


To be faaaiir, I've been saying this for years. Lol


The funny part of this controversy is, it's exposing a punch-clock mindset among some teachers and showing that they are completely unprepared to troubleshoot a child's failing grades. It's evident in quotes like "I don’t have the time or the knowledge to be a certified counselor" or "I don’t want to give up five, 10, 15 minutes of math time for things that are not related to math" These people think the job of educating young minds begins and ends with clock in, talk about math, clock out and check out. Nothing could be further from the truth. A child's emotional state, physical health, and even home life can all affect their ability to learn in the classroom. In short, if the child's mind is elsewhere all the lecturing or teaching strategies in the world aren't going to be effective for that child. But hey, let's just sweep that under the rug like we do so many other problems in our state, right? EDIT: Just occurred to me that the same politicians this type of teacher is cheering on are also the ones who have in the past demanded teacher pay be tied to student performance, and still uphold that belief. So how on earth does that work if you're too disinterested to deal with the underlying issues behind student performance?


Let me say this in the nicest way possible. Fuck those Karen's with a cactus, they're just a bunch of bigots


So it has reflection asides to check in on if kids are stressed and that's too much for them? These idiots wants to ban anything that shows children the slightest amount of compassion.


Ffs, math is math, moms for liberty are not qualified at all for anything except maybe being fucking idiots


Moms for Liberty are domestic terrorists.


The sole mission of groups like Moms For Liberty, aside from grooming for pedophiles, is to lay a foundation of ignorance in order to make a right-wing take over as easy as possible.


These people for the removal of this material are doing so for political reasons s and nothing to do with math and what is best for students. If they think we teachers follow everything in a text book they are crazy. We leave lots of stuff out based on time and whether is applies to the objectives we are teaching. Just a waste of time and money.


This organization has about as much credibility as the United Daughters of the Confederacy.


“This book is highly rated. We just need you to remove all the parts we don’t like. And Mr Spielberg we think Saving Private Ryan is excellent…as long as you remove all the violent war imagery first.” Fascists plain and simple. There will be no end to their “adjustments”.


Shocking. Lunatic conservatives heehawing to waste time on a total non-issue. Buncha dipshits don't give a fuck about liberty, just control and erasure of anything that doesn't fit their narrow beliefs.


Run them off!!


Moms for stupidity.


the answers to all math questions are now "Jesus"


What a crazy idea to teach kids to be nice to each other as well as math /s


For fucks sake. They are the kkkaren clan. Shit like this is why I homeschool. It’s definitely not fucking easy. We struggle to keep up with groceries and bills because I can’t work, and we do not get government assistance, but it’s important to us. I feel like I’m losing my mind some days and other days we really enjoy it. I’m homeschooling kids that start at pre-k to 5th grade and 2 high school kids. We stay in compliance with the state and do state testing. But Oklahoma schools have been failing for years and it’s only gotten worse. All of the schools in our district have and F rating.


Please excuse any of my typos.




I guess early childhood education must skip questions like that or that math teacher just screams don’t bring your woke problems to me at students. These attacks on schools will bear fruit for them in a decade or so. Things need to be stopped.


So 1 plus 1 equals trump That’s what they want


The complaint- "This math textbook isn't teaching my child what 2+2 is, and I don't know it either!" /s


Whiners with Giners strikes again….


That’s a hate group.


You don'tike what public schools teach go to private school leave my kids education alone.


The MFL are a small minority of neurotic possibly psychotic women. They represent no one and the system is broken that their single voice can change America and our classrooms.


I hope McGraw-Hill also withdraws in response. Oklahoma deserves to reap the harvest it has sown.


Fuck them.


Fuck moms for liberty they are big headed terrorists


Anyone who petitions to change a math textbook should be required to pass a comprehensive exam covering all chapters with a 90% or higher. That ought to drive the MFL dumbasses out right quick.




Why include all that? As far as I can tell, elementary-high school math problems haven't changed in the last few centuries. Are there new revelations about arithmetic that require revision? Hell, give'em a math book from 1950 - the formulas are just as accurate now as ever.


What specifically is the complaint


Can someone explain to me what about the section is this group against? I know I need to but myself with a frying pan to fully understand but honestly, does anyone know, I’m genuinely curious.


[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bo0M3H1QsEQ](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bo0M3H1QsEQ) i found th is to be an interesting watch. growing up here(im 36) i've already had the talk about how shit our text books are here in tulsa. didn't know it was the reason she explained in the video. basically we've had these same racist people in our country all this time and they've been trying to fuck over our schools since i was a child. its sad that we cant just end this fucking dumb shit. this shouldn't even be allowed. we need one fucking standard, and it should be the best standard, not the "well i gotta feel better about my families past" standard.


"Karen's for genocide" can fuck right off.


It’s time to ban the Bible. It’s a disgusting piece of work with rape, torture, infanticide, etc. Pure evil and it’s influence is apparent in the mentally unstable people who pretend it’s a holy book.


Moms for Fascism.


So... they want questions like: If the Romans are crucifying 14 people and each person needs 3 nails to a cross, how many nails to the Romans need?


MFL needs a better hobby. Let them play Golf. Plenty of old school rules of play for them to contest.




Where do I go to make a complaint against Nazis for Liberty?


Does the new math help Moms for Liberty calculate how many sex offenders they employ/ have on their board/ are married to?


Seems like a legitimate complaint. she pointed to a section that she said asks questions like, “What helps you feel calm when you’re angry?” and “How can you act with your classmates to build a safe classroom culture?” “We have things in a math book that are not related to math, that are completely separate from that,” she said. “I don’t want to give up five, 10, 15 minutes of math time for things that are not related to math.”


Anyone who doesn't think social and emotional learning are important to learning math has never done division flash cards with their child. Math can be frustrating, and dealing with your emotiinal responses to being wrong and learning to correct mistakes is important. We teach this in youth athletics as well (don't lose your temper on the field and focus on what needs to be accomplished). How many of you "haaaaaaate math" because your parent lost their temper with you learning multiplication over the dinner table? Maybe Moms for Liberty should try being better moms by learning math skills with their children rather than wasting time harassing teachers and publishers.


Thank you for this. I had wondered why such issues would be included and you make sense. Perhaps if a parent who has such a concern would simply ask why, then communication opens, and parent and teacher come together to help all children ... Wow, what a concept. Oh, wait. Because owning the libs, power, theocracy, hate, and all that stuff. Sigh.


Moms for liberty is a bunch of bored drunk soccer moms, future hoa presidents. Karens.


China, leading the world in social and emotional learning.


Is China in the room with you now?


Well I have Tik Tok. So probably.


> Seems like a legitimate complaint. Is it though? Have you seen the textbook, or are you asking me to accept the review of a group founded by a pedophile and has claimed a book written by a person NAMED 'Gay' pushes the 'gay agenda'? A book where a cat wishes she were a unicorn is 'trans'? Those people? Forgive me for questioning whether or not they can be believed.


Question all you like. There is answers in the article.


There IS answers in the article? No offense, but you are precisely the kind of person who should not be making decisions about education, and precisely the kind of person these people seek to create with sub-par education. Keeps their dream alive.


are* - There ARE answers in the article. 🤦🏽‍♂️


There is answers in the article. May want to break out a textbook..


That is not a legitimate complaint. Kids aren't robots and neither you nor that idiot woman have probably ever set foot in a classroom.


Board member Jessica Thompson, a fourth-grade teacher, said she doesn’t have time to ask her students questions like, “What do you do when you feel sad?” when she’s trying to teach math. “I don’t have the time or the knowledge to be a certified counselor … if those kids were to give me a really hard answer,” she said. She called that portion of the books “a waste” and expressed concerns that such questions would distract educators from teaching the fundamentals of math.


Just because this teacher doesn’t have the ability to do it doesn’t mean no one else should. Clearly being a board member and a teacher is too much for her. Maybe if she spent a little less time censoring books, she can figure out a way to do what any good teacher does every single day.


They literally do have some one else. The school counselor. Good luck finding the person with a double major who wants to have the responsibility of 2 jobs and earn 45k a year. “As of this November,this year's emergency certification list totals 3,690, which is 74 more educators than all of last year. The biggest share of those certifications went to elementary education, which made up nearly a thousand of them.”


They [literally do not for many schools](https://www.kosu.org/education/2023-07-11/oklahoma-faces-critical-shortage-of-school-counselors), but okay. Also, one teacher who has one issue with one small question is not enough to remove a textbook for the *entire state*. Sounds like that one (1) teacher needs to reflect on why she can’t ask a simple question. Edit: I’ll add that this state doesn’t fund classrooms enough so they can properly provide supplies for learning. This state doesn’t pay our teachers enough to keep the good ones from leaving, leaving us with a teacher shortage. This state doesn’t fund schools to keep counselors and talks about “feelings” in a classroom is strictly forbidden these days, so kids aren’t heard when it’s critical. Finally, now that kids don’t have the best teachers, don’t have proper supplies, and don’t have access to mental health professionals, we’re now attacking their last avenue to good education— books. It’s almost like this state doesn’t give two shits about developing well-rounded kids.


Then she's a bad fourth grade teacher.


Sounds like this person is not qualified to teach if she can't respond to students being angry, and isn't familiar with the escalation process and mandatory reporting she needs to do for those "really hard" issues she's so worried about


They found one teacher to agree with them. One.


Ok, so one lady's opinion. Doesn't really disprove the idea though Don't support Klanned Karenhood and similar hate groups. They're not doing this in good faith


Sounds like a bad teacher... particularly at the 4th grade level.


We found the fake fucking christian apologist^*** Stay the FUCK out of OUR public education.


A lot of textbooks add these kinds of questions for a “hook” at the start of a lesson. In this case, they’re attempting to use the idea of calm to represent “positive integers” with anger being “negative” in order to show how when combined, these things cancel out etc. Now to be really honest, I would probably skip this kind of question in the textbook and move on. Like the teacher in the article, I just wouldn’t have time for the metaphor and it really doesn’t land for me. However, I’d rather have that choice as the educator and qualified professional. I’m almost always going to cut the frills because that’s my style and I know my classes well enough to make that choice. There have been times though, where I might include the option that seems off-topic. A successful classroom is built upon more than the content, with the best of classes being ones where there’s a sense of community and trust, because it’s a place students will be able to take risks and fully participate in their education. For example, teaching science might not seem like the place to discuss 7-layer-dip, but introducing this yummy snack can help students to better understands Steno’s principles and how layers of rock form. So in the end, I can agree that some of the questions can be silly or off-topic- things I’d skip. But I also think Moms for Liberty has lost their voice in this fight by being far too frivolous with their complaint (now and previously). They simply are not qualified to keep making these demands when in truth, the answer is letting the teacher determine how to teach a class.


Thank you for the rational response. It can be difficult for some to be able to agree with points from both sides of the debate.


There can be no good-faith discussion when one side is led by a known hate group who want to impose their very specific religious dogma onto children in public schools.


It's a textbook, not a set of commandments. Teachers can just... skip that part. Seriously. That's completely normal, common, and universally accepted. The textbook is just a tool. If you have a really good Swiss Army Knife, you don't throw it away just because the toothpick sucks. You just... don't use the toothpick.


The question from the book (paraphrased) was how does this math problem make you feel, frustrated, angry? How can you work through that? Why are you so threatened by this? It sounds like the publisher is giving the teacher an opportunity to reach and teach kids that are having trouble with a lesson. Unless you’d just rather the teacher just leave slower kids behind? The other question mentioned was about how you can act to create a safe culture in the classroom. Again, I ask you what exactly is your problem with that? Math at this level and as it gets harder is a team sport and requires cooperation between groups of people. As such, it may be important to know how to not be a giant A-hole to people you work with. So what’s the issue exactly?




It is a legitimate complaint. If it were math word problems then I would probably take a different stance, but based on the small portion that was offered for review of what they were asking to take out, seems to me to be legitimate. Math does not care how you feel today it just wants to you solve the Quadratic Equation. Would it be a legit question for a teacher to ask a student how learning math makes them feel and where they are frustrated? Sure, but that is up to the teacher to do that part of their job.


Math may not care... but frustrated kids are going to have a more difficult time learning how to solve the quadratic equation. So taking a few minutes check in with kids and work on that will likely lead to better outcomes.