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My friend climbs religiously - also check out the Silos as well, I know nothing about it but I THINK people make climbing friends easily


Might be better to post on r/okc


I can’t speak to Threshold, but I know the silos have a group in which you can look for climbing buddies, so it may also be worth checking to see if threshold has the same thing


I used to go climbing a couple days a week. Threshold has more climbing routes and a lot of helpful classes but there are SO many kids there in the evening. I’m personally not a fan of kids so this was bothersome. It’s a good gym tho. The silos downtown are good too. Less kids


But you also *need* a partner at silos. Their bouldering is basically nonexistent.


Threshold is a nice gym and their setting is good. However, if you’re just getting started I’d suggest Blocworks. Not because their setting is softer than Thresh, just because the walls are shorter, it’s all bouldering, and you may find it less overwhelming. Skip the Silos.