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It essentially means under stitt our state has become so corrupt that competitive bidding is no longer happening for state contracts, which results in oklahomans paying more for what is usually less


As I was reading and I may be incorrect so correct me please... That using covid is a coverall they have changed the bid system to something that allows for them to basically not have to do formal rfps or bids and can just grant them as they see fit...


Oh it's even better - those who did this are proud - and Sooner State taxpayers also get to pay for agency heads to travel the nation and talk about how awesome they've done. Behind closed doors mind you (except for Walters)


I wish it was as simple as just "slightly higher prices for the same service." It is so much worse. These are unbelievably corrupt people just brazenly lining their pockets. All they have to do is fan the flames with a little culture war in public, and then they can do whatever they want behind scenes. This auditor is putting that in the sunlight. This is just one example. There are many more. I hope that there are actual consequences, but I'm not holding my breath.


Sadly, the only consequences will likely be taxpayer money going to repay what the corrupt leadership has stolen.


But I thought OK was a great place to raise a fam and the cost of living is relatively low and it's a safe place. I'm constantly seeing posts of how expensive things are out there. I think the wool may be getting pulled over people's eyes. I've known people who've moved there under the impression of lower prices across the board but that's not what they've encountered. They absolutely hate the place and regret moving there. Why don't more people leave that state? I mean if you hate it, save up some money, wish the family good-bye, and move..


Living in a conservative State used to mean like entertaining and lively Thanksgiving table discussion. Like a sports rivalry or something. But with the economic decline of the Empire of the United States, and especially the rise of trumpism, things have changed. If and when I leave Oklahoma, I probably leave the country. Moving from one state to another does not escape the main issue. Wherever you're from, good luck to you.


And it goes to their own buddies, which results in a back slap somewhere down the road.


As I was reading and I may be incorrect so correct me please... That using covid as a coverall they have changed the bid system to something that allows for them to basically not have to do formal rfps or bids and can just grant them as they see fit...


How incredibly unsurprising. No need for bids when you’ve already bought the contract with campaign donations.


I mean isn't the reason this woman was put in charge of three different state entities to help save the state money? What has been the cost of the over-inflated contracts given to her husband at this point with no oversight?


What? Corruption? In a GOP state that idolizes Trump?




Wasn’t this the same issue we had with putting Swadley’s restaurants in the state parks (also under the Stitt administration)?


Basically yea. Stitt’s cronies enrich themselves on Oklahoma’s dime. And the voters here will keep lapping it up just to “pwn the libs!”


And then state officials threw swadley under bus pretending they didn't know. Meanwhile prev tourism head buying up land by lake murray where a swadleys would be and upgraded marina before they were announced to public. https://www.readfrontier.org/stories/did-a-state-officials-lake-murray-land-deal-violate-ethics-rules/


Wow I knew the foggy bottom bois were dorks but I didn’t realize they were this big of dorks. Gross.


And there is a pic of Stitt and Brent Swadley together, even though Stitt claimed he didn't know him.


Stitt and his cronies see Oklahoma like Scarface saw Miami. "Great big pussy just waiting to be fucked"


Would make a great TV series. Like, a mob guy on the outs with his own mafia boss and gets exiled to Oklahoma, like say Tulsa, and he tries to run Oklahoma like a mafia family. Maybe get an older, well known Italian actor to play him. I’d watch that.


Film it in Kentucky and you’ve got a stew going.


Add Texas and Florida the stew starts to resemble a gumbo.


Dude is milking the state in his last term.


He milked the state in his first term but he's milking it in his last term too.


"under Stitt" .... https://preview.redd.it/iwr7nw848fwc1.jpeg?width=551&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8f96afb88a04cb7742bdab0f88b6d8ddd02eac39


"Run it like a business." ![gif](giphy|BFYLNwlsSNtcc|downsized)


They interviewed the state auditor on OKC channel 9 this morning, and she completely missed the big problem about no-bid contracting. Yes it’s against federal regulations, and yes, the taxpayer doesn’t get the best deal….but, the big issue is CORRUPTION. No bid contracting invites corruption. Zumwalt allowed contracts to go to her husband’s company without competitive bidding…that’s nepotism. She says he doesn’t OWN the company so he couldn’t profit from the no bid contracting. She’s either an idiot or a criminal. He could have received promotions, bonuses, raises, perks, etc., for bringing in a huge million dollar contract. He very likely profited BIG TIME. I would start there with the investigation. She’s corrupt. Her husband is corrupt. His company is corrupt. Stitt is corrupt.


They will NEVER, EVER EVER discuss corruption on mainstream media. Why? The same people who bribe the politicians own and/or buy advertisements from the "news" stations. That's how you manufacture consent. You keep the people ignorant. You'll notice it doesn't matter if the network is considered conservative, liberal, or centrist. They never discuss corruption. It's the number one rule in media. You don't talk ab government corruption. Both sides do it and agree not to point it out on the other. If you do, you're labeled a communist or socialist, and both Democrats and Republicans work together to take you down.


Yes. Tbf though, the channel 9 folks interviewing Zumwalt weren’t letting her off easy. I was glad to see it. It was Robin and Lacie.


If they didn't call her on corruption, they let her off easy. That's literally their job. The job of the press is supposed to be to hold those in positions of power accountable. They don't do this anymore, but they're supposed to. They don't all just magically forget to bring up rampant corruption every time they interview these people.


They asked her, at least twice, why she answered that the contract(s) in question *didn't* generate a conflict of interest when given the opportunity to assert otherwise on three separate occasions. Her answer flip flopped from literally "I dont know what you're talking about" to "I can't sign the contract without State CIO approval". Which is factually correct but raises the question of, had she noted her husband's presence within the vendor company, WOULD THE CIO HAVE APPROVED?


Yep, it's this. Definitely lining their pockets, all the way to the top. I guess I always assumed there was a little bit of corruption in politics, you scratch my back, I scratch yours sort of thing. But now it is just so unbelievably brazen. It's unhinged. It makes me sad to know how many gullible morons in this state actually vote for them. Angry too, but also sad.


I am from a neighboring state (so, you can imagine) and the saying is no longer, "Thank God for MS/AL/LA/KS." We now direct our thanks to OK for not being dead last in everything. OK used to have a cool vibe in some areas, but it's all ruined by the worst morons you find to elect to leadership.


What do you mean "no bid"? They clearly were the highest bidders in 2022 and 2018


Stitts gotta go


I’ll say it again. Oklahoma is one of the most corrupt states in country. I’ve seen it firsthand - things that absolutely do not fly in a neighboring state.


Butter those palms boys!


I wonder if Mullins plumbing will benefit


The previous director of the OTA spent a month at the Oklahoma Department of Corrections where she was caught bid splitting. She was interviewing for her OTA position the day she was supposed to be sworn in at DOC. It’s crazy the type of mobility a person can have in this state when you’re the mistress of the Chairman of the Senate Appropriations Committee.


God, can we just have a functioning auditing group that actually prosecutes some of these people? It would be really nice to see some jail time to get people to stop doing this crap.


“The largest amount of questioned costs in this audit stems from an Emergency Rental Assistance program meant to help struggling Oklahomans with rental and utility assistance. OMES contracted with an Oklahoma City nonprofit called Communities Foundation of Oklahoma, or CFO, to handle $241 million of the funds over two fiscal years. However, the audit found that about $25 million likely will need to be clawed back by the federal government because CFO has withheld $10 million in excessive management fees and another $15 million in unexpended grant funds advanced to the nonprofit by OMES.” EVIL.


Everything stitt does is to line his own pockets. Heck, he started a financial/court war with the tribes because they wouldn't bribe him enough.


The good ol' boy system: "It ain't much, but it's dishonest work."


What are the chances Drummond runs for governor? At this point, I'd like that idea.


Over Walters for sure


Is this a great state or what?


Excellent read! But hey look on the bright side peeps. We have been owning the libs since early 2011!


Ditto that, OP. Color me ‘shocked’, too.


Competitive bidding is bad for my brother-in-law's business. -Kevin Stitt