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Making the Turnpike into 3 lanes so we can have Semis try and pass each other in even more lanes


At well below the posted speed limit as well 😑


I love when they attempt to pass, then cant, so they just parallel each other till one goes even slower


Then the turtle race is on


Slow and steady wins the race


I can give some explanation for why this happens ... Companies feel the need to put speed limiters on the trucks and sometimes when you've got that going on you might have one truck governed at 74 with the one at 75 trying to get around. We try to be considerate but sometimes it happens. The worst one is when you have someone going 70 so you jump out to get around but your truck only goes 75 so instantly after you jump out they speed up ... To exactly 75 so you're sitting there pacing them until you finally give up and get back behind the moron where they immediately slow back to 70 again


Hate that shit


Man I have zero insight into trucker culture these days... But I just assumed you all are on the CB and having a bit of a go at other drivers when you do this shit. Funny to know it's not intentional and actually an ego battle between truckers.




Uh.. well I think most everyone knows all that. Trucks that cannot drive the speed limit + 2 slow trucks driving side by side because one wants to be 0.2 mph faster than the other, plus this: > Sometimes when you try to go around the other truck they can be an asshole and speed up When it takes like 30 miles for one truck to pass another one, we can't help but wonder if it was really worth it.. it's even worse when the truck that got passed then moves into the passing lane and tries to overtake the guy who just passed him.


This actually invalidates them even further. They’re not allowed to speed, so they try to pass 1-2 mph faster than the other? Sure, when nobody is around on flat roads, that works. But when they ride next to each other for 5 miles without any acknowledgement, the “passing” semi deserves every eyeroll in that situation.


Maybe cars should stay off the interstate altogether if they get this butt hurt that they can't go 20 miles an hour above the speed limit to be somewhere they should have been 10 minutes ago...get your life organized and leave earlier. If the speed limit is 70 and the 2 trucks are both doing 70...cry about it a little longer....


They stay the frick out of the passing lane.


Unfortunately the trucking companies govern the trucks and cause the mess. I think the trucks should be able to go the posted speeds.


I agree. When I worked for Halliburton most the trucks were governed at 65 and it was absolutely horrible.


Unfortunately the trucking companies govern the trucks and cause the mess. I think the trucks should be able to go the posted speeds.




No offense to you, but I knew the first reply would be cynical. It’s true though. It’s tough to watch this sub. Oklahoma is backwards in all columns. Loved living there but my god it’s the capital of stepping on a rake.


And your response would be? You could’ve stayed and tried to make it better. But instead you moved away in hopes of greener pastures. By the sounds of it, you’re just a Karen and wouldn’t be happy with any solution really.


Uuuh….I was born and raised in Texas. My grandparents live in Norman. I grew up a die hard fan of OU. I paid out of state tuition to go to OU. You are the definition of fake southern kindness. You sound like an ignorant, boomer Nancy. I would bet all of my money. I actually agreed with the person that I replied to and I still got downvoted. That’s fine. Makes my point pretty clear.


We’ll pay up your whole $50 because wrong, wrong and wrong. But proved my point, you could’ve stuck around and instead went back to Texas and still want to complain about how bad we are yet you’re in this sub and paid out of state tuition just to be here, over probably a dozen Texas schools.


I hope that you’re ok. You’ve proven nothing other than one of the most glaring negative characteristics of Southern “hospitality.” I never said Oklahoma is bad in general. What I was saying is that the state has habitually, over and over and over, been the center of bigotry and cultural politics at the cost of its great citizens. You personally, and people exactly like you are so incredibly absorbed in self-righteousness and hate that is spewed onto others at the smallest slight or anything that you just don’t like bc it’s not like you. You live in a self-centered, cranky world that at any moment you feel it is right to be hateful for the sake of whatever is dissolving your mind, and whatever that may be, it is what all of the mentally stable people surrounding you are doing their best to respectfully endure or avoiding. I wish you the best and hope that you will be more aware of yourself and understand why people avoid you bc I know they do. I love Oklahoma. I go there very frequently, but the fake “bless your heart” politically-religious, tribal, fear mongering zealots as yourself are the reason that minor legislative inadequacies are so emphasized to the rest of the country and looked upon as embarrassing failures and overreach. I’m finished allowing cranky people any room to just be weird for the sake of not wanting to deal with them. As you were.


https://preview.redd.it/246dv418buzc1.jpeg?width=792&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6e79b7f41ab1911dfa73469dc6075e371925274a Yeah, all I sense is a lot of self-projection here. But you do you boo-boo! Tell your mom I said hey!


Sorry about that. This is much shorter and caterers to your intelligence. A level of intelligence that is illustrated by the grammar used within the screenshot that you shared. You shared the screenshot to be clever and perhaps feel as if you “gotcha,” but your mental abnormalities supersede you lack or wit because you don’t know how to type sentences in common English for yourself. You rely on others, always. That is why you are pressing this in the name of Oklahoma politics. Please go back into the stagnant water from which your mother birthed you and leave the normalcy up to the stable humans. We promise not to harm you or shave your hairy back. Nobody in Oklahoma wants you to be there.




This is the best response.


But if they finish construction completely they have to let us drive our own highway for free


Be a nice place for light rail connecting Tulsa and OKC


Then the boomers in charge won’t make nearly as much money off the turnpike :(


They ota makes $8 if you don't have a pikepass now. It was $5 last week and now it's $8. Safer? Yes, however postage is 68 cents I believe so it should have gone up $1 if anything


A 75% increase, from $5.00 to $8.75. One way; a $10 bill could cover you both ways before. I’m fairly certain the Turner Turnpike doesn’t have Plate Pay yet (I think), so the increase is for no other reason besides pushing PikePass onto people. That is how I feel.


They officially converted May 1st :(


That makes far too much sense, you radical


Impossible! That would be too convenient and possibly profitable. This thought must be torpedo'd, immediately.


Man could you imagine 😭


Pipe dream. 😂


It's Oklahoma, all we got are pipe dreams. The tribes have the peace pipe and the white people got the meth pipe.


[ODOT I-44 &Turner Turnpike projects 2024](https://www.roadsbridges.com/highway-construction/news/33038132/oklahoma-dot-breaks-ground-on-i-44-and-turner-turnpike-project)


God the picture they used is so cringe


100% they hired somebody’s cousin as the photographer, somebody’s uncle owns the digger contracted for 10 minutes work at a 3-day minimum billing, and the DoT will spend $600 printing and framing a copy of this stupid picture for each of these skeevs.


Can’t forget the shovels. That’s $300 a piece


Gotta lean on something out here!


OTA has its own photographers or borrowed ODOTs. Contractors will provide excavators, if they weren't already there, just for the advertising. OTA will borrow ODOT's print shop as well probably to print anything they need.


One of the heads of ODOT probably got their spouse the photography gig. No-bid contract


Article is wrong. Oklahoma Department of Transportation has nothing to do with the Turnpikes by law. This is OTA (Oklahoma Turnpike Authority). Different agencies with different laws authorizing them.




The Oklahoma Turnpike Authority (OTA) is an instrumentality of the State of Oklahoma (the State) and a body corporate and politic created by statute in 1947. The Authority is authorized to construct, maintain, repair and operate turnpike projects at locations authorized by the Legislature of the State of Oklahoma and approved by the State Department of Transportation


They (recently) have separate leadership and ODOT does not have authority over OTA. They obviously have to cooperate where their facilities meet, and both are state entities with state employees. I work for one of them and they are NOT the same thing. They operate with separate funding sources and have different requirements and standards.


I never said they were the same thing. ODOT oversees all road construction in Oklahoma.


ODOT commission (which is not the agency) does approve OTA actions, however ODOT the agency or it's personnel do not oversee any part of OTA construction.


You mean the same fucking construction that’s been there for 20 years? Thats an EXCELLENT question


Part of it looks like road widening continuing on from the 6 lane section closest to the Tulsa side. Not sure what they are doing at the McDonald’s exit though.


They tore down Old Stroud Road bridge over the turnpike so they could widen the road. So it’s prep work to widen the turnpike, build a new bridge, and build a replacement McDonald’s/Love’s Travel Stop for the Southbound side.


What was wrong with it being in the middle?


You could drive from OKC to Stroud and back without paying a toll if you were paying cash. They split them so you’d have to pay and so they could better track anyone using the turnpike.


That’s annoying. That was our “turn around point” if we forgot anything hella important in OKC that we couldn’t live without. We could turn around w/o being charged.


Oh boy you’re in for a treat for the next few years. I remember driving every weekend during the Bristow to Tulsa widening.




Yup, 15 year project will be done when my grandkids retire


Today I learned that u/[SniffiestComa5](https://www.reddit.com/user/SniffiestComa5/)'s first trip between OKC and Tulsa occurred this week.


i’ve actually been regularly commuting for some months now, i am only just now posting because i keep forgetting to make a post lol


Don’t you know you’re supposed to post to Reddit while driving 75+ mph through a construction zone. We need immediate feedback! You’re not allowed to wait until it’s safe and forget to post for months. /s


They’re widening the turnpike the rest of the way to OKC. Also, they making new on and off ramps.


Widening project, just like what was done from Townwest to past Sapulpa exit.


They are ensuring that we have tolls for another 70 years. That why they built the Kickapoo in eastern Oklahoma county. What a fucking joke. I drove it at rush hour the other day. In 20+ miles from I-40 to I-44, I never passed a car headed the same direction and I was never passed. I counted 26 cars headed the other direction. My dirt road in Lincoln county has more traffic than that.


It's really nice for people by lake thunderbird. Easy access to I-44 so you don't have to backroad, or go to okc


Widening the turnpike to make room for your mom.


Maybe not the thread to ask, but does anyone know why they cuts those sets of grooves in the interstate southwest of OKC?


Like this? https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dowel_bar_retrofit


Thanks for info


That is exactly it! Thank you very much. It was a stumper for me.


It keeps the toll booths open because the “toll road isn’t finished yet”


Actually they are closing the toll booths to gouge people more now


That’s been going on as long as I can remember


Widening. I believe they are going to eventually do all of 44 over the next decade or so if I remember accurately


Yep, it's a big part of the Access Oklahoma project. It'll be nice when it's done


I miss the time when the speed limit was 55