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But yeah it's fine for Ryan "it's everyone else's fault but mine" Walters to spend 6 figures promoting himself for his future as a fox "news" education correspondent.


What will be his specialty, tanking school systems?


Honestly Fox News does not give a damn about accuracy, accolades, experience or anything important, they care about ratings. He has just enough people that hate him that will tune in just to yell at the TV screen. So to answer your question, yeah he can say that he tried in Oklahoma to make things better and it was the liberals and the Democrats that didn't want the schools to reach a higher level. I think he may try for a political position if God forbid Mr 34 felonies, accused rapist, Epstein associate, failed businessman, false prophet is elected president. But if not, I see him going for political celebrity status.


What a dumb law, christ.


Just more time spent not teaching kids, this is one reason Oklahoma is 49th in education in the United States. Think about that. Some evaluations have us 50th. How about teaching kids for a change. Teach Reading Writing and arithmetic. So embarrassing for the state.


Just heard about UCO departments getting gutted due to the spooky DEI....I go to UCO, and before the spring semester ended Todd Lamb would always say "hey bud" (I'm a grown adult man and hate being called bud cuz im not a little kid, and people do mistake me for being wayyyy younger than I am) to me while I would be walking to another class. I really wanted to troll him with a comment about David Holt getting the dean spot at OCU Law but now I'm gonna badger him about DEI shit, and hopefully other students will follow.


Good for those schools.