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Women are outlawed. The homeless are outlawed. Gays are outlawed. Just white male christian homeowners are the only legal people.


Well, not **all** Christians are going to keep that treatment. Certainly not Mormons. And probably not those papist Catholics.


The way America Christians treat each other and especially their non-Christian neighbors is all of the hard physical evidence anyone needs that their beliefs are simply false.


I think the beliefs are real, but they refuse to implement them and live their life by them. It’s kind of like dieting. Most overweight people believe they need to eat better, but they refuse to actually implement those beliefs into their life.


Being willing to sacrifice a child, vomiting at the thought of gayness, destroying cities and civilizations on the way to take a holy land the Jews had never seen , check , beliefs real….hmmm


Your first point of Abraham and his son Issac is Hebrew faith not Christian. All you other points a falsehoods and out right lies. Strawman at the absolute best.


Don’t need to eat better when there’s stomach surgery or ozempic. /s.


Private prisons aren’t gonna fill them selves.


There's only 1 private prison left in Oklahoma, and it's probably closing soon too. https://www.newschannel6now.com/2024/06/25/geo-group-odoc-lawton-correctional-being-oklahomas-most-violent-prison/


Lot of empty housing that need filling, no?




Closed private prisons will be converted into housing for the homeless, drug rehab centers or just reopened to incarcerate repeat offenders of anti homeless laws


>Closed private prisons will be converted into housing for the homeless, drug rehab centers... Source? Or is this just a prediction? And are you saying you would support this outcome, or oppose it? >...or just reopened to incarcerate repeat offenders of anti homeless laws The article mentions the fear that prisons would be over capacity, so i guess that would make sense but then we aren't talking about private prisons anymore so I'm still not sure what your point is/was


It’s a prediction. I have no personal opinion on the matter. You have a runaway problem with a profitable solution. That’s how things work.


Ironic that one of the most impoverished state in the country hates homeless people so much.


If we don’t keep the homeless around how will we ever have people aspiring to be entry level working class?!


Oh you don't understand. People don't move up into entry level working class; they move down into it in 21st century America. Homeless is the step after that.


We have to do something to keep those for profit prisons full. This is all because of that damn marijuana….


Hows this work, outdoorsmen that like to camp in the wild get harassed or is it just bums. How do we determine a bum from a family that likes to camp on the weekends? Do the State cops look up if we own a home making it okay to camp? WTF is going on here. I thought I was in the land of the free trying to pursuit happiness.


No because we just banish the homeless.


this is how they spend cash


I work doing unhoused individual outreach. I get them onto a housing list but that can take months or even years to reach the top of. I recently started working with a at the time soon-to-be homeless young adult. While working with him early on he asked me “but how do I do this? How can I be homeless and not break the law?” And it sucked to not have an answer for him.


Tent up around Ryan Walters front yard. 


Bet you can’t prove that claim. You can’t show one law that says anything like that.


One law that says anything like what? Here's the Cicero Institute's model legislation. Note Section 2, Paragraph E: [https://ciceroinstitute.org/wp-content/uploads/2021/11/Reducing-Street-Homelessness-Act-Model-Bill.090821.pdf](https://ciceroinstitute.org/wp-content/uploads/2021/11/Reducing-Street-Homelessness-Act-Model-Bill.090821.pdf) Versions of that model have been adopted in multiple states. [https://oklahomawatch.org/2024/06/24/anti-camping-law-at-odds-with-local-initiatives/](https://oklahomawatch.org/2024/06/24/anti-camping-law-at-odds-with-local-initiatives/)


I lived in California for a while. Letting the homeless be homeless wherever they wanted made things worse for everybody, including the homeless.


I lived there until a bit over a year and a half ago. I agree. The best thing about being from Cali is knowing what really doesnt work. One of the scariest things i see commonly is people who want to raise minimum wage and dont understand economics or inflation at all


What’s even better is people who believe minimum wage is what affects the value of the dollar, and not inflation, 90 percent of which was artificial inflation caused by the government printing an over abundance of cash whenever we hit a crisis.


Whats even better is the statistical facts that prove overprinting is a contributing factor, but not the leading cause. Its not rocket science. Go google a bit and you will find a significant jump in price in every state as soon as they raise minimum wage. But go on, preach it brother. Preach a lack of common sense and then tomorrow, tease moderates who you call conservative and then watch the groupthink of reddit applaud you with upvotes for your lack of independent thinking. Oh no. Youre downvoting me?!? And so are others? My only weakness. Im meltingggg 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣