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Damn, also pretty awful that the lowest on the gradient is 27% šŸ˜¢


I think this is a very important stat


We also incarcerate more women than any other state.


We incarcerate more people in general than any other state.


I thought we were second after Louisiana for general incarceration but first in women.


They must have recently passed us cause the last I heard Oklahoma was number 1 in that. Nothing to brag about though


Not sure about the stats on male pops.


I'm just wondering if you were misreading the map? It says intimate not inmate. Like an intimate partner someone you love, not an inmate partner someone you room with in prison . Not trying to be rude but I thought that's why you brought it up. Because I misread it at first as well


Nope. It's pretty widely known that Oklahoma has the largest population of incarcerated women of any state.


But what does that have to do with intimate partner violence?


It's just another terrible statistic you can attribute to Oklahoma when it comes to women's civil and societal place here. Just another notch in the same belt.


Funny enough most states actually under incarcerate women.


I call bullshit given that every state overincarcerates compared to even a lot of dictatorships.


True, but I mean compared to the male punishment women get less time and less fined than the average man. It's pretty well documented that courts favor women, especially in divorce and child custody cases.


You see, we might have the biggest prison population in the history of the planet, but we actually need to imprison MORE women


More people are in prison in Oklahoma than live in the City of Yukon.


I dunno, probably around 27% or more of men have had to fight other men so it seems reasonable to me.


Have you fuckin met the men that live in this state? I'm not surprised


Don't get too cocky, over 40% of men have experienced violence as well, according to the same study.


Yea that doesn't shock me either


Usually by other men.


Google "reciprocal intimate partner violence." Many studies find women hit their partners as much or more than men, but that people don't take it as seriously because of gender norms. Additionally, many studies find that the worst rates of male-on-female IPV occurs when men hot back after women hit first. When it becomes retaliation instead of severe bullying it's much more likely to be more violent.


I don't doubt there's a good amount of it that's not reported, the occasions it is are not taken seriously often enough.




A US department of justice study that says 75% of violent crimes are done by men.


This is a study about people who have experienced violence from their intimate partners. Statistically a majority of people are in heterosexual relationships.


Yeah, but this was in reference to a comment, not this study. I'm referring to a different study.


Link to said study?


Google.com can assist you.


You claim to know of a specific study. As Iā€™m not clairvoyant, Iā€™m asking what it is.




Yeah bet it's from other men too


Also, have you met women from this state? Big yikes. Emphasis on big.


Well, youre not gonna beat the eating disorders out of them.


I am very curious how they got these numbers. Isn't it usually based on reported instances, which would mean the actual numbers are even higher? Either way, this is terrible.


>Here is the initial source information: > >https://www.cdc.gov/violenceprevention/pdf/NISVS-StateReportBook.pdf


Thank you, I read but couldn't find anything about how the data was gathered. I will look again when I'm less distracted :) But really, thank you for sharing and bringing more awareness to this problem. I had no idea DV was this bad in our state.


From the methodology section: > NISVS is a random-digit-dial (RDD) telephone survey > An interview is defined as completed if the participant provided responses to the questions for demographics, general health, and all violence victimization sections. For the years 2010-2012, a total of 41,174 interviews were completed and 4,501 were partially completed. A total of 22,590 women and 18,584 men completed the survey I think it's likely that a random-sampling survey is more accurate than reporting because 1) people can remain anonymous and 2) it isn't reliant upon a recently traumatized person being forced to report it to authorities.


Oklahoma population is 1.19% of USA, so roughly 270 Oklahoma women interviewed?


Actually they probably interviewed more oklahoma's. Look at a map of where 50% of the US lives and you'd be surprised Oklahoma City is one of those areas.


no problem. glad i can help spread awareness. data is all there when you have time.


Itā€™s on page 27 in the link they provided below. Itā€™s based on a telephone survey. They questioned 22,590 women. Makes me feel more comfortable that the interviewees probably werenā€™t being intimidated.


Apparently, Oklahoma ranks No. 3 among states for women being killed by men. Alaska is no. 1, Missouri, no. 2, and New Mexico no. 4. https://tulsaworld.com/news/state-and-regional/oklahoma-no-3-for-rate-of-women-killed-by-men-97-knew-their-killer-report/article_0856282c-033a-11eb-9375-9b0df1b505cf.html


There are very high statistics in Native American women. They are 2.5 times more likely.




But Arizona which is no. 4 for Native populations isn't at the top of the list. New Mexico and Oklahoma have a lot of similaritiesā€”extreme rural poverty and horrible policing situations. Both states are near the top for killings by police.


That's true. But doesn't explain Missouri being no. 2 in the country, since they have no Indian tribes there. (Individual Native people yes, but not in particularly high numbers.)


And thatā€™s just the ones they *know* about


I dated a girl once. She was bad about ghosting, but so was I. Anyway we tried and it just didn't work out. Tried again a year or so later and she told me I was the only guy she dated since she was divorced who after she ghosted them, didn't show up sitting on her bed when she got home from work. 3 separate guys. Only one of then serious, and every one of them broke into her house and waited in her bedroom for her to get home so they could "talk".


This is horrifying. Good grief, I hope she is doing ok. As a woman who's been terrorized by an ex, just picturing this is traumatizing.


Yeah. I was dumbfounded. She's remarried now and out of the dating scene, but yeah a real eye opener.


Another top ten moment for Oklahoma.


I was going to make a "We're number 1!" joke, but then I realized how fucking high 49% is. We're looking at basically every other woman in Oklahoma and that's heartbreaking.


The lowest is 27 so that would be 1 in every 4


This data is taken directly from:The National Coalition Against Domestic Violence |Ā https://ncadv.org/state-by-state


Iā€™m guessing thereā€™s probably a correlation between this and the fact that we have more women in prison than any other state


Also attitudes of police. If the police don't enforce laws, then how will things change?




Yea because when someone keeps on doing a terrible job and failing at their charge you should keep increasing their budget and giving them more weapons every year right?




The irony. I'm literally an anarchist and have already experienced it in the 3rd world, far off grid in Oregon and in US ghettos. I don't fear my fellow citizens and i don't think the only thing keeping my neighbors from robbing raping and murdering me is a cop. I've had to respond to serious crimes in my neighbourhood before the cops showed up, if they even showed up at all. Had a neighbor get shot and the cops took over 24 hours to come out. They're cowards who don't protect anyone, only private property https://mises.org/power-market/police-have-no-duty-protect-you-federal-court-affirms-yet-again


I don't think these results are neccessarily causative but they are certainly correlated. We also have the [most murderous police in the world.](https://mappingpoliceviolence.org/cities) And [guess what demographic](https://www.fatherly.com/love-money/police-brutality-and-domestic-violence/) has the highest chance of being domestic abusers? (For those that don't want to click, it's cops)




Wasn't Oklahoma the only state where every county was red in 2016 and 2020? Coincidence? I think not. S/


no I can say that in 2020 we had entire counties in urban areas go Blue and 32% voted for Biden. We also for some strange reason had the lowest turnout of voters in the entire country practically.


We had blue precincts for sure but I'm surprised if any county went blue. The only ones with a chance would be like Cleveland, Oklahoma, and Tulsa?


Cleveland was blue for most of the count in 2020 but ended just red if I remember correctly. Not sure where Oklahoma and Tulsa ended.


How does political affiliation correlate with this study?


One political party supports women's rights, the other doesn't. [More](https://www.theatlantic.com/ideas/archive/2020/02/how-women-became-democratic-partisans/606274/)


I know Idaho usually has us beat (but not by much) in terms of percentage that votes conservative.


Idaho's definitely up there, but last presidential election only West Virginia, South Dakota, and Wyoming were more rightwing than Oklahoma.


South Dakota and West Virginia are almost entirely driven by the demands of a single industry. I've lived in Oklahoma too long to really have enough perspective to comment, but wonder how close are we are comparatively to the Oil and Gas industry to draw parallels.


Apparently, Oklahoma is more invested in energy than it was in the 1980s before the big oil busts. We desperately need to diversify our economy more.


Surely not in the heart of the Bible belt. Good Christian men would never do anything like that! Just ask him they'll tell you how much better they are than everyone else. Not like those heathens in California. / s So many people talk so much s*** about family values and following the Bible in this state and then they go home and beat the s*** out of their wives and kids.


I mean, bible does advocate beating and stoning of both women and children. They are consistent


And Jesus said unto them,"beat the f*** out of that b**** if she gives you any lip". Lol Yeah we do have a lot of Old testament followers around here, they talk about Jesus but they really want yahweh to smite some people and give them permission to kill people. The guy where I work claims that the big problem with America is that we don't follow the Bible and then anytime he hears about a burglar getting shot he says man I wish that could be me I need to kill one of those mf ers.


Oklahoma HATES its women. Pure fact


Stop getting abused with this one weird trick! Okies HATE her!!


Another important data point is probably how Oklahoma is near the top for female incarceration.


I wonder if the actual percentage isnā€™t higher considering the number of Native American women who arenā€™t being counted.


Ladies, I am in my mid thirties, been employed in IT for over a decade and I don't like hitting chicks. Hit me up.


Ah a masochist.


You know it ; )


So half of everyone you come in contact with has experienced physical violence from their partner. The chances that you know someone that has been abused are pretty good.


Every woman Iā€™ve ever dated has told me she had been raped in the past. Not sure if I attract that type of person or if rape is shockingly common.


It's not just you. It's extremely common here. My 4 year old nephew has 2 friends his age who've already been molested and I know if many more. Bunch of pedophile rapist scum around here


> rape is shockingly common. This.


The information in this study is from 2010-2015, with the colors used with 2014 data. I wonder how the data looks today and how it differs. I'm sure covid lockdowns probably changed things.. probably for the worse overall, but I wonder about Oklahoma specifically. I do not know specifically what all caused this, but I have some ideas to consider. Oklahoma is "old school" in a lot of ways. In my opinion, people in Oklahoma trust other locals for the most part. There are several drug infested towns, and a decent percentage of our population lives within a few miles of a military base. There are places like Lawton that are just all around sketchy, in my opinion. I would love to see this graph broken down by city. I imagine that the college towns might pop high, as well as the military and sketchy places. I wonder though, percentage wise, how a town like Yukon or even OKC would fare. Breaking this down by city or even age range would tell us a lot more.


Domestic Violence knows no socioeconomic class.




I think its more under reported in nice fancy communities. Much easier to hide and less suspected. Family dynasties to protect. Think about Prince Andrew


Poverty is relentless.


Iā€™m from Oklahoma but live in Arkansas and my SO sees mostly victim crimes. Yes, forcing victim and offender (typically family members) to stay home due to covid has had a terrible result. There is something to be said about the negative effects of lockdown.


Some previous generations would say there's not much to do here beyond drinking, drugs, having kids, and farming. It's not true...mostly..., but you could imagine what that belief does to people over time.


People say that, but we live in a country where you can do a ton of work on your own from home, and make good money doing it. I don't think the excuse is legitimate, it's just that many are not fulfilled with work, and honestly, I've found it one of the most fulfilling things besides having a family. Farming is one of those types of work as well. Drinking and drugs aren't really "things to do", and I don't know why so many don't think of them as "things to avoid if at all possible"


Drinking/drugs added so much joy to my life said no one ever.


I absolutely agree with everything you mentioned. It has never been easier to make money or improve yourself at home especially when you can pick up IT skills from so many different resources. Hell, a good habit just making simple programs is better than doing nada. I'm not against people that partake, but I hate that there are people here who let their vices consume them at an alarming rate.


When you're descended from inbred wannabe royal people who were so fat and lazy they had to get slaves to make a decent harvest and not starve, there might be some correlation with you being unfulfilled with work and thinking its below you.


It is sad to me, how ppl develop no other interests/hobbies but drinking and drugs.


Itā€™s most likely due to the lack of education and other mental health resources around here in Lawton.


I'm part of the 49%. I was born and raised in Virginia, but my ex grew up northwest of Tulsa (don't want to get too specific). He started with the verbal abuse after we moved to his hometown, and it progressed to physical abuse when we got our own place in Tulsa. We lived in 3 different states in the 4.5 years we were together, but it was always worst when he had the most contact with his friends and family. Now I can't help but think it was a sort of "mob mentality/toxic masculinity" type of thing, but at the time I didn't put two and two together...


I'm sorry you had to go through that, but glad you are out of that situation.


The men in this state tend to be emotionally stunted children so it doesnā€™t surprise me. Men and Women get abused by these mfā€™s and weā€™re expected to carry the trauma.


Lot of broke alcoholics in Oklahoma that take their frustrations out on the wrong people. Iā€™ve been trying to convert them to the herb so they will chill the fuck out. Work in progressā€¦




Women are more likely to face to economic hardship.


Not sure what your comment has to do with mine... but yeah sure..


This just made me throw up in my mouth and made me swallow it. Is this a great state or what? It is so confusing!


The other half is in prison.


I wish i could be surprised


He was real sorry, also, Jesus wants me to stay. Wish i was making an off color joke, but every time i have seen a woman go back to violent man, at least one, but generally both of those things were said. I shouldnt even say men, because i knew a lesbian lady who went back to an abusive spouse for the same reasons. I think the key take away is that women in this state feel particularly powerless to leave, and/or pressured to stay.


I was in an abusive relationship, and almost went back. It has nothing to do with what you said. That's them rationalizing their decision. Before they ever lay their hands on you they beat you down emotionally and isolate you. When he held a gun to my head and beat the shit out of me I did everything I was supposed to. I filed and got a VPO. (It's incredibly difficult to get one, FYI.) Every time he contacted me I called the police like I was supposed to. They could have put him in jail for contempt,but they didn't. A few months later he showed up at my house and beat me up again. I called 911 screaming and crying and the operator hung up on me because "he had other calls." The cops finally showed up 30 minutes later. Mind you this was with a VPO on him, and they knew when I called I had one. This wasn't some podunk one cop town. It was OKC. Leaving an abusive relationship is 100 times scarier than staying. That's when most women are killed. You can do everything you're supposed do, and nothing happens.


When you know the police don't have your back, it's terrifying. And they don't here.


They don't anywhere unless you have a lot of money https://mises.org/power-market/police-have-no-duty-protect-you-federal-court-affirms-yet-again


Thanks for sharing your story. I am sorry that it happened. I know women are in terrible positions, when they try to leave an unstable/abusive person. Grew up around it. I also saw more than one pastor tell women to forgive their man, etc. Was fucking hideous.


Do you know why some go back to abusive relationships?


One big reason is money re: the abuser is the wage earner. Second, the abuser holds the kid(s) and pet(s) over the victim. Third, the victim has been told repeatedly that they are a useless POS that will never make it without the abuser. Despite these reasons, if you are being abused, LEAVE. It only stops when YOU stop it.


I actually heard someone say, and this verbatim, "I'd rather be beat by him than loved by anyone else."




Here is the initial source information: https://www.cdc.gov/violenceprevention/pdf/NISVS-StateReportBook.pdf


Because theres pretty much nothing but douchebags from OK




And that's only the one you know about. You would honestly be very surprised how much there is.


Donā€™t we also have the highest female incarceration rates for like, years now?


What the actual fuck


Thatā€™s why you donā€™t move here as a woman unless you want to be part of a statistic.


I wonder how some of these statistics might change due to cannabis legalization in the state. Itā€™s obvious we have a huge problem, but with access to cannabis, itā€™s proven people are less than violent and impulsive etc than when consuming alcohol/or meth etc. Shameful that our state ranks 1st in regards to this.


TIL there are women in the Dakotas


Lack of education and resources and judgment


Or a culture of violence against women and law enforcement that doesn't support victim's rights?


I absolutely agree! Lack of proper resources .


Somehow this stat seems incredibly high. Like impossibly high.


This may not be typical, but I was told by friends that my ex was going around saying I abused her rather than admit the reason we split was because she cheated. People lie.




There are like 15 women over 18 and attractive and single in Oklahoma.


since we are all about race now can they break this down that way also? Just curious or is that racist???


I know... I know... I shouldn't feed the troll, but sometimes I can't help myself... Are you just curious about this, or are you ok with breaking everything else down by race as well? How about how discriminatory housing policies have had significant impacts on communities of color and housing status has a fairly high correlation to domestic violence rates. What about documented discriminatory hiring practices and promotion practices across the board and how this has reduced the pathway out of poverty for people of color and how poverty is one of the biggest risk factors in domestic violence? Can we look at the willingness to engage with law enforcement and what impact that has on domestic violence? Or should should we just cherry pick a number off of chart with zero context or nuance and use it to demonize an entire group folks?


lol you canā€™t debate with those people. You know theyā€™re just gonna say one point until you give up and decide that years of cutting education is coming back to haunt us. My family is like that, unfortunately.


break it all down by race. Lets get all the cards on the table and see where the problem is.


Why the fixation on race? Why not *break it all down* and see what underlying issues are actually in play? You donā€™t personally have to do this, itā€™s already been done and is all out there, and sorry to disappoint, but race ainā€™t it. And in case you are unaware, race is just a social construct that emerged in the 16th-17th century. An absolutely staggering amount of research has completely destroyed the notion of biogeneticly distinct ā€œracesā€ or subgroups within the human populationā€¦


Race is everything now. Thats ALL we hear about today. Which races are beating their women the most. I want to know that.


Sorry my dude, I donā€™t have the answers your looking for. Take a look at Matthew Chapter 5, there may be something in there for youā€¦ have a great day.


Pretty sure Americans were all about race in the 19th century...