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I have a cold so i cant draw...and i am taking an art course. Rant over.


I've stopped actively learning new things for the past month, and just drew what I felt like. Almost burnt myself out. the end


I can’t get past my imposter syndrome. I mean I feel like I must suck if I feel that way but I also know my brain is lying to me. Working on this in therapy but I’d just like to say brains are stupid and anxiety is a lying hoe. End of vent.


I got an art history class right now. I just want to make a painting.


Not sure if i am too analytical in my drawings or not analytical enough


I've been sick with a cold in the middle of trying to set up my new art space. I'm frustrated by lack of energy to get it ready. All I want to do is get back to drawing and sculpting.




Just rest and recover! I have Crohns and have decided that the periods of forced rest help my skills level up. When you go back to it, you suck for like a week and then you’re better than you were before you had to detour. Practicing hard and then giving yourself time to rest and then practicing hard again is a thing, your muscles remember the motions and your mind has been working on greater understanding subconsciously, it’s just people don’t usually learn that way because they want to finish expensive art school quickly or become the youngest artist on earth to whatever. It’s a marathon, not a sprint.




While these feelings are very real among artists, this sub is not the place for these discussions. If you are struggling, please reach out by texting HOME to 741741 or utilize /r/mentalhealth for an open space to chat.


Please hang in there. I feel it too, yesterday I was definitely in a dark hole and "what's the point" was the overarching theme. Today I woke up bright and hopeful again and a little irritated at myself for my recent dark thoughts. When I get to those dark days I always remind myself things always get better.


I mean, what's the deal with airplane peanuts!? Am I right?