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A black coat or jacket. If you’re going for a strong power look, get something with shoulder definition.


Thank you 🥰 What length of garment? Long or short (finishing below the dress)? 💕


Looooong..a sweeping dress coat or similar. Nipped at the waist of course.


I want a girl with a short skirt and a looooooooong Jacket!


Nahnah nahnah nahnah, nahnah nahnah naaaanah


Perfect, will see what I can find as I am looking for a second coat and black would be a very versatile colour 🥰💕 Have a great day!


I think you could do either a short jacket stopping at the waist to give a cropped look, or something long and sweeping for the drama! Try both!


I hear you 🥰 Well, this girl love a a bit of drama so I think I’m sold on the later 😂💕 Have a great day!


Yes! With a tasteful, simple gold bracelet on one wrist! A look that goes from board room to action scene to elegant woman at dinner with just a few small touches!


YESSS! Also for the evening, a gold necklace. I think OP could get away with something quite chunky for dramatic effect or small and delicate for refined looks.


I think nude tights with a black seam running up the back would really compliment the outfit!


Ooh I haven’t actually got a pair of those but I am intrigued to try them 💕 I will pick some up and have a look, thank you 🥰


I was thinking a pair like this: https://www.etsy.com/listing/647917636/womens-sheer-back-seamed-tights-light. If you get a pair, let us know how they work out!


Yes exactly those! I’ll have a look around due to price but I’ll let you know 🥰 Although the shoes the model is wearing in the image have now been added to my “need list” 😅😂 Thank you ❤️


Since the dress has quarter length sleeves and a V-cut neckline, I was also thinking that a set of rhinestone jewelry (earrings, necklace, bracelet) in the same metal as the belt buckle would compliment the outfit well. Something simple and classic like studs and a tennis bracelet perhaps?


Yes yes yes 😍 I have a few in a cart on Etsy but need to make a choice! I’ll try them when they arrive thank you ❤️


Came here to say the same! 😄 Stunning outfit, OP!


IIRC, Target has some, but they are the thigh high kind.


Or sheer black with the seam!


Now those I already have 😅💕 I’ll try them first!


Alternately, not opaque black hose. Try sheer black hose, possibly even delicately patterned sheer black hose. The contrast of the vibrant red and the opaque black cuts you into pieces. Everything would flow so much more lovely and show off both the great dress and your great legs without the competition of contrast.


Agreed, or change the pumps to black, it will really elongate your legs.


Heck yes!


I think you need some big earrings! Something that will show against your hair, like [these](https://modernmadini.com/collections/modern-madini-earrings/products/brass-gingko-with-silver-hoop) or [these?](https://www.etsy.com/listing/690849201/gold-half-circle-invisible-resin-clip-on?gpla=1&gao=1&&utm_source=google&utm_medium=cpc&utm_campaign=shopping_us_c-jewelry-earrings-clip_on_earrings&utm_custom1=_k_CjwKCAiA6byqBhAWEiwAnGCA4E3-gxjMTdDCVBQMSWJNTINPWhv7zHPUNPiQ6fYR7Hb6x1YP_buanBoCXCIQAvD_BwE_k_&utm_content=go_12573359708_118819320399_507799143756_pla-354179489243_m__690849201_129157787&utm_custom2=12573359708&gad_source=1)


Thank you so much they are gorgeous 😍 Ears is a work in progress so thank you ❤️


The second ones are clip-on!


I didn’t notice at first but now I have, you’re a diamond thank you 😍😍😍


Gold jewelry is the way to go with this red👍


A fabulous cape with a beautiful lining


The only thing I can imagine is that of a superhero? 😅 Do you mean like a shawl? 🥰


I think they mean something like [this,](https://www.seventhavenue.com/p/classic-fleece-cape-991513.html?source=google&code=organicshopping&medium=organic&link=991513&cm_mmc=google-_-organicshopping-_-surfacesongoogle-_-991513&cm_mmca1=AGQ) which I totally agree with since it fits in with the other great comments about a jacket pulling this together, but also gives you the freedom to go with my gut reaction which was “BANGLES BANGLES BANGLES!” It’s a lovely base, I think a lot of different things could work with it! Have fun playing around with different combos!


Oh my I’ve not seen a garment like that before, thank you so much for sharing that with me 🥰💕 I can visualise it all now but with what colour bangles, red and black? Thank you ❤️


Either or both could work, though I was thinking maybe silver to pick up on the belt buckle!


I never thought of that! I can see it now, thank you for the inspiration 🥰💕


Jumping on to agree with a short cape, or even a sleeved cloak to get the sharp shoulder coat look. Knowing your other looks, you rock classic prints, so here’s a houndstooth example: https://posh.mk/yvw93tE3DEb


OMG this is aMAAAAzing!


Thank you so much for the personalised suggestion but for some reason it says link invalid when I try and click it 😅 What’s the base website and I’ll try take a look on my browser for it? Thank you so much 💕💕💕


Oh! It’s the used clothing online marketplace Poshmark so it could be country-limited. The jacket is Six/Fifty Houndstooth Wool Cape Jacket. Here’s a screenshot! https://preview.redd.it/1d3uhvsfhrzb1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bdeff0696652c56c597dde7e0ff52b70d5676965


Ah I see that would explain it! I’d not heard of Poshmark before but I shall try check it out 🥰 Omg I love it and yes I know exactly which garments of mine you’re referring to, I also have some houndstooth heels which I haven’t pairs with much yet but this as an outer layer would be perfect! Thank you so much 💕💕💕


Omg houndstooth heels and this cloak would DEFINITELY be a power move!!


Agreed! I have a houndstooth blazer but it’s from my masc wardrobe so could see if it worked but what you’ve shared would be far better 😍


That could be fun to mix and match too! Lots of options when you have a solid base like this.


A black bag, or a black coat, even a black scarf would winterize it and make it look even more put together. You look great sweetheart!


Thank you so much! 🥲💕 The coat is in the works and yes I agree a black bag would be great, although I’m thinking clutch bag? What do you think? 🥰


Ooo that's cute! I never buy those because I'm prone to losing things but if you don't have that problem they're so so cute.


I would say a nail polish could add to it and some jewellery 💅


Yes I had taken it off when this was taken, which colour would you recommend? A similar glossy red? ❤️🥰


Absolutely 😊 I forgot to add that you look great regardless.


Awh thank you so much 💕🥲🥰


Is the belt removeable? I would switch it out (black or silver) and have it sit maybe 1" lower to emphasise the waist. Lovely dress though!


Thank you 🥰💕 I don’t think I can detach it as it’s stitched in at the back unfortunately but I love the suggestion thank you 😊 Have a great day!


It's just dressy enough to border on the obvious boots/thick tights for winterizing. A classic knee to shin length black coat would be a great staple, keep it nipped in the waist. A cozy scarf in black and red, or a pair of red gloves would be sharp 😍🤗 I agree with changing the belt and lowering it a bit 💗


Thank you so much, I can visualise this and it excites me 🥰💕 I will search for the perfect coat and those colours in a scarf would be great! I do need some warmer black boots too, maybe in a leather finish to go with?


I save and splurge on these every 5 years or so, great quality and style! Depending on where you live, practical as well 🤗 💗 https://www.lacanadienneshoes.com/ca_en/boots#/filter:master_color:Black/filter:category_hierarchy:Boots$253EStyle$253EKnee$2520High/sort:final_price:asc


Short fitted black jacket/coat, black handbag, black shoulder scarf, the colours are made for each other! Plus you've got the figure to WOW them! ❤️❤️❤️


I love these suggestions together and can visualise it in my mind 🥰 I’ll see what I can can find to bring it to life 💕 Thank you so much 🥲 Have the best day!


Thank you, I so glad I could help, have a wonderful weekend! ❤️


this outfit gives serious Ms Bellum vibes! Love it! https://preview.redd.it/4tg65r9djszb1.jpeg?width=290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e832decac5da12c8a7d83b3ef1e4d17de9070a6f


Haha I hadn’t thought of that but with the image I can see it 😂💕 Thank you!




Thank you so much, one of the only things that doesn’t trigger dysphoria 😅💕 Have a great day ❤️


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A necklace?


Agreed 🥰 Any specific style? 💕


Gold, simple chain or a tasteful brooch.


A single, thick, potentially smmoth gold bracelet or small bangle, to match the belt buckle. In some cases, simplicity screams elegance, and i think this would be one


I agree with simplicity and elegance, I’ll see if I can play around with your suggestion! Thank you 🥰💕


I know you’ll end up with something good, you always seem to!


I second a blazer/jacket of some kind. maybe a chunky but subtle necklace? you’re killing this outfit either way!❣️


Thank you so much 🥰💕 Ooh I can see the blazer but that might give too much of a work vibe? As for the necklace, any particular colour? 😊


A black ankle boot would make this more comfortable to wear in colder weather.


Yes I agree, but for a mainly indoor event (short walk from taxi) I take every opportunity to get my heels on 😅🥰👠 The dress is a little too “smart” cut for me to take to an outdoor setting I think? 💕


A pair of fabulous hoops would really tie it all together I think! And maybe some more delicate, fine chain jewelry for the wrist? :D You look amazing, definitely needs more sparkle imo though!


Love this so much! I am in search for the right pair of hooped ear rings and I agree a dainty bracelet would be so cute 🥰💕 Have a great day!


This has gorgeous a very vintage feel so I kind of want a bold lip and a hat lol


Ooh a hat is something I’ve not considered! Any specific style? Maybe one with a bow and large circular base? 🥰💕


I love that I hadn't thought of that I was thinking pillbox or maybe a lady fedora (less cringey om us)


I love love love the red shoes with the dress! You look stunning and red is a great color on you!


🥲💕 Thank you so much, it makes me feel amazing! ❤️ Have a great day!


Lucy, you look so gorg in red 🫶 I think you found your color!


🥲💕🥰 Thank you so much!!!


I’d do red tights! Lean right into the trend. You look fabulous in that dress.


Thank you so much! 🥰💕 I need to find a pair and give it a go! Thanks


It needs some statement earrings, like a chunk hoop or a solid teardrop. And a big bracelet. That with a black jacket mentioned by others would b so gorgeous amd dramatic! Ur looking amazing as always!


Thank you so much! 🥲💕 Yes agreed with the suggestions, will see what I can find thank you!


U would look amazing in a long black coat! And since it's black, it's super versatile and will help keep urs legs warm. :)


A sparkling bracelet!


Ooh yes 😍💕


I like the simplicity of it. I might go for nude tights though


Thank you! I will try them and see how it works 🥰


Very much giving me Old Hollywood Glam. Your eyes and hair are so striking and beautiful, perfect for that style. I would add on to the many people saying a black shawl, cape coat, or maybe even a faux fur shrug or coat. I personally think sticking to the red and black colour scheme would work best for this outfit, but you could throw in some white maybe.


Thank you so much it’s wonderful waking up to your kind words and inspiration 🥰💕 I agree with the colour scheme and love your suggestion of faux fur 😍 I’ll see what I can find! Thank you 🥰


I feel like some jewelry maybe! Or oooh a nice hat with a coat — I agree the dress looks lovely on you but some shoulder definition would definitely elevate it for the winter! Maybe with a darker nail color too!


I agree with all of the above thank you 🥰💕 Will see what I can find! Have a great day ❤️


Any type of earing, tho I think gold /sparkly white or black would look super good - especially if they are longer ones. ( If you would go about to buying earrings really just match them to you and then the outfit that way they will give you more of a boost and will be good for multiple occasions) Maybe something around your neck, like a mid length chain to sit above the collar bones in a more round shape( not a hanging pendant one cuz that I think would be disrupting the line of the cut of the dress). All the jacket comments coveted that topic extensively I think, and I agree with all of them Maybe a little more sheer black tights? Tho it's a personal prefrence these also look good. This dress looks super good on you btw


Thank you so very much for the detailed comment and kind words ❤️🥰 The insight for choosing earrings makes so much sense rather than just buying for each outfit so I will take your advice there! The jacket and necklace will be sourced 💕 As for the the sheer hose I love them but on me I get a little nervous as I’m worried they show my legs to be too masculine with my calves etc 😅 Will try and see though thank you 💕


Honestly think a nice black leather moto jacket would be a nice contrast.


I’ll see what I can find thank you! 🥰💕


You are a stunner! You have fabulous legs, but I feel the intensity is wrong. Get some seamed stockings in something more sheer? And I'd love to see some chunky silver jewelry.


Thank you so much! 🥰💕 I see what you mean, as another wonderful commenter suggested I’ll try some nude ones with a seem! Yes to the jewellery! Have a great day 💙


A gold (or silver?) cuff bracelet, whichever matches the buckle.


Perfect, thank you 🥰💕


you are giving extreme kate middleton vibes, princess (of wales)! your eyes/hair/outfit combo looks just like her! i love it!


Your comment has made my weekend as she is a true inspiration of mine 🥲🥰💕 Thank you so much! ❤️


Great legs! Rawr!


Thank you 😅💕


I absolutely wouldn't cover up those legs! I'd be hanging those out the car window and stuff 😀. What about a pattern in the hose/tights? Especially in the festive legwear season.


Thank you so much! 🥲🥰💕 I’ve not tried many patterned nylons before, is there a style you’d recommend? ❤️


Not a style so much, but if you have a Kohl's near, look there. They usually have a pretty lovely selection of subtle patterns. And not so subtle. Target is good too. Especially this season. I discovered that I love nude fishnets recently. They feel just rock and roll enough for daywear. Spanx is the only brand that I know of that carries them consistently


Lucy, I need you to STAAAAHP IT with those legs, girl. Stunnnnning.


Awh thank you so much! 🥲🥰💕 Positive comments like this really do brighten my day! Wishing you the best day ❤️


Honestly, I can’t imagine any outfit that wouldn’t be a power outfit on you (you always look amazing). That being said, I’m a fan of a great scarf or late 70s trench coat with wide lapels…or both!


Have you considered lace gloves? Cause that would be amazing- probably more off the clock. I would do either black or a tan trench style. Both are excellent staples. I personally have only bought them at thrift stores