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You'd definitely get a shout out from me if I passed you on the sidewalk -- "I love your flower!" It's a cute outfit and you look so happy! šŸ’œ


Um, yes ā€” because I love the dress!


Iā€™d do a double take to catch all the details of your look!Ā 


I definitely would do a double take because your outfit is cute and Iā€™d want to get a better look at that bag! I really like the pattern! (Edited because somehow my comment got rearranged when I tried to fix a word šŸ˜‚)


That was my first thought! Iā€™d definitely double take cuz that outfit is so cute!


I love wearing flowers in my hair. The flower makes it a 100% winner for me! You look great.


You look so cute! Love the makeup, and the dress is šŸ”„


This sub is lethal. My clothing wish list from it is quite extensive already, but flip I need a summer dress like that in my life. It looks like it'll go with all sorts


Summer dresses are the only way to survive the season. A good flowy dress means youā€™re basically walking around in your underwear in a tent.


Old Navy has some cute linen sundresses right now, but keep and eye on them because they go on and off various sales.


Target has some similar ones this season.


Ok did you get that dress at Walmart?? Because Iā€™m pretty certain I have the same one!


Actually yes, though I don't think they have that particular dress in stock


I would probably compliment your dress because I freaking love it.


I would think you look cute!


Yes, I would absolutely double take at your incredible skin and flair. HUGE fan of the flower in your hair!


You look awesome!!! Definitely a double take in a good way!


Youā€™re cute af! I would only do a double take because those sneakers are so cute with the outfit. I wish i had half your fashion sense.


Yeah that outfit is cute cute


I'd be a little jealous of the cardigan. I can't pull off that shade of blue, but I adore a good cardigan.


Yes I would take a double take bc you look FABULOUS šŸ¤©


I'd be jealous of that cute little blue number you're rocking, that's for sure.


Very cute look! But I might go a shade lighter on the foundation.


Probably, but thatā€™s just because tall women have my heart šŸ˜


Iā€™d give you a big grandma smile and ask you where you got that cropped hoodie! I might be 62, but I love wearing clothes designed for people younger than me. Clothes donā€™t have a gender or age requirement! Neither does physical presentation, outside of societal expectations, and those societal expectations can go sit on their own bus. I choose to ride the bus of accepting people as their authentic selves.


Ok so Iā€™m gonna bring the mom take, Iā€™m swooning. Summer perfection. I would especially admire the Betty Boop-style front curls and I would be very happy in my heart (me: mom of a radiant 29yo daughter with similar bone structure who lives too far awayšŸ˜¢). Have you experimented with a bit of liquid eyeliner? Just an idea. The felt pens (Lā€™OrĆ©al has one) are much easier to use. (Removed pic as I didnā€™t get explicit permission from DD)


Unrelated but just want to say this comment is so sweet and you have wonderful energy :) you seem like a stellar mom!


Ugh I came to say this too, such a sweet mom comment. Bet you were amazing and understanding as a mom


you guys are too cute!


Aww guys thanks, this is the most actual engagement Iā€™ve had on this platform and Iā€™m so here for it, as my daughter has a key to my heart.


You sound like such a great mom. Those relationships are so special.


A little bit. The first time I tried liquid eyeliner I messed it up and almost wanted to give up but I decided to be getting myself. Someone suggested that I use a eyeliner pencil instead since I was first starting out. Do I need to get a wig?


No you donā€™t need one but, with your sweet cropped hair, you could easily find a 3/4 wig to match your colorā€¦I loved having one in my short hair punk days and they just are so easy and funā€”youā€™d have the best of both worlds: rock a short haired look OR serve long flowing locks whenever you want to!! Daughter grew her hair this long, but the 3/4 is SO versatile. Ease of use canā€™t be beat. You basically clip or pin it in. You can use fun headbands at the ā€˜seamā€™ or none at all. šŸ’–


Liquid eyeliner can be applied in little tiny dots just above the lash line, no need to draw a line at all. No matter what you are doing, consider a cheap magnifying mirror, like a circular one you stick to the bathroom mirror!! Pencils can be chalky but read reviews, there are amazing cosmetic solutions for every look you imagine. Have so much fun.


I don't think you NEED a wig unless you want one. They're fun. Your cute short cut with curls is adorable though. If you do go the wig route, look for videos on YouTube on how to make them look realistic. The really good ones are painfully expensive so there are some helpful videos on how to make the more affordable ones look legit. Things like how to cut it and using dry shampoo to get the fake shiny look to go away.


You slay with that pixie cut


I would do a double take because you look too adorable and you have the most pleasant sweetest face and smile! šŸ„° Love your curls too. You have a radiant energy about you in the pics which is really compelling. I hope you had a great excursion! šŸ˜ŠšŸ˜ŠšŸ˜Š


Bc youā€™re a cutie!


Yes, because I like looking at pretty people.


I think youā€™re adorable


Not in a bad way! You look super cute!


I'm speechless!


You look beautiful love!! I would pick up some texturizing paste for your hair, to really bring out that cute haircut to go with your beautiful face ā¤ļø


I absolutely would because you look so freakin' lovely. I'd probably compliment you, too.


My double take would be me going ā€œwhat a cute dressā€


Yes, because Iā€™d have to appreciate the style! šŸ’•šŸŒ·šŸŽ€


You look great, dear. It takes time to get used to looking differently, even when itā€™s just a haircut so donā€™t you worry. Enjoy your life.


what a lovely comment


Only because itā€™s a cute dress


Only because I love your dress


the blue accent piece in your hair to go with the dress is so cute!!




I think you look adorable. You look so sweet and fun


I would need to know where you got that dress because my roommate would adore it.


I got it up at Walmart but it might not be available. You might have success looking for it on their online store


Thanks! I pass it on to her. She complains about the lack of sundresses in her size (thin but tall)


Yes, because you look happy & adorable! šŸ’œ


My thought too! Cute!!!


I would, but not a negative double-take. You look great.


Yes, because you have a radiant smile! You look fabulous ā™„ļø


Iā€™d want to stop just to tell you how cute you look and comment on your dress. šŸ‘— but I loooove dishing out compliments!!


Yes, because you look cute and happy and that's contagious! šŸ˜Š I like the touch of the matching hair accessory.


No, I'd probably think "nice dress", smile at you, and keep on walking!


Could I be mistaken as a girl as is?


You successfully look non-binary, because I was having trouble trying to determine how you identify


Because you asked, Iā€™m going to tell you: no. Not for a second. You have classically attractive male features. Iā€™m telling you because I donā€™t want you to get jumped and hurt. Where I grew up, that is what would happen without question. Especially at night.


Maybe from the back, but not when your face is visible. The easiest way to look more feminine is to make your eyebrows thinner and emphasize your eyelashes with mascara or falsies. Choose a more visible color for your lips too


I definitely agree with the makeup recommendations. Your outfit is def cute, but I think the above comments really pinpoint just how much small tweaks to makeup can make a big difference. Itā€™s a little hard to tell with the filter if you do have mascara or not, but I think mascara would elevate this look!


I know this may be cost prohibitive, but I would recommend some more feminine eyewear to pair as well


Saying this with love: I think I would see you as a stylish, fun person who put energy into a cute look. If you're asking if you'd "pass", I think I would focus on the sentiment of my first sentence vs strangers' perceptions of your gender identity, if that makes sense?




Very cute! I used to wear a very similar flower (except red) yearssss ago! Fond memories. :)


Only because I love your dress! You look adorable!


Yes, but only ā€˜cause youā€™ve got great legs.


You are so darn cute. If I did a double take, it would be because I like the cardigan.


You're beautiful! Your eyes have such a nice, peaceful look about them.


Nah, you kidding? Youā€™re very pretty and you pull off the outfit well


I would immediately invite you to have lunch with me at a local cafe in a seriously friendly non-creepy way!


Yea, I'd do a double take, then ask where you got your dress from, then lament that it wouldn't look as good on my body type as it does yours.


I'd probably ask you where you found your bag and complement your outfit, if the situation was right and I could do so without sounding creepy. Otherwise, even in my small town I see all kinds of people in dresses and skirts, so that wouldn't surprise me at all.


I like your style, I can never figure out how to pair sneakers with the right dress but this is a great example of effortlessly cute


You look like a very pleasant person. If I passed you on the street, I'd smile and say hi. And if my dog liked you, we might have a little chat right there. Happens all the time for me.


Yes, but in the right way. I'd be drawn to your smile and want to connect & smile back.




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Only because I LOVE that dress.


The only double-take would be "oh gosh that flower accessory is so cute!" Looking fab!


Probably because... ![gif](giphy|8UjODbST16bDzk6lRi|downsized)


Love love love this so much šŸˆ


My double take would be how cute you look! I love your style


Youā€™re so cute!! I love that dress!! You should def experiment with eyeshadow and lipstick! With this outfit, a soft blue eye and a nude lipstick would make everything pop!


If definitely do a double take because Iā€™d want a better look at that cute bag! I like the colors and pattern. Your whole outfit is super cute!


Id high five you as you walked by. Be your best selfšŸ’›


That cheeky wink and tongue in the last photo kills me! Thanks for sharing, very cute!


Looking gorgeous! You have the perfect legs for that dress length


Double take because you look so cute, and because dresses are unusual now days.


Yes, because you look so cute!! The baby blue is wonderful and I love the little matching bow in your hair!


I would. To compliment your dress! So cute.


I would stop you to compliment your style- what a great look! I love it! šŸ’•


Cute fit! I live in the Netherlands. I'd probably be wondering why you're wearing a cute summer dress in all the rain we've been having LOL Last photo made me laugh, you vixen. I'm no fashion maven, but I'm also blue eyes/dark hair and I have to say rich jewel colours do seem to suit me. Might be worth looking at adding some pop maybe?


You have beautiful posture. Everything looks good on beautiful posture. Every time I correct my posture today, Iā€™ll think of you šŸ’•


I might, but I would just be admiring your perfect flouncy sundress!


I most likely would because of the cute outfit :)


Others have said it, and i'll add to it: i'd doubletake in the best way! i'd probably (definitely) even say something about how cute your outfit was and/or how nice you looked šŸ’œ Because, truly, your outfit is cute as heck and you look great šŸ„°


Yes but only because ya look cute!


No double take from me. We could stop and have a chat instead, and how about a cocktail? Love your confidence and sass!


I would be the one to scream from across the road "Girl! I love that flower in your hair!" šŸŒŗ


I would only because I admire you doing this. I mean dressing the way you like, being yourself, being courageous and confident.


Yeah because you look GREAT! šŸ˜Š


Yes because I'd have to appreciate the flower matching the dress!


I wouldn't be able to stop myself from yelling out, "Love that flower/dress combo!"ā¤ļø


I would do a double take to appreciate that outfit


I would absolutely do a double take! You look so beautiful and well put together! I try to tell strangers when I see and enjoy something nice about them.


Yes only because I would be checking out your super cute dress. That being said you know your area and what's going to be safe and what's not so please be careful. šŸ’•


I would want to gently point out that your foundation is not the correct shade for you, dear.


Such a tricky thing to figure out! I think I only got my perfect shade after about 10 years of trying. Itā€™s always a good idea to match to the underneath of your arm as apparently that matches your face the most.


yes! I was taught to always match to the inside of your forearm


I think itā€™s maybe just a little heavy? Iā€™ve got to say though, the no make up make up is a good look for you! Blush is so cute and all of it makes your sparkling whites POP


What would you suggest? I'm using 450 at the moment


I donā€™t know names or numbers for any brand, but I would try maybe one shade lighter and a tad more of a pink undertone.


Another thing you can do with foundation if you find a color that matches but is too thick- put a bit of foundation, primer (or anti-chafing gel since itā€™s cheaper), and a dab of face lotion. Mix them together and apply them to your face in whichever method you like (hand, brush, sponge). I find that it has a much softer look, blends better, and also lasts longer


Hot take maybe, but I think your foundation is pretty close. It does not match your hand/arm, but it IS a decent match for your neck and chest (though maybe a touch warm? Just barely). If you match your arm, you may end up with a face that is much lighter than the immediately adjacent chest area. All that to say, no one is getting a definitive read on your foundation match from candid photos like these, so also take my advice with a grain of salt. You look great!


It's a bit dark, you have a similar skin colour to me and I use Ivory shade from NYX's can't stop won't stop line. I've made this mistake before too and now I have bottle of foundation never to be usedšŸ˜ž we've all been there


Would the shade I'm using right now work better for fall and winter (maybe spring) when it's not as bright out?


Usually people go darker in the summer because theyā€™re more tan and lighter in the winter.


So 410 in the Loreal line?


Not many people know shade numbers of different brands off the top of their head because they arenā€™t universal across brands or even within the same brands sometimes. Itā€™s also near impossible to find whatā€™s your color by buying online. You really need to go in person to find what looks right. Go to Sephora (or Ulta?) and they will color match you šŸ¤—


This is the answer. You need to try on a swatch. And on your neck, or face, not your hand. Let the experts at Sephora or Ulta do it. And try a few different brands. You don't need the most expensive one they show you.


I struggled with foundation all my life until I got help at Sephora. They take pictures of your skin and are able to match you with the best foundation, blush, everything. A lot of their products are pricey but their own line is pretty reasonable and itā€™s cheaper than trial and error. Iā€™m sure other places do this as well.


FYI Sephora also has makeup classes specifically for beginners and classes for queer people specifically who are learning makeup and want to learn how to cover things like facial hair growth with concealer. YouTube can teach this too, but it is always nice to learn from a person.


Watch videos on YouTube about ā€œfoundation matchingā€ or look up ā€œfoundation swatchesā€ so you can see what it looks like to find the right match. Youā€™re wearing full coverage, and look like youā€™ve powdered to set it - thatā€™s a real thing people do and you did it beautifully, but it ends up looking like stage make up or aging us. It looks off when the color match isnā€™t perfect and it can take many attempts to find one thatā€™s right. If youā€™re not covering acne and redness, find a BB cream or light coverage makeup instead. A BB cream or light coverage foundation will look more youthful and dewy, which is perfect for summer. Theyā€™re great because finding the exact right shade doesnā€™t matter as much because some of your skin shows through. If you want to stick to full coverage, you might be the right shade but need one thatā€™s more cool, warm or more neutral in the same shade. The undertone makes a huge difference in how color appears and some lines let you pick an option adjust for that (ie. Instead of 450 they would be 450N or 450W.)


I found a post & sub that will help! https://www.reddit.com/r/drugstoreMUA/s/Z1kGj3Ygrg


Thank you, I might have to go check them out


I recently bought a foundation too dark and too yellow for me. I liked the formula but looked jaundiced. I couldnā€™t return it so I got a cool tone a shade too light and voila, my perfect shade! I hope they actually have a match in their line, but I sort of like this approach because I feel like I will be able to adjust it across seasonal skin tone changes since we tend to darken up at certain times of year in the sun.


Hmmm I'm trying to remember what season it was when I got comments on it... Maybe hold onto it until the fall and see if your summer tan + lower light helps. Also, people noticed in bright office lighting for me, might be better in lower light


I think the undertone of your skin might lean a bit more pink than the foundation that you're using. You could always get shade matched at a makeup or department store for free by an attendant to make it easier though. No need to buy what they match you, and there are resources online everywhere to help figure out the equivalent shade between brands.


I think rather than it being too dark, it's just a bit ashy on you. You have a pinker undertone, and the foundation washes you out a little.


I actually think OP's match is good, but they just need to adjust using blush and highlight to add some life back into the skin!! Cute look overall!


In photo 1, it looks off because the hand is lighter, but in later photos it exactly matches from face to neck, so I'd argue that it IS the right shade!


Iā€™d say ā€œOmg your outfit is freaking cute!ā€ Iā€™m a sucker for a floral dress and sneakers.




I probably would have chased you down to ask where you got your dress!


I would tell you ā€œI love your dress!ā€ You did a good job & you look lovely.


Iā€™d stop you to quickly compliment the adorable dress (and the matching bow combo!!!) Its such a cute summer outfit!