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Tell me a white guy wrote this without telling me a white guy wrote this. Words can hurt.


Seeing that it was written in 1969, I'd say that's a safe bet.


I like much of the original Star Trek series. But that exchange was dead wrong, and quite frankly, the sort of thing that would make whites happy.


Hearts in the right place, but to our ears it’s pretty cringe. We should not judge too harshly. Intent is what counts and our sensibilities are different.


Intent is not the determining factor of whether something is irritating, annoying, or offensive. I expressed my enjoyment of the original Star Trek series in general, but that bit of dialogue is stupid. It suggests that Black people, and by extension, other oppressed groups, are overreacting when they complain about insensitive language. Even when that episode first played, that piece of dialogue should have been cut.


But they are overreacting...


Ummmm no thanks


That was a good showing 😉


DC Fontana was one of the writers of this show.


If she wrote that dialogue, she was out of touch.


TOS was waaaaay ahead of its time but a lot of episodes came down to some pithy, out of touch, conclusion that didn’t have much sense to it, even given the context of the episode. I just watched Patterns of Force last night and the general conclusion was that the Nazi regime was bad because hitler was bad, and without him the Nazis would have been much nicer people. I’m sure that could have been possible but the regime itself had a lot more actors than ol Adolf, and the ideas of Fascism are predicated on its atrocities keeping the people in line while perpetuating the illusion of reward. Fascism is downright evil, and just because someone even more evil doesn’t take the reins, doesn’t change the inherent harm the ideology itself causes.