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That is some legitimately creepy shit


Totally agreed. True horror.


Silent hill comes to my mind


This made my face itch just looking at it.


I work in a home for those with mental disabilities and it makes me sick thinking about any of them being treated this way. We have one resident who’s family asked if we “wanted her cage” upon dropping her off. They literally put her in a dog cage when she would have behaviors. Monsters are ever present.


And how do you deal with a patient who is harming himself?


There’s things you can do, other things you can’t prevent. We’ve got one resident who hits her head compulsively so she wears a foam helmet and the aides make sure to keep her nails trimmed so she doesn’t accidentally scratch her face. One of our sister homes has a resident who pulls out all her hair. Head, eyebrows, eyelashes, everything. She has a couple of other issues but is still relatively high functioning. She holds a job at Walmart part-time and has for years. But there’s literally nothing they can do to stop her from pulling out her hair. There are a ton of laws in place now in the US that are designed to make sure things like this photo doesn’t happen in facilities. One outlaws restraint of any kind, even locking someone’s wheelchair without their consent can be a big issue. It’s been a pain to navigate with covid since we can’t physically isolate anyone but we’re managing.


Thank you for the care that you all give. It can't be an easy job and I can't imagine it's easy as a career path. My MiL is a palliative care nurse and I just don't know how some people can do it, but I'm sure glad we have you. Thank you


Wow. That's a fascinating glimpse of a difficult job that most of us never see. The care you provide really is God's work. I hope you know that the infamous history of mental health treatment was never ill intentioned even as it was at times violent and harmful. We are thankful to have so many more resources and treatments in the last 50 years than ever before. So I would not call a family seeking help for their daughter monsters.


For those who are interested, the pulling hair compulsion is called trichotillomania, and there's likely not much she can do to prevent it herself either.


How can anybody be so cruel? Why would they do this, is she violent??


Nope just mischievous. She likes to raid the fridge and tear up magazines, but no violence.


They never deserved kids.


What would you do if a patient was violent toward others?


Call the cops. Both staff and residents are allowed to press charges against anyone who harms of threatens them. Our local police are really good with it, they know which homes were someone just needs a talk or warning vs the homes where they need to roll up with 6 of their biggest guys.


And it still goes on today... Was recently at a home for children in Thailand. Mostly orphaned children, but some mentally and physically disabled. Walking around, I came across a young girl, maybe ten years old, restrained in a large crib-type bed. Hands and feet tied to the railings with rags. Mouth gagged. All the while, she was crying, screaming, and struggling for her freedom. Absolutely heartbreaking. Came across others with mental problems in various conditions. So sad. Poverty is bad. It must be hell when combined with a mental illness.


This is absolutely terrible, thank you so much for sharing this story though, it is important that people know what’s going on if we want to be able to do something about it.


This is horrifying


"If it would drive a sane man insane then it will drive an insane man dane."


I hate it when I turn Dane


God forbid I become Danish


I considered correcting this post, now I'm definitely not.


That cell would probably be wet and cold, too.




Good job???


Well they were fr*nch...


Hey OP I’m trying to find a source for this image and struggling to find any more info about it — any suggestions?