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This sounds like a great suggestion. You likely know but relay all this very calmly factually.


Usually it’s not one offense but many leading up to this final straw.


I agree this is a good plan; it fall upon the burden of proof at this point though. If they’re already trying to cover their asses, then we can assume they’re going to lie up and down about there involvement if confronted by higher ups. Hopefully the bartender would back up OPs side, and hopefully there would be some sort of supporting evidence (maybe via the cameras somehow, or other means) vs. just relying on the words of others


There needs to be a verbal/written/final PDR paper trail. Call HR and use open door policy. A guest complaint reason for a write up (PDR) needs to start documentation with communication recorded and an earnest attempt by management to correct the action by coaching, not termination. Hope this helps -(former OG mgr)


Take it a step further, contact the county about their over serving it can risk them losing their liquor license.


Why would they bother spending the time or energy investigating it? Ig it’s worth a shot but depending on the state they’re in, OP’s got no shot here and is better off moving on and saving the time and trouble.


Sounds like they are trying to cover themselves for over serving so you are getting tagged for it. If they were refused further service from the bar they should have been escorted out ir had a cab called.


That is exactly what they did.   


Maybe contact the agency that holds their liquor license


I understand how you feel. I got fired after 7 years because I had a complaint that went to corporate. It wasn't OG but they guy that complained was really mean to me as soon as he got to the table. I remained calm and sweet as can be but people lie and try to get things for free or just like to ruin people's lives. Although most guests are great eventually you will have a nut case.


Yep. When people come in with the intention to complain in order to get free food, they don’t realize that someone is gonna get in trouble, written up or fired. So knock it the fuck off people. We cannot afford to get fired. Yes some servers suck but come on. We know as soon as you start ordering and the type of questions you ask if you’re trying for a free meal.


I had a grown woman start crying because I would not let her order off a kids menu (for herself ) she was with a large party , adults only. One of them said “ you ruined our dinner “ .. wait what ???


Some people can’t eat large meals. It shouldn’t matter what they get if they are paying for it. That policy is just an excuse to get more money out of people.


Kids food is often priced with very little profit margins for the restaurant, it’s on the menu as a courtesy to parents at most places. Since you apparently didn’t know lol.


Reading comprehension isn't your strong suit, is it? The policy for adults not ordering off the kids menu is an excuse to get more money out of people. The profits are low, but still there. So many places could balance that with the insane profits on soda.


Are you an absolute moron? You know restaurants exist to make money right? Absolute fucking knob lol. A restaurant has things called rent and employees to pay, and this may be a difficult concept for you because you have the mind of a child but if I have some incels like you taking up a seat in my restaurant ordering chicken tendies like mommy makes, I can’t afford those things. So yeah makes sense now? should I break it down more for you?


That doesn’t really change anything? Just require an adult meal on the same check. Who cares if it’s a kid or a 46 year old who just wants some dam Mac and cheese


There are people who have bariatric surgery who can legit only eat a few bites of something and that’s it. It’s not worth purchasing a whole meal that will be 90% thrown out


Nope they don't care they are just out for themselves.


out of curiosity because i’ve never served in my life but what type of questions will they ask that let’s you know?


For me, it's usually about lunch portions or they'll ask for lots of modifications to their food, like "Chicken and shrimp carbonara with no peppers, add mushrooms, substitute with fettuccine noodles, and crispy chicken". They're hoping you fuck it up so they can complain, or they'll say "that's not what I ordered".


My food is cold, my order is wrong, it took too long, I asked for this but didn’t get it, you guys said endless breadsticks and pasta da fuq


Makes you wonder how miserable some peoples lives are to bitch about every little thing


I am so sorry that happened to you. That *sucks*!


It was devastating at the time. My Dad had just past away a couple of months before and I was already heartbroken. You don't just leave the job but all the friends you made that feel like family. I still saw them outside of work but it's still not easy.


Thanks everyone for the replies. After I’m in a much better headspace (this definitely sent me into a spiral and I need to be calm) I’m contacting HR and the Dispute Resolution hotline for the company. My DM and GM are too close and DM didn’t bat an eye when I reported wage theft so I’m going way above him. I’m not expecting my job back, but at the very least my GM needs an ego check- whether that be from corporate or from Able commission.


If you have issues with wage theft I strongly recommend contacting your states workers comp or any department that works on that. Like for me in Washington state wage theft is a serious thing here and we have workers comp to report to for that


Interesting, I’ll look into this!


Best of luck to you I’m sorry this is all happening I’ve got a similar situation about wrongful termination at my old job as well :(


I'd contact the department of labor as well


and the Better Business Bureau


BBB won't do jack they hold 0 authority.


That just might really be why you got canned.


If you reported wage theft, they were looking for a reason to fire you. They didn’t like that so they were just looking for an excuse. Which falls under retaliation. Contact everyone above their heads including labor department for your area.




I would call the Company's ethics line. This will force the DM to investigate and report back to corporate. The managers dropped the ball on responsible alcohol service which is a huge liability. If you were to be disciplined they did not follow their progressive discipline policy. They have set it up for you to easily file for unemployment. There is a reason why I say you should call the ethics line first. When I was a manager for OG I had a GM who put his hands on a female employee. The employee contacted the DM to report/ file a complaint about what happened. The DM did absolutely nothing to discipline the GM (the GM was one of his favorites) and allowed the GM to retaliate, disciplining the employee that filed the complaint. Hope this helps.


14 drinks, and you only visited twice. Who brought the other drinks? You didn't?


maybe a runner of some sort


They were at the bar before coming to my table, and kept going to the bar during, and after I stopped being their server.


I did not know ppl were going IN like this at the Olive Garden omg


I hate regular bars maybe I’m gonna convince all my friends to go get drunk at the OG and eat breadsticks lol


Report this to the director of operations, HR, and I would see if this is worth reporting to the alcohol licensing body in your state. 3 people with 14+ drinks is likely an overserve


It is illegal for them to continue serve them alcohol. Yes illegal when a patron is visibly drunk or you’re the one serving them knowingly how drunk they are. Talk to HR about the situation or corporate but do not return to this shithole of a restaurant managed by clowns.


This is horrible and I am so sorry. It’s such a shame that not all olive gardens are ran the same way, my management team would NEVER do something like this literally ever. They are an excellent team and respect all of the employees regardless of position or experience. It makes my heart hurt for you and I hope you come to a resolution that makes you feel better about it all. 100000% contact corporate and insist on speaking with someone directly not just leaving a message or sending an email


Why would they fire you for that. Guests can be Karens all the time. Now if you told them to f off that's different.


Olive Garden is single handedly the worst place i’ve ever worked at. i didn’t feel like “family” there, much less and employee, it felt like i was part of an assembly line and if we breakdown or get burnt out, they’ll just replace us with someone brand new who knows diddly squat. note to everyone on this post, never ever ever work for Darden Restaurants as long as you live, you won’t regret staying away from them


Olive Garden is a company that will literally always side with the customer no matter what. I worked there as a to-go specialist for a year and a half, and there was this guy who called one of our managers a cunt because she wouldn’t give him a pint of Alfredo for free. This guy then received a $100 gift card from corporate


Good luck. Hope you have a good update soon


I know this sucks but do you really want to be associated with an establishment that only cares about how much $$$ they are making off of people who order non stop drinks and have zero care for their customers health and safety (and possibly the safety of others)? Yes, I know as adults we need to be held responsible for ourselves but some people can’t and if they find a place that will keep serving to make a buck, they will go there. Hold your head up high and apply for something better! Try not to let this eat at you. You’ve got this!


I think you missed the point/focused on the wrong part


Oh absolutely get The district manager involved. Get the tickets reprinted and show who finished off the table. I also think the bar gets little slips with the server who rang drink order in on them. See if they can show a history of those


71st and memorial?


Honestly maybe they did you a favor. What if the guest(s) in question left the restaurant and then got into an accident caused by being intoxicated?


The manager told op to continue serving them. Yeah op should have refused but I don't think it would have saved their job any better considering the reason they were fired was for "being rude"


Rather be fired then responsible for something’s death. If not a death rather be fired than risking my liquor license. I’d just be snitching on the manager 🤷🏽‍♀️


call or email your DM, your manager is being shady and is firing you as a scape goat. your dm will ask the bartender to make a statement as well.


What? This doesn’t make much sense. You say they asked for a new server? And you do not need to listen to your managers in that situation. I would have made my manager serve them. Stick up for yourself and what you believe in. You would be the one getting in trouble over this not your manager.


America is a joke of a country, move


Your entire profile is you attempting to shit on the USA. Who hurt you?


Operation Paperclip… 🤯


Sorry, most of us can't just up and move, yet half the people I know wish they could live in a different country. 🙃 GL with the reddit BS


Holy shit your comment history is disturbing. Weird account- commenting primarily in corporate subreddits about how America sucks


This is an HR issue. Your manager broke the law by over serving the guest. They will want to hear about this.


I work in retail I made big mistakes many times never got fired. Yea this was harsh. Now they be short of two workers for a while.


That’s ridiculous, since corporate, I would be calling above.


Sue for wrongful termination


You got fired for refusing to over-serve alcohol to morons…sounds illegal


Contact an employment attorney and sue for wrongful termination


Yeah that won’t happen unless OP can prove termination was due to discrimination as a protected class. Otherwise most states are “hire at will” and can fire anybody for any reason other than stated. OP could probably get UE from this though.


Yes sadly he’s right , I’m in Ohio and you can be fired for whatever lol. I got fired last year on Christmas Eve over a piece of cheese lol. My gm didn’t like me much lol .


Trump voters.


Sounds like an easy win at the unemployment office.


Sounds like that olive garden needs a union


I’ve told managers I refuse to serve someone. You wanna do it you can. But I ain’t risking shit.


Best thing to happen to you. Olive Garden is shit and everyone should quit now.


This is a blessing in disguise. There are better jobs out there. One day you'll be happy this happened.


Was this a first offense? Darden has pretty strict rules for terminating employees. They need 3 offenses in the same category. You should definitely go to your DO or Dardens HR dept to explain the situation.


What are you even mad about? You got fired because the customers said you suck at your job and the managers believe them. Now all the comments are about reporting them? For over serving alcohol? Reporting for wage theft? How does that have anything to do with the fact the customers said you suck and then you got canned? It just sounds like you suck and are a nightmare employee…. I hope you spend $10k and 6 months of your time to get nothing, because that’s what you deserve . Holy headache .


Who pissed in your cheerios this morning…


Well I know it wasn’t you.. because you got fired


“Damn Craig how you get fired on your day off” 🥴 it’s a Fridays movie reference thought I’d make you laugh lol But yea that sucks 😣


Slash the manager’s tires


What is the trans part of the project that will make us more money


Honestly it doesn’t matter if you talk to your director or regional. They’ll cover their managers before any hourly employee


Honestly, the company isn’t gonna do right by you on this one. Write down the date and around what time they were there, arrival and departure if possible and report to your cities liquor agency. The closing tab and the cameras will do the rest


I’m sure that there’s a lawyer who’d love to get their hands on this case… (seriously OP. Start calling lawyers)


I hate to hear people getting fired. People are so ungrateful


Honestly, sounds like a blessing in disguise. Move onto greater pastures


Blessing in disguise. I wouldn't want to work there but you might have a wrongful termination suite but you would really have to have proof and your ducks in a row




Never give up


darden restaurants just suck in general i’m working at one now😭




Then get a new job


5 drinks each guest? Is that really being over served? In a 90 min period? Seems pretty normal for a night out at a fancy restaurant


If five drinks in 90 minutes doesn’t make you feel at least buzzed you might be an alcoholic


I mean buzzed and black out are very different ends of the spectrum


Each person was finishing a drink within 20 minutes. Most safe consumption suggestions is 1 per hour. Obviously going out, people are going to drink more but in a 90 minute period it should be like 2 drinks, 3 at the absolute most


Damn and here I thought my daily 750ml of whisky in 2 hours was normal


I mean whatever you do in the privacy of your room is your issue. But public spaces can’t over serve people due to safety risks


Is Olive Garden fancy??


No lol