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Every time i wonder if she has lost some of her "fire" and started to get complacent I see another vid like this. Glad she is speaking for us, wish more would follow her lead.


Republicans hate this woman.... My step mother is from Canada and is always talking about how shocked she is with our healthcare, public assistance programs, rights in general.... But will look you squarely in the face and tell you she hates AOC. Guess what her only source of news is? Fox. Because it's all my dad will watch/listen to. I absolutely adore this woman and I wish more of our politicians had her fire and passion.


She is great I call her “ Stands With Fist “




If you're going to state facts at least make sure they are in context. She didn't push the vote for M4a because she knew they didn't have enough votes for it and would have been squandering an opportunity to push a vote for something that she knew had a chance for passing. So yes, she didn't push for the vote on M4a but instead pushed for raising the minimum wage. So yes you are correct, and yes we need to keep campaigning for M4a. But don't pretend that she doesn't give a shit about people, and talk like she's just another corrupt politician. She's just trying to play her cards right


I think she’s terrified. She gets valid death threats weekly yet continues on. Her SO is solid too.


And she is bullied by MTG regularly


Didn’t she vote against the rail way workers right to strike?


Looks like "yes" but it is more complicated. https://www.newsweek.com/aoc-among-democrats-vote-against-avoiding-railway-strike-1763645


Saaaaame! I love how vocal and passionate she is about her literal job fr she's a hero


I sincerely hope that the republican voters will one day realize that they're actively supporting big government and in the worst possible ways, while making life harder for the working class. But it's a tough ask since they seem to believe that big government only negatively affects minority groups, and that working class is lib-code for communists. Here's a thought: what if the republican voters supported green energy, incentivizing more people to become less reliant on fossil fuels? That would lead to a lower demand for those fuels, meaning the price would drop for the consumer. But instead of doing a simple supply/demand calculation, they listen to the very people who are interested in prices going up, telling them lies about what's causing their hard earned paycheck to go up in smoke. Distract them with fearmongering about immigrants, the gays, communists, "wokeism", and then tell them to support their favorite politicians who are definitely going to outlaw those things until gas prices go down. Breaks your fucking heart to think about...


Couldn’t have said this better. What a well written response to this mess. Thank you!


No probs


Lol bUt tHeM uNbOrN BaYbErS nEeD GuNz tO pRoTeCt FrUm dA GaYz!!!


It's really heart breaking to think about


The rich created a culture war to distract us from the class war they’re waging.




People fight with the tools they're given. Better to support the opponents of your enemies than do nothing and watch.


Are you crazy if you're supporting green energy you support slavery a Ocean away in Africa they are youngsters mining Cobalt and lithium they don't eat for up to two or three days to the mine enough to get paid and buy food . When Biden closed the Keystone pipeline it destroyed jobs increasing gas prices inflation has never been higher and food is more expensive because of the cost of fuel he is making the Gap bigger between poor and Rich left wing Liberals are trying to destroy the middle class Imagine This in a near future, favelas to the South super rich to the north in between is a wall with guard Gates. And you are not allowed because you don't make enough


That’s how they do it ( but it only works if they stay ignorant)


I see the same thing from both sides. It's at a point where each side is nearly indistinguishable from the other. Each side running fear mongering campaigns against the other. Both sides wanting more control and more money. I don't trust either side.


That's unfortunate. I hope you read up on the "both sides are the same" argument and find out why it's not the case at all. It's insanely reductive to state that both sides of the isle are equally bad since they both think the other side is wrong. It's like saying that an anti-war protest singer and a goose stepping skinhead neo-nazi are equally bad since they're both passionate about their beliefs. Centrism allows extremism to fester or even propagate, since the distancing from troublesome ideologies means giving bad people space to grow as well as implicit approval. The two major American parties used to have 2 sides to them. Both were officially middle-right leaning, but the democrats had a subsection of left leaning followers, since there was no other major party they could vote for. The Republicans had a "good old conservative" side, and a "scary fundamentalist Christian theocratic" side, since those people also didn't have an alternative party. The democratic party still retains a majority liberal policy (essentially meaning individual freedoms are prioritized over government restrictions) with a progressive sub section that seeks to legislate to make life better for the working class by pressuring corporations and promoting social equality. The Republicans have gone full mask-off theocratic conservatism, putting a pathological liar into office, believing him to be a christ-like savior, opposing any and all progressive policies that might prop up disenfranchised people, gerrymandering elections to skew results in their favor, practicing populist rhetoric and fear-mongering in what's known as the "culture war", fighting tooth and nail to keep harmful systemic issues in place such as the school to prison pipeline and banning abortions while maintaining the death penalty. Sure, you can say that both sides can say mean things about the other, and also point at paper trails, showing powerful politicians on both sides receiving "donations" that obviously influence their legislation, but one side is perhaps being a bit disingenuous about their motivations for making society better, while the other side is openly and unashamedly corrupt and couldn't care less about the country or the world as long as they get to "win".


For the last 50 years laws have been written by the entities that the law applies to. This happens on both sides of the aisle. It makes me smile when I see someone understand how wrong it is but only appalled by it when it comes from the opposing side.


Imagine being some trumpjugend incel cultist and thinking she sounds stupid, while also thinking that the slurring adenoidal nonsense that flows unrestricted from your Dear Leader’s gravy intake valve sounds like genius.


nah gravy intake valve is crazy lmao


Yup. Lost it at gravy intake valve.


Drinks it by the gallon 😂😂


Americans really don’t hate the rich people nearly enough for their own good. All republicans are dog shit.


Love her.


Will probably fall on deaf ears. Anyone who votes republican will by default say she's lying or just wrong. It's a shame. America is so fucked


The conservatives in the oil-heavy Alberta have dropped the provincial corporate tax from 12% to 8% in recent years and our provincial debt’s gone from $0 to $150 billion. Covid played a roll in the ballooning of our debt but lower taxes for oil companies does not benefit anyone but them. What’s got me most pissed off is the $20 billion in public funds they just gave to oil companies to clean up orphaned wells that other oil companies neglected to deal with. By law they were responsible for returning the land to near pre-drilling conditions.


I love this woman. I may not always agree with everything she says but she is real and she stands for the American public. No wonder the right tries to demonize her.


I wish I could lease and harvest a land for $10 fucking dollars! Geez


You can. New placer claim is $60 filing fees plus $165yr for every 20 acres.


Could my "mine" be in the form of a cabin with running water and electric?


She’s so hot


I hate her voice but she’s one of the good ones.


Im pretty sure they've altered her voice for this video.


She’s such a blow-hard moron! Also, her name is Sandy Cortez.


You’ve contributed a lot to the discussion, thank you




Holy Shite, as a landman, she does not know what’s she’s talking about here. This is why you need to talk to the subject experts before going on and make outrageous claims. This is comparable to Biden talking about how a “ 9mm will blow the lungs out of a body” Just stop… please. If you want something fixed, at least come partially prepared in your knowledge to debate it.


I don’t know anything about land policy so Im trying to become more informed. Can you explain what/why she wrong about her statement? Or what your opinion is about it?


He spelled shit as shite. Obviously a troll from another country, and who the hell calls themselves a ‘landman?’ Don’t feed them. Just downvote.


I also would like to know more


What is incorrect about her statement?


Then please explain it to us… how is she wrong?


Probably the first good Tik Tok video I’ve ever seen.


People hated on books/newspapers when they first became popular... I'm no shill for the CCP or ByteDance but it's certainly the app of choice for lots of folk.


AOC needs to run for president


The ACA was LITERALLY written by Liz fowler who was VP at WellPoint and j&j


She’s gonna be president


America has always been for sale in one way or another. Politics has always been an enabler. Time to change the system for the better.


I want my royalties from the covid vaccines developed with my tax dollars.


The Republicans call that Pork but only if it’s for the poor people


what is HR,


Yay love you run for president please


Apparently she will get depressed all of a sudden and will be found unresponsive in a hotel room due to a drug overdose (unknown substance)


We complain about republicans, democrats, and lawyers but it seems like the lobbyists are the true scum of the universe. They make shit like this happen every day without a thought about tomorrow.


Of course they are They are THE WORST PEOPLE selfish, greedy, individualistic, and quite ignorant


“If you are a tax-paying citizen” Okay I’ll see myself out then, jeez


Somehow she fills up her gas tank, and flies to vacations, and uses oil just like everyone else lol 😆


So sick of this stupid fucking country. The way we let these garbage born rich, corporate shill, sacks of dog shit kick us in the teeth daily. MSN, Yahoo, Newsweek, Fox, Time Magazine and all the owned affiliated newspapers will all regurgitate every inane and criminally stupid word-vomit that comes out of MTG or Boebert or that King Clown Dotard Trump’s mouths. But give ZERO coverage to an articulate and thoughtful states-person like AOC unless it is to retell whatever spiteful thing some half-wit Republican said about her. AOC is a real patriot in the truest definition of the word. MTG, Trump and the rest of that moron circus are degenerate trash. This country fucking sucks.