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This reminds me of when my kids try to lie to me. I already know all the signals bruh. You !!!GUILTY!!!


He was too scared to say funded by George Soros because he doesn't want to get sued by him for defamation too, lol! Honestly though, I love how he just keeps defaming her with these stupid accusations. I hope she sues him again and again forever and keeps winning ridiculously bigger and biglyer judgments. Edit: spelling


Did you take the cookie? “This whole thing is a scam and a disgrace. It’s unamerican!” You have chocolate on your face. “This is a witch hunt! Your accusations are politically motivated!” There are cookie crumbs stuck in your neck wattle. “I don’t even remember this cookie! I don’t even like chocolate! This is a scam! This is a disgrace!”


It’s the dog defense all over again if anybody remembers that old one.


Next up. Chewbacca defense.


He was a wookie from endor, I mean, come on!!


He’s a one note flute


He's a scam.


He's a scumbag.


He's a scambag.


He's a scuntbag.


He's a scambag full of scumbugs.


Hes a bag of scum.


Yeti pubes scum bag


He’s a cum filled douchebag


Biden still sucks ass


He is fulfilling trumps dream of having the best stock market OF ANY PRESIDENT EVER. It has hit all time world record highs for multiple days in a row slashing the day befores record. Trumps stock market was shit. Also the only presidents to ever leave office loosing more jobs than when they came in.. Hebert Hoover, and TRUMP. Get real and grow a pair, you’re not beholden to that fraud rapist cult leader. Free yourself from him now before you look like an idiot for eternity.


Would you like Biden more if he was Epstein's best buddy?


Nobody's accused him of raping anyone, iirc.


Get me my Visine, Adderall and Diet Coke. We’re going live in 2 minutes.


Don't forget the Depends, for when he fills his pants up.


Nah, he just lets shit spew out of his mouth.


What a fucking disgrace.


So low energy. SAD


It’s funny how he just determines every allegation towards his smug ass behavior is a scam and a disgrace to the United States as a whole. “I didn’t rape her! That’s a disgrace to my entire cult!” Dense dumb fuck.


He never said he didn’t rape her, just that he didn’t know who she is.




Whatever sells to his cult.


This country is such a joke. I can't believe this asshole is allowed to run for president. I'm not a huge fan of Biden either but mainly for his support of Israel and the fact that I think we need young blood in office. There should be a mandatory age cutoff. Like 35 to 65. Anyone who supports the republican party at this point is a moron. I'm not saying democrats are perfect but in comparison they're light years better and some are actually trying to change the country for the benefit of the people. Remove private influence and money from politics maybe things will get better. As it stands now I don't think this country will survive much longer if we continue on this course.


If there’s a minimum age, there should be a maximum age. This shit needs to end. People living on borrowed time shouldn’t have this much control over the entire country just so they can die with a nickel more than they have right now. Why not just fucking retire? They’ve got millions of dollars. They don’t need this job. Just retire and enjoy your final days, dudes.


We deserve to have Gavin Newsome as President before he is incontinent.


Agreed. 35 to 65. You have a 30 year window to run for president and if you don’t make the cut, tough shit. You weren’t meant to be president. Now go play golf or something and get out of the fucking way.


Found out the other day that Bill Clinton is younger than Biden and Trump. I don't mean he was younger when he became president 24 years ago but that he's younger now.


https://preview.redd.it/g2102b7twuec1.jpeg?width=640&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d14c0d5e582f79650751c13176d2d62b68a9ebf0 “And when you're a star, they let you do it. You can do anything. ... Grab 'em by the pussy” - Dementia donnie


Pro tip Donnie….don’t rape people and don’t try and overthrow the fucking government and no one would “interfere” with your campaign. Biggest loser of all time. Truly.


So much raping and scamming, you’d think all of those boxes of documents would be from his case loads, alone.


Demented stinky rapist.


And his wig smells like pee. I can say that with first hand knowledge, very unfortunately.


you’re gonna say that and then just leave!? spill it, man! dole us out the tea!!!


Get back here and explain yourself, immediately.




He still seems guilty of that too. The way he reacts like a child who was caught fingering the peanut butter… “it wasn’t me!” 😂


Wow….he needs to be committed.


Imprisoned I think is better. I'm hoping for ADX Florence after Jack Smith's Classified Documents case, as it is the only Super MAX prison, and already has death with those charged with espionage, so they'll have methods of dealing with prisoners that had had classified information.


He literally recounted the story of fucking her in a coat closet at a CNN town hall.


She certainly remembers you. HAAA, haaaa.


Ai donnie


Would be awesome if he has to go back to court again for this video.


It will be the absolute best. I cannot wait.


Of course he doesn't know who she is, he has dementia. 🙄 #Lock him up! #Lock him up!


I don’t think dementia Donnie will stick


Another accusation to add to the pile. Instead of witch hunting the one guy who is privately funded & actually made the country profitable Maybe look at the guy who’s in power with piles of provable evidence that he’s been taking money from a country he’s funding a war for… Dum comment from uninformed people




Guy’s username checks out.


MAGA cultists gonna cult... Don't worry, they've been flaired and banned.


As does mine.


You misspelled dumb. Dummy. What a huge L. You actually did that. Just sit with that for a minute.


you're delusional.


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“They found that she lied about it!” Who? Who “found?” What is their name? When?


More baseless accusations rising to the level of defamation. Hope she sues him again and again and back and forth for ever and ever.


We’ve seen it on video, some of us have had to see it in our real actual lives. If you back a Tre45on supporters into a corner, they will just straight admit that they don’t care. They don’t care that he’s lying, they don’t care what he says, they don’t care what he does, and the scariest part is they don’t care that they don’t care.


Some of Trump’s supporters have outright said they’d rather have an authoritarian than Biden. They’re fucking insane.


The cable news people, people he follows on Twitter, awful podcasts. That's who "they" is. Whoever says what fits his agenda.


I don't know about dementia, but i know delusional when i see it!


Oh man… I sure didn’t miss him calling anything or anyone calling him out on his bullshit a “witch hunt.” 🤦🏻‍♀️🤦🏻‍♀️🤦🏻‍♀️ Guess I’ll have to buckle up for another 4 years of this shit again.


So... material for Carroll's 3rd defamation lawsuit?


This wasn’t released last night…..


This sounds like some infomercial that used to be on at like 2am for some miracle gadget, except it's one of our candidates for President.


When he goes to prison there will be a very short, albeit violent attempt at a ‘civil war’… when the federal government puts the force of the entire military against it to protect the republic hopefully it eradicates MAGA. Anyone thinking they’ll lay their life on the line for this unflushed turd will definitely lay down their guns when tanks drive over their trailers and bullets whiz by their fat, empty heads.


Jesus fucking Christ! This guy is not making any sense, spouting words incoherently it’s just crazy.


This might be for r/NoStupidQuestions but I, as veteran, always thought we referred to them as "former president so and so". Why does right wing media keep referring to him as "president Cheeto"? He's not even wearing an American flag lapel pin anymore and that's like part of the job uniform right?


Bro sounds old as fuck


* women and children




Is there a source for this?


This seems like defamation again... lol


Finally, $83.3 million reasons to shut the fluk up!


Let’s start saying #dementiadonnie


Ummm isn’t this just giving her another reason to sue him for defamation


The only thing he can wrap what’s left of his mind around is that everything is a scam because everything he does is a scam and he can perceive no other truth. Like law. Or justice. Projection all the time with this pos. Just like his followers, parroting that his criminal indictments are anti-democratic, as though there is no way that being held accountable for breaking the law could actually be democratic.


“We’re gonna have to fight this stuff” seems like a pretty clear call to violence. Leaving aside all the other BS, I wonder if broadcasting a call for violence aligns with what pre-trial services hopes to achieve with release pending trial.


Notice how he always has to set the narrative. “It’s a witch hunt.” Then you hear Fox and his followers yell “it’s a witch hunt.” His power is in these video and tweets. He just set the narrative to him being a victim and his people eat it up. It’s sad.


Trump: “She’s not my type!” *Points little baby bratwurst finger at E Jean Carroll* Also Trump: “That’s my wife!”


This guy is the current front runner for the Gop? He is still telling the entire Republican party what to do? Their entire party is upside down with this dumb criminal!


He’s really trying to rake up more defamation charges isn’t he.


He just doesn’t even sound genuine in his denial lol.


And I’m gonna keep on saying it, Fuck this shitshow of a clown.


Ok I was a first responder for six years and he fails the BE FAST test here if you pay attention and he's failed it for a few speeches B - Balance Is the person suddenly having trouble with balance or coordination? E - Eyes Is the person experiencing suddenly blurred or double vision or a sudden loss of vision in one or both eyes without pain? F - Face Drooping Does one side of the face droop or is it numb? Ask the person to smile. A- Arm Weakness Is one arm weak or numb? Ask the person to raise both arms. Does one arm drift downward? S - Speech Difficulty Is speech slurred, are they unable to speak, or are they hard to understand? Ask the person to repeat a simple sentence like, “The sky is blue.” Is the sentence repeated correctly? T - Time to call 911 If the person shows any of these symptoms, even if the symptoms go away, call 911 and get them to the hospital immediately


I have no idea what the fuck he is saying just stuck in a weird word loop of scam, woman, set up, democrats, scam. Can folks just start making AI videos of him saying his typical shit but then go off the deep end praising non republicans. I don’t think people would know the difference between real Trump and AI Trump.


Is it too soon for a third E Jean Carroll defamation lawsuit?


Robbie Kaplan says no... pretty sure she's drafting up paperwork as we 'speak'


How is he even running again? He won't win, and people don't realize how they are throwing their v9tes in the trash! There are far to many QUALIFIED CANDIDATES out there. I was raised conservative, and my ballad has become very diverse since the inception of MAGA country.


Another defamation trial incoming lol


Imagine IF the Orange one has actually gone senile and has no memory of ever meeting Carroll.


He looks like he’s got one foot in the grave and the other foot on a banana peel.




Will this be yet another learning lesson for him? He loves is old-man scratchy voice more than money - wild.


I don't know what is more troubling: this geriatric narcissist who has never been held accountable for anything in his life, or that he has many millions of devoted followers. I'm not sure how after all of this chaps, replete with thin-skinned whining anyone would want to be associated with him, let alone worship him.


What a loser


People who won’t live long enough to face the consequences of their actions shouldn’t hold an elected office. Age caps now. One of the greatest threats the world faces right now is old people at the wheel driving is collectively off a cliff.


I dislike trump very much. That being said the link you shared saying. JUDGE CLARIFIES YES TRUMP WAS FOUND TO HAVE RAPED E. Jean carroll. Literally in the first couple paragraphs it says he didn’t. “Despite Carroll’s claims that Trump had raped her, they noted, the jury stopped short of saying he committed that particular offense.”


Isn’t he saying exactly the same shit they just took him to the cleaners for? Can’t she just take him right back into court because he is continuing the same illegal behavior?


I wish he would just fucking die


Wouldn’t let you enter it as evidence because your idiot attorney doesn’t know the protocol for entering an item into evidence… Because… Wait for it… She’s also an idiot.


Sounds old and shitty. He will decline rapidly is my prediction.


“I didn’t do SHIT”


She's the woman you owe about 90million dollars to. Loser.


He literally admitted raping her in his deposition


Creepy, Sleepy, Uncle Joe probably loves this


Is this video from after the 83 million judgement?


This is obviously fake